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Cops at sai Yuan today


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they seem to be on the corner more when it's coming to the end of the month. have others noticed this?

They are always around on the 1st and the 15th of the month because salaries are paid on the first and service charges are paid on the 15th. This also coincides with lottery day too. Everyone finds money to spend at that time of the month. Hence the reason the fuzz is out more at those times

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I have this thing against Thai bashing and that includes people looking no further than the end of their nose for an answer, and, when makiing observations about the Thai police spotting only that they don't function the same way as do the police back home. It's all very short sighted propoganda that used to exist within the domain of bar stool gossip but now with the availability of forums such as this, misguided opinion often spreads further and faster.

I'll say it again, the police in Thailand do a reasonable job in many areas, despite some horendous constraints. In my ten years of living here full time and during the previous ten years that I mostly lived here I have had my fair share of contact with the police. In driving a couple of hundred thousand miles on Thai roads I've only ever been stopped three times, twice for speeding and once when a passenger wasn't wearing a seat belt, on all three occaisions I was issued a ticket which was duly paid at the police station and no bribes or back handers were sought.

When my house was broken into (twice) the police came and went through the motions and were polite and as professional as they knew how, when I was inclolved in three minor traffic accidents, none of which were my fault, the police came and were again courteous and professional, they made sure the other party paid up in all thrre instances.

During road checks on the North/South highway the local, state and provincial police conduct seraches of vehicles looking for smuggled drugs and I get stopped and incloved in one of these every six months or so, every time the police are professional and courteous and dare I say, even efficient.

I could go on about my encounters with the police here over the years but it would serve little purpose other than to reinforce my opinion of their performance and behavour, if asked I'd struggle to come up with a negative event based on factual first hand experience, if asked to recite what I'd heard I could repeat shed loads!

So, back to the road blocks and the "gestapo" police ripping of farangs: if one were to sit and watch at one of these road checks, not just in Phuket but almost anywhere in the country, they would see the same things I would guess, farangs and Thai's being asked for ID, being fined when they can't or don't produce adequate bona fide ID, being fined when they are intoxicated, can't prove ownership of their vehicle, appear on a wanted list, don't wear crash helmets, you know the kind of stuff, every day infractions that the police are intended to catch and prevent. Why do they only appear twice a month, dunno, if it's anything like in CM they rotate locations throughout the month and seem to be active in operating these checks at least 50% of the time.

It's easy to look at the things the police do here and be swayed by the bar stool experts that they are all corrupt and their single purpose in life is to extort money from farangs, if folks were to look a little harder and think a little deeper they might just come up with other answers but that seems to be too difficult for most.

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Police are corrupt in every single country you could ever visit. there are good police, and there are bad police.

The police on the corners are clearly stopping farang because they know they don't have licenses or in most cases helmets and are an easy target for fines. but, if the farang are breaking the laws of the land (which we are!) then of course they're going to stop us and make lots of money. they know if they stand on that corner they're going to make a killing, which they do.

fair enough really!

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The police on the corners are clearly stopping farang because they know they don't have licenses or in most cases helmets and are an easy target for fines.


No, not 'because they know ...'. They are stopping everybody who is in violation, and are checking everybody for DL's..

Sure, but at 200 baht minimum tuk-tuk journey, and 150 baht a day for motor scooter hire, what do you think a lot of tourist will chose?

Then, of course, they do not have a licence. So, what the tuk-tuks don't get out of you, the police will.

Even the police make money off the tourists, due to the dismal transport situation here.

Edited by NamKangMan
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Interesting thread.

I have had a couple of experiences with the police in Phuket - including getting a fine for not wearing a helmet on one of my first trips here which was quite justified (no, not a bribe, went to the station and paid a fine)

Have always worn a helmet since (as I should), and although I have been pulled over - I have not been asked for any bribes or encountered any problems.

Perspective is a wonderful thing. I got back from several weeks in Bali for a work trip.

On one day, my colleague and I were pulled over 3 times at different locations in the space of 45 minutes.

Had to pay a bribe at the first stop. At the second, I managed to escape while my colleague again had to pay a bribe - and at the third stop we'd had quite enough of the corruption and made our feelings known to the constabulary. On this last stop, he listened to our story of being pulled over and fleeced twice already, and allowed us to go.

Compared to the systemic and blatant corruption in Bali, I would take Phuket traffic police any day...

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Is it too much to ask the cops to do their job when it comes to illegally registered vehicles parking illegally? Yesterday in Karon in all the parking spots the local hooligans take up I saw one legal taxi, while the rest (about 20) were all illegal black plate taxis. The cops could have a nice money earner by nicking these guys every single day. Rhetorical post I know, but really if they are going to go after low hanging fruit, these illegal black plate taxis would be the easiest. Wish the cops had some balls to take these surly Sangsom drinking clowns on.

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I agree and sympathise with the parking/taxi scenario, in Phuket it can be truly painful.

There's lots of soft targets that could be had and indeed many of them would be real money spinners. But that would require targeting individuals for low level infractions and that seems to be contrary to the police modus operandi, the prefered approach seems to be to set up the road block and filter all comers and nail the ones who are guilty of something,that's seen to be fair because the law breakers are comming to the police rather than the other way around. Targeting say illegal taxis for parking could almost be construed by some (the taxi drivers) as victimisationor harrasement - it's as though the police take their role of, "keeping the peace", to heart.

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The fines are so low it pays just to keep paying them.

I know of someone who built an apartment block illegally and is fined 500 baht a day until the amendments are made.

15k a month is a small price to pay when the place rakes in 400k a month in rents.

Even if the taxi is fined for illegal parking, he can pay the 500 baht and make thousands.

They just put it down to the cost of doing business illegally.

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Gleefully giving other farangs tickets.

Having worked for almost 6 years as a TPV (in 3 different cities), and recently returning to this volunteer work after an overseas break, I see my primary role to provide assistance to tourists and expats, in whatever circumstances (accident, arrest etc)

Handing out tickets is a job for salaried, Thai police officers, not foreign volunteers.


Well said simon43.

I think if a Farang tried to give me a ticket, I would ask to see his work permit. IMO that isn't "volunteer" work, thats BIB material only.

Then I would tell him to p**s off and ride away.

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Gleefully giving other farangs tickets.

Having worked for almost 6 years as a TPV (in 3 different cities), and recently returning to this volunteer work after an overseas break, I see my primary role to provide assistance to tourists and expats, in whatever circumstances (accident, arrest etc)

Handing out tickets is a job for salaried, Thai police officers, not foreign volunteers.


Well said simon43.

I think if a Farang tried to give me a ticket, I would ask to see his work permit. IMO that isn't "volunteer" work, thats BIB material only.

Then I would tell him to p**s off and ride away.

I agree, a farang police volunteer has no authority to collect fines from anyone. I'll wager he didn't try to take money from any Thais! jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

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Gleefully giving other farangs tickets.

Having worked for almost 6 years as a TPV (in 3 different cities), and recently returning to this volunteer work after an overseas break, I see my primary role to provide assistance to tourists and expats, in whatever circumstances (accident, arrest etc)

Handing out tickets is a job for salaried, Thai police officers, not foreign volunteers.


Well said simon43.

I think if a Farang tried to give me a ticket, I would ask to see his work permit. IMO that isn't "volunteer" work, thats BIB material only.

Then I would tell him to p**s off and ride away.

I agree, a farang police volunteer has no authority to collect fines from anyone. I'll wager he didn't try to take money from any Thais! jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

Maybe he paid money to be a police volunteer and to be allowed to "fine" farang, thus, making a "commission."

Just the way the Thai's pay to be transfered to Phuket to do the same. It's lucrative here.

EVERYTHING is for sale on Phuket.

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  • 1 month later...

Gleefully giving other farangs tickets.

Having worked for almost 6 years as a TPV (in 3 different cities), and recently returning to this volunteer work after an overseas break, I see my primary role to provide assistance to tourists and expats, in whatever circumstances (accident, arrest etc)

Handing out tickets is a job for salaried, Thai police officers, not foreign volunteers.


Well said simon43.

I think if a Farang tried to give me a ticket, I would ask to see his work permit. IMO that isn't "volunteer" work, thats BIB material only.

Then I would tell him to p**s off and ride away.

I agree, a farang police volunteer has no authority to collect fines from anyone. I'll wager he didn't try to take money from any Thais! jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

Now I'm getting reports that this Farang guy dressed out is being abusive to people.

When reported to the immediate Thai officer on duty on site, they don't believe this guy should be there.

I wonder if his embassy would be embarrassed by a vid of the guy being a jerk, anyway who's the guy's immediate foreign supervisor, anybody know?

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I think he is Swedish? Drives the black fortuner with Tourist Police written all over it. Speeds like a maniac. Zig zags and forces you to give him room, all to stop at a frucking fruit stand and buy fruit. mad.gif

Nope, not the same guy. The guy at Chalong Circle has an Irish surname (as seen on his name badge) and speaks with an English accent. He drives a motorbike.

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I think he is Swedish? Drives the black fortuner with Tourist Police written all over it. Speeds like a maniac. Zig zags and forces you to give him room, all to stop at a frucking fruit stand and buy fruit. Posted Image



No that Swede hangs around the enterance to the cop station. He must have got promoted from the circlw

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who cares? he won't be giving out tickets to people that drive legal and everyone should obey the traffic laws..



More like people who the police tell him to fine.

Farang lap dog.

There wont be any tickets handed to Thais on the farangs monthly quota

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Nope, not the same guy. The guy at Chalong Circle has an Irish surname (as seen on his name badge) and speaks with an English accent. He drives a motorbike.

Irish surname, talks with an English accent and drives a motorbike? Well that narrows it down a bit lol...??

Other year I had to go Khatu Cop shop pay a fine, think was 400B for parking if memory serves, went in and to the fine desk, Sgt looked at sheet;

Ok Mr, no Licence he said?? I thought here we go he's having me over for no licence also, No I said, I have licence - here... He said no, you no understand Mr, I make for no licence, only 300B you save 100B Mr...

I $hit you not people, I thanked the Sgt paid walked out, thought &lt;deleted&gt; was that about ??? TIT ehh ;)

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Nope, not the same guy. The guy at Chalong Circle has an Irish surname (as seen on his name badge) and speaks with an English accent. He drives a motorbike.

Irish surname, talks with an English accent and drives a motorbike? Well that narrows it down a bit lol...??

Other year I had to go Khatu Cop shop pay a fine, think was 400B for parking if memory serves, went in and to the fine desk, Sgt looked at sheet;

Ok Mr, no Licence he said?? I thought here we go he's having me over for no licence also, No I said, I have licence - here... He said no, you no understand Mr, I make for no licence, only 300B you save 100B Mr...

I $hit you not people, I thanked the Sgt paid walked out, thought &lt;deleted&gt; was that about ??? TIT ehh wink.png

Didn't really feel the need to name and shame him on this forum. I think most people already know who he is.

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