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Another example how much they love foreigners. NOT?


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But the fact that one charges a different price based on race, makes me want to destroy that place.

get a life man, you been in los long enough now to now we pay more than the rest.

Every time the double pricing issue comes up someone feels the need to bring up racism.

I wish you guys would give it a break.

It's a Thai/non-Thai issue.

It's a greed issue. If people feel they can get away with price-gouging, they will. In other countries there are laws to prevent this. Here's they can get away with it.

Why are there laws in other countries? Because will tend to cheat if they can get away with it.

Edited by tropo
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why give it a break? the police wont act on Thais attacking farang, Ive seen it many times, my gf supports me so I realize they arent all idiots, but the fact is a lot are

There you go. You've given a very good reason to give it a break. If the police can't help you, who can?

You've really misunderstood the reason for this post. It wasn't too try and do anything rather than point out the contempt this business showed toward a regular customer.

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Double pricing go's on all over Thailand but mainly in tourist place's. Used to live in Pat's and found it every ware same as you car clean, Restaurant's 'two menu's' it went on and on all the time.

Have now moved out and even though I found it where I now live it's at a much lesser amount. Just as you did I tell them they are no good and don't go back again, doesn't take long and it get's about that Farang's wont stand for it and everything come's back to Thai pricing.

Don't want to make you weep but I pay for a full valet engine, under car, inside every panel, seat's, 140bt and that's for a Fortuner. Oh and they even black the peddles, not bad A.

You have other's have said will just have to put up with it put it down to one of the joy's of living there. But look on the bright side even worse in Phuket and the like's.

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Wash your own truck or get the wife to take it?


hmmm,a real man would order the wife too wash it.
Welcome to TV.

ORDER a Thai wife !!!!!! unless you want your bit's cut off I suggest you don't go down that route.

When we got married my wife told me there's woman's work and men's work. The car's mine so up to me, I also have to fix the water if there's a problem also the electric everything else is woman's work. Cleaning washing ironing gardening cooking you name it woman's work. Did ask once if she would help me clean the car she got out a bucket and said that's it up to you. Don't ask anymore just pay out the 140bt for someone else to do, simple really. You'll also be pleased to hear that I still have my bit's intact.

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Thainess -- the gift that keeps on giving.

Nobody is surprised by stories like this.

Wait for it.

You cheap foreigner, just bend over take it, and if you don't like it, go home.....

What the OP is riled about is what riles most of us. Why should foreigners be treated like idiots ? Us foreigners spend enormous amounts of baht here in Pattaya adding greatly to the economy. Most of us do not like having the piss taken. You may choose to "bend over and take it" but most of us foreigners do not choose that option.

Have you heard of the phrase "Caveat Emptor". It applies world wide. If you don't have the intelligence to inform yourself about the local going rate for goods and services, and negotiate the best price you can get, then more fool you. It's a game played in many countries and if Falang in Thailand can't figure it out then they deserve what they get. Willing seller - willing buyer. Then OP was happy to pay the price he was charged, and that's the reality of the commercial world in every country on the globe.

Learn some basic language and always and without fail tell the vendor it's too expensive and the price should be XX.

Most of this two tier pricing is not about Foreigner v. Thai......it's abut streetsmarts v. Falang with the wisdom and intellect of Bambi.

I still pay 50b for a taxi ride that Thais pay 70B for. Why?.....because I'm a frequent flyer and the taxi blokes know that I don't carry vaseline with me. They even call me Kuhn haa-sib-baht.

The educated and streetwise blokes that live here will agree with me. The dickheads that are too quick to blame all those racist Thais for their own repeated stupidity will no doubt strongly disagree, but I don't really give a flying phark.

Cheers w00t.gif

Some share another view where adult commercial practices mean a standard price for everybody.

Not a rule of nature of course.

But a rule prevailing instead in a social system where people dedicate their energy to more interesting and creative concerns than bargaining every single deal during their average day.

It can be called a mature economy. .. but that's for uneducated and unwise people of course..

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Wash your own truck or get the wife to take it?


hmmm,a real man would order the wife too wash it.
Welcome to TV.

ORDER a Thai wife !!!!!! unless you want your bit's cut off I suggest you don't go down that route.

When we got married my wife told me there's woman's work and men's work. The car's mine so up to me, I also have to fix the water if there's a problem also the electric everything else is woman's work. Cleaning washing ironing gardening cooking you name it woman's work. Did ask once if she would help me clean the car she got out a bucket and said that's it up to you. Don't ask anymore just pay out the 140bt for someone else to do, simple really. You'll also be pleased to hear that I still have my bit's intact.

My take away from your story is don't marry a women who would cut off your bits under any circumstances. Sooner or later you'll mess up and... snip.... then you can do the cleaning, washing, ironing and cooking.biggrin.png

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Some share another view where adult commercial practices mean a standard price for everybody.

Not a rule of nature of course.

But a rule prevailing instead in a social system where people dedicate their energy to more interesting and creative concerns than bargaining every single deal during their average day.

It can be called a mature economy. .. but that's for uneducated and unwise people of course..

Which begs the question, why do so many people turn away from your so called "mature economy" to live in Thailand... and then complain about it all?

Can such commercial practices be considered mature when it's due to lots of laws governing commercial practice - which means you would be living in a Nanny state where everything is regulated to extremes and everyone is treated as children.... the very type of country so many expats can't wait to leave.

Oh, the irony of it all....

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Wash your own truck or get the wife to take it?


hmmm,a real man would order the wife too wash it.

A real man wouldn't need to.

I treat her the same as i'd expect to be treated and I have a lot of respect for her so we do things for eachother. ;)

I wash her car for her also. smile.png

Edited by davethailand
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Foreigners are seen by Thais as "walking wallets".

A few months back I went to the zoo in Sriracha with 9 Thais (my wife and her family).

If memory serves me correctly, the Thai admission fee was 50 baht.

My admission fee was 500 baht.

Needless to say I did not enter the zoo.

Thais are "chancers". They win some they loose some.

Ditto, I never enter any paying site if my Thai family are charged the normal fee and I get asked for a higher fee unless of course a Thai friend is paying for me and then I don't know if my friend has been made to pay a higher rate for me. I'm too shy to ask.

I first encountered these rip off charges back in 1989 when wanting to enter a private zoo on top of some building in Bankok. I felt emboldened sitting outside while my Thai wife and kids went in, watching a clearly embarrassed cashier trying to look normal.

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Foreigners are seen by Thais as "walking wallets".

A few months back I went to the zoo in Sriracha with 9 Thais (my wife and her family).

If memory serves me correctly, the Thai admission fee was 50 baht.

My admission fee was 500 baht.

Needless to say I did not enter the zoo.

Thais are "chancers". They win some they loose some.

same with the sea world place on the hi way at Jontiem 500 bht for falangs and 250 for Thais but the Thai price is in Thai script so the average tourist would not know,it was waste of money anyway so bloody small in and out in less than 1 hour

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But the fact that one charges a different price based on race, makes me want to destroy that place.

get a life man, you been in los long enough now to now we pay more than the rest.

Which you suggest we should just accept, lay low and let them run over us ?

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But the fact that one charges a different price based on race, makes me want to destroy that place.

get a life man, you been in los long enough now to now we pay more than the rest.

Which you suggest we should just accept, lay low and let them run over us ?

For me yes, I'd just go somewhere else.

Your not going to win.:)

Edited by davethailand
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But the fact that one charges a different price based on race, makes me want to destroy that place.

get a life man, you been in los long enough now to now we pay more than the rest.

Which you suggest we should just accept, lay low and let them run over us ?

For me yes, I'd just go somewhere else.

Your not going to win.smile.png

Which is what I did, but I thought it was a courtesy to make other members aware of this practice, as too many on here are still wearing those pink goggles.

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But the fact that one charges a different price based on race, makes me want to destroy that place.

get a life man, you been in los long enough now to now we pay more than the rest.

Which you suggest we should just accept, lay low and let them run over us ?

For me yes, I'd just go somewhere else.

Your not going to win.smile.png

Which is what I did, but I thought it was a courtesy to make other members aware of this practice, as too many on here are still wearing those pink goggles.

Haven't been there for a while but we use the one on 3rd rd on the right just before the curve and the flyover to Bali Hi. 180bht I think. (or it was)

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All the other car washes will have been told to expect you, and to add a nice razor blade to your tire free of charge.

This and the OP, true Thainess.

By the time farang realize it, it is usually too late to move on. It takes many years to understand just how ********** they are.

Edited by yingyo
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Haven't been there for a while but we use the one on 3rd rd on the right just before the curve and the flyover to Bali Hi. 180bht I think. (or it was)

There are plenty of car washes in Pattaya, and judging from the comments in this thread, they all charge around the 200 Baht mark.

My problem was that i have lived in the Pattaya vicinity for the biggest part of my stay in Thailand, before moving to Nongplalai two years ago, and was blinded by the Pattaya prices so didn't realise that I was ripped off.

I should have known right away that a car wash that caters to 99.9% Thai customers is cheaper then whatever you can get in Pattaya, where they cater to a different public and also have higher overheads.

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