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What do YOU do when you get Bored in Thailand


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You. Westerner, Ex-pat, Thai. Living in Thailand. Probably not close to Walking Street, Bangla Road or Central BKK."How to Overcome boredom" You have been there done that. now you are living with your Gf/Wife in her home town. country side or smaller tourist place(Lack of much activities) What do you do?Creating your own American dream?having everything in your House, Apartment?Doggy, Big TV, Computer, A punching Bag, staying on you-tube?In This Topic we can all share tips to do.

I think I will: Listen to biography E-Books, Watch Movies, go to beach with my dog, Training, jogging. Making friends, Stay Fit, Cooking, drive around with my motorbike. Mot much activities available were I will stay. How about you guys?coffee1.gifwai.giffacepalm.gifwai.gifbiggrin.png


Edited by Mangosteen1
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For most the answer likely will be.

Go on Thaivisa to;

-Learn something.

-Having a good laugh. Underestimated this 1. Sometimes the humor, especially from Ol Empire lot, is truly enjoyable to read.

-Bash whatever can be bashed about the country, culture and its population.

-Apologise whatever can be............ of the above

-Helping people who need advice or ask about advice

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Eat and drink too much! I can no longer see my feet without bending over!

Sounds like you should give the LCHF-Method(Low Carbohydrates High Fat) a go. 2 weeks combined with training, jogging you will finally see your long forgotten feet again clap2.gifthumbsup.gif

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See my feet? Ever tried folding a bowling ball in half?

Haha Good one biggrin.png Im a licensed health advisor im sure about what I am saying. I lost 10 kg with this method not only that I became really fit. I could have lost a lot more but my face became to skinny. so I decided to keep the weight. and thats a lot harder. you just start slowly jogging. first time 200m then increase a bit(50m) everyday. NIKE"Just Do It" Mon-Friday thumbsup.gif

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See my feet? Ever tried folding a bowling ball in half?

Haha Good one biggrin.png Im a licensed health advisor im sure about what I am saying. I lost 10 kg with this method not only that I became really fit. I could have lost a lot more but my face became to skinny. so I decided to keep the weight. and thats a lot harder. you just start slowly jogging. first time 200m then increase a bit(50m) everyday. NIKE"Just Do It" Mon-Friday thumbsup.gif

Easier is 6 eatingmoments a day with a mandatory breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between f.e. fruit, cookie, cup a soup etc. Calorie intake between 1.500-1.800 a day. Excersise, walking is sufficient between 30 -120 min a day. Goes slower with loosing weight but better for the long run. Do this 6 months and weightloss of 20% guaranteed.

Just saying....

Yep and reduce the carbs as well. No rice bread or pasta. Potatoes in moderation. Add that in and you still have a healthy weight loss but maybe also a good effect on your blood sugar.

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See my feet? Ever tried folding a bowling ball in half?

Haha Good one biggrin.png Im a licensed health advisor im sure about what I am saying. I lost 10 kg with this method not only that I became really fit. I could have lost a lot more but my face became to skinny. so I decided to keep the weight. and thats a lot harder. you just start slowly jogging. first time 200m then increase a bit(50m) everyday. NIKE"Just Do It" Mon-Friday thumbsup.gif

Easier is 6 eatingmoments a day with a mandatory breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between f.e. fruit, cookie, cup a soup etc. Calorie intake between 1.500-1.800 a day. Excersise, walking is sufficient between 30 -120 min a day. Goes slower with loosing weight but better for the long run. Do this 6 months and weightloss of 20% guaranteed.

Just saying....

Yep and reduce the carbs as well. No rice bread or pasta. Potatoes in moderation. Add that in and you still have a healthy weight loss but maybe also a good effect on your blood sugar.

It leaves room as well for 1 evening on the piss, relatively ofcourse, in the week.

Needed to add this for the beerdrinkers to give some encouragement.

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You can get bored in Thailand?

I like JoeThePoster, find you can not get bored in Thailand, I live the life I've always wanted, have a great wife, family and Thai friends, The wife and I do a lot of fishing together.

I find so many things to do, many times do not have as much time in the day to complete them! As we make the bulk of our food, such as, bread, cheese, ham, bacon, porkstrami, summer sausage, chorizo, nixtamal, corn and flour tortillas etc, grow corn, tomatillos, tomatoes, habanero, santa fe chile verde, onions, cilantro, limes etc. made most of my bedroom funiture, raise chickens do not have much time to get bored.

Spend time playing badminton with my family, going to the Wat, visit my friends, do a lot of cooking with my family, cooking ( Mexican food) is my hobby, made, UDS (smoker), 55 gallon wood fired drum oven, Mexican horno and an underground BBQ pit.

When I do start to miss the bright lights, I tune into TV and reaffirm my decision to forsake that lonely existence

Cheers:wai2.gif .

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I go to the gym and work out for an hour, I have a swim, I have a relaxing massage, I go to the cinema, I watch porn on my computer, I send emails, I play computer games, I study Thai, I watch tv, I read a book, I go bowling, I go to watch a show at a go go bar, etc etc I DO NOT GET BORED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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See my feet? Ever tried folding a bowling ball in half?

Haha Good one biggrin.png Im a licensed health advisor im sure about what I am saying. I lost 10 kg with this method not only that I became really fit. I could have lost a lot more but my face became to skinny. so I decided to keep the weight. and thats a lot harder. you just start slowly jogging. first time 200m then increase a bit(50m) everyday. NIKE"Just Do It" Mon-Friday thumbsup.gif

Easier is 6 eatingmoments a day with a mandatory breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between f.e. fruit, cookie, cup a soup etc. Calorie intake between 1.500-1.800 a day. Excersise, walking is sufficient between 30 -120 min a day. Goes slower with loosing weight but better for the long run. Do this 6 months and weightloss of 20% guaranteed.

Just saying....

The number of calories is really going to depend on the size/weight of the person. Most important thing while trying to lose weight is to have a calorie deficit. First you need to calculate your BMR, and then decide on how much of a deficit you want. Just remember that a deficit of 500 calories per day means you should lose 1 pound per week.

Anyway, as far as boredom, a strict diet (along with a specific workout routine) is one thing that keeps me busy and thinking throughout the day. Although I only do something like that a couple months out of the year.

I don't think I saw anyone mention playing musical instrument but that's a good one. I've been meaning to get back into guitar lately which came to me as a direct outcome of OP's dilemma.

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