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Why do Thai people always think a farang wants a Thai girlfriend?


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One thing which always wonders me why almost every Thai cannot comprehend that not every man needs and wants a relationship with a woman at all cost. When I tell my Thai friends that I still want to enjoy my young years with hobbies and if by chance I meet a nice woman I may start a relationship.

I always get perplexed reactions when I tell them that have different priorites and I do not need the drama of a realtionship at this point. I know the the West there is a phenomenon of Men Going Their Own Way. I guess I am one of them too, but Thai people just cant imagine a young farang not wanting the date a Thai woman.

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What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png

As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

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"Thank you for sharing your opinion," usually shuts up all but the most boorish and persistent.

****Thai language removed****

Edited by metisdead
This is an English language forum, English is the only acceptable language, except in the Thai language forum where Thai language is allowed.
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What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png

As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

you consider dark skinned thai girls ugly??


but the one that farang are dating are indeed ugly less desirable...thumbsup.gif

Is this another one of your acute observations such as Thailand being more expensive to live in compared to Europe? (well i suppose it may well be if you are talking about a gypsy site in Romania or something)

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What i have seen over the years, most of the time the rich and wealthy farang( either old/young/good looking/qasimodo) just succeed to bed a ugly, darkskinned low education thai princess.

farang brainless certainly but with a big heartlaugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png alt=laugh.png width=20 height=20>

As someone said, the whole population put you in the same basket... you can do nothing about it!

you consider dark skinned thai girls ugly??


but the one that farang are dating are indeed ugly less desirable...thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Wow, in one sentence just proved your intelligence and lost any credibility for your post. I think the Thai girls are lucky your not on the market.

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If you prefer hobbies like:




over hergiggle.gif.pagespeed.ce.AcGRO3FsZu.gif width=20 alt=giggle.gif>


No wonder your friends are worried about you !!coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

Soi41. That's a rough beast... are you sure it's actually a female?

I'll take the stamps, please. w00t.gif

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i dont know where youve been living but i know some extremely attractive dark skinned thai women that have married and dated foreign men.


picture please...of your extremely attractive dark vadorguitar.gif

i guess if you are in your 60s/70s, then you will found anyone with 2 legs even Madeleine Albright quite sexyclap2.gif

You no like?

I think many Khmer gals are as pretty as any Thai. In S. Isaan there are some mixed Thais who are gorgeous. Just check out Buriram, Sisaket, Surin and surrounds. thumbsup.gif


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I don't think its a case of quote "Thai people just cant imagine a young farang not wanting the date a Thai woman."...

Its more that the Thai women (now not all) WANT a farang husband....somehow in their mind I think it equates to MONEY and being treated better....

think of all the children up in the Northeast who live in these villages and the Thai's with the NICEST houses , cars etc. are the ones who are married to farangs.....so what do you think these young girls aspire to when they grow up ....."Marry a Farang"?

Not saying its right...not even saying its true....its just one mans opinion

yeah i'd call it largely BS too.

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I don't think its a case of quote "Thai people just cant imagine a young farang not wanting the date a Thai woman."...

Its more that the Thai women (now not all) WANT a farang husband....somehow in their mind I think it equates to MONEY and being treated better....

think of all the children up in the Northeast who live in these villages and the Thai's with the NICEST houses , cars etc. are the ones who are married to farangs.....so what do you think these young girls aspire to when they grow up ....."Marry a Farang"?

Not saying its right...not even saying its true....its just one mans opinion

yeah i'd call it largely BS too.

why would you say that?

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OP i think (in general)Thai find it hard to grasp enjoying your own company. The majority of Thai dont seem to like solo persuits, so the idea of being happy on your own may seem odd. Especially for a man, who of course requires a woman to take care of him! I think its just the idea of you being on your own that they cant get their head around.
Of course im just giving a sweeping generalising however, as much of the answer would depend on where you live etc etc.

At least this thread isn't full of sweeping generalizations....

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

The entirety of Thaivisa forum is full of sweeping generalizations, which never fail to diminish.

Sweeping generalizations about Thai women, farang men, Thai men, farang women, Thai people, Thai culture. Its like a stuck record.
The irony is that the guys that get offended by the "ugly dark issan girl" comments citing that it is stereotyping, are often the same guys that lay out the tired old stereotypes of farang women.

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Your Thai friends are just worried about your testosterone levels if you are living by yourself. Hope your decision not to get acquainted with a local woman does not mean that you do not get "involved" with any of the pretties here at all, because then I am seriously worried about your testosterone level!

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