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More than 100,000 foreigners staying illegally in Thailand


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who had all agreed on the idea, want to use the 500 Baht fee scheme to help attract ‘quality’ tourists to Thailand

Good to see the health insurance justification - charade - has been tossed and the real motive is unveiled ---- biggrin.png

Yep - wonder which dope thought up the insurance justification, and which brighter dope thought up the quality tourist excuse ?

Thailand hub of high quality ministers - hand picked by the PM/DM for their knowledge, skill and ability.

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100,000 people spending money in Thailand on a daily basis, what an asset to the economy.

I suppose you would also like to have 100,000 illegal Thai in the USA (or UK, or Japan, etc) spending money in your country on a daily basis, what an asset to the economy.

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I personally loathe when people abuse the VISA system by overstaying. It gives the government more ammo to put the screws to those who follow the rules.

Is there any hotline in place to report other foreigners who overstay?

That could help. It may make me a "rat" - but I would rather report violators than have the rules become more harsh on all of us who abide by them.

how does an overstayer put more screws on us........they make it this way,because they can and want to...if your living within the rules why are you worried,your still going to do a 90 day report,only you might be there a little longer,(bring a packed lunch with you)..or just post it to them easy yes...?stop being so bitter.and get a life..putting your picture up on your avatar,and being a grass,isnt your best move....w00t.gif

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Quality Tourists?

The government has pushed figures up and its growing. This year already 3.2 million Chinese. Arrivals to touch 25 million and the aim to keep growing till we reach 50 million. Infrastructure can't handle it.

What has the 500 baht levy to do with quality tourists?

Are those in charge knowing what they talk about? Or perhaps the do not listen to the likes as PATA and others....

Quality tourists???

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Just wonder where did they get those figures .. 100,000 foreigners illegal ... and how many illegals in European countries ? in the US ? this 500 baht will only be used to fill up some pockets of greedy politicians ... they call is government funding ! cheesy.gif

You will be aware that foreigners is a very broad expression, and includes also Burmese, Cambodian and nationals from other bordering country's

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100,000 people spending money in Thailand on a daily basis, what an asset to the economy.

I suppose you would also like to have 100,000 illegal Thai in the USA (or UK, or Japan, etc) spending money in your country on a daily basis, what an asset to the economy.

I would indeed, it would be much better than the millions! (Not all Thai of course) biggrin.png

Edited by uptheos
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A Farang is a milk cow for the Thai economy.

Every country in the world will be happy when farang come for holiday.

The Thai economy is for 60% depending from the touristindustry.

The quality of the service is low except the 5-star hotels, but they count European rates.

I should the entrance to Thailand easier with visa 90 days and do not count 500 baht entrance fee.

The explanation that farang have to pay for healthcare is bullshit, because farang pays in a hospital same
prices as in Europe.

Stimulate the tourist industry, because it gives a lot employment and fight the cheating taxi-drivers, jetski-rental, bus-drivers and corrupt police-officers.

The tourist want quality of their stay and don't need theme-parks. Concentrate on the Chinese because they are going to come for holiday with millions.

Think about your future over 20 years, because tourists are oly coming temporarely.

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why not 999,000 or 9,999,999 it make just as much <deleted> .......the day they start this 500baht cr@p is the day i no longer give even 1 baht as a tip ...this country is run and controlled by dumb idiots and I will not provide living assistance to anyone that the so called Gov should be providing to (its OWN Nationals)

In fact I have just started ..no tip given at my coffee shop. Thailand after living here totally legal & dropping millions of baht here for 20+ years You can kiss my a@@

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Is this 500 baht a big deal? No. It's chicken feed. Will it decrease the amount of illegals in the country. No. When has $15 deterred illegals from entering any country? This is much cheaper than when I had to make visa runs to Cambodia. Step into Cambodia and pay $40 for a visa, cross the street to exit and pay again because I hadn't stayed the night. Totally illegal but I wasn't about to argue with immigration officials Cambodia.

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Quality tourists? What demographic group do they come from?

I understand the need to cover health costs to tourists/non-immigrants, I can understand the need for increased revenue to provide other services.

I see no problem in increasing the departure tax, which is included in airline tickets.

If there is a need to have a fee of 500 Baht at the border, I see no problem in that either. With the exception of Malaysia, most bordering and neighboring countries charge for visas.

How many other countries have free visa on arrival?

How many countries have visa application fees that are not refundable if the visa is refused.

If you can't afford to live in Thailand, maybe it's time you moved to Cambodia?

I lived in Thailand for many years and have lived in Cambodia these past 8. Admittedly, we Barangs don't get the visa grief that Farangs do in Thailand, however, that may change come 2015. That said, where did you get the idea that it's less expensive to live here? In some cases it's more expensive and before the usual crap starts getting thrown around, unlike too many others it seems, I have a family here and my life isn't bulit around the price of women and booze. One thing is for sure, having lived in Cambodia, wild horses couldn't drag me back to anywhere in Thailand. One man's meat......

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500 baht? Pah! My ocker neighbour would still turn up in his stubbies and singlet with a pocket full of viagra, no wucking furries.

If the Thai Government is serious about wanting quality tourists, they should have an entry fee of $5000 per tourist. Make sure they really do get quality tourists (such as Russian mafia bosses and Arab oil sheiks desperate for a bottle of Lao khao and a couple of naked women).

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Why do the "Authorities" only "estimate" there's 100,000 overstayers.... (apart from illegal entries) don't their records actually keep track? What exactly does that Immigration Officer do on his/her keyboard every time I come n go?

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"500 Baht to attract quality tourists" - they might want to start of with "quality policing & quality immigration services"

100 000 illegal foreigners in Thailand, does that include the Cambodians they use in their fishing trade and other hard labour work or is that just under a different heading of "slavery"

If they know there are more than 100 000 illegal foreigners, they must have the figure from somewhere, so why havnt they follwed the lead and do something about it !!

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it might be time for all countries involved in ASEAN the G20 et al to agree to the same measures

one I would like to see is how Thailand reacts when Australia takes away the rights for Thai students studying in Australia, to be able to work for a guaranteed minimum salary and as many hours as they want AND no work permit or show your face every 90 days!

When will countries understand the Mc Donalds princible where you get a huge turn over on a small profit and you become a billion dollar club

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... discussions between officials from the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, and the Royal Thai Police, who had all agreed on the idea, want to use the 500 Baht fee scheme to help attract quality tourists to Thailand and tackle the problem of foreigners staying in the country illegally

soooo... everbody with 500 Baht in his pocket on entering the LOS is a quality tourist??? Will I get the 500 Baht back on leaving the LOS and this will encourage tourists not to overstay???

wish those officials would listen to their on BS...

One of the issues seems to be that the officials are rarely ever appointed bases on merit or qualifications. They are almost always fundraisers for the campaign, other types of supporters, and are therefore the worst possible people for their respective positions. Chalerm is one of the best examples of that. So, you have true midget minded men doing important jobs, and making statements a 13 year old would know not to say. A lack of meritocracy bites Thailand in the ass every day.

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Unless those immigration police CRTs are all turned to games or social media, the Thais should have the data for a reliable count on those who legally entered--minus those who died or were detained in-kingdom--and those who did not legally exit. Illegal entries are another issue, but the article inferred legal entry overstays, did it not?

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Quality tourists? What demographic group do they come from?

I understand the need to cover health costs to tourists/non-immigrants, I can understand the need for increased revenue to provide other services.

I see no problem in increasing the departure tax, which is included in airline tickets.

If there is a need to have a fee of 500 Baht at the border, I see no problem in that either. With the exception of Malaysia, most bordering and neighboring countries charge for visas.

How many other countries have free visa on arrival?

How many countries have visa application fees that are not refundable if the visa is refused.

If you can't afford to live in Thailand, maybe it's time you moved to Cambodia?

I lived in Thailand for many years and have lived in Cambodia these past 8. Admittedly, we Barangs don't get the visa grief that Farangs do in Thailand, however, that may change come 2015. That said, where did you get the idea that it's less expensive to live here? In some cases it's more expensive and before the usual crap starts getting thrown around, unlike too many others it seems, I have a family here and my life isn't bulit around the price of women and booze. One thing is for sure, having lived in Cambodia, wild horses couldn't drag me back to anywhere in Thailand. One man's meat......

Just out of interest since you have lived in both countries .... why do you feel Cambodia is better than Thailand, in what respects?

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Quality tourists? What demographic group do they come from?

I understand the need to cover health costs to tourists/non-immigrants, I can understand the need for increased revenue to provide other services.

I see no problem in increasing the departure tax, which is included in airline tickets.

If there is a need to have a fee of 500 Baht at the border, I see no problem in that either. With the exception of Malaysia, most bordering and neighboring countries charge for visas.

How many other countries have free visa on arrival?

How many countries have visa application fees that are not refundable if the visa is refused.

If you can't afford to live in Thailand, maybe it's time you moved to Cambodia?


Bali has a 750 baht ($25 US) fee on arrival , and a $15 ( 500 baht) Departure Tax.

The Thai proposal is nothing new - in fact I believe my country ( Aus ) has the dubious distinction of being a ground breaker many years ago with a $20 Departure Tax.

Thailand already has a departure tax it is just included in the tickets.. years ago it was 500bt not sure how much it is now. I have no problems with the tax but don't come up with BS reasons for it.

or cause any more queuing or stupid little paper tickets just to pay it.....if it is added to all the other charges on the air ticket then surely someone will be forced to account for its usage later??? TiT. Then only the land borders will be cash in the hand, and that money will probably never reach where it is said to be intended..

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Nobody knows how many illegal immigrants there are in Thailand, and probably least of all the Government departments that are supposed to know. All the numbers presented by these twits are random figures they dream up to make a case for their next 'innovative' idea about how to extract more cash from visitors to this country.

Try and put a different spin on it and be a little more politically correct.

Think of it in terms of an improvised policy in an effort to do something about the abhorant problem with global warming and the use of renewable energy, as opposed to newer ways of mining to extract gold from previously spent gold mines.

We can all sleep better if we learn not to thnk like that and meditate a little more. Or not.

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Seem to recall there was an airport departure tax in Thailand around 10 years ago ?

It's still there, just hidden in your ticket price. That was smart of Thailand; most of us had forgotten that tourist tax. Now, do they really think a 500 baht entry "fee" will ensure "quality" tourists? Reminds me of that forum on Thai common sense (or lack of).

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Seem to recall there was an airport departure tax in Thailand around 10 years ago ?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Every country has departure and arrival taxes - it is just that most of these are included as extras on flight ticket prices

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People who outstaying their visas in Thailand sure is a problem. And those in this group are mostly undesirable types that should be turfed out, never to return. But there aint' no way a 500 baht entry is going to fix that. I know that Thai Immagration has had a ' dob in an illegal alien ' for sometime but it mustn't be all that effective.

As for the 500 baht fee. What a sham? But this place sure fits the bill as an amusment park so why not charge an entry fee ?

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It's nothing to do with quality tourists, OR the said 500 bht, it is a government attitude problem, no one in their right mind encourages tourists with one hand and kicks them in the teeth with the other. This is only 1 example.

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