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500 Baht fine for Fake Watch Vendor who stabbed a German on Pattaya Beach

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Very scary. Yes of course if you are in Pattaya or Patpong or somewhere similar then this kind of incident is more likely to happen to you, just down to the types that tend to frequent those areas in large numbers. Problem is this is not an issue with location, but law and justice. A similar incident to this could happen anywhere in the country and the punishment and accountability for such crimes is just not sufficient. No Thai bashing or apologist attitude but it is time for this kind of thing to get a bit of spotlight in some renowned international newspapers.

On a personal level this does worry me, certainly time to weigh up other options and I would consider myself someone who is footloose and fancy free and will take risks more than your average person in terms of residency. If I was a more responsible family man there is no way I would bring my family to Thailand.

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Very scary. Yes of course if you are in Pattaya or Patpong or somewhere similar then this kind of incident is more likely to happen to you, just down to the types that tend to frequent those areas in large numbers. Problem is this is not an issue with location, but law and justice. A similar incident to this could happen anywhere in the country and the punishment and accountability for such crimes is just not sufficient. No Thai bashing or apologist attitude but it is time for this kind of thing to get a bit of spotlight in some renowned international newspapers.

On a personal level this kind of thing does worry me, certainly time to weigh up other options and I would consider myself someone who is footloose and fancy free and will take risks more than your average person in terms of residency. If I was a more responsible family man there is no way I would bring my family to Thailand.

I could be wrong but i do believe that Thais are fined about the same for street fights. A friend of mine (Thai citizen) got into a fight with another Thai. They were both arrested and charged 500 or something like that for street fighting. The fact that he had a knife should have been a steeper fine, but still a fine.


No Thai bashing or apologist attitude but it is time for this kind of thing to get a bit of spotlight in some renowned international newspapers.

I could be wrong but Im sure there are a lot of Thais that are sick of it as well and beginning to stand up to it, but its dangerous for them to speak out.
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A part of me always wonders about these stories, I've been here for ten years full time and nearer twenty on a semi full time basis and not only have these things not happened to me, I've never seen them happen to anyone else.

silly comment, you are not omnipotent, you are not everywhere at the same time, you can not witness everything.

And to make it worst you don't even speak the language, you are not able to read the thai newspaper,

not able to hold a talk with your thai neighbor. You dont work for the thai police or a foreign embassy, in a thai hospital.

Well here, you are just a retired blind and deaf foreigner.

I said your comment is silly, the same if you did say you never get raped in all your lifetime. So because its never happened to you, so rape doesnt exist!

One more word, each time a foreigner got assaulted, i just wish he is an apologist ...


500 baht fine for a violent, armed attack on a 70 year old for an accidental street bump?.

Utter idiocy!

A 19 year-old stabbing a 70 year old guy. Wow ! These Thais are brave aren't they? The BIB looks like he finds it amusing. Pity a few Farang couldn't teach this piece of scum a little lesson in respect for elders.

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Anyone else noticed how SHORT FUSED, and SHORT TEMPERED the Thais have become in the last few years? 10 years ago you still had a "solly" or "khothoat krap" but now its just "f*&K you", "Khee Nok", and "go back your country"

Farang have everything they desire and will never have.

And they utterly hate you for it.

I am speaking for the majority of those with less than you, that have no chance of attaining such.


A part of me always wonders about these stories, I've been here for ten years full time and nearer twenty on a semi full time basis and not only have these things not happened to me, I've never seen them happen to anyone else.

So what. Remove the rose tints, and open your eyes. If you are in Chaing Mai then you wont see things that happen in Pattaya, will you ? Read the news, it happens every day. WISE UP and accept it happens.


500 baht fine for a violent, armed attack on a 70 year old for an accidental street bump?.

Utter idiocy!

So much for the supposed ingrained Thai respect for elders...

I see this as a disturbing trend; a Thai has a bad day and takes it out on a tourist. Sort of like a badge of honor as in Assult a tourist, pay a small cash fine, and walk away with your head high. This fake watch seller is showing the world that 500 baht means nothing to him, well worth the face he gained among his fellow thugs, not to mention the cop smiling approvingly.

Scary man...

Maybe the Thai respect for elders doesn't include 70 year old foreigners with 20 year old Thai girlfriends??coffee1.gif

Wonder why?

Why are you always making snide remarks, regarding older men having younger wives,g/f. Did you loose a g/f to an older guy and now you cannot get over it?. Or could it be that you are either jealouse of the older men or more likely impotent?. I agree!


^ Careful, that's borderline Lese Majeste, punishable by 15 years in prison.

even being accused is a year in jail if you arent wealthy, cheaper to take out your frustrations on a random farang


500 baht fine for a violent, armed attack on a 70 year old for an accidental street bump?.

Utter idiocy!

So much for the supposed ingrained Thai respect for elders...

I see this as a disturbing trend; a Thai has a bad day and takes it out on a tourist. Sort of like a badge of honor as in Assult a tourist, pay a small cash fine, and walk away with your head high. This fake watch seller is showing the world that 500 baht means nothing to him, well worth the face he gained among his fellow thugs, not to mention the cop smiling approvingly.

Scary man...

Maybe the Thai respect for elders doesn't include 70 year old foreigners with 20 year old Thai girlfriends??coffee1.gif

Wonder why?

And your point is ????? You condone what the watch seller did ??

If you have nothing to say then keep quiet . Remember empty vessels make the most noise but I think that would go straight over your head also


I guess he got off lucky. I mean, if he had actually stabbed and killed the man, he would have had to pay a whopping 1000 for his get-out-of-jail-free pass.

Pffft. These fines are a joke. Fine him, then "deport" him back to whatever muang he hails from with a warning of jail time if he is caught vending in any of the major tourist areas. The threat of getting "fired"would be a much bigger deterrent to this kind of rage-crime than a measly 500B fine.

Anyone else noticed how SHORT FUSED, and SHORT TEMPERED the Thais have become in the last few years? 10 years ago you still had a "solly" or "khothoat krap" but now its just "f*&K you", "Khee Nok", and "go back your country"

Farang have everything they desire and will never have.

And they utterly hate you for it.

I am speaking for the majority of those with less than you, that have no chance of attaining such.

Well, then they should ask theirself why they´ll never achieve that and who´s at fault?

But´s more easy to attack someone of who they think is at fault/enemy (unfortunately that happens anywhere in the world)

One thing is for sure though, too many drunk white s*it*. Sometimes i feel embarassed for fellow countrymen/westerners, as a Thai i wouldn´t welcome such individuals either.

Anyone else noticed how SHORT FUSED, and SHORT TEMPERED the Thais have become in the last few years? 10 years ago you still had a "solly" or "khothoat krap" but now its just "f*&K you", "Khee Nok", and "go back your country"

Farang have everything they desire and will never have.

And they utterly hate you for it.

I am speaking for the majority of those with less than you, that have no chance of attaining such.

Well, then they should ask theirself why they´ll never achieve that and who´s at fault?

Introspection is not common in a large percentage of the human race.


Maybe the Thai respect for elders doesn't include 70 year old foreigners with 20 year old Thai girlfriends??coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Wonder why?


Not having respect is fine. The issue is with a guy who attacks another with a knife and is given a slap on the wrist fine, hardly a deterrent is it? Maybe this guy will be working in a neighborhood near you soon and may not have respect for you for whatever reason, clearly reason enough to knife someone right? The law seems to somewhat agree as the attacker in this case probably only lost a days earnings or so for carrying an offensive weapon, using that offensive weapon on another whilst in the activity of selling counterfeit goods.

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Maybe the Thai respect for elders doesn't include 70 year old foreigners with 20 year old Thai girlfriends??coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Wonder why?


How about 70 year old Thai men with 20 year old Thai 'girlfriends' .... I know of a few of them, are they afforded a similar amount of respect? ..... or is it not even mentioned?


This is outragous by any standards. Did a judge or a local police station issue the 500b fine ?

The German should send a sms from this mungrels phone and he will get 20 years in prison and die there.


Maybe the Thai respect for elders doesn't include 70 year old foreigners with 20 year old Thai girlfriends??coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Wonder why?


How about 70 year old Thai men with 20 year old Thai 'girlfriends' .... I know of a few of them, are they afforded a similar amount of respect? ..... or is it not even mentioned?

There are about 10,000 hookers in Pattaya and 10,000 unemployed, bitter Thai boyfriends.

They hate us. Cops too.


Maybe the Thai respect for elders doesn't include 70 year old foreigners with 20 year old Thai girlfriends??coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Wonder why?


How about 70 year old Thai men with 20 year old Thai 'girlfriends' .... I know of a few of them, are they afforded a similar amount of respect? ..... or is it not even mentioned?

There are about 10,000 hookers in Pattaya and 10,000 unemployed, bitter Thai boyfriends.

They hate us. Cops too.

How does that statement have any relevance to my post?


Wow truly unbelievable , what a joke 500 baht for assault with a knife and in true brave Thai fashion on an old man ! Malaysia looking better everyday !

Yep, if the Thais keep putting the price of beer up, then Malaysia is going to look good to me too.

I believe the next alcohol tax increase is scheduled for December.



500 baht fine for a violent, armed attack on a 70 year old for an accidental street bump?.

Utter idiocy!

This country is one of, the sickest countries in the world if not the sickest.

And every day the cretins in the judiciary demonstrate that they too have the collective IQ's of an ant.

"sick, sick, sick' bah.gif

Really? In a world where in some countries mass slaughter takes place every day because of religious and ethnic disputes. Where women are kept as virtual slaves in their homes in others, where everything you say and write is monitored by a huge security apparatus.

Those countries are not well known for being holiday or retirement destinations though are they?

and I don't think they don't try to promote themselves as such either.


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