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Bangkok Immigration arrest African scam gang


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African scam gangs, whatever next.rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

Rice scams, jet ski scams The grand Palace is closed today come to our gem shop scam, the latest proposed scam of pay a health levy upon arriving in Thailand. B.I.B. you were in the wrong lane, you were going too fast, oh your a farang driver the list is endless. Thailand the hub of scams

All home grown domestic scams don't need imported scams as competition do we?

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  • 5 months later...

These scumbags will hopefully (probably) be deported and blacklisted. These idiots are not very bright, writing their emails in pidgin "English" and impersonating real companies but making a lot of small mistakes along the way, like punctuation errors, spelling and grammar mistakes etc. Unfortunately, the number of seemingly bright people that get sucked in, many of which are native English speakers from developed countries and are highly educated (lawyers, doctors, engineers etc.) never ceases to amaze me. They fail to read even the most basic warning signs related to the free email service providers, the fake phone numbers, the bogus offers etc. some people are just too greedy or desperate. No wonder these scams continue despite all the attention they have been getting over the years. Enticing local women to become money mules, drug mules, fake employment offers, scamming them into marriage (never mind the fact that most Thai families would be very wary of their daughter getting into a relationship with a foreigner, especially a black man) is just the latest straw.

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