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What have you ever achieved here in Thailand?

Darren McKenzie

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Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have achieved peace of mind . Use to be a angry person in Aus some of the time.Now so much relaxed here.Maybe the stress of my job in Aus . Here is no problem

Seems to me your still an angry person.....IMHO after having read some of your other posts.....

Also you have post in "craziest thing I have done while driving" ...curious if you were angry then as ....

You admitted to being a reckless and negligent driver (I'm sure Chicago wasn't your first time driving drunk and on the wrong side of the road).....And endangering other people's life's to the point of possibly killing someone.....what I don't get is how you can think that is funny or worth posting....

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Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have achieved peace of mind . Use to be a angry person in Aus some of the time.Now so much relaxed here.Maybe the stress of my job in Aus . Here is no problem

Seems to me your still an angry person.....IMHO after having read some of your other posts.....

Also you have post in "craziest thing I have done while driving" ...curious if you were angry then as ....

You admitted to being a reckless and negligent driver (I'm sure Chicago wasn't your first time driving drunk and on the wrong side of the road).....And endangering other people's life's to the point of possibly killing someone.....what I don't get is how you can think that is funny or worth posting....

You get the rope, we'll all hang'im high together... .. we can get all of the other TV members to destroy this thread with a few verbal attacks of our own...

OR.. we can leave other Topics and Threads to follow the topics of discussion there and keep this thread for 'What have you achieved here in Thailand ?'...


On Topic:

I have lived my adult life in Thailand, thus its difficult to establish what I have achieved here in Thailand, as I don't know what I may have achieved differently had I remained at home.

For example: I believe I'm a fairly evenly balanced person - However, I suspect I would have matured in a similar manner back home, so its not really a Thailand specific achievement.

I've met a wonderful Wife in Thailand - However, I suspect I would have met an equally wonderful Wife back in the UK had I stayed there. Thus, again, not really a Thailand specific achievement.

Thus: What achievements have I accomplished that are specific to Thailand... hmm.. Not a whole lot.. I have a large number of friends, both Thai and Western. I feel I have integrated well into Thai society while maintaining my own sense of self as a Westerner, I know I'll never be Thai, I don't want to be Thai, but, I have learnt many of the positive Thai traits to my advantage while at the same time recognising how and where to avoid some of the negative traits and aspects.

So - What have I achieved?: Satisfaction, a level of comfort and normality whereby I feel no different being here to home.

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Met my stunning, blond haired green eyed wife.

Has a couple of kids. Another on the way.

What else is there?

You're an Thai guy right? And you think it is your accomplishment that you married a Farang?

Well I guess that answers that other thread question, "

Middle Thailand Increasingly Thinking Marrying A Farang Is "Low Class"

You should get the prize for Thai Visa's dumbest post of the year....actually, decade.

Just happy that I met my wife, who happens to have stunning looks.

The whole point of my post was that family matters most, everything else, comes a distant second.

Perhaps the most important thing for you though is to go to the airport. Your brain is probably sitting around in lost property after you left it on the plane when you first got here.

Ignorance and stupidity are a dangerous mixture all over the world. Hopefully never meet such a "nice" guy.-wai2.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...


Inner peace, tranquility and a rediscovered sex life after two failed marriages to non asian women who brow beat the desire out of me, Once you discover Asian it is hard to go back to caucasian

Also living a lovely small fishing village with a condo on the beach called Ban Chang watching the sun rise in the morning over the gulf of Thailand, would not be dead for quids

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Good question. I've had to review some values about what's important. I've rediscovered that the less complicated life is, then the happier I am. Stuff doesn't matter, close relationships do. Being less aware of the rest of the world is not such a bad idea. Living in the country again is so good for the soul. I have achieved the art of watching Thai soapies without understanding the language, but still knowing what's going to happen. I've helped a few people. My weight gain program has been a total success. Some unpredictability is good. 'People are the same everywhere its only the places that are different'. (Not my quote)

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Met my stunning, blond haired green eyed wife.

Has a couple of kids. Another on the way.

What else is there?

You're an Thai guy right? And you think it is your accomplishment that you married a Farang?

Well I guess that answers that other thread question, "

Middle Thailand Increasingly Thinking Marrying A Farang Is "Low Class"

That's a new low in posting, totally moronic jerk.gif

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Met my stunning, blond haired green eyed wife.

Has a couple of kids. Another on the way.

What else is there?

You're an Thai guy right? And you think it is your accomplishment that you married a Farang?

Well I guess that answers that other thread question, "

Middle Thailand Increasingly Thinking Marrying A Farang Is "Low Class"

That's a new low in posting, totally moronic jerk.gif

Two of the richest most handsome and popular Thai sports figures, Paradorn Srichaphan and Tiger Woods could have had any Thai women they wanted but they both chose a Franng. Thai men and women spend billions trying to look like Farang with plastic surgery and whitening creams. The top movie stars, models and TV stars are 1/2 Farang. Try debating me instead of flaming me. The other thing I don't understand is why men think it is an accomplishment to marry well. If a woman is pretty and smart and a nice person that is her accomplishment not yours.

Edited by thailiketoo
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