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two nights ago whe i came home my dogs where barking as crazy. i saw that my wife must be home because her bike has been in front of the gate so i went in.but house still locked dogs barking and my wife shouting at the dogs. i called her and asked what happened in she screemed back: snake.ok i asked where and she replied behind the water tank so i went behind the house.big mistake bec snake was not behind the water tank no just behind the corner.so i jumped back dogs encountered the snake and wifey just confused.i went back and brought the torch and saw we had a very unwelcomed intruder- a malayan pitviper,shit.try to call the dogs back but they where in hunting mode.wifey called the police but they just gave us another number.after endless calls we got hold of a company specialized in such cases and they promised to be soon with us.not even 10 min later they arrived at our house and looked after the snake which was still encountered by one of our dogs,they also weren't happy as they saw what kind of snake but after a verry carefuly apraoch and 10 min later they got the snake in a bag and released it somewhere far away from our house .

many thanks and great job

they didn't want any reward but certainly i donated a small amount for their afford.

if anyone has a problem with a snake in cha am or hua hin just call this numbers:

company(forgot the name) 032471000

private number from the rescue girl:0912678285

private number from the snake handler:0852639970

hope nobody need them but just in case.

to the mods if it is not allowed to post the phone numbers pls just delete them and if somebody needs them just pm me.

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Thanks very much for he information and the telephone numbers. We haven't had any sightings of any near our house in HH but this is good to have in hand.


That is great info as I've had to deal with probably 100 snakes in our large garden over the 10 years of living here, including 3 cobras and many Malayan Pit Vipers. I have nothing against snakes and don't really have an unrealistic fear of them, however my wife does and my dogs go for them every time at their own peril, so I've usually been forced to send them to snake heaven even though I do not like killing them (actually, the dogs have killed many more than I have). One dog has been bitten by a viper and both dogs have been spit in the eyes by a spitting cobra (all recovered thankfully).

Now I will just try to corral the dogs (not easy, our adopted soi dogs can't abide any other animal in our yard) and call the numbers you provided. Thanks.

I guess this must be a government agency and not a private company or they would want payment (unless they actually keep the snakes and use them for some other purpose as research or making of anti-venom). See if your wife can find or remember the name of the entity she called as I'm curious.


That is great info as I've had to deal with probably 100 snakes in our large garden over the 10 years of living here, including 3 cobras and many Malayan Pit Vipers. I have nothing against snakes and don't really have an unrealistic fear of them, however my wife does and my dogs go for them every time at their own peril, so I've usually been forced to send them to snake heaven even though I do not like killing them (actually, the dogs have killed many more than I have). One dog has been bitten by a viper and both dogs have been spit in the eyes by a spitting cobra (all recovered thankfully).

Now I will just try to corral the dogs (not easy, our adopted soi dogs can't abide any other animal in our yard) and call the numbers you provided. Thanks.

I guess this must be a government agency and not a private company or they would want payment (unless they actually keep the snakes and use them for some other purpose as research or making of anti-venom). See if your wife can find or remember the name of the entity she called as I'm curious.

You have spitting cobras in your garden ? Are they frequent in Thailand ? I have seen some only in Africa ; where do you live to have so many snakes ? I guess not in the center of Hua hin


This was a house between Sois 114 and 116 but in a high development area but that still had some undeveloped overgrown plots. We had two spitting and one of another kind of cobra in the garden over a five or six year period that I knew of. I suspect that the big one was a King cobra because it was over two meters long. I saw the big one several times but was never able to get close to it as it was very fast. Thankfully the dogs never encountered that one, but my gardener found that he was living in a drain pipe and tried to catch him for a while but failed. In that same time period I lost count of the Malayan Pit Vipers and other unidentified snakes I found in the garden. Either me, my wife, or the dogs found about one per week. I just shooed most of them away with a broom or left them alone but the dogs killed many of them and we would find the remains in pieces on the driveway. It was a big garden, our house was on a rai and a half plot, but it was mostly lawn and kept trimmed and mowed.

There was a lake about 200 meters away and we even had one monitor lizard (about a meter long counting the tail) in the garden that I had to chase away once and a couple of monkeys. This is now or formerly was a tropical jungle after all. All the animals didn't leave when people moved in.


I saw a snake a week or two on the road in Cha Am, there was a pick up in front of me, and as it approached the snake reared at least 18 inches and tried to strike the pick up! I was 20 meters behind....I mmmm ran it over! Sorry if that was politically incorrect but that snake looked dangerous.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 years later...

Trying to contact now as I have one in my false roof. Not sure what it is and I'm colour blind so that doesn't help. Not big from what I could tell it just peeled out ok the good tiles

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