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Aussie arrested in Pattaya for sexually assaulting 11-year-old girl

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If he is convicted, whatever happens, DON'T send him back to Australia.

The best punishment is a THAI PRISON where he can become the "wife" of many inmates.

If he is sent back to OZ, the "do-gooders" will have him sprung out of the hotel....er sorry.... JAIL (which in Australia is probably as good as any 3-star hotel here.) As I said, keep him here in Thailand and let "Inhuman, inmate nature" take its course.

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If this is true, then it reinforces my opinion that castration should be mandatory for all rape and paedo offenders. As well as a good kicking and a spell in prison.

Use a rusty knife on the paedos.

Edited to add: A 'blunt' rusty knife.


Obviously, you are unaware that castration has no effect on the perversion, neither does it effect having an erection. For Example, Cleopatra had a favorite castrated slave, that Julius Caesar insisted be executed so that she would pay attention to him...

I am not negating the circumstances, as unwilling is unwilling, regardless of age. However, this is not news in Thailand, as stepfathers seem to be caught often with their stepdaughters, both willing and unwilling. Plus, there are still 'pleasure houses' with underage girls, though often Cambodian or Lao girls brought here illegally.

If paid off, the BIB ignore the age laws.


Don't know what sickens me more.... the alleged act of the Australian or the horrifically brutal penalties suggested by far-right wing TV members.

The alleged act should sicken you more. No doubt at all.

The suggested penalties, he fully deserves


Let us clear one thing up.

He 'may' be Australian on a certificate of some type.

'But' he is definitely 'not' Australian.

He possibly has spent less time in Australia than Thailand or any other part of the globe!

<deleted> why does it matter - he is an alleged paedophile. More than just a few white Anglo Saxon Australians are convicted of child sexual abuse offences within Australia and overseas.

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These sick pervs give the regular dirty old men a bad name.

That's what I say. There nothing like a clean, dirty old man.

If this is all fair dinkum, no b/s, then what . . .

somebody did say a bullet . . . it certainly removes some problems quickly.

The worst thing is that this guy is not only depraved, but a bully of the worst kind.

I am sure that sooner or later, his karma will come home . . .


has been been previously accused of sexual offences,

so maybe thailand should look into who they are letting in to country,

I guess then there would be more going out then coming in 555

Talking sense here. Every time one of these unsavoury incidents surfaces, it begs the question what's being done to stop developing countries becoming a playground for paedophiles, namely preventative measures rather than reactive measures. There was a report on TV not long ago of an English guy getting caught and he had previous in his own country. How hard can it be to ensure anyone with previous sex offences to their name is denied entry? On a separate note, when I clocked the alleged offender's name, it was all too predictable that the brains trust would surface suggesting his offence was to do with his possible origins.


Teh Fxxx...considering how easy it is out here to grab some flange at anytime of the day or night why would you get onto your 11yr old step daughter ?

Hope this lad has an "accident" in the holding cells and never makes it before a judge.

If he went out and paid an underage girl and had what appeared to be consensual sex with her, it would still not be okay!! I expect he didn't because he is a sociopath and the fear and pain that his step daughter went through on a daily basis would be a huge turn on for him. He undoubtedly got real pleasure from lying to his wife as well, and I'm sure hurting her was part of the game. I hope he rots in prison.

You need to try and get on the jury... to hell with the evidence !! Who needs it.? You are one sick puppy.

I'm so sorry!!! I stand corrected. Of course he could be an innocent falsely accused by an 11 year old harpy. Poor man, and to think this has happened to him before! It just goes to show how vile some children can be...........So unfair of the Thai authorities to expect him to have a visa too. He was probably in Pattaya for the water sports and didn't even notice the sex trade. You're right spoonman, I'm the sick puppy here, not the great guy who has obviously been falsely accused. Maybe his neighbours should be locked up instead. My heartfelt apologies...........NOT

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Pattaya, the hub of high end tourists. If you allow a location to become a toilet then do not be surprised if so many people take a shit in it.

Yep, maybe now the Pattaya defenders will admit that Pattaya does have a pedophile problem. "It doesn't happen here anymore than anywhere else if the world..."

Yea right.

What's that the seventh "reported" case this year?


Bloody nonce!

Though I am sure somebody will be along shortly claiming that all this is a fishy story and the Thais are in on it, if other posts are anything to go by.

This is a fishy story and the Thais are in on it,

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One Bullet...

That`s exactly what I was going to say. It`s a favorite expression of mine when it comes to Pedos and rapists.

They would never reoffend xbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ic.r24L-a7U61.web alt=biggrin.png width=20 height=20>

Would be a shame though if not guilty and it is a contrived scam by a disgruntled wife....he obviously would not be able to make a comeback and how would you feel having pulled the trigger, or supplied the bullet.

Great, more fodder for people when they see me taking my stepdaughter or stepson home. I have seriously been stopped in the street and asked who I am and where the kids parents are. I guess that is a good thing overall, but it gets annoying getting labelled a pedo for picking your stepkids up from school. Thanks to %&*$s like this......argh.....

It is a bad thing that people have to be made feel like that, but yes, an overall good thing most likely and depending on how it is approached by the other party.

However, doubt as to its success rates as anyone guilty in such a situation could just confidentially pass it off as such and usually the accuser/questioner would be none the wiser and on his/her merry way.

But it is good the thought pattern is there and awareness is about.


Paedophilia has only one cure and that is castration, it is one of the few crimes that cannot be treated by therapy and they will always re-offend.

Once proven, it is an easy and cheap remedy, even painless, if that were required, though I think many of you consider that an unnecessary expense.

If it were my daughter, I would do it before before I killed him, just to teach him a lesson.

But as mentioned in another post, does it actually stop it?

I do not know, need to research it.

However, just thinking about it would put me off any erection. Just need to know if it stops the chemical balance also.


I hope the girl is doing okay, but that's unlikely given the circumstances. I think if she were making a false claim as several have suggested that she would have told her mother or the police directly. (Not that I'm suggesting people who do this are liars.) Telling neighbours seems like something you would do if you were genuinely afraid, and not sure what to do. The neighbours made the claim, not the girl, and they obviously believed her.

I hope there is some DNA evidence, but even if there isn't being able to describe the guy's tackle is worth something. That's what happened in Michael Jackson's case, but of course he walked. He had all kinds of support even though there was a huge mountain of evidence at the end that he was molesting kids. Hope that doesn't happen here if indeed this guy is guilty. And I hope the mother isn't as negligent as she seems.


Child predators in most cases is about control and not sex. Control is what get's these people off.

I am extremely glad that this girl had the will to tell someone what was happening to her.

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probably not good but in a country where I have been attacked by Thai males in public areas in front of police several times for no reason and with no police response, and where the police sell yaabaa in the soi 9 cells, I suspect he was just unlucky or didnt have enough money


Bloody nonce!

Though I am sure somebody will be along shortly claiming that all this is a fishy story and the Thais are in on it, if other posts are anything to go by.

Let the man have his day in court, no one here knows all the facts.
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maybe all those muscles are compensation for lack of tackle

Big muscles usually are, but it looks more like fat to me, I would say that he is grossly overweight.


Bloody nonce!

Though I am sure somebody will be along shortly claiming that all this is a fishy story and the Thais are in on it, if other posts are anything to go by.

Let the man have his day in court, no one here knows all the facts.

How pleasantly naive of you.

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