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Putin says gays welcome at Sochi Olympics despite propaganda law


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MOSCOW, RUSSIA (BNO NEWS) -- All guests and participants are welcome during next year's Winter Olympics in Sochi, regardless of their sexual orientation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting on Monday. The comments follow outrage earlier this year over the country's controversial anti-gay propaganda law.

Putin made the comments during a meeting with International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach and heads of Russia's winter sports federations. It is the first time Putin explicitly welcomed gays to the sports event, although he previously emphasized that Russia does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.

"I assured Mr. Bach that our sportspeople and fans will do everything possible to ensure that the participants and guests feel at home at the Olympics in Sochi no matter what country they are from and no matter what their ethnic background or sexual orientation," Putin said. "I want to stress this point."

In August, Russia's Interior Ministry said it would enforce the gay propaganda law during the 2014 Winter Olympics after weeks of conflicting reports, causing some foreign officials and groups to call for a complete boycott of the event. The government emphasized that athletes and guests would face no discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs will, during the Olympic Games, as well as at any other time, operate under Russian law in general and also apply the law on the protection of children from promoting non-traditional sexual relationships," the interior ministry said in its August statement.

The government further explained that the law only targets those who encourage children to enter into same-sex relationships, and not gays in general. "Law enforcement measures will be applied in accordance with Russian law against persons carrying out such activities," the ministry said.

Alexander Zhukov, the head of Russia's National Olympic Committee, told the RIA Novosti news agency at the time that gays will be able to take part in the event without any fears for their safety. "If a person does not put across his views in the presence of children, no measures against him can be taken," he said. But it is unclear if the law also applies to the public display of, for example, the rainbow flag that is a symbol of the LGBT movement.

Reports that Russia will enforce the controversial law during the Winter Olympics raised international concern in recent months, with some pro-LGBT groups, officials and celebrities calling for a boycott of the event. But others, such as British Prime Minister David Cameron and U.S. President Barack Obama, said a boycott would not be helpful.

The 2014 Winter Olympics are scheduled to take place from 7 to 23 February in Sochi, a city on the Black Sea coast of Russia.

(Copyright 2013 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)

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I am sure that Russia would prefer that the Olympics go well. I would think that between making some anti-gay statement and have a smooth operating event, they would rather have the smooth operating event.

Unless some group decides to something rather spectacular, I would think the Russians would prefer to look the other way.

It's also rather cold, and doing anything much more obvious than a kiss might just freeze some delicate parts.

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Twistin', twistin', everybody's feeling gay,

twistin' twistin', twistin' the night away.

Marvin Gaye's hit in the 1960's

- back in the days when 'gay' meant; 'happy.'

Gay may have meant happy to most folks, but many, many knew what it really meant; including Marvin.

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Twistin', twistin', everybody's feeling gay,

twistin' twistin', twistin' the night away.

Marvin Gaye's hit in the 1960's

- back in the days when 'gay' meant; 'happy.'

Actually it was the great Sam Cooke.

you're right. I realized it an hour after I posted. I have a bar band in Chiang Rai, and we do that song. And yes, Sam Cooke was 'great'!

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Here is a very creative way of protesting the oppression of gay people under the Putin regime in Russia.

Yes, this comic book is illegal in Russia.


Russia has made it a crime for any pro-gay words to be spoken, and that law is about to be broken,” says Luke Montgomery, founder of FCKH8.com. “The message of this coloring book is to let kids in Russia know that being gay is normal. Beating and imprisoning people just for being out of the closet or arresting them for simply saying that it’s OK if someone in their family is gay,is an attack on human rights and a trashing of the Olympic spirit. We’re going to be breaking this homophobic law, and there’s nothing the government can do to stop it.”
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Here is a very creative way of protesting the oppression of gay people under the Putin regime in Russia.

Yes, this comic book is illegal in Russia.


Russia has made it a crime for any pro-gay words to be spoken, and that law is about to be broken,” says Luke Montgomery, founder of FCKH8.com. “The message of this coloring book is to let kids in Russia know that being gay is normal. Beating and imprisoning people just for being out of the closet or arresting them for simply saying that it’s OK if someone in their family is gay,is an attack on human rights and a trashing of the Olympic spirit. We’re going to be breaking this homophobic law, and there’s nothing the government can do to stop it.”

Let's just hope the kiddies this guy is trying to influence don't understand the name of his organization...FCKH8.com.

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I am gay. My partner too. We are boycotting AL countries and their businesses if they have anti gay laws. We don't fly any mid east airline, emirates, Qatar, the lot of these rotters who preach hate, no trios to stupid Bali and Russia can get stuffed. Putin is ex KGB and a bloody liar. I have friends in Moscow and St Petersburg. They say life in the past year is unbearable and want to ESCAPE. Not leave... They used the word. ESCAPE. Says it all right?

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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I am gay. My partner too. We are boycotting AL countries and their businesses if they have anti gay laws. We don't fly any mid east airline, emirates, Qatar, the lot of these rotters who preach hate, no trios to stupid Bali and Russia can get stuffed. Putin is ex KGB and a bloody liar. I have friends in Moscow and St Petersburg. They say life in the past year is unbearable and want to ESCAPE. Not leave... They used the word. ESCAPE. Says it all right?

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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I would love to go to the Winter Olympics. I just wish they would hold them someplace warmer.

I am just waiting for a Thai polly to announce that Thailand is going to bid for the winter games and hold them in Chiang Rai as it is so cold there, proven by the state of emergency declared each year when it goes below +15'c.

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  • 2 months later...

MOSCOW Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered new assurances to gay athletes and fans attending the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics next month. Yet he defended Russia's anti-gay law by equating gays with pedophiles and said Russia needs to "cleanse" itself of homosexuality if it wants to increase its birth rate.


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I am gay. My partner too. We are boycotting AL countries and their businesses if they have anti gay laws. We don't fly any mid east airline, emirates, Qatar, the lot of these rotters who preach hate, no trios to stupid Bali and Russia can get stuffed. Putin is ex KGB and a bloody liar. I have friends in Moscow and St Petersburg. They say life in the past year is unbearable and want to ESCAPE. Not leave... They used the word. ESCAPE. Says it all right?

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Escape you mean they are locked up ? what is stopping them leaving ? It it sad there are still nations out there with such a backward outlook but things will improve it just takes time. 50 years ago there was pretty much the same attitude worldwide now look :)

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If a gay person were to leave Russia and seek asylum they would most likely be granted it. Most of the European countries and the US, Canada and Australia would be hard pressed to return someone who is gay. Under the UN refugee criteria they would meet the criteria of a 'specifically targeted group' .

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