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In Defence of Pattaya and in defiance to the Haters

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"To start with, these broad-brush statements always remind me of a certain little Austrian who used similar statements to vilify a race of people and make himself and his supporters feel better about the fact that they were the lowlifes."

People who hate Patts are Nazis? Come on, the place is a dump.

I agree that the above statement is a little over-the-top, but what the OP is saying is that you are perfectly entitled to not like, or even hate, Pattaya, but there is no need to keep going on about your hatred, and, by inference, your vilification of the people who choose to live there.

(I am not talking about you personally) OK?

If the real intention was not to bring out another tired argument about Pattaya why did the OP create it in the first place?

The OP created this thread to curry support for Pattaya because it got bashed out to sea and sunk in this thread here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/673392-live-in-pattaya-and-never-travel-again/


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iancnx, let's be crystal clear here:

40 years ago would be 1973, and I believe that there WERE Thai prostitutes servicing Farang customers in Pattaya in 1973.

Your riposte seems to be 'Its the world's oldest profession - that doesn't make Pattaya the world's oldest brothel'. That's true, but the fact that I wasnt one of the Farang 'putting Pattaya on the map' in 1973 doesnt mean I dont know what I'm talking about. Pattaya's history is well documented, and I'm sure there are TVers out there who remember Pats in the early 80s - still not a patch on what it was when I first set foot in the town in the late 90s, but I don't have a time machine.

I'm not an expert on Thailand - I'm a weekend warrior, as you have pointed out - but that doesn't mean I cant read. If Pattaya's history has been fabricated, said fabrication has been accompanied by some superbly doctored images showing Farang in bars with Thai women. Board rules prevent me linking to any of dozens of sites detailing the history of Pattaya, but this is an excerpt from one such site - it doesn't take Einstein to fill in the dots re. the 'services' offered to American servicemen.

Before 1956, Pattaya was just a subdistrict of Chonburi and didn’t even have the status of a municipality. This covered only the Naklua area (North Pattaya today), which was extended to South Pattaya in 1964. In the late '50s, Pattaya started to expand into a resort to attract visiting American GIs, who had money to spend, from a base in Nakhon Ratchasima.
US navy men from nearby Sattahip - particularly during the Vietnam war - enabled great expansion of facilities available to visiting forces by local entrepreneurs, and Pattaya became an official centre of ‘R&R’ for American troops. They were flown into nearby U-Tapao Airport - built for American use at the time - and hotel accommodation, as well as shops, bars and services in Pattaya, grew rapidly due to the increasing demand.

I've lived in Bangkok off-and-on for 30 years. I've had an apartment near the river for 2 yrs now and I really enjoy living here.

I've been to Pattaya a number of times, I even lived in Jomtien for 8 months in 2010. I have mixed feelings about the place. The sex scene doesn't bother me - you're free to take it or leave it. The sea breezes are nice, and the food is good.

But, in all these years, I've never been afraid for my safety in Bangkok (except maybe crossing the street.) Twice in Pattaya - through no fault of my own - I've found myself in dangerous situations. (And I spend a lot more time in Bangkok.) One time I would have been robbed if a drunken cop hadn't saved the day.

So, is Pattaya really dangerous, or were my experiences atypical?


iancnx, let's be crystal clear here:

40 years ago would be 1973, and I believe that there WERE Thai prostitutes servicing Farang customers in Pattaya in 1973.

Jeez, there were prostitutes in every major city in the UK and USA servicing losers in 1973 too, why do people make such a big thing about Asia, when the same thing happens in the west ?

You wanna see some serious <deleted>, , Tokyo is the place to go, no good for the struggling pensioner, but if you have a few quid, there is nowhere better. There is nothing you can get in Thailand that you cant get in Japan, it just costs more is all.

And of course in Japan you have plenty of Farang girls from USA, UK, AUS, NZ, SWE, FRA, ITA, SPA,CAN, etc etc,

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I've lived in Bangkok off-and-on for 30 years. I've had an apartment near the river for 2 yrs now and I really enjoy living here.

I've been to Pattaya a number of times, I even lived in Jomtien for 8 months in 2010. I have mixed feelings about the place. The sex scene doesn't bother me - you're free to take it or leave it. The sea breezes are nice, and the food is good.

But, in all these years, I've never been afraid for my safety in Bangkok (except maybe crossing the street.) Twice in Pattaya - through no fault of my own - I've found myself in dangerous situations. (And I spend a lot more time in Bangkok.) One time I would have been robbed if a drunken cop hadn't saved the day.

So, is Pattaya really dangerous, or were my experiences atypical?

Pattaya is not dangerous.


iancnx, let's be crystal clear here:

40 years ago would be 1973, and I believe that there WERE Thai prostitutes servicing Farang customers in Pattaya in 1973.

Jeez, there were prostitutes in every major city in the UK and USA servicing losers in 1973 too, why do people make such a big thing about Asia, when the same thing happens in the west ?

You wanna see some serious <deleted>, , Tokyo is the place to go, no good for the struggling pensioner, but if you have a few quid, there is nowhere better. There is nothing you can get in Thailand that you cant get in Japan, it just costs more is all.

And of course in Japan you have plenty of Farang girls from USA, UK, AUS, NZ, SWE, FRA, ITA, SPA,CAN, etc etc,

Why does every thread about Pattaya turn to the specifics of prostmongerutioners?

I'll give it a miss.



the OP seems to be an expert on the Thai sex industry, Pattaya is one of the worlds biggest open air brothels, nothing to be ashamed of if that's the sort of thing that takes you there. Don't try and pretend it's something else though

There is no pretense that Pattaya is a city that supports working families, has schools, light industry, retail, wholesale, agriculture, entertainment, transportation, and on and on. Aside from the working girls, there is a lot more to the city than the casual visitor sees.


iancnx, let's be crystal clear here:

40 years ago would be 1973, and I believe that there WERE Thai prostitutes servicing Farang customers in Pattaya in 1973.

Jeez, there were prostitutes in every major city in the UK and USA servicing losers in 1973 too, why do people make such a big thing about Asia, when the same thing happens in the west ?

You wanna see some serious <deleted>, , Tokyo is the place to go, no good for the struggling pensioner, but if you have a few quid, there is nowhere better. There is nothing you can get in Thailand that you cant get in Japan, it just costs more is all.

And of course in Japan you have plenty of Farang girls from USA, UK, AUS, NZ, SWE, FRA, ITA, SPA,CAN, etc etc,

I'll be in Tokyo in 2014, but I will be spending every Yen on audio, not nightlife.


i say POVERTY (and SLAVERY) gets shit done.

as in: POVERTY gets shit done (ask any bargirl) + SLAVERY gets shit done (ask someone who built the pyramids)

i'm not saying that prostitution implies slavery per se.

and arguing on the internet is not a bad thing or waste of time. i enjoy reading other opinions. hitler has nothing to do with having an opinion. i've been in pattaya several times, invited by a LONGTIME friend (ex-sextourist, no discussion about that) and the place is just not my cup of tea NOR are the people who tend to go there. besides that i've been in every province of Thailand for professional purposes and the real thailand has nothing to do with farang or the lack of farang.

According to latest research the pyramids weren't built by slaves, and are you saying that Pattaya isn't part of Thailand?

Just what is the "real" Thailand anyway?


Stop kidding yourself.... Patts would just be like Hua Hin if it wasn't for the over the top sex industry.. Also, if it wasn't for the fact that Pattaya only became anywhere near as big as it has, is purely down to all the bad things about it drawing in many bad folks, everything that has come after that is there ultimate to extract more money from the tourists.

The only reason the Thais go there, is none other than it is the closest pace with any action and a bit of seaside.

For me, I liked Patts the first couple of times I went with my wife, but since then I wouldn't go even if there was a free 4 star hotel and free beer on offer. Thailand has much better places to go to, without all the scum that Patts attracts, despite being Thai, farang and Russian.

Pattaya is larger than Walking St and Beach Rd. You are insulting a lot of people that never go anywhere near the bars.

Hua Hin has bars and bargirls- or didn't you know that? Even the Thai town I live in that doesn't have a single farang tourist has it's bar strip- are all the Thais that live here scum too?

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People come to a town that has sex on tap and you are trying to tell me this is strange, something is not right with them! well i would argue the opposite, in my opinion, if you are single, enjoy a good time and like to participate in an activity that without it none of us would exist then welcome to normality. It is the people who have a problem with this that i worry about. It is their insecurities and lack of confidence that they really oppose. I have lived here a long time and been everywhere in Thailand and one thing always strikes me, after being there a while i am always glad to return home to this so called town of sleaze.

The sex on tap industry supports a lot of extended families in the kingdom, what would those workers and families do otherwise? We from the western type of background probably dont like a lot of this but here its a fact. There is no govt safety net, it is not an easy situation and I would not pass judgement on that side of the city.

I have never found it to be getting up my nose, with my wife the ladies dont bother us, if I am on my own then they are pleasant enough and not pushy.

Every big city has their own areas just like Patters, in London its Soho, it never stopped going to London or walking through Soho and we will not stop going to Patters because of its "popular media down at heel side".

I dont trust to many travel guides these days, read the imformation and then see if it is what I find and what is written about Patters gives the impression that its all about sex everywhere, lots more to the place than that as I found out on my first visit and why we still keep going back.


mancub, if there is one thing that shines through in the Pattaya forum on this board, its that many who live in close proximity to the 'strip' that constitutes what most folk consider 'Pattaya' can still laugh about the insanity of it all. I'm sorry, but I just cant say the same for many of the BKK brigade on TV, particularly those who seem to have a holier-than-thou axe to grind. I don't know if its the traffic, or their jobs, or what, but Bangkok seems to grind people down. Again, that's wild speculation based on random observations of anonymous postings on an internet forum, but is it any more speculative than declaring everyone who chooses Pattaya as a retirement destination a 'sexpat' ?

The pollution in Bangkok must make some braindead,they come on here,knocking everything and everybody,then telll us all they have a chinese/thai bride,who,s family is rich, un iversity degree and a holier than thou attitude

All Russians drink at 7/11

All westerners have darkskinned issan l;adies,i find that disgusting.One even said monkeys.I know what i would do if somebody called my partner,my thai friends,my partner,s brothers a monkey.I know what her brothers would do if i pointed aout to one on here,what they just called him.

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A well written OP, but one comment..

Pattaya has a beach ?....tongue.png width=20 alt=tongue.png>

Oddly, its one of only two things I really dislike about Patts - the beach-chair industry, the maniacs driving powerboats and the fact that the environment is a disgrace. The other is that endless loop of traffic in central Pattaya, but that is only going to get worse. Hua Hin's beaches are better, but I havent seen anything in Asia to compare to the surf beaches I grew up alongside in Sydney (Bondi, Maroubra, Cronulla).

The rest of the distractions - tourists, old blokes walking hand-in-hand with young girls, girls screeching 'Heloooo' etc - these are no worse than dodging Arabs in Bangkok and I just dont see why so many TVers get so hot under the collar about them. If the Thais wanted to 'clean up' Pattaya, they would have done it decades ago - clearly, there is way too much money to be made. C'est La Vie.

Your comment on the beach in Pattaya could apply to just about any beach in Thailand so I don't know why people criticise Pattaya's beach. We just had a weekend on Koh Chang and the beach on this so called "pristine" island was a disgrace, so many plastic bags and other garbage that had obviously washed out of the streams running into the sea. The Thais only have themselves to blame for this mess. I was back in Sydney a few weeks ago and went for a swim at Newport beach near my home there. This is a beach in the suburbs of a city of around 4 - 5 million people but the water was crystal clear and the beach immaculate. It could be done here if the Thais ever took off those glasses with the Dollar (or Baht) signs on them. All it takes is the will to do it. sorry off topic rant is now over.

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Read Frommer's travel guide to Thailand for a real eye opener. A whole page dedicated to telling you about the evils of the farang focussed sex industry. Saying that all girls working in the bars are sex slaves that have been sold into slavery by their families and implying that they are pretty much kept in chains when not working. By you the tourist supporting these places you are funding the international white slave trade and organised crime. Oh, and every girl also carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man including aids.


Read Frommer's travel guide to Thailand for a real eye opener. A whole page dedicated to telling you about the evils of the farang focussed sex industry. Saying that all girls working in the bars are sex slaves that have been sold into slavery by their families and implying that they are pretty much kept in chains when not working. By you the tourist supporting these places you are funding the international white slave trade and organised crime. Oh, and every girl also carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man including aids.

So what part do you disagree with?

Whilst they might not have technically been 'sold' as 'slaves' most are sent there by families who want them to send back money, right?

There is a lot of organised crime in Pattaya and other RLD in Thailand and around the world, right?

As a user of sex workers you ARE funding this sort of thing, right?

Lots of girls do have STDs it's gonna happen when she's a sex worker sleeping with lots of whoremongers, right?

So Frommers whilst may have used extreme language for the shock factor didn't really get it too wrong.

I'm sure it's really easy for guy to convince themselves that these smiling girls working in the neon light bars telling you your "handsum man" are actually happy with their situation and that everything is a-OK and they really don't mind this type of work but I suspect a lot of it is putting a brave face on it and doing what they have to do for the cash.

I can't imagine many of them enjoy having sex with many three times their age.


Read Frommer's travel guide to Thailand for a real eye opener. A whole page dedicated to telling you about the evils of the farang focussed sex industry. Saying that all girls working in the bars are sex slaves that have been sold into slavery by their families and implying that they are pretty much kept in chains when not working. By you the tourist supporting these places you are funding the international white slave trade and organised crime. Oh, and every girl also carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man including aids.

So what part do you disagree with?

Whilst they might not have technically been 'sold' as 'slaves' most are sent there by families who want them to send back money, right?

There is a lot of organised crime in Pattaya and other RLD in Thailand and around the world, right?

As a user of sex workers you ARE funding this sort of thing, right?

Lots of girls do have STDs it's gonna happen when she's a sex worker sleeping with lots of whoremongers, right?

So Frommers whilst may have used extreme language for the shock factor didn't really get it too wrong.

You've got that one wrong.

Most of the bargirls in Pattaya have left home long before moving there- they ain't kids anymore. They make their own choices.

There's probably less organised crime in Pattaya than in Soho in London or King's Cross in Sydney. There aren't any pimps in the Pattaya farang scene.

Funding what? Helping poor families in Thailand for sure.

Your statement about STDs is erroneous- do you have any stats to back that up? Bargirls are pretty concientous about using condoms.

Frommers is talking rubbish.

  • Like 1

The sex on tap industry supports a lot of extended families in the kingdom, what would those workers and families do otherwise?

well, they would all just have to find a regular job. plenty of jobs in thailand, ask any (registered) burmese migrant worker.


Read Frommer's travel guide to Thailand for a real eye opener. A whole page dedicated to telling you about the evils of the farang focussed sex industry. Saying that all girls working in the bars are sex slaves that have been sold into slavery by their families and implying that they are pretty much kept in chains when not working. By you the tourist supporting these places you are funding the international white slave trade and organised crime. Oh, and every girl also carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man including aids.

So what part do you disagree with?

Whilst they might not have technically been 'sold' as 'slaves' most are sent there by families who want them to send back money, right?

There is a lot of organised crime in Pattaya and other RLD in Thailand and around the world, right?

As a user of sex workers you ARE funding this sort of thing, right?

Lots of girls do have STDs it's gonna happen when she's a sex worker sleeping with lots of whoremongers, right?

So Frommers whilst may have used extreme language for the shock factor didn't really get it too wrong.

I'm sure it's really easy for guy to convince themselves that these smiling girls working in the neon light bars telling you your "handsum man" are actually happy with their situation and that everything is a-OK and they really don't mind this type of work but I suspect a lot of it is putting a brave face on it and doing what they have to do for the cash.

I can't imagine many of them enjoy having sex with many three times their age.

For the last 2 that you just added:

Do you actually know any bar girls? I mean properly, so that you can get past the propaganda?

Of course few men actually believe that the girls think they are "hansum". It's just trying to get men into the bar. Most people understand that.

How many bargirls do you know well that are unhappy with their situation? I knew one that did it for 8 years, and discussed it with her. She certainly preferred it to being exploited as a maid for a pittance or working on a building site for under 300 baht a day, and never had a "bad" customer. Eventually, she found a wealthy man to marry her.

They aren't looking for true romance with someone "three times their age". It's just sex, a normal human function like going to the toilet, not some great event in their life. Anyway, having sex in an hotel room sure beats having it off behind a dumpster like prostitutes do in London.

  • Like 1

The sex on tap industry supports a lot of extended families in the kingdom, what would those workers and families do otherwise?

well, they would all just have to find a regular job. plenty of jobs in thailand, ask any (registered) burmese migrant worker.

And YOU would work all day in the rice fields for under 300 baht given the choice of making a whole lot of money lying on your back?

Is the distaste about Pattaya bar girls specific to them, or prostitution in general? If the latter, there's plenty of it going on in your own country to fixate on before complaining about other countries.

And YOU would work all day in the rice fields for under 300 baht given the choice of making a whole lot of money lying on your back?

in fact i would, just like millions of thai who work for 300-400 bt a day (7/11, tesco, tipco, isuzu, etc).

anyway, let's speak again if your daughters ever becomes a hooker.


And YOU would work all day in the rice fields for under 300 baht given the choice of making a whole lot of money lying on your back?

in fact i would, just like millions of thai who work for 300-400 bt a day (7/11, tesco, tipco, isuzu, etc).

anyway, let's speak again if your daughters ever becomes a hooker.

If I had a daughter, and she wanted to become a hooker, in my country it's perfectly legal and organised, so why would I have an objection, as long as she knew what she was getting into and wasn't being coerced. I hope I would respect my child's intgegrity to make her own way in life.

Besides, I'd have to be a hypocryte to object to a daughter of mine being a prostitute when I never claim that it's wrong on TV. It's only wrong when the person is being forced against their will.

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And YOU would work all day in the rice fields for under 300 baht given the choice of making a whole lot of money lying on your back?

in fact i would, just like millions of thai who work for 300-400 bt a day (7/11, tesco, tipco, isuzu, etc).

anyway, let's speak again if your daughters ever becomes a hooker.

So you would work for 300 baht a day if you could make several thousand lying on your back? Well good for you.


You've got that one wrong.


Most of the bargirls in Pattaya have left home long before moving there- they ain't kids anymore. They make their own choices.

There's probably less organised crime in Pattaya than in Soho in London or King's Cross in Sydney. There aren't any pimps in the Pattaya farang scene.

Funding what? Helping poor families in Thailand for sure.

Your statement about STDs is erroneous- do you have any stats to back that up? Bargirls are pretty concientous about using condoms.

Frommers is talking rubbish.

I know that as a whoremonger you have to rationalize why it's OK to exploit girls less well off than yourself but I think you're just kidding yourself if you try and claim most girls are happy to enter into this line of work.

As for most of them having left home long before they go to Pattaya, I doubt that. Where are they living before heading to Pattaya? More likely they stayed in their parents house until they were old considered an adult and sent off to work and make money.

Whilst maybe not pimps in the tradition sense I'm sure actually there are many guys taking the girls money from them, boyfriends / husbands, family members and other shady characters.

Sure they money helps poor families but if the family has been poor all their lives and survived why not just left the girl go work in 7/11 or as a waitress at a regular restaurant and earn minimum wage instead of having to sell her body.

I have no stats on STDs but it's common sense. Sex workers + whoremongers = STDs.

The sex on tap industry supports a lot of extended families in the kingdom, what would those workers and families do otherwise?

well, they would all just have to find a regular job. plenty of jobs in thailand, ask any (registered) burmese migrant worker.

Indeed. It's odd there are so many jobs the Thai's seem unwilling to do yet so many girls will go off and sell their bodies.

Do you actually know any bar girls? I mean properly, so that you can get past the propaganda?

Of course few men actually believe that the girls think they are "hansum". It's just trying to get men into the bar. Most people understand that.

How many bargirls do you know well that are unhappy with their situation? I knew one that did it for 8 years, and discussed it with her. She certainly preferred it to being exploited as a maid for a pittance or working on a building site for under 300 baht a day, and never had a "bad" customer. Eventually, she found a wealthy man to marry her.

They aren't looking for true romance with someone "three times their age". It's just sex, a normal human function like going to the toilet, not some great event in their life. Anyway, having sex in an hotel room sure beats having it off behind a dumpster like prostitutes do in London.

Nope I don't know any bar girls. I don't hang around in that scene so I can't tell you for sure they are happy or unhappy but again common sense would dictate that most girls would not enjoy having to let sweaty, old, overweight men, have sex with them.

I'm sure the ones you enter 'relationships' with tell you otherwise of course.

Sex and going to the toilet are the same to you? You either have very epic toilet adventures or very dull sex.

anyway, let's speak again if your daughters ever becomes a hooker.


Let's see if any users of prostitutes who claim the girls don't mind, it's all OK, there's no problem would be happy for their own daughter to become a pro?



Read Frommer's travel guide to Thailand for a real eye opener. A whole page dedicated to telling you about the evils of the farang focussed sex industry. Saying that all girls working in the bars are sex slaves that have been sold into slavery by their families and implying that they are pretty much kept in chains when not working. By you the tourist supporting these places you are funding the international white slave trade and organised crime. Oh, and every girl also carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man including aids.

So what part do you disagree with?

Whilst they might not have technically been 'sold' as 'slaves' most are sent there by families who want them to send back money, right?

There is a lot of organised crime in Pattaya and other RLD in Thailand and around the world, right?

As a user of sex workers you ARE funding this sort of thing, right?

Lots of girls do have STDs it's gonna happen when she's a sex worker sleeping with lots of whoremongers, right?

So Frommers whilst may have used extreme language for the shock factor didn't really get it too wrong.

You've got that one wrong.

Most of the bargirls in Pattaya have left home long before moving there- they ain't kids anymore. They make their own choices.

There's probably less organised crime in Pattaya than in Soho in London or King's Cross in Sydney. There aren't any pimps in the Pattaya farang scene.

Funding what? Helping poor families in Thailand for sure.

Your statement about STDs is erroneous- do you have any stats to back that up? Bargirls are pretty concientous about using condoms.

Frommers is talking rubbish.

They certainly do have pimps. I hate to bring him up again but Tim Sharky has outed himself as a pimp of a notable amount of Pattaya prostitutes. It beggars belief that the Thai authorities let him run this operation openly. See this documentary clip that aired in Australia for evidence. http://www.timsharky.com/confessions-of-a-pimp/


To #114, I can't reply with the quote function as you have too many blocks, so here is my reply.

<More likely they stayed in their parents house until they were old considered an adult and sent off to work and make money.>

REALLY- LOL. The girls in Pattaya are usually over 20 and left home long before going to Pattaya. A major reason for doing so is because their husband/ partner got them pregnant and abandoned them.

<I have no stats on STDs but it's common sense. Sex workers + whoremongers = STDs>

Obviously never heard of Mr Meechai. Sex workers + condoms + whoremongers = NO STDs.

If the infection rate was as high as you believe, hundreds of thousands ( ? millions ) of western men would be going home with infections EVERY year, and that just doesn't happen.

<not just left the girl go work in 7/11 or as a waitress at a regular restaurant and earn minimum wage instead of having to sell her body.>

Most in Thailand do. The ones that work in Pattaya, Patong, Bkk, Hua Hin, Samui etc etc either want a lot of money, or are looking for a husband/ sponsor. Did you not know that?

You have admitted that you don't know any bar girls, so why do you think you have any qualification to talk about Pattaya bar girls? You are just repeating what you have read, but you don't actually know anything. It's like claiming to know all about rocket science when you've never been a rocket scientist- who can believe anything you say?

I never said sex and going to the toilet are the same for me- there you go again. To the average prostitute though, it's just another bodily function. Do you actually think that they have to get turned on to have sex with strangers?

<most girls would not enjoy having to let sweaty, old, overweight men, have sex with them>

It's just a job. How many people really enjoy their job- I hated mine in the end, but I did it to make money, just like they do.

Besides, if you'd actually been to Pattaya, you'd know that many of the customers are actually young good looking guys.

<I'm sure the ones you enter 'relationships' with tell you otherwise of course.>

Do you actually think the customers care if the girls "like them" or not, 5555555555555555555555

<Let's see if any users of prostitutes who claim the girls don't mind, it's all OK, there's no problem would be happy for their own daughter to become a pro?>

See post 111.


I'm sure he will have paid them off. Didn't he openly admit to much worse crimes in the past?

I suppose he does, like other mafia types do. But I thought at the very least NGOs working for women's rights and protection in Thailand would have been all over this and made a song and dance. It's one thing for a Thai man to be a pimp, but a farang, on Thai soil, surely not!?


Read Frommer's travel guide to Thailand for a real eye opener. A whole page dedicated to telling you about the evils of the farang focussed sex industry. Saying that all girls working in the bars are sex slaves that have been sold into slavery by their families and implying that they are pretty much kept in chains when not working. By you the tourist supporting these places you are funding the international white slave trade and organised crime. Oh, and every girl also carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man including aids.

So what part do you disagree with?

Whilst they might not have technically been 'sold' as 'slaves' most are sent there by families who want them to send back money, right?

There is a lot of organised crime in Pattaya and other RLD in Thailand and around the world, right?

As a user of sex workers you ARE funding this sort of thing, right?

Lots of girls do have STDs it's gonna happen when she's a sex worker sleeping with lots of whoremongers, right?

So Frommers whilst may have used extreme language for the shock factor didn't really get it too wrong.

You've got that one wrong.

Most of the bargirls in Pattaya have left home long before moving there- they ain't kids anymore. They make their own choices.

There's probably less organised crime in Pattaya than in Soho in London or King's Cross in Sydney. There aren't any pimps in the Pattaya farang scene.

Funding what? Helping poor families in Thailand for sure.

Your statement about STDs is erroneous- do you have any stats to back that up? Bargirls are pretty concientous about using condoms.

Frommers is talking rubbish.

They certainly do have pimps. I hate to bring him up again but Tim Sharky has outed himself as a pimp of a notable amount of Pattaya prostitutes. It beggars belief that the Thai authorities let him run this operation openly. See this documentary clip that aired in Australia for evidence. http://www.timsharky.com/confessions-of-a-pimp/

I do not believe that he is involved with the ordinary bar girl. They are free agents and can come and go as they please.

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