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Bangkok: Online Furby doll seller gets 75-year jail term


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75 year in prison to sale doll !!! Are these people completly mad ?

How many people's life savings make up the five million Baht she had transferred to her account through her fraud. 75 years (37 with confession) would guarantee she wouldn't live to spend her ill-gotten gains and maybe the impetus for her to return the money.

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75 years reduced to 30 hours community service - wow! My faith in the Thai justice service is.........

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Compassion reigns in the Kingdom

Furby dolls? serious fraud . . terrible stuff

On the spot. Don't mess with Furby! And keep that cigar away from the fur, you're risking capital punishment with it.

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It will be interesting to see what happens to the "Red Bull heir" who killed a cop. If Thai sentencing were proportionate to the crime committed (taking this case into account) he should get 12,000 life sentences. However we all know what money can do in Thailand, and he might get off with a week of double secret probation......

....but he'll probably still have to hand over Six Truck Loads of Red Bull Products to all "interested parties."

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75 years - wow. My faith in the Thai justice system is fully restored now.

Brother, you need to pay closer attention to the article in question. The 75 year sentence looks great on paper, but if you read closely, this woman will not spend another day in prison other than her initial intake. She is getting off with probation and a fine. I truly hope she compensates in full those victims which she has defrauded, however this woman is getting off with slap on the hand if you asked me. As long as Thai authorities keep handing out sentences like this one, the Thai government continues to serve as an enabler to Thai's who want to continue to defraud foreigners and their fellow Thai's. Thai sentencing guidelines are like a dog with no teeth when it comes to their own. Heaven help you if you're a foreigner and you have perpetrated a crime against their people because they will break it off in the ole keester.

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It will be interesting to see what happens to the "Red Bull heir" who killed a cop. If Thai sentencing were proportionate to the crime committed (taking this case into account) he should get 12,000 life sentences. However we all know what money can do in Thailand, and he might get off with a week of double secret probation......

Think you've posted in the wrong thread, this one is about a fraudster.

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75 years - wow. My faith in the Thai justice system is fully restored now.

Read again. 75 years reduced to 30hrs community service. Now that's a Wow!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

75 years reduced to 37.5 years suspended (yes, I know it says probation but logic says it's more than likely to be a suspended sentence)

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It will be interesting to see what happens to the "Red Bull heir" who killed a cop. If Thai sentencing were proportionate to the crime committed (taking this case into account) he should get 12,000 life sentences. However we all know what money can do in Thailand, and he might get off with a week of double secret probation......

He might get off...he got off already.

No he hasn't.

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Me thinks it was 75 DAYS jail, plus compensation, plus fines.

This was reduced to compensation, fines, and 30 hours community service.

Do the folks who bought the Furby's get to keep them? What to do with a few million baht worth of fake Furbys? Re- sell them I guess.

They didn't get them, that's the point. It was a fraud.

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Am I correct saying that it boils down to this: A pub owner who is responsible for 67 burned and trampled to death people and over 100 people injured with some of them having lost limbs (and now look like zombies) walks free; but a person who tricks some cash out of people by eventually not sending them the ordered and paid for merchandise gets a 75 year jail term, or at least would get it if the culprit would have been a ) uncooperative and b ) sentenced for some other offense earlier????

I think we should balance this out for good by locking the pub owner and his co-partners, all surviving Santika staff who is fully or partially responsible for locking exit 3, plus the band leader idiot who reportedly lit a firework on stage (given that he is still alive), along with 167 activated, blahblahing and babbling Furbies in a garage filled with styro-foam, grease, buckets full of diesel along with other highly flammable materials and force the cheating furby seller lady to set the whole thing on fire so she eventually breaks her parole thumbsup.gif

After the smoke has settled, we all know whom to appoint to announce that nobody died in the resulting inferno...

Justice my @$$...

No, you're wrong. The Santika owner was cleared, this woman wasn't.

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Sounds like she was a sound business woman. these people decided to jail her for longer than a murderer, paedo, rapist,

Welcome to .... the land of real justice, this lot must have been watching what goes on in European courts and thought we need a bit of that

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Woman behind Furby fraud gets suspended sentence
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The woman who made up to Bt5 million by luring people into paying for Furby dolls that were never delivered, was sentenced to a suspended three-year jail term. The verdict was reduced from 75 years behind bars after she returned the money to all 25 victims and pleaded guilty.

Chonnikan Taichilasunthorn is also required to complete 30 hours of public service and pay Bt62,500 in fines. She was initially required to pay Bt5,000 in fines and faced three years in jail for each of the 25 cases.

The Criminal Court later halved the term to 37 and half years and the fine to Bt62,500, before finally suspending the term for three years thanks to her clean record.

-- The Nation 2013-10-25

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Sounds like she was a sound business woman. these people decided to jail her for longer than a murderer, paedo, rapist,

Welcome to .... the land of real justice, this lot must have been watching what goes on in European courts and thought we need a bit of that

She was a fraudsters, a thief. That's why she was on trial, unless crime is considered a business she wasn't a business woman of any sort.

Edited by Bluespunk
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"...hereby sentence you to 75 years..."......(shock and awe)......."...reduced to 37.5 years and a fine..."....(eye brows lifting, hint of a smile)......."...further reduced to 3 years probation..."....(grin)...... "...and 30 hours of community service"......(high fives all round and a cheeky wai to Exhibit A on display (Furby - blue colour). Ridiculous sentencing and waste of time on behalf of the sitting judges.

Post of the day.

I think the judge did an outstanding job... in making the Thai justice system look like a sick joke. 2 years suspended for murder because of "anger issues" and 75 years for selling dolls, death sentences followed by an immediate release on bail while appealing, and the list goes on.

No wonder Thai people have no faith in the "Rule of Law".

Yes ... faith in the the "Rule of Law" ...

You mean laws like Thailand's rock-solid constitution:

"Thailand has so far had seventeen Constitutions; however the basic structure of government has remained the same." - Wiki - Government of Thailand

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Perhaps I am missing something here, but with copyright infringement taken into consideration, how on this earth can a judge come up initially with a jail term of 75 years?

I fully understand that the final outcome was a suspended sentence, community service and refunding all customers plus paying a fine, but where did the initial 75 year jail term come from for this sort of offense?

Absolutely confused.......................blink.png

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What a joke, 75 years for this.

Santika 67 deaths, nothing.

Redd Bull Heir 1 death, nothing.

Moo Ham,3 deaths Nothing

Tollway Girl, 7 deaths, nothing.

What a joke.

Noted: that it has now been suspended for three years. Even so, in comparison to some of the other stuff recently, this still is a joke.

Edited by mrtoad
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