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Bangkok: Online Furby doll seller gets 75-year jail term


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Online Furby doll seller gets 75-year jail term
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The Criminal Court Thursday handed a 75-year jail term to Chonnikarn Taichilasoonthorn, an online seller of Furby doll.

She was charged of deceiving others of the availability of low-priced dolls, which led to the transferred payments of over Bt5 million to her bank account.

Thanks to her cooperation in the case, the jail term is reduced to 37 years and 6 months, on top of a fine of Bt62,500.

As this is her first criminal offence and all affected buyers are compensated, a 3-year probation is put in plce. She still has to pay the fine and honour a 30-hour social service order.

-- The Nation 2013-10-24

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"As this is her first criminal offence and all affected buyers are compensated, a 3-year probation is put in plce. She still has to pay the fine and honour a 30-hour social service order."

So, does that mean she isn't actually going to gaol at all?

Edited by Bluespunk
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Apparently the punishment is tied to to the crime, just not in the way you'd expect.

Steal lots, deny everything, get off lightly.

Steal a little, co-operate with authorities, get 75 year sentence ! Trying to figure out how the reduced sentence (37.5 years) got further reduced to 3 years probation, a fine and 30 hours of community service.

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It will be interesting to see what happens to the "Red Bull heir" who killed a cop. If Thai sentencing were proportionate to the crime committed (taking this case into account) he should get 12,000 life sentences. However we all know what money can do in Thailand, and he might get off with a week of double secret probation......

He might get off...he got off already.

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No doubt all those Starbuck supporters on the forum will be clamouring for this level of sentencing in the "Starbung"case.

If Mr Starbung is not beheaded, we will consider it a miscarriage of justice!!whistling.gif

Sorry for the short post, but I am off for another $6 cup of cat-piss.coffee1.gif

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<deleted> is wrong with the sick judges here ,give a jail sentence than put the bastarts in jail and trow away TF key don't let them of with just a fine,,,,,,,,,,,



SEVENTY FIVE YEARS JAIL for selling Furby dolls and then all the scammed customers got their money back anyway... what I want to know is where the hell is the judges sense of balance and JUSTICE?

If she had killed someone she wouldn't get 75 years, but for selling a doll she does - that is insane.

I don't condone the scamming of people of course, but balance is due here. Maybe a 1 or 2 year sentence and then on appeal make it less, but taking a ridiculous 75 year sentence that should not have been in place to start with and then commuting that eventually to 30 hours community service makes the whole thing laughable.

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75 years must have been the first figure that popped into the judges head,

then hes realized what hes said and to save face reduced it to community

service, one thing about Thailand there is always something to Amaze and

at the same time confuse.

regards worgeordie

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