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Tak Bai incident 'used to incite violence'


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Tak Bai incident 'used to incite violence'
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- ILL-INTENTIONED people should stop citing the Tak Bai incident to instigate violence in the strife-torn South, spokesman for the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc) Region 4, Colonel Pramote Phrom-in, said yesterday.

"Nine years have passed and local residents want to put the incident behind," he said in reference to the botched transport of protesters that killed some 85 of them in Narathiwat's Tak Bai.

The Isoc has beefed up security in the three southern-most provinces as a precaution on the day marking the ninth anniversary of the incident.

Pramote said insurgents were exploiting the incident in order to sow distrust between the local residents and the authorities.

A large number of innocent people, state officials and security forces were killed as insurgents cited the incident as a pretext for reprisals, he said.

Violence would reduce if all parties refrained from attitudes of hate and distrust, he said.

National Security Council secretary-general Paradorn Pattanatabut said students at the Prince of Songkla, Pattani Campus had organised an event to mark the incident.

"I don't anticipate any problem because the students meant it only as a gesture of remembrance," he said.

Paradorn said security forces were on the right track in launching pre-emptive measures to keep peace, lowering the risk of violent incidents.

Commenting on the peace dialogue, he said he was coordinating with the Malaysian facilitator to set the date for the next round of talks.

He voiced optimism that the dialogue might take place next month. He said one of his talking points would focus on the demand for insurgents to reduce their violent activities.

He also said he expected Hassan Toyib of the Barisan Revolusi Nasional to continue his lead role in the dialogue.

-- The Nation 2013-10-26

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I'm certainly not an authority on the problems of the South, but the reality is, it did happen, and no one was ever brought to justice. There in lies their reason for remembering it, and that is part of the parcel of the continued anger and resentment of the peoples of the region.

The students are right to remember it... It's not something that anyone wants to see repeated.

what happened 9 years ago
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"Nine years have passed and local residents want to put the incident behind," he said in reference to the botched transport of protesters that killed some 85 of them in Narathiwat's Tak Bai.

I think it goes against human nature for people to just forget. I think the gov't would like them to forget, but it ain't going to happen any time soon.

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Another Thaksin legacy for the Thai people to deal with.

Thaksins answer is the usual, buy them off...

The government has paid more than Bt641 million to victims wounded in the Tak Bai incident, and to the families of those killed during the violent crackdown by the Thai Army on protesters nine years ago this day.
The amount is in addition to Bt42 million paid in compensation by the Army in 2007 to the injured and to families of the deceased.
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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

U obviously don't know the details of the case.

He certainly does know the details of the case, my dear teacher.

I think that you obviously do not understand the complexities of the English Language.

Try reading the post again and spot the clues that indicate that he knows the case very well.

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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

U obviously don't know the details of the case.

And you do?

Please share your version of reality, I would just love to hear how the Thaksin propaganda machine tries to cover this one up.

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OH Yes it DID happen and nothing was every done about the over zealous and storm trooper mentality of the Army and the members of the Government responsible for both the military deployment and the subsequent cover up. They and only they are the ones that would dearly like this mater forgotten.

It was a disgrace then and still is to this day.

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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

A bit like Abhisit gave the orders but did not fire the gun..Thaksin gave the order but did not throw them in the truck. Totally abuse of army power with an agenda supplied by those who really run this country.

Maybe Abhisit has the same paymaster as the army and it would appear Khun Thaksin now has the army where he wants them

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Correct.... "Nine years have passed and local residents want to put the incident behind,".. but not before justice is done. As long as the big chiefs sit in Bangkok and avoid responsibility and justice for the incident the pain will go on and grow over the years.

Maybe good to listen to U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday"

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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

U obviously don't know the details of the case.

And you do?

Please share your version of reality, I would just love to hear how the Thaksin propaganda machine tries to cover this one up.

There is no evidence, or even reasonable suggestion, that Thaksin ordered the actions taken by military leaders at Tak Bai, unlike the signed orders by Abhisit authorising the use of lethal force against protesters in 2010.

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what happened 9 years ago

What has 9 years ago got to do with anything? Would you support the cessation of the ceremony to be held at the Cenotaph in London in two weeks time? How about flattening Auschwitz and/or Dachau? Tak Bai, if it isn't already so, should be a shrine for the oppressed Southerners.

Thailand would do well to remember that independence for Southern Ireland, now Eire, has brought benefits to both sides of the conflict. Strange that many of all those suppressed Paddies now want to live in the UK. The obvious solution, although not at all obvious or acceptable to the BKK cliques, is self government for the South.

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I still think that people are overreacting to this. Just like Khun TS's War on Drugs and its supposed human rights abuses. I find in Thailand that people GENERALLY get what they deserve. Forming a 1500+ crowd outside a police station demanding that suspects who participated in an armed revolt (violent assault and theft from an army base in Narathiwat) be freed, amounts to insurrection against the state. Any person with peaceful intentions would have headed in the other direction, since doing so is asking for a crackdown.

I have no sympathy for these people, and think the terrorist response to the supposed injustices just goes to show that the southern insurgents are not the innocent farmer-freedom-fighters some make them out to be. The proper response would be through legal channels rather than blowing up or beheading innocent people. Where are the protests against the terrorists?

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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

U obviously don't know the details of the case.

And you do?

Please share your version of reality, I would just love to hear how the Thaksin propaganda machine tries to cover this one up.

There is no evidence, or even reasonable suggestion, that Thaksin ordered the actions taken by military leaders at Tak Bai, unlike the signed orders by Abhisit authorising the use of lethal force against protesters in 2010.

Thaksin's remarks after the incident were an utter disgrace-' They were fasting, it being Ramadan, so they were weak' ( and thus couldn't survive a 7 hour journey being stacked like logs on top of each other.

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If I had family or friends that died this way,without any recourse ,

it would piss me off too !

The Government would just like this to be forgotten.

regards Worgeordie

In case you hadn't read the OP it's the Army that wants this forgotten not the Government. If the Government wanted the episode forgotten they would not have chosen the 9th anniversary of Tak Bai to pay out more than 641million baht in compensation to the victims and their families.

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If I had family or friends that died this way,without any recourse ,

it would piss me off too !

The Government would just like this to be forgotten.

regards Worgeordie

In case you hadn't read the OP it's the Army that wants this forgotten not the Government. If the Government wanted the episode forgotten they would not have chosen the 9th anniversary of Tak Bai to pay out more than 641million baht in compensation to the victims and their families.

fab4 Hush money comes to mind.

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U obviously don't know the details of the case.

And you do?

Please share your version of reality, I would just love to hear how the Thaksin propaganda machine tries to cover this one up.

There is no evidence, or even reasonable suggestion, that Thaksin ordered the actions taken by military leaders at Tak Bai, unlike the signed orders by Abhisit authorising the use of lethal force against protesters in 2010.

Thaksin's remarks after the incident were an utter disgrace-' They were fasting, it being Ramadan, so they were weak' ( and thus couldn't survive a 7 hour journey being stacked like logs on top of each other.

Of course the remarks were a disgrace, now go and read up on who was identified as being responsible and why they did not face charges, then you may have the full picture, rather than concentrating on the part you consider worthy of comment to impress the anti Thaksin Team

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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

Probably because he (I presume you mean Thaksin) was not responsible for the deaths. There was a report by the National Reconcilliation Commission which came to the conclusion the following were responsible, Maj-General Chalermchai Wiroonphet, Maj-General Sinchai Nutsatit and Lt-General Pisarn. You can read it here


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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

Probably because he (I presume you mean Thaksin) was not responsible for the deaths. There was a report by the National Reconcilliation Commission which came to the conclusion the following were responsible, Maj-General Chalermchai Wiroonphet, Maj-General Sinchai Nutsatit and Lt-General Pisarn. You can read it here


the National Reconcilliation Commission

One quick google....

This article examines the work of the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC) (2005–06), an independent body established by the government of Thailand

And the government at the time were who?



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It doesn't really matter what the pro or anti Thaksin brigades think or what the courts decided the majority of the muslim population in the south believe that the PM at the time was responsible for the Tak Bai massacre and were further outraged by his ignorant, insensitive comments. The same applies with case of the 'disappeared' lawyer, Somchai.

Crucially the radicals involved in the active insurgent groups say they will never forgive or forget what happened either.

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Who was the PM at the time of this? 555

Why is he not up on charges like the Dem leader is being brought up on charges for the 2010 crackdown?

Probably because he (I presume you mean Thaksin) was not responsible for the deaths. There was a report by the National Reconcilliation Commission which came to the conclusion the following were responsible, Maj-General Chalermchai Wiroonphet, Maj-General Sinchai Nutsatit and Lt-General Pisarn. You can read it here


Thaksin was responsible for far many more deaths in the Deep South than just Tak Bai. His abolition of the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre and the joint civilian-police-military (CPM) task force led to a breakdown of any local trust in the authorities and any attempts to prevents escalating violence became much harder.

Let's not forget his utterly stupid remarks about the insurgency in 2002 'There's no separatism, no ideological terrorists, just common bandits'

Yeah yeah yeah but this topic is the Tak Bai incident and I was replying to a person who suggested that Thaksin was as responsible for the Tak Bai deaths as teflon don abhisit was for the murders of unarmed civilians.

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Yeah yeah yeah but this topic is the Tak Bai incident and I was replying to a person who suggested that Thaksin was as responsible for the Tak Bai deaths as teflon don abhisit was for the murders of unarmed civilians.

These Thaksin Tak Bai threads always run the same course. Apologists denying that Thaksin had anything to do with proceedings, followed by posts from members with a good memory that recall Thaksin rushed to Tak Bai to personally command and supervise the protests that were underway there before it went spectacularly tits up.

Thaksin while in Tak Bai on the day of the massacre said of his security forces ""They did a great job. They have my praise." and followed it up by "It's about bodies make weak from fasting. Nobody hurt them."

Thaksin was to Tak Bai what Manson was to Neverland, and all the denials and obfuscation just can't change the unfortunate facts. Deal with it.

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