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Aussie arrested in Pattaya for sexually assaulting 11-year-old girl

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Teh Fxxx...considering how easy it is out here to grab some flange at anytime of the day or night why would you get onto your 11yr old step daughter ?

Hope this lad has an "accident" in the holding cells and never makes it before a judge.

Life would be good...in the Tiger cells off Vietnam! In any Ozy prison he would get a lot of attention! Chemical or physical castration seems the order of the day....if he's guilty of course!

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Don't know what sickens me more.... the alleged act of the Australian or the horrifically brutal penalties suggested by far-right wing TV members.

What would you suggest? After he had had his way with your daughter/niece/sister! wai.gif


Don't know what sickens me more.... the alleged act of the Australian or the horrifically brutal penalties suggested by far-right wing TV members.

What would you suggest? After he had had his way with your daughter/niece/sister! wai.gif

I wonder if it is the 'alleged' act that is causing him the confusion.


Judging by his name, it sound like he's a 'new' Australian, not that it makes any

different, a pedophile is a pedophile under any name, and he be found guilty,

I hope they throw the book at him.. literally..

if it doesn't make any difference why did you write it.It doesn't matter where you come from and how long you have been there in this situation.We are all new compared to 40 million years.


Wait and see - the do-gooders have made the world into a place where right thinking people's opinions no longer prevail.

The idea of castration is a waste of everyone's time - he should just be taken out back , shot like a dog and left in a dumpster.

This of course will not happen....


Should the allegations be true, I certainly hope he is placed with a cellie that will show him just how "fun" it is to be on the receiving end of a rape....repeatedly. Then threaten him with death should he tell the guards or anyone else.

And what makes you think he would not like that???

Well, being a pedophile does not mean you are gay. He likes little girls.


Where are all the Pattaya residents that were claiming that Pattaya doesn't have a pedo problem???

Actually, it is still quite a problem all over the world. Wasn't a large pedo ring just busted in Europe?


Judging by his name, it sound like he's a 'new' Australian, not that it makes any

different, a pedophile is a pedophile under any name, and he be found guilty,

I hope they throw the book at him.. literally..

You figure this from the name "Ben"? A very good mate of mine is called Ben and he is 5th generation Aussie.

Regardless, it does not matter if he is an Aborigine or jumped the ship yesterday, he is vermin.

His name is Mr Ben Agame Ofar, sounds like and looks like quite a "new Australian" but his nationality makes no difference really.

Migrants have been going to Oz for 200 +years,what's new.

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Let us clear one thing up.

He 'may' be Australian on a certificate of some type.

'But' he is definitely 'not' Australian.

He possibly has spent less time in Australia than Thailand or any other part of the globe!

Clear as mud.Ozzy passport,he's an Ozzy.Maybe something else as well.


He has not been found guilty yet. He could have been framed. Or threatened with blackmail. Why do these cases bring out such venom in people wishing him horrific violence. It could be something deep in their mind that is triggered off and a sense of guilt that they might have the same tendency ,otherwise why the terrible venom. If it is true then I feel sorry for the little girl. But do not wish all hell onto this man until he is found guilty. Do you have the same outlet for your frustrations when thousands of people are killed in a war?

The "hang 'em high" brigade is alive and kicking. Having said that, as a father of a 14-year old daughter I also wish anyone like that a life in hell if convicted.

Oh give it a rest already. Most are being careful to preface their comment with an "if guilty..." or the equivalent. Decent people are inclined to vent a little when it comes to pedophilia and pedophiles; nothing wrong with that. Frankly, THEIR motivation seems MUCH more clear and less open to question than that of the wannabe public defenders... Now listen carefully: IF GUILTY, castration IS too good for this guy, and IF NOT, then THAT'S the same reward that should be meted out to those setting him up.


I know this guy from Universe Gym in Pattaya, never had any clue he was a child molester. bah.gif

Hope he get what he deserve if he get convicted and I feel sorry for the little girl he abused.


Should the allegations be true, I certainly hope he is placed with a cellie that will show him just how "fun" it is to be on the receiving end of a rape....repeatedly. Then threaten him with death should he tell the guards or anyone else.

You seen how big the guy is? Who's gonna rape him?


If this is true, then it reinforces my opinion that castration should be mandatory for all rape and paedo offenders. As well as a good kicking and a spell in prison.

Use a rusty knife on the paedos.

Edited to add: A 'blunt' rusty knife.

You're right.......and cut off thief's hands, cut off traffic-offenders's right-foot, take out voyeurs' eyes and ripp-out an alcoholic's liver.

OK.....has nothing to do with rape or what so ever; just came into my mind.

Let's wait for a trial first, before judging and convicting people.

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I hate rockspiders

You are not the Lone Ranger.

welcome to pattaya, city of pervs, just throw away the key and lock this bastard

In all fairness Cambodia, where I live, seems to be the real nonce heaven. Two guys nailed this week, one an English teacher with a previous conviction, the other one a guy here in Siem Reap who has been convicted twice before......

And that are only the ones caught and only the ones that make good headlines, foreigners. Don't forget the others out there going about this and never caught, never even questioned.

Where is the likes of SISHA with all their millions and The Grayman with their less than millions, but lots of motivation.

I think this "seems" more true than it is - remember we see the English language press and it is obviously more news worthy to carry westerner crimes (by or against) than purely national ones. I personally know of a Thai, a Naval NCO, who was sent to the Bangkok Hilton for raping his 12 year old daughter (biological, not step) - in that case it had happened often, the father was a drunk and abusive, and forced himself on his wife or daughter at will - both were too scared to talk and neighbours knew nothing about it (I knew the neighbours). It only came to light when it was discovered that the 12 year old had HIV and the source of it was sought - the mother and father also had HIV (he also, it turned out, frequented low class brothels in the area). The mother also gained an easy divorce when he was imprisoned and moved away with the daughter. Nothing was in the press, Western or Thai. He was sent down for several years, but never found out the exact time he was given. He did get out though, alive (rumours said that he had full blown AIDS by that time due to lack of treatment for the HIV). The girl and her mother cam to my wedding 16 years ago - she was 11 then, very friendly, but quiet young girl - I wondered since if she was being abused at that time - my wife says the police had said it had been happening for years, so I guess so.

Thais do not take crimes against kids lightly IMO - I remember a few years back live coverage on Thai TV of a guy holding a knife to some kids throat (5 year old I think), a crowd around him including police and other villagers - it was somewhere out in the sticks. Eventually he was coaxed into putting the kid down, and the crowd imploded on him - kicking the crap out of him - the police took their time calming the situation down. There are cases such as you mention - to some money covers all sins - but I think it is harder to get away with than shooting a neighbour during a drunken row. That little Burmese girl with the melted arm does come to mind however, where the police returned her to the abusers after she escaped and went to them for help - now there are people that should be strung up (cops too)!


Who knows if its true or not you already know how some Thai's jump on the band wagon to screw Farangs AND IT SAID HE WAS ACCUSED BEFORE not convicted so if he did why is he not in prison already another scam to screw a Farang if you ask me. We had a priest here who was accused of sexually abusing a young girl he was ridiculed something terrible and hung himself. It turned out the young girl was lying and had accused someone before which she also lied about, So what about innocent till proven guilty, how would you like to be that situation would you like people to judge you and pass nasty comments till your proven guilty. Shame on all of you for your rash judgement hope you don't find yourself in the same situation. If he is truly innocent I wish him the best of luck in proven his innocence because it likes he will need it as you all have judged him already and you are Farangs so what chance will he have in a Thai court

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Who knows if its true or not you already know how some Thai's jump on the band wagon to screw Farangs AND IT SAID HE WAS ACCUSED BEFORE not convicted so if he did why is he not in prison already another scam to screw a Farang if you ask me. We had a priest here who was accused of sexually abusing a young girl he was ridiculed something terrible and hung himself. It turned out the young girl was lying and had accused someone before which she also lied about, So what about innocent till proven guilty, how would you like to be that situation would you like people to judge you and pass nasty comments till your proven guilty. Shame on all of you for your rash judgement hope you don't find yourself in the same situation. If he is truly innocent I wish him the best of luck in proven his innocence because it likes he will need it as you all have judged him already and you are Farangs so what chance will he have in a Thai court

It is actually sickening that people are named and shamed on arrest and not prosecution - the body should not have shown his face (pixilation) and should not have stated his name. If he is found not guilty, many will still not believe it and he will forever by stigmatised and open for abuse. The press should not be allowed to name and shame anyone until the case is proven - anywhere! Most of us do not know this guy, so his name is irrelevant - for those that do, it will undoubtedly cause them to change their perception of him, innocent or guilty. If he is found not guilty, or the case is dismissed, lets hope he makes full use of the libel laws here against the media, accusers and authorities - just like any Thai politician would!

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IF this guy is not guilty, having his name and phot splattered all over the internet is really bad news.

On the other hand if he is guilty as charged at least everyone will know who he is.

Guilty? He deserves everything he get in the way of punishment.


Pattaya, the hub of high end tourists. If you allow a location to become a toilet then do not be surprised if so many people take a shit in it.

Yep, maybe now the Pattaya defenders will admit that Pattaya does have a pedophile problem. "It doesn't happen here anymore than anywhere else if the world..."

Yea right.

What's that the seventh "reported" case this year?

Seventh reported case this year in a city with 500.000 inhabitans and millions of visitors ?!?!

Most westerns cities with similar size has more reported cases of pedophilia than Pattaya..................no need to bash Pattaya and put a label on people living or visiting here.

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I wonder why the girl felt it impossible to tell the mother??

Think about that.

Afraid that the mother is biased as she is in love with that nice Aussie?

You could be correct, but without ever really knowing, then we will never know, will we? That makes one guess just as good as the other. You made a good point also, but we simply do not know. The seriousness of the charges compel me to take the higher road and hold my condemnation until the cold hard facts are revealed by a reputable entity, which we all know does not exist in this soulless land.

If he is innocent, and it is possible, then it does not matter; for those of you out there who do not understand the way things work here when a foreigner gets pulled into an accusation.

If he is innocent, then anyone who is in the know will support me in saying that it is far easier to take the easier way out and pay the blackmailers and then go somewhere else in the world, or hope that you are not a familiar face to the general public and end up getting further stigmatized over something you did not do, but ended up being painted the evil person by every kind of treachery known to man and used in full force by the sweet Thais against you.

No! He is already in it, and even if he is innocent, he could not even resort to seeking justice in a court system that simply will not allow him to get that justice. From bottom to top and top to bottom, they will impede him, lie about what he did, fabricate evidence based solely on the testimony of worthless excuses for human beings and the whole lot that goes along with it. Why? Because he didn't pay the money, and to hell with what really happened! Yes. That is true, I am afraid.

If he is innocent, and if he did have the money to seek justice, then it is conceivable that he would spend years in doing so and not gain one step towards that justice ever! The Thai legal system is simply not set up for that kind of thinking and restitution or vindication when a foreigner is accused of anything which reaches this level of attention.

The regrettable thing is, if he is guilty, then this lunatic system will aid him. If he is guilty, then I am certain he does not give a dam_n what any of you think, and he is confident that this lunatic system will ensure his freedom much sooner than anywhere else. Just pay the bribe.

And that is the lunacy of it. The Thais only want money. They could care less about the accusation or the crime and/or the effect it has on the people involved.

No! Trying to clear you name in Thailand when accused of something, and being dragged before a dirt-bag S.O.B. behind a desk, is not a venture that has any future.

That is why I am so remiss to judge him; because the system turns the kind of decencies and reckonings that all these posters imply into a meaningless thing, regardless of guilt or innocence... because you are all harping on about something that the Thais could care less about: Justice!

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Judging by his name, it sound like he's a 'new' Australian, not that it makes any

different, a pedophile is a pedophile under any name, and he be found guilty,

I hope they throw the book at him.. literally..

you are right, it doesn't look like an Aborigine name.

  • Like 2

Judging by his name, it sound like he's a 'new' Australian, not that it makes any

different, a pedophile is a pedophile under any name, and he be found guilty,

I hope they throw the book at him.. literally..

you are right, it doesn't look like an Aborigine name.

Doesn't Australia have a large problem with underage sex in a certain community?

Perhaps all the annonymous posters on here advocating sadistic punishments on someone not even tried yet could go to Oz and sort out the problems there.

  • Like 1

Judging by his name, it sound like he's a 'new' Australian, not that it makes any

different, a pedophile is a pedophile under any name, and he be found guilty,

I hope they throw the book at him.. literally..

you are right, it doesn't look like an Aborigine name.

Doesn't Australia have a large problem with underage sex in a certain community?

Perhaps all the annonymous posters on here advocating sadistic punishments on someone not even tried yet could go to Oz and sort out the problems there.

Yes it does with thousands of children having been sexually abused & more than likely continue to do so by those claiming themselves to be Christian


A number of posts suggesting illegal acts have been deleted. Despite the understandable and reasonable horror most people have at the thought of pedophilia, suggestions of conducting violence has no place in the forum.

Please temper further posts with that in mind.



Australian arrested in Pattaya over sexual assault charges involving 11 year old girl


PATTAYA: -- Officers from the Police Region 2 Child and Women Protection Unit, acting on an arrest warrant, arrested a 50 year old Australian on Thursday afternoon, accused of 4 counts of sexual assaulting a minor aged 11 years old.

Officers arrested Mr. Ben Agame Ofar on the strength of arrest warrant number 693/2556 dated 31st October and issued by the Pattaya Provincial Court. The warrant states that the suspect is accused of sexually assaulting his girlfriend’s daughter who is aged 11 years, 4 times over the period of his 6 month-relationship with the victim’s Mother.

It is claimed that the girl was threatened by Mr. Ofar not to tell anyone about the alleged assaults but eventually she told a neighbor as she was too afraid to tell her Mother.

Full story: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/107578/australian-arrested-pattaya-sexual-assault-charges-involving-11-year-girl/


-- Pattaya One 2013-11-01

Look more like Arabs than Aussies!!!!!!!!!!!!

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