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2 things that annoy me with public transport


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Since moving to Bangkok about two years ago, I've been trying to use the public transport whenever possible. All in all I'm quite happy with that, there're plenty of connections even in less populated areas, busses come often and the fares (6,50 - 24 Baht/ticket) are more than reasonable. Sure, many busses aren't in the best condition but for almost every line there's an airconditioned alternative in a good condition. And with the help of Google Maps it takes only a few seconds to find the right bus line.

However, two things annoy me a bit. First is the way people think about other people who use the public transport. I once talked to a girl, a university student, who was surprised when I told her I commute to work by bus: "I thought you were hi-so." It wasn't the first time I heard something like that.

I know that appearance matters a lot in Thai society, but this is just plain stupid in my opinion. My work place is somewhat 20km far away from my home, there's a direct air-conditioned bus that brings me right on front of the door. I don't see any reason in taking a taxi which would cost me at least 160 Baht when I can take the bus for 19 Baht with similar comfort and maybe 10 minutes extra travel time. If people feel the need to take a taxi when they might as well could take the bus and spend three, four or five times as much, I can't stop them. Even if I "lose face" in the eyes of some people, I'll continue to use the bus.

Second is the people's behaviour. Whenever the bus stops, people who want to get on the bus stand directly in front of the doors and block the people getting off the bus. Sometimes they even start to get in while other people are getting off, forcing them to squeeze through the narrow doors and delaying the procedure even more.

Inside the bus, people always try to sit as far away from each other as possible. Some even prefer to stand if there's no single seat left. If two people sit together and there's a single seat becoming empty, one of them immediatly stands up and almost runs towards the seat as if they can't endure sitting next to a stranger any more second.

It's a great contrast between the way Thais like to see themselves, as friendly, sociable and easy-going people. I even find it quite impolite. But since I've never heard any Thai complaining about that, I just assume this is just a cultural thing. Or am I just too sensitive?

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Thais are different. Here in Chiang Mai I use public transportation. Many is the time I have sat in the vehicle in a traffic jam whole the driver be it tuck tuck or songthaew sits quietly no problem.

but get on the elevator and they are pushing the close button while people are still getting on.

Go figure.36_12_14.gif

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I have to be honest ... you issues have nothing to do with Public Transport and everything to do how you perceive interactions in the public realm.

My perceptions are completely different.

Take a songthaew ... everyone accommodates the new passenger.

A BTS or Metro ... narry an empty seat.

A ferry on the Chao Phraya ... ditto

I have never recalled having a person leaving sitting next to me on a bus.


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Maybe you are too sensitive!

I hear stories all the time about the Thai pre-occupation with classes (hi-so, low class, class less) I have never once heard from a Thai make such a reference, also the need to save face, despite my 13 years in Thailand, I have never seen a case of a person "trying to save face" a daily topic on TV,

Maybe it is because I chose not to criticize Thailand to Thai's, or I go out of my way to be friendly and trying not to be judgmental.

Cheers:smile.png .

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Maybe you are too sensitive!

I hear stories all the time about the Thai pre-occupation with classes (hi-so, low class, class less) I have never once heard from a Thai make such a reference, also the need to save face, despite my 13 years in Thailand, I have never seen a case of a person "trying to save face" a daily topic on TV,

Maybe it is because I chose not to criticize Thailand to Thai's, or I go out of my way to be friendly and trying not to be judgmental.

Cheers:smile.png .

its not a preoccupation but it IS a realization. and no one TALKS about saving face but many actions are based on that desire.

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I would not be caught dead in public transport .. your no more then a vagabond if you cant afford a car or bike. What the hell are you doing here cheesy.gif

Seriously many Thais use public transport and in my opinion (when i still used it before the car and bike) there were not many empty seats they were always filled.

I would not care about hi so or lo so, some Thais might think that way but why impress a university girl she probably measures wealth like that. Some do if the guy does not spend money for nothing he is not wort pursuing because its hard to drain him of his money.

My reason for not using the bus its simple you say a 10 minute difference with a taxi.. i say on longer distances at least 30-40 minutes. I also like my bike its even faster and gives independence.

Financially its only logical to take a bus if you have to travel every day and pay 160 bt x 2 per day will cut into your finances. It is not much but if you count it for a whole month you can do other things with it that are nice.

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