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Residents of seven Isaan provinces warned of torrential rains because of Nari


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Residents of seven provinces warned of torrential rains because of Nari
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Meteorological Department Wednesday warned residents of seven northeastern provinces to brace themselves for heavy rainfalls because the impact of the Nari low pressure cell.

The department said Typhon Nari has downgraded to a tropical storm and a low pressure cell after it made landfall at Dan Nang, Vietnam, and it affected northeastern Thailand near Mukdahan, Amnat Charoen and Ubon Ratchathan at 4 am.

The low pressure cell would trigger torrential rains in Mukdahan, Amnat Charoen, Nakhon Ratchasima, Buri Ram, Surin, Si Sa Ket and Ubon Ratchathani Wednesday and Thursday.

The department said 70 per cent of Bangkok areas would experience heavy rains.

-- The Nation 2013-10-16

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Copy of a post I made in the flooding section this morning..

Well it's been raining steadily here in Surin (Amphur Sankha) for around 15 hours, it's eased off at the moment to a gntle drizzle but the sky is still full of rain clouds which seems a fair indication of whats yet to come.

Already the water level in my area has risen by around half a metre so I fear that there is a chance that those areas lower the country down are going to experience an increase in flooding over the next 3 to 4 days.

Indeed sorry to be a Job's comfort and a prophet of doom, perhaps for this post I should change my name to ''Casandra."wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif


Hope you don't mind I took the liberty of quoting below your flood post post here too so as we are all aware of the current weather trends for those who are in Thailand and perhaps considering traveling in the areas affected by rain and floods.wai2.gif

Rained all night and stormy in Sisaket. Doesn't look like it would stop soon. If there's more water coming, there'll be another flood.

Moon river's pretty much full.-wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif

Edited by siampolee
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Been raining solidly (but not tropically) for best part of 30 hours here in southern Sisaket. The path of the depression seems to be charting up the Mun river catchment basin all the way to Korat and Kohn Kaen provinces. Look out meuangs Ubon and Sisaket when this all starts coming back down the Mun!

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Has been raining since last night in Phang Khon, Sakon Nakhon. FIL/MIL not happy as they just harvested 200 packs of rice that need to be dried in the open for a few days. Now the rain has stopped but tomorrow should be more rain on the way according the the weather forecast.

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Ban Dan, Buriram has had an overcast day yesterday and today. Heavy rain last night and this morning and drizzle most of this afternoon. Heavy clouds have gathered so I am expecting precipitation tonight. My lake is now full (3 Metres deep) for the first time in four years. My paddies are looking good. All of my neighbours who grow sugar cane have now got 30 cm or so of water which is likely to reduce their crop value this year. No horrible news of house flooding in this area but a few very big puddles in some local villages.

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Ta Kao Reservoir. Kap Choeng Surin. Photo just taken. About 70 mm of rain in the past 24 hours.


Hope that restaurant on the other side of the spillway was not your favorite. But your post has me wondering! Where is the water going once it leaves Ta Kao resavoir? Being so close to the boarder I would suspect it would flow into Camgodia but I am not sure ,only travelled down that area in the drier seasons.
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Ta Kao Reservoir. Kap Choeng Surin. Photo just taken. About 70 mm of rain in the past 24 hours.


Hope that restaurant on the other side of the spillway was not your favorite. But your post has me wondering! Where is the water going once it leaves Ta Kao resavoir? Being so close to the boarder I would suspect it would flow into Camgodia but I am not sure ,only travelled down that area in the drier seasons.


No water from that reservoir flows down to the Moon River just north of Surin.

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It's bin raining here in Nong bua Daeng, Chaiyaphum heavily since about 1AM Wednesday, it's now 8 20AM Thursday & no sign of stopping. Bummer for me as I have to go to Khon Khen Immegration tomorrow, looks like a long trip on the trials bike rather than the criuser :(

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Ta Kao Reservoir. Kap Choeng Surin. Photo just taken. About 70 mm of rain in the past 24 hours.


Hope that restaurant on the other side of the spillway was not your favorite. But your post has me wondering! Where is the water going once it leaves Ta Kao resavoir? Being so close to the boarder I would suspect it would flow into Camgodia but I am not sure ,only travelled down that area in the drier seasons.


No water from that reservoir flows down to the Moon River just north of Surin.

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