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Trains from Chiang Mai


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Can any one help I have been waiting at Chiang Mai trains stationment since 27th Septomber No trains come, they say maybe tomorrow. Where are the trains?, I cant waiting much more. Cannot talk Thai merci

Edited by jollyman
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Have you tried contacting the State Railways of Thailand? The web site might something like railway.co.th, speak to someone in Bangkok but I think it will be a while as I recall the line from Chiang Mai to well south of Lampang was closed for urgent repairs said to take 6 weeks, then there is the floods to factor in as well.

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Man this sounds like a wind up. Since you are willing to risk your life on the trains and they are currently not an option you might want to roll the dice and try the bus which is just as risky. You are not too far from the bus station.

I actually thought the State Railways had coordinated buses to get everyone linked up to the trains (south of the repair work)?

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"........they say maybe tomorrow".

They would wouldn't they? They are having a laugh watching you return every day - typically Thai, especially train staff - don't believe a word they say.

I would take a bus - I do anyway - been up to CM many times and always by VIP bus and always during the day - a great way to travel and never had an accident yet, and only 2 breakdowns in 8 years (the bus, not me).

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"........they say maybe tomorrow".

They would wouldn't they? They are having a laugh watching you return every day - typically Thai, especially train staff - don't believe a word they say.

I would take a bus - I do anyway - been up to CM many times and always by VIP bus and always during the day - a great way to travel and never had an accident yet, and only 2 breakdowns in 8 years (the bus, not me).

Do you have a link to the VIP Bus you use? I will probably end up flying but would like to check it out anyway.

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It maybe a strange concept.

You could try the airport,and travel in one of those miraculous machines that lift off the ground.

I think they are called aeroplane,they will transport you at great speed.but at some expense.

Failing that get a bus.

No trains.

Not helpful at all.

The request was obviously genuine from someone wanting some advice that was not available to him, for whatever reason.

Smart replies such as this are a shame to the majority of great help here.

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It maybe a strange concept.

You could try the airport,and travel in one of those miraculous machines that lift off the ground.

I think they are called aeroplane,they will transport you at great speed.but at some expense.

Failing that get a bus.

No trains.

Not helpful at all.

The request was obviously genuine from someone wanting some advice that was not available to him, for whatever reason.

Smart replies such as this are a shame to the majority of great help here.

Not at all genuine. A troll. No one is going to return to a train station for more than 14 days and not be able to figure out what is happening.

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It maybe a strange concept.

You could try the airport,and travel in one of those miraculous machines that lift off the ground.

I think they are called aeroplane,they will transport you at great speed.but at some expense.

Failing that get a bus.

No trains.

Well that wasn't necessary.

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