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Wondering who to blame as the waters keep rising


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Wondering who to blame as the waters keep rising

Samudcha Hoonsara
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Torrential rains and massive floods in eastern, northeastern, and some northern provinces as well as other parts of the country have brought back the nightmare of 2011's great flooding to haunt the government.

Will the government be in control of the situation and survive the current flooding crisis as Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has often boasted?

People could not help wondering what has gone wrong with the government's plan to spend Bt350 billion in loans to carry out comprehensive water resources management plans to prevent flooding. So far, why has there been no progress?

Instead of moving ahead, the government's water management modules seem to meet with strong opposition, leading to the question, why has it been so? And Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi seems to be the key to answering these questions.

So far, the government is seen lacking clear-cut measures to deal with the ongoing flood problems. The prime minister can only ask the people to tolerate the situation for a while further.

And last week, the government received little public support for its rally held to promote its Mae Wong Dam project, which is part of the Bt350-billion water-resources management modules. The government failed to win attention to the rally compared to the overwhelming support for Sasin Chalermlarp, secretary-general of the Sueb Nakasathien Foundation, who staged a march against the dam.

In fact, there could be compromises between environment-protection groups and development if understanding is sought and established from the beginning.

But people have questioned whether the government has ever attempted to create understanding with other groups about its projects. This is because since the 2011 flood crisis and the formation of government panels in charge of developments under the Bt350-billion modules, outsiders have gradually left the panels and refused to take part in discussions over the projects.

Some critics alleged the government did not even invite other sides to join in the discussions of the projects because it had already planned to select certain winners to undertake the projects.

Opposition to the government's anti-flooding projects could also be seen from the result of a public hearing in Lamphun, the first of 36 provinces where the government plans to hold such hearings. The hearing found that 20 per cent of participants supported the project while 80 per cent disagreed on grounds they were not provided any information.

Several pointed the finger of blame at Plodprasop as the main reason for opposition to the government's anti-flooding projects. They saw that with Plodprasop chairing the meetings, many had decided to distance themselves from the projects and several turned to criticise them.

Plodprasop has displayed a notorious style of work since he was a permanent official, prompting many to dislike him.

In April, he came up with more controversial ideas for setting up the new Water Resources Ministry and seeking Bt350 billion more in loans to build coastal dams and improve the irrigation system in the Northeast.

It could be predicted that Plodprasop's new plans will be just a daydream because the first Bt350-billion water resource management scheme has not progressed at all.

Instead of setting a good example as a law abider, the Yingluck government has been sued by civil groups and private firms for allegedly violating environmental laws related to the water resources projects.

If the government remains stubborn and continues to engage in disputes with environmental groups, its popularity and reputation in the eyes of the international community could plunge. Eventually, it may not have the control the prime minister always claims.

-- The Nation 2013-10-18

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So far, the government is seen lacking clear-cut measures to deal with the ongoing flood problems. The prime minister can only ask the people to tolerate the situation for a while further


Well, almost two years since the 2011 flood is hardly enough time for the current govt to effectively deal with the current flooding...just ask them. This govt urges you to give them more time by supporting them in the next election. It just take time...a lot of time....maybe a few more elections worth of time.

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I think Foreiners are to blame as they caused climate change and now Thailand suffers. I think Foreigners should compensate Thai people with big money.

Purely a very light hearted approach.... This is actually as funny as <deleted>. Made me smile in CM where it has been hoofing down all night

Edited by iancnx
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Blame the American Republican Party, for their dithering and denial of global warming. The polar ice caps are melting, north and south. For you conservatives who want to flame me, see the September issue of National Geographic before you reply. It will scare the daylights out of you. Or it won't, because you're fearless in your blind, political denial.

On another topic, would anyone care to buy some beachfront property in Phitsanuloke Province?

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The future Mae Wong dam has little significant to deal with floods the size of the 2011. Thais may not realize the contribution of this dam should the same size of flood as in 2011 flood strikes. I'm pretty sure about it. Why the government pushes this project as if it is very critical? Upgrading Pasak dam flood control capability, I think has much higher merit than this one.

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One thing is for sure, the Pheu Thai goons are gonna blame the environmentalist for delaying the Trillion kachillian Mega Water SCAM project, that never had any environmental feasability studies, and was just a bidding for greedy government officials and so called Water-agencies to reap their benefits under the table

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Blame the American Republican Party, for their dithering and denial of global warming. The polar ice caps are melting, north and south. For you conservatives who want to flame me, see the September issue of National Geographic before you reply. It will scare the daylights out of you. Or it won't, because you're fearless in your blind, political denial.

On another topic, would anyone care to buy some beachfront property in Phitsanuloke Province?

Glad you follow the Rothschild & minion (Al Gore) agenda so well, and those pics taken during the summer time of the caps. Guess you'll be ready to march off the cliff when obama is dangling a carrot on a string in front of his subjects.

Don;t know what the h*ll that has to do with this, but man are you duped! Blaming this on freedom lovers who don't want debt and socialism abroad. BTW, All hail debt, dependency and obamacare and mass poverty, Mr liberal! Hail the international banks working on your back, yippee! The constitution lovers made Thailand flood......pitifully moronic buddy.

Edited by gemini81
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The blame lies squarely and irrefutably at the feet of this Government who have consistently shown that they are totally incapable of the management of this country and lacking in ability and integrity to perform even the most menial acts with any degree of constructive professionalism and they routinely plunder the coffers of the country for inane and idiotic schemes and personal gain.

What to me defies logic is the fact that they still garner support from a public that must have their head in the sand.


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Mr. Plodprasop is one of those people who believes he got rich because of his hard work, determination, and intelligence instead of the real reason: inherited wealth and connections. On many occasions, he has proven his arrogance and disdain for anyone disagreeing with him and he is not open to suggestion. His character is fine for a wholly owned business but not for a public company or government leader. His presence in the party is due to his financial support of the party and his position in the government is his reward. He hurts the party and government and Thailand more than he is worth. He is a modern day Chalerm but without the charisma of Chalerm. Get rid of him and everybody but him will benefit.

Chalerm? Charisma? Same same his sons? Compared to what? A puff adder?

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Flooding in Thailand has been going on since creation, the question is , who is going to harness this water to benefit Thailand and to control the river system management itself, this is the hard yards bit , the PTP hasn't got a clue, have the Democrats an answer, not really , it will take lots of man hours and effort to think out the problems associated with this project, along with support from the community, one doubts Thailand's commitment to a solution will be forth coming, at least in the short term , while the PTP are in power, although the Democrats never did a thing while in power either , maybe Abhisit will make a move.bah.gif .

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