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USA is near a compromise on the budget. It has to or else chaos.


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Give us a break...I'm pretty sure the sun will rise the day after whatever deadline is imposed...agreement or no agreement!

The deadline is Thursday and it is very important for the world' economic stability.

I just wanted to follow up on bone head's decision to shut the federal government...

"The question for Boehner is whether to fall on his sword and prevent a default, or take the country into default because of the Tea Party," Gergen said. "At the end of the day ... I think he'll fall on his sword, even it means the end of his speakership. If he does that, I do think his days as Speaker will be numbered."

Steve Bell, a Republican Party veteran and chief of staff on the Senate Budget Committee during Republican Ronald Reagan's presidency, said Monday: "I have known John Boehner for 20 years. He is not going to let this country default."

Chris Van Hollen, a Democratic congressman from Maryland who has negotiated with Boehner on budget matters since 2011, said: "The health of the American economy depends on his putting country over his own job. This is the time Speaker Boehner has to cut his umbilical cord with the Tea Party."

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