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things you wished you knew sooner / advice from the long stays


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Dont believe all Thai women are mostly hookers and want money because they DONT, you probably wouldnt believe what some Thai women earn especially in Bangkok even Issan farmers daughters and not from prostitution

It might all seem fun at first but Thai drivers rank as the lowest and WILL kill you.

Take your time.

Oh very nice, they earn what? 15K-20K baht? The secret to the upper middle class here (and in most parts of Asia for that matter) are: a) live with parents or as many roommates as you can stuff in a 2 bedroom house. B) bank loans, for everything. c) cash from daddy, even at the tender age of 30-35.

So next time you find yourself wondering "how can they afford that"...well...

Edited by elzach
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Thailand is the last place on earth you want to look for love. I am under 30 and been with all kinds of girls and they all got the devil inside. Keep every girl at an arms distance and pay them for their services. Don't expect a girl just because she has a 'good family' to be anything like you know from the west when it gets serious. They all freak out and go bonkers once you break up with them.

Don't buy into this hi-so socializing crap. It's a waste of time/totally fake. Do your own thing in thailand, find a few good mates and stick to yourself.

What is it about you that chases away all the non-crazy women?

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Dont believe all Thai women are mostly hookers and want money because they DONT, you probably wouldnt believe what some Thai women earn especially in Bangkok even Issan farmers daughters and not from prostitution

It might all seem fun at first but Thai drivers rank as the lowest and WILL kill you.

Take your time.

Oh very nice, they earn what? 15K-20K baht? The secret to the upper middle class here (and in most parts of Asia for that matter) are: a) live with parents or as many roommates as you can stuff in a 2 bedroom house. cool.png bank loans, for everything. c) cash from daddy, even at the tender age of 30-35.

So next time you find yourself wondering "how can they afford that"...well...

You see you really havent a clue have you....try 200+k a month, legit every month, no whoring involved and no scam either, I know at least 5 women like that mid 30's in age.

Don't worry keep the stereotype alive if it makes you happy, Wife meet s many men like you thinking they earn peanuts, usually looking for that 8k condo and then asking if they can pay late each month whilst talking down to them hahahahahaha.

Hi so's? huh no real Thai hard working women.

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even though they tell you they are lifers, most people do go home for health, family, career or just finally waking up and smelling the coffee reasons.

that newbies who are in the honeymoon period and criticise the vets eventually turn into vets themselves and become criticised by the new breed if newbies - the cycle continues

And some newbies are natural born cynics and narcissists.

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Dont believe all Thai women are mostly hookers and want money because they DONT, you probably wouldnt believe what some Thai women earn especially in Bangkok even Issan farmers daughters and not from prostitution

It might all seem fun at first but Thai drivers rank as the lowest and WILL kill you.

Take your time.

Oh very nice, they earn what? 15K-20K baht? The secret to the upper middle class here (and in most parts of Asia for that matter) are: a) live with parents or as many roommates as you can stuff in a 2 bedroom house. cool.png bank loans, for everything. c) cash from daddy, even at the tender age of 30-35.

So next time you find yourself wondering "how can they afford that"...well...

sounds like my son and his mates at uni in Australia

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Welcome to Pattaya

Respect the food, culture, country, and people. Don't forget you are a guest here. Be safe, don't get complacent with anything potentially dangerous.

Driving on motorbikes here is truly one of the most dangerous things you will do in your life.

ALWAYS wear a very, very good helmet. I brought a Shoei with me from the states. Protect the head, at all costs while on a bike here. The drivers are not particularly skillful, and there are many underage drivers, especially on Samui where there is zero law enforcement, and they are very dangerous. In terms of women, get to know them first. They want to move things along very quickly as it suits their agenda. Do not allow that. Move slowly, move deliberately. Time will prove to you what you are dealing with. And always remember, they are not with you because you are beautiful!

There are no traffic LAWS in Thailand.

They are merely suggestions, such as helmet wearing, lights on bikes, speed, road markings.

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Welcome to Pattaya

Respect the food, culture, country, and people. Don't forget you are a guest here. Be safe, don't get complacent with anything potentially dangerous.

Driving on motorbikes here is truly one of the most dangerous things you will do in your life.

ALWAYS wear a very, very good helmet. I brought a Shoei with me from the states. Protect the head, at all costs while on a bike here. The drivers are not particularly skillful, and there are many underage drivers, especially on Samui where there is zero law enforcement, and they are very dangerous. In terms of women, get to know them first. They want to move things along very quickly as it suits their agenda. Do not allow that. Move slowly, move deliberately. Time will prove to you what you are dealing with. And always remember, they are not with you because you are beautiful!

There are no traffic LAWS in Thailand.

They are merely suggestions, such as helmet wearing, lights on bikes, speed, road markings.

keep believing that

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A post, and the replies which quoted it, have been removed.

Please don't troll each other guys :)

Debate the various different topics and replies, but being a grammar nazi really serves no point, except to derail threads into meaningless squabbles.

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