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Thai-Danish 7-year-old to be deported from Denmark


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If the child was a Danish citizen as the child of a Danish Father I fail to see how he could be deported. the mother could but she could claim she had a tie in Denmark (the child). If not a Danish citizen ( a stepchild) that changes it.

I wish you would be right on with this statement, but i'm afraid that you are wrong here.

I believe harry is right here.

The kid as a Danish citizen can have her mother staying with her on humanitarian reasons.

Most western countries have that law.

But non of them is a citizen (or have no passport?0.

If not correct, please let us know what the correct one is in this case.

Danish Law prevents Duel Citizenship

Neither the child nor the mother is a Danish Citizen.

The father is not the biological father of the child.

Thus, one presumes, that the ability to reside in Denmark relied on the relationship, the marriage, between the Danish Man and the Thai Mother.

When the Danish Man passed, that right was extinguished.

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The reason why a case like Im Nielsen and her mum and the other cases with Thais in Denmark, mentioned in this tread reach heavy reaction in the Danish media is, that other criminal immigrants are tolerated due to humanitarian reasons.

It also seems like, the Danish law is not that clear, when it comes to the Courts. Of course David48 has a valid argument with Ims mum »using her daughter as a bargaining pawn to stay there.« But thats speculation we do not know the facts, only that she was married to a Dane and brought her daughter from an earlier Thai relationship (marriage?) with her to Denmark, her late husband who died of cancer last year was the stepfather. However, the Danish Courts has in other cases granted permission to stay, due to humanitarian reasons, so this case has been appealed to a higher Court.

It is also correct, that Denmark a few years ago were an extremely tuff country to get into as immigrant still is, even the rules have been eased last year. This is how it was: A Dane marrying a Thai has no right to bring his wife into his home country. First he has to prove that he can financially provide for a family, has a home of the right size, and then deposits a cash amount as guarantee for not using the Danish welfare system any welfare costs will be deducted from the deposit. When his wife then is allowed to enter Denmark, she will need to attend Danish language course to be able to obtain a temporary permission to stay in the country. Only after seven years, she may be able to have a permanent resident permission, however she will need to pass an examination first, including language test and knowledge to culture and history, plus earning points from work, social work, education etc. Being only about three and a half year in Denmark (some comments in Danish media mentioned six years and ten month for mum Suthida, so missing only two month in reaching the seven years), such a permanent permission cannot be granted. The only possibility may be of humanitarian reasons, and that is quite difficult to obtain, when you are not seeking asylum or not coming from a war-zone.

Please let me tell, a little about what kind of debate is going on in Denmark, at the moment. A lot of Muslim immigrants are coming to the country in the eyes of the Danish population due to financial reasons rather than refugees and from some areas like Somalia and Syria, it is very easy to get into Denmark. Many Danes are feed up with that, especially as the Muslim immigrants seeking asylum, can use the welfare system from day one and seems to costs the society a lot of money (the Danish government will not provide figures, but the Norwegians calculates some four millions kroner (ca. 650,000 US$) for each immigrant. Also from some of the new European Union members, some East European countries come a number of people for economical welfare reasons.

A relative high number of the immigrants are criminals, compared to the ethnic part of the Danish population. Some of those criminals are not expelled due to humanitarian reasons; like speak Danish and cannot speak the language of their original homeland, even they are still citizens (holds their homelands passport). Denmark does not accept dual citizenship (this old Law is under consideration and will be debated in the parliament next year, 2014).

In the debate of the case with Im Nielsen (her stepfathers Danish family name) and her mother, the arguments has been; that Denmark can allow a young Somalia man (boy) to stay in the country for humanitarian reasons, even he rapes a 10 year old minor girl, tried to rape another 10 year old girl, but failed, succeeded in raping a 27 year old woman; for which he was sentenced six year in (Danish) prison, but may be out again after three or four years. And that is just one of several cases, were foreign criminals are allowed to stay in Denmark for humanitarian reasons.

In general the Danes says that the Thais integrate very well; often pick up the Danish language quite fast (Im and mum may speak Danish together and not Thai); normally quickly get a job; are polite and smiling. On the other hand, the Danish press daily refers about Muslims; bad integration; crime; violence, both domestic (family honour) and gangs controlling hole part of cities; ghettos, non working families draining the money of the public welfare system if you (can) read the Danish forums, you will see how feed up the Danes really are with (Muslim) immigrants but they can stay here due to humanitarian reasons, even still holding their homeland passport.

That is why a case like Im and Suthida Nielsen reach the Danish media, and no matter the Law, seems so unfair for many Danes.

In my country, holland, it is as good as similar regarding immigrationrules. We have had a case where adopted angolan boy of 18 who was well integrated in dutch society, lived here around a decade i guess, was to be expelled. Alot of pressreports on that in dutch media. After a long while of debating the minister of immigration gave him a studentvisa. Xenophobia does not only exist in LOS but in many western societies as well. In a civilized country money/income should not be the main parameter to grant a visa to 1s spouse. This especially when children are involved. The wrongs/softness/lack of demographic foresight and vision of many previous governments are being made right, WRONGLY, by current governments. The muslims, right or wrong are being used as a scapegoat, for it. Therefore the sincere and good people can suffer. Sad for western civilization ! Edited by benalibina
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I am Danish and I fell sorry for the girl but she is not Danish so she is caught out in the system.

My kids are Thai/Danish and can easily get Danish Passports so they can go to DK as they please, no visa required.

I also don't believe the kid can't speak Thai if she stays with here mother, bullshit.

Only option for the mother/girl is for the mother to find a new Danish man asap and get married.

Yes the rules should be a bit more flexilbe.

In Denmark they have big problems with people from Albania and other places stealing anything they can get their hands on, now those bastards should be kicked out for good, but as EU citizens very hard to do.


The mother and the kid would 100% speak Thai to each other all the time when they are together.

The report stated the kid has been half the life in Denmark, which is only 3,5 years.

This means the kid already spoke Thai before.

The kid is NOT a Danish-Thai, but 100% Thai, and was brought along when the mother married a Danish citizen.

Of course, we all feel for the children who are caught between a rock and a hard place in these cases.

Very sad when these things happen.

People, supposedly understanding, like you let these sad things continue to happen. This by making, irrelevant assumptions, about language abilities of a 7 year old. So the thai woman is apparantly lying according to you. You compare, agree, that they are the same as all the albanians in Denmark.

The letter of the law must be a guidance. Exceptions should always be possible. To suggest that she quickly must find another man to be able to stay in Denmark is really ......well, to sad to mention. All this written by u guys without knowing the woman's feelings towards her deceased husband.

We talk about 2 human beings here !!

Please do not cherry pick arguments.

In the end of my post I stated very clearly how we all feel for the child, and how sad it is when these things happen.

So get down from your high horse and dont try to make it look like I ignore the fact we talk about 2 human beings here!!!

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oh please stop it or i will start to cry, hand me a tissue.....coffee1.gif

so she will get deported back to Thailand, so what?!! Is she fleeing a war zone, a dictatorship, was being abused?!


If the mother fell to get permanent residency after all these years, so she have only herself to blame. Certainly more to the story... and certainly a huge burden to the nanny Denmark state.

Some will say:

giggle.gif: Yes but Bender you should show some compassion!

So Let's look also at the situation of the Karen, Akha, Robynhaga, Shane... they are also human!

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oh please stop it or i will start to cry, hand me a tissue.....coffee1.gif

so she will get deported back to Thailand, so what?!! Is she fleeing a war zone, a dictatorship, was being abused?!


If the mother fell to get permanent residency after all these years, so she have only herself to blame. Certainly more to the story... and certainly a huge burden to the nanny Denmark state.

Some will say:

giggle.gif: Yes but Bender you should show some compassion!

So Let's look also at the situation of the Karen, Akha, Robynhaga, Shane... they are also human!

Yes Bender, show some compassion.

Yes the minority's you mention are indeed human.

Your point being ?

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oh please stop it or i will start to cry, hand me a tissue.....coffee1.gif

so she will get deported back to Thailand, so what?!! Is she fleeing a war zone, a dictatorship, was being abused?!


If the mother fell to get permanent residency after all these years, so she have only herself to blame. Certainly more to the story... and certainly a huge burden to the nanny Denmark state.

Some will say:

giggle.gif: Yes but Bender you should show some compassion!

So Let's look also at the situation of the Karen, Akha, Robynhaga, Shane... they are also human!

Yes Bender, show some compassion.

Yes the minority's you mention are indeed human.

Your point being ?

Yes i know i am quite harsh, especially with the 7 yo.

But my point, you can not ask for some compassion when your own people, your own nation is a champion when it comes about human right violation.....

I know you might think neus.gif : Bender she is not responsible, she is just a kid for god's sake.

Benalibina, she will follow her mother. They will just sent back home, not thrown in IDC, not finned 20 K baht by immigration, and will get free ticket airline.

They will be just sent back home in a human way. As obviously her home is not Denmark. They are not danish.

Dont worry back home her mother will apply for a new job and easily get it , get a place to live and start over her life.

At 7 yo, the little girl will easily cope with the change.

Back home they will not be abused, persecuted. No, they will get back to their normal life of ... hard work.

I am always wary of this emotionally written article because it always divert us from the reality.

These article always carry this horrible cliché: We are the bad white guy, and look at these innocent asian people. Only pure BS.

As this is not a heartbreaking case...

My compassion i give it to the thousands of ethnics people that truelly do suffer in Thailand, and all around SEA...(it's another story, someone else problem)

Whats the link between them and these ethnies: i admit NONE.

Am i a monster?... so i guess i spent too much time here.


Edited by Bender
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oh please stop it or i will start to cry, hand me a tissue.....coffee1.gif

so she will get deported back to Thailand, so what?!! Is she fleeing a war zone, a dictatorship, was being abused?!


If the mother fell to get permanent residency after all these years, so she have only herself to blame. Certainly more to the story... and certainly a huge burden to the nanny Denmark state.

Some will say:

giggle.gif: Yes but Bender you should show some compassion!

So Let's look also at the situation of the Karen, Akha, Robynhaga, Shane... they are also human!

Yes Bender, show some compassion.

Yes the minority's you mention are indeed human.

Your point being ?

Yes i know i am quite harsh, especially with the 7 yo.

But my point, you can not ask for some compassion when your own people, your own nation is a champion when it comes about human right violation.....

I know you might think neus.gif : Bender she is not responsible, she is just a kid for god's sake.

Benalibina, she will follow her mother. They will just sent back home, not thrown in IDC, not finned 20 K baht by immigration, and will get free ticket airline.

They will be just sent back home in a human way. As obviously her home is not Denmark. They are not danish.

Dont worry back home her mother will apply for a new job and easily get it , get a place to live and start over her life.

At 7 yo, the little girl will easily cope with the change.

Back home they will not be abused, persecuted. No, they will get back to their normal life of ... hard work.

I am always wary of this emotionally written article because it always divert us from the reality.

You know this horrible cliché: We are the bad white guy, and look at these innocent asian people. Only pure BS.

This is not a heartbreaking case...

My compassion i give it to the thousands of ethnics people that truelly do suffer in Thailand, and all around SEA...(it's another story, someone else problem)

Whats the link between them and these ethnies: i admit NONE.

Am i a monster?... so i guess i spent too much time here.


Well monster, you make it all sound very easy. Maybe it is, maybe it isnt. I just think that the human factor in this case totally is overlooked by the Danes. The fact that they are thais i couldnt care less about. They are humans. To state that because they are thais and their own government is not a real human rights champion thus therefore....is total bullocks. Some posters on this thread compare apples with pears on a childish way. If i cant .......overhere by Thai law, they cant .....overthere by Danish law. They want overhere to be treated on a more human and respectful manner by the thai governmentinstitutions but that same humanity they are not able to give/show themselves in this case.

Strange !!

I really do understand and respect your opinion.

But honeslty these article are just playing with our emotion and value.

Mostly because is part of OUR culture <the white one>: to give a shelter for those who are in the needs...

Illegal immigrant issue case are always a hot and delicate subject.

There are people who flee their country because they might get killed -> these people do need asylum.

Its not really the case here. Sent home they will be able to access to acceptable condition of life.

I know they are already in Denmark, so why not give them a chance, they dont disturb.... But I am pretty sure that the Denmark people did deal with this case in a human way.

Europe get a few 100 millions of tourists. Do you imagine if all these folk, once there, asked for asylum because we are more wealthy and they can get a better life there. Should we grant them? You seem to think yes... me i am not sure.

About the fact the mother being thai...

2 years ago i was at the airport. Queuing at the immigration counter.

There is this 60 maybe 70 yo old european woman. She did seems to have some problem. So they take her to a desk behind the counter. She explained her problem, very calm and politely. Dont know whats going wrong . But after few minutes. The immigration officer asked her to follow another officer. She refused and start to panic. You know what? A security came and just grab her by her shoulder and drag her....truely disgusting.

About the thai case I do pity the 7 yo, but for her mother i will just say, honestly put her in the first boat people back to Thailand...

Edited by Bender
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If you are Danish, or a Lawyer, or an Immigration Expert, declare yourself now and educate me in where the Danish Immigration have made a mistake in Law.

The first comment that comes to mind here is "when you're in a hole - stop digging"
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A majority of the posts in this thread could just as easily have been uttered by a bunch of gangsta's in downtown LA. It is, to say the least, embarrassing. It resembles someone having a go at placing himself "in" a Maslovs Pyramid. It doesn't get more embarrassing.

Time to disconnect the reptile brain?

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We are here not talking about asylumseekers but about 2 thais who recently lost their husband and stepfather after many years living in the Denmark. They are the victim, same as in my country, of many mistakes made by past governments in regard to making proper (and enforcing) immigrationlaws. Its a complex problem but all those people elected in office decades ago should have had any foresight about future changing demographic conditions regarding 2nd/3rd generation immigrants taking their brides from their homeland. Because of slack and to social policies in the past, the last decade has seen tightened and more strict immigrationlaws in many westerneuropean countries. TOO STRICT. They have totally lost the human touch. Totally ! Believe me, i have dealt with it personally, without any succes, so i know what i am talking about. This as a native born and bred here.

The thai laws regarding foreigners are clear. Burmese or danish. The law is the law. Many expats dont care and accept it, many care and HAVE to accept it. Its how it is. Personally i never had a problem with it and accepted the fact that i had to do a visarun every 90 days.

If in your example a thai immigrationofficer is rude. Thats bad, whether thai, dutch or japanese. Rudeness has no specificic nationality.

All in all, we agree to disagree.

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Wow!! I was told people in the North of Europe were cold and had no heart and no compassion.

That child has basically grown up there, is at school, has friends and from the pics above Grand Parents. It's not her or her mothers fault that Daddy died.

And some of you say "put them back on the next boat to Thailand, they have no right to be here". Perhaps the father who died was going to adopt her, but unfortunately couldn't in the time line of life that he had. Perhaps he didn't have time to get his papers in order.

They are settled, the little girl must be so confused. Give them a break.

Danes can be so stoic and humourless. I thought the Swiss were bad.

Edited by Patsycat
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My last words on this thread: don't get me wrong, if i have the almighty power to decide if they should stay in Denmark or go back home.

I will without doubt grant them a permanent residency, as they don't bother us. After all it's part of my education...

All these years i did spent in Thailand, i did saw so many disturbing things... that deeply did changed my view on the human kind........ for the worst.violin.gif

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If the child was a Danish citizen as the child of a Danish Father I fail to see how he could be deported. the mother could but she could claim she had a tie in Denmark (the child). If not a Danish citizen ( a stepchild) that changes it.

The original story is vague.

i.e. It's a stepchild, but also says the child is Thai-Danish and has the stepfathers surname, which would suggest an adoption had occured. but If that happened, the child would be a Danish citizen, so would be getting deported because of the mother..

Everyone knows Danish immigration is the nasty side of European immigration, but deporting a child to a third world country where she doesn't speak the language because her father died is bad, even for them.

Especially when they've used the "cannot integrate into Danish society" against other kids. Here they have a kid who is integrated, and they're going to send her to a country where, as she doesn't speak the language, she's unlikely to integrate properly. I hope the inconsistencies of Danish immigration law get taken to the ECHR..

Edited by bkk_mike
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The Danish system is infamous for doing this.

If the step dad hadn't died they would still have been able to live in Denmark. I don't know their financial situation but for me as a Danish citizen I think Denmark should allow them to stay even if it means they are on welfare, they came to Denmark with the best of intentions and not to benefit from the Danish welfare system they were struck by tragedy and now are punished even more by being send out of the country.

There are thousands of people coming to Denmark to exploit the Danish welfare system and they are allowed to do so and should be send home but these two people should be allowed to stay I am repulsed by who we are allowing to stay and who we send out of the country.

This story makes me be ashamed to be a Danish citizen.

While I understand what you are saying, the only reason the woman was there was because she was married to a Dane who was financially supporting her. Welfare in another form one could argue.

I suspect if she was working or otherwise contributing to Danish society then she and her son would have been allowed to stay.

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Technically they are right, but come on I can just hear the foreigners here complaining if an elderly farang is deported because his wife dies and now he needs to have 800k in the bank.

Sometimes reason should speak, those two had ties in Denmark and it is already hard that their father / husband has died and now they are deported too after having lived there for so long. I think deaths like this should be a special case.

I agree.

This is the reason we have people, as opposed to robots, in positions to evaluate special circumstances and act accordingly.

Unfortunately many officials prefer to hide behind illogical and irrational decisions rather than have the courage to right a potential wrong.

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Technically they are right, but come on I can just hear the foreigners here complaining if an elderly farang is deported because his wife dies and now he needs to have 800k in the bank.

Sometimes reason should speak, those two had ties in Denmark and it is already hard that their father / husband has died and now they are deported too after having lived there for so long. I think deaths like this should be a special case.

I agree.

This is the reason we have people, as opposed to robots, in positions to evaluate special circumstances and act accordingly.

Unfortunately many officials prefer to hide behind illogical and irrational decisions rather than have the courage to right a potential wrong.

Bit like our UK pensions in LOS eh. sad.png

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The Danish system is infamous for doing this.

If the step dad hadn't died they would still have been able to live in Denmark. I don't know their financial situation but for me as a Danish citizen I think Denmark should allow them to stay even if it means they are on welfare, they came to Denmark with the best of intentions and not to benefit from the Danish welfare system they were struck by tragedy and now are punished even more by being send out of the country.

There are thousands of people coming to Denmark to exploit the Danish welfare system and they are allowed to do so and should be send home but these two people should be allowed to stay I am repulsed by who we are allowing to stay and who we send out of the country.

This story makes me be ashamed to be a Danish citizen.

While I understand what you are saying, the only reason the woman was there was because she was married to a Dane who was financially supporting her. Welfare in another form one could argue.

I suspect if she was working or otherwise contributing to Danish society then she and her son would have been allowed to stay.

According to the Danish media mother Suthida Nielsen is contributing to the Danish society being under education as a social worker assistant (SOSU), an education in Danish language. She has never received any social welfare compensation from the Danish society for her and her daughter Im, so the family takes care of themselves. Suthida have been in Denmark almost five years by now (ref. TV2 News).
As mom speaks Danish, it is very likely that she also speaks Danish with her daughter, being well integrated due to attending Danish school.
The Danish system is, that the authorities look at family ties. When Suthida’s Danish husband died of cancer last year, the family ties seems stronger in Thailand than Denmark, with only the in-laws from her late husband. From the way the Danish media refers, the late husband did not adopt Im, even she has changed name to her stepfather’s family name, Nielsen, like her mom.
The supporting protest reaction from the Danes with signature collection is due to, that the Danish authorities do accept residence based on humanitarian reasons in other cases, but mainly when the immigrants come from war zones, where even convicted criminals are allowed to stay in Denmark and still be financially supported by the welfare system. There is a heavy ongoing debate about this at the moment in Denmark.
Some of us Danes really feel ashamed over a case like Suthida and Im Nielsen – a little family that seems well integrated and contributing to the society – I fully agree with what Spacemand said above.
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Difficult one but perhaps Denmark understands that a Danish national will be chucked out of LOS in the same circumstances.

...foreigners go to Hell and back to remain in Thailand.....visa after visa after visa......$$$$$.......

....no more blood to suck in Denmark....

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As a Dane I'm ashamed on behalf of the DK Immigration authorities.

On the other hand, the matter has yet to be decided. The humanitarian grounds card is currently being played if I understand things correctly..? Slim chance, but... Edited by Forethat
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Denmark and the Netherlands are a few countries that have changed from liberal to banana monarchies which are Xenophobic. Everything to please the uneducated dumb voters.

So same same Thailand.Before you make comments like this maybe you would understand such voters who have worked all there life and paid in to social security only to see all of it going down the drain on immigrants who have been living here on benefits even third generation.People are fed up with this and said countrys are not the welfare register of the third world.

I for one am very happy Belgium is also taking a hard stance on this matter because its getting out of hand and multiculteralism does not work and its a proven fact.

I could write a book about migrants in my country but...........

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Denmark and the Netherlands are a few countries that have changed from liberal to banana monarchies which are Xenophobic. Everything to please the uneducated dumb voters.

So same same Thailand.Before you make comments like this maybe you would understand such voters who have worked all there life and paid in to social security only to see all of it going down the drain on immigrants who have been living here on benefits even third generation.People are fed up with this and said countrys are not the welfare register of the third world.

I for one am very happy Belgium is also taking a hard stance on this matter because its getting out of hand and multiculteralism does not work and its a proven fact.

I could write a book about migrants in my country but...........

Even in LOS immigration has sussed out visa loop holes where folk are creeping in on ED visas etc.

I could write a book too about goings on in my country.

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If the child was a Danish citizen as the child of a Danish Father I fail to see how he could be deported. the mother could but she could claim she had a tie in Denmark (the child). If not a Danish citizen ( a stepchild) that changes it.

The original story is vague.

i.e. It's a stepchild, but also says the child is Thai-Danish and has the stepfathers surname, which would suggest an adoption had occured. but If that happened, the child would be a Danish citizen, so would be getting deported because of the mother..

Everyone knows Danish immigration is the nasty side of European immigration, but deporting a child to a third world country where she doesn't speak the language because her father died is bad, even for them.

Especially when they've used the "cannot integrate into Danish society" against other kids. Here they have a kid who is integrated, and they're going to send her to a country where, as she doesn't speak the language, she's unlikely to integrate properly. I hope the inconsistencies of Danish immigration law get taken to the ECHR..

The original story is vague. Agreed

i.e. It's a stepchild, but also says the child is Thai-Danish ... where does the article say that?

and has the stepfathers surname nope, doesn't say that either ... sure Neilson is also probably the Step Fathers name ... but not stated,

which would suggest an adoption had occured ... again, not a known fact. You can easily change your name without being adopted.

but If that happened, the child would be a Danish citizen ... if think if the child was indeed a Danish Citizen that would, most likely, be stated as a fact in the article ... so let's presume that the child is not a Danish Citizen, so would be getting deported because of the mother..

Everyone knows Danish immigration is the nasty side of European immigration, but deporting a child to a third world country ... Thais generally don't think that they are a 3rd world country ... she's being returned to her country of birth where she has lived half her life and her Mother, almost all of her life (presumably)

where she doesn't speak the language because her father died is bad, even for them. ... no mention of her biological Father or Family in Thailand. We don't know if they exist or not.

Especially when they've used the "cannot integrate into Danish society" against other kids. Here they have a kid who is integrated, and they're going to send her to a country where, as she doesn't speak the language,

she's Thai, and despite the claims of the Mother, I am sure that, by the time she left Thailand at age 3 1/2 ... she was speaking Thai and probably for some time after moving to Denmark ... whistling.gif

she's unlikely to integrate properly. ... she's Thai ... she will integrate.

I hope the inconsistencies of Danish immigration law get taken to the ECHR.. inconsistent? The Danish government, who is in full knowledge of the facts has made a decision according to their Laws. If there is indeed a inconsistencies, the Judge will identify and rule on them in 3 weeks time.

bkk_mike, not having a shot, your words indicate that you are a compassionate person ... but lets deal with facts here.

Please, also don't make the presumption that I wouldn't recommend that she fights her little heart out to stay in Denmark.

But, what I can do is separate emotion from fact ... Immigration Laws rely on fact, not on emotion.

The Mother and Daughter are being asked to return to their Country of birth by the countries Law.

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Did a little research:

First a picture of the two criminals with their Danish family in law. Parents of the now dead husband:


So the law does not only punish the 2 Thais, but the inlaws as well, first their son dies and now the connection to the son is taken away.

The Thai mother is studying to become a teacher and has never (according to the Danish newspaper) recieved any economical assistance from the government.

On Danish social media, a clear majority is in favour of letting them stay! Because people can not understand why a wellintegrated small family is kicked out, when this guy and his friends are allowed to stay:


@ David 48. Yes the law is the law. But sometimes the law is wrong and unfair, And it should be okay for a bureaucrate to admit it, gives us a better society!thumbsup.gif

But that is just me.

This guy stays in Denmark? There is a $ 5 million bounty on his head.

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