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Long time cough and headcold


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Iv had a cough now for about 3 - 4 weeks and its getting on me nerves now, kind of like a smokers cough without the smoker, had it for about 3 weeks, the last week or so Iv been getting headaches as if i have a head cold also, all my previous times of being ill iv gone to the docs or hospital and they have given me some pills that when i get home and look them up are completely different to what my symptoms are, so hence to say my confidence level in the docs are low.

Anybody had anything similar who live in thailand and what antibotics sorted it out for them, cheers

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Antibiotics to not "sort out" coughs , head colds (sic), or headaches !

You need to ensure you are eating well and drinking enough (non alcoholic) fluid.

Paracetamol will help with the headache but as most coughs/colds are viral in origin there is no proven effective treatment other than time.

Some people find a "cough medicine" which can be bought from a pharmacy helpful although there is no scientific evidence that these products work.

If you have any chest pain , shortness of breath or difficulty breathing you should seek urgent medical assistance.

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Antibiotics to not "sort out" coughs , head colds (sic), or headaches !

You need to ensure you are eating well and drinking enough (non alcoholic) fluid.

Paracetamol will help with the headache but as most coughs/colds are viral in origin there is no proven effective treatment other than time.

Some people find a "cough medicine" which can be bought from a pharmacy helpful although there is no scientific evidence that these products work.

If you have any chest pain , shortness of breath or difficulty breathing you should seek urgent medical assistance.

Please don't post such nonsense.

OP - sounds like a possible lung infection or allergy easily remedied with a consultation (Doctor or exceptional Pharmacist) and a few tests to determine the cause of your sub acute cough.

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When I came here at the beginning, I got many headcolds. Took me a while to work it out , it was the aircon. They are rarely maintained properly. Since switching it off, the headcolds are gone. If it gets into your chest, and turns yellow or green, Amoxcillin always did the business for me.

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Antibiotics to not "sort out" coughs , head colds (sic), or headaches !

You need to ensure you are eating well and drinking enough (non alcoholic) fluid.

Paracetamol will help with the headache but as most coughs/colds are viral in origin there is no proven effective treatment other than time.

Some people find a "cough medicine" which can be bought from a pharmacy helpful although there is no scientific evidence that these products work.

If you have any chest pain , shortness of breath or difficulty breathing you should seek urgent medical assistance.

Please don't post such nonsense.

OP - sounds like a possible lung infection or allergy easily remedied with a consultation (Doctor or exceptional Pharmacist) and a few tests to determine the cause of your sub acute cough.

Is this nonsense ?


or this


or this ?


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Antibiotics to not "sort out" coughs , head colds (sic), or headaches !

You need to ensure you are eating well and drinking enough (non alcoholic) fluid.

Paracetamol will help with the headache but as most coughs/colds are viral in origin there is no proven effective treatment other than time.

Some people find a "cough medicine" which can be bought from a pharmacy helpful although there is no scientific evidence that these products work.

If you have any chest pain , shortness of breath or difficulty breathing you should seek urgent medical assistance.

Please don't post such nonsense.

OP - sounds like a possible lung infection or allergy easily remedied with a consultation (Doctor or exceptional Pharmacist) and a few tests to determine the cause of your sub acute cough.

Is this nonsense ?


or this


or this ?


I will admit when a patient starts spewing off web sites my facial expression tends to show a general lack of interest, it's something I suppose I'm entitled to with my twenty plus years as a medical professional. I usually inform my patients if I read every site they suggest I'd have little or no time to treat them. I also inform the patient my peer group do an excellent job in keeping my profession up to date with new data in medical terms I'm more comfortable in learning which will result in better care.

Self diagnosis can be equally dangerous as not treating an ailment, hence the need for a medical professional to eliminate the cause of this cough.

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When I came here at the beginning, I got many headcolds. Took me a while to work it out , it was the aircon. They are rarely maintained properly. Since switching it off, the headcolds are gone. If it gets into your chest, and turns yellow or green, Amoxcillin always did the business for me.

Indeed, I've also found the airconditioning to be the culprit in many of my colds. I personally avoid antibiotics, but when needed please keep a record of use for your medical professional back home - over use is rampant and we don't need to give cause for antibiotic resistance.

Edited by ToddWeston
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When I came here at the beginning, I got many headcolds. Took me a while to work it out , it was the aircon. They are rarely maintained properly. Since switching it off, the headcolds are gone. If it gets into your chest, and turns yellow or green, Amoxcillin always did the business for me.

Indeed, I've also found the airconditioning to be the culprit in many of my colds. I personally avoid antibiotics, but when needed please keep a record of use for your medical professional back home - over use is rampant and we don't need to give cause for antibiotic resistance.

Yes the unnecessary use of antibiotics is rampant!

Some seem to not believe in learning from links!

However, the Oregon Health Authority among many other very well informed sources have some important information about "coughs" and the treatment needed.


Are the Oregon Health Authority (and many others) providing "bad" advise ?

Edited by thaiexpat21
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Thanks for the advice guys, i thought it might be air con related so Iv started to turn that off at night, im also not a big fan of tablets/antibotics and rarley take them but after 3 or 4 weeks i think its time to do so . i think when you get ill over here it tends to stay with you longer than it would if european countries..

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Some viral chest infections may lead to persistent airway irritation (which may be worsened by airconditioning) and may even result in some bronchospasm developing in individuals who are not asthmatics. In these cases short term use of a bronchodilator such as Ventolin is useful.

Discoloured sputum will probably need antibiotics to help clear an infection, especially if symptoms include fever and headaches.

Suggest a physician consultation and perhaps a chest X-ray to exclude an atypical pneumonia.

Important to increase fluid intake and the odd steam bath or steam inhalation also helps to loosen up sticky secretions and are useful clearing up this kind of infection.

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I personally believe that tracking and tracing internet information where medical conditions or symptoms are concerned can be dangerous and actually make matters worse.

If you are not trained in these areas you can make probably 10 different thing fit your apparent symptoms and even convince yourself of and talk yourself into silly scenarios or even panic attacks dependant on your circumstances.

Keep it simple, dont try to self diagnose or go checkkng this or that as you will drive yiurself crazy with unnecessary worry, just go see someone who is trained talk to a Pharmacist or a Doctor and get proper advice and direction.

The internet does not have ALL the answers!

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My better half seems to have allergies that flare up every few weeks, resulting in repetitive sneezing (about 20 times per day in bouts of four). Is there some sort of allergy test that can be run to eliminate causes? He also suffers from skin allergies that may be asthma related. I fear it's just the pollutants in the air. We do use aircon, but they are cleaned every 3 months.

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My better half seems to have allergies that flare up every few weeks, resulting in repetitive sneezing (about 20 times per day in bouts of four). Is there some sort of allergy test that can be run to eliminate causes? He also suffers from skin allergies that may be asthma related. I fear it's just the pollutants in the air. We do use aircon, but they are cleaned every 3 months.

Ask for ''non-drowsy'' Antihistamine. thumbsup.gif

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I've had plenty of these in my time in Bangkok and have come to the opinion that whilst those bags of rainbow pills are not appropriate back in Blitey they are essential in Bangkok and probably throughout Thailand, as the climate and heat is far more challenging. As you noted, you are up against antagonists like air con too, not to mention the possibility of pollution. And as you know a cold can develop in to a month round of headaches, shivers, and spluttering.

Only a doctor can say, but it sounds like you have an URTI, and although the chesty cough is the most distracting it might be your nasal passages, the consequent sinus pressure and nasal drip causing it.

Ideally you should have sought help after 1 week max. In my opinion bed rest, or at least house rest is the mainstay.

What an annoyance air con is, can't live with it, can't live without it in my case. I mitigate its harshness by having it on gentlest possible settings, running a cheap humidifier (swamp fan), and having the bed as far away from the unit as possible. Sometimes I also wear a light night cap which I draw over ny nose- it is a bit odd I know but protects sinus and nose.

Antibiotics are a very useful medicine used judiciously imho.

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Thanks for the advice guys, i thought it might be air con related so Iv started to turn that off at night, im also not a big fan of tablets/antibotics and rarley take them but after 3 or 4 weeks i think its time to do so . i think when you get ill over here it tends to stay with you longer than it would if european countries..

I wonder, do you ever clean the filters in your air conditioner. Wherever i go i check mine before using it and 90% of the time i find that they are absolutely filthy, probably have never been serviced.

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Thanks for the advice guys, i thought it might be air con related so Iv started to turn that off at night, im also not a big fan of tablets/antibotics and rarley take them but after 3 or 4 weeks i think its time to do so . i think when you get ill over here it tends to stay with you longer than it would if european countries..

If you think its air condition related ! How often do you clean the filter. Have a look, you might be shocked.

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My wife and I have a number of A/C units in the house . We never use them !

Acclimatise and save a lot of money !

A/C units are expensive to run

I personally can't acclimatise to Bangkok heat or pollution. I need a room with windows closed. Then at night it seems to be 30to 35 degrees temp in room. Simply impossible for me.

But yes if anyone can do without the air con so much the better.

Certainly other areas of Thailand it is possible, and of course if you come from a hot country anyway no worries I'd guess.

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