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Thai Father, Passport, Birth Certificate

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without going in to all the details over again:

i may be pregnant-- IF i have the child, then:

if the father, a thai, is written on the birth certificate, (in israel), will that entitle the child to a thai passport?if we decide to move eventually to thailand? ... (the father is visaless here in israel and anyway we cannot marry in israel; he cant leave here cause then he cant get back in, so we are stuck with being partners and not married; not sure if he can register in teh thai embassy in israel either as he is visaless and that is obviously against the law, his passport is with his ex employer (also illegal but done all the time)....

i cannot leave israel at the moment as i have other children so going to thailand is not in the picture at the moment.

just asnwer please about the passport/birthcertificate thing ..... thanx all....

will deal with pregnancy part on my own.... :o

once we have info from here, my partner can talk to the thai embassy (they tend to not give all info correctly since most thai here are migrant workers and the embassy is elitist for the most part)


Wow, bina - you have a lot of chutzpah! Good luck to you, girl!

It's very complicated and the best course of action is to call the Thai embassy there - no need to give them your husband's name.

If you're Israeli then the child would be Israeli, I would presume, irrespctive as to where the father is from.

I've asked my brother, who is a diplomat, and he also says to phone the Thai Embassy to get clarification, but that you must sort out your troubloes with the Israeli authorities first. In terms of a Thai passport vs an Israeli passport - do you know if either has a provision for dual nationality?



The Thai emabassy should be able to help you on the Birth Registration front, regarless of your partners visa status. A child born to a Thai parent, whether that parents is married or not, automatically gains Thai nationality by decent. Neither does it matter if that Child was born in Thailand or not, nationality under Thai law is mainly though blood.

They will probably be looking for proof of paternity though. Given your unmarried status I assume this might involve a blood test, though I guess the embassy will tell you what evidence you need to establish paternity.

Ulitmately, once paternity is established, then you can apply for a Thai style birth certificate at the emabassy in Tel Aviv, and then for a passport for your child.

Enjoy the whole baby thing! We have just had ours and it is the most fabulous thing!




both of u thanx:

israeli authorities cant be sorted: i help with kav l'oved and have learned that the right hand does not pay attention to the court rulings of the left and and vice versa.... alls ive learned recently is that if proven he is indeed a father they cant really pick him up, it becomes a humanitarian thing, but go figure...

we have photos of us together in friends houses, my house etc... to prove relationship etc

thanx samran.... will do as advised

yes, can have dual citizenship until 18 and then the army issue rears its ugly head,

the child will also have us. citizenship since i am american and all my kids have citizenship etc....

this is all of course if i am pregnant, and if i go thru with this

samran, ive had three so far from ex husband... am quite old for this one and the kibbutz will have a heart attack on my 'chutzpa' ; but since im a good worker, never making real scandals, etc... i can pull it off... the problems are after: what do i tell a child where his father works etc.... but i am a strong personality, and jai yen also... with good kids, so im thinking this through...

life is never boring!! :o

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