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500 Baht fine for Fake Watch Vendor who stabbed a German on Pattaya Beach


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It is almost always a 500 baht fine when a thai assaults a foreigner. The severity of the assault does not seem to matter. This also explains why some thais now seem to assault tourists just for fun, they know there is no risk to them, even if they get caught.

That's true. However, there is an alternative. The miscreant can be sent to court if the victim insists and has a hospital report.

I was mildly assaulted some time ago and reported the incident to the police. The Lt Col in charge insisted that I go to Banglamung Hospital and get a medical report so that the case could be sent to court. I was tired and just wanted to go home. The Lt Col urged me to get the report and asked me to wait while he prepared a form to present to the hospital. Cost of the report was 200 baht. All in all, a long drawn out process but it sends a message to the assailant that he can't pounce on people and get away with it for 500 baht. Of course that only works with a resident who is prepared to see the process through.

If more people were aware of this alternative and prepared to pursue it we might see some impact on the lawlessness in this town.

As you said yourself, it only works for persistent residents. A tourist is not going to stay in Thailand for the next few years in order to see a couert case through, so statement or no statement, at the first court hearing when the tourist fails to show up, the case will be dismissed.

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These news site need to be shut down asap and charged with making Thailand look bad.

The only one who makes Thailand look bad is Thailand itself.

Maybe the German was an idiot and provoced that guy, but still, what is the right thing to do? Hint: It has nothing to do with a knife.

Edited by I knew this would happen
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And in Phuket,....2 farangs ( Russian i think ) were fined 7500 baht each for drinking a beer in the police station grounds whilst waiting for a matter to be dealt with.

Sooner or later Thailand is going to inevitably pay a price for its "2-tiered" system of justice and scornful attitude when it comes to the safety of foreigners. ...a price Phuket is already starting to pay. The invested expats mostly keep their eyes & ears closed to it, understandably I guess; like a stockowner who's watching his assets slowly bleed away and just sure there'll have to be a "correction". Ashame really.

The water side of Beach Rd. is a good way to get around the pedestrians blocking the sidewalk on the shop side if you keep your pace up and maintain sort of a "buffer zone" around you as you go, but it's just not a great place for a leisurely stroll, not after dark anyway. Not saying it's totally unsafe really, just not a good place for "making new acquaintances"...

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Wonder what the fine would be if it was a farang stabbing a 70 year old Thai man in the hand.Hypocrisy of the highest order,but this is what you have to expect,when a Thai gets charged 40baht and a farang 400 baht to enter a tourist attraction.Don't know why there's not a huge sign in english stating.''If you love to be discrimanated against,congratulations you've come to the right place''

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So, now i wonder again, what is the sense of the Tourist Court in Pattaya?

And what about this silly crackdowns every few months? Here is a dualsystem in many ways. When Thais get caught with yaba or weapons, it isn't a big problem for them. I heard many storys from bargirls. They pay a relatively low fine and then they are free to go. Get a farang caught, it's a completly different story.

Then, every few weeks they collect loitering Girls and Ladyboys. Then the get fined with 100 Baht. Even such, which are already wellknown by the BIB are free to go after the payment. As you can read often on the local news, th police shows to victims of a crime some photos from Ladyboys. If the victim recognize the face, the police is able to find the LB in a short time period, because, they know where to search.

As long the BiB keep this way, nothing will change.

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The other way around??

Jail for the German, huge pay off to the filthy cops, huge fee to the corrupt lawyer and a nice fat thank you to the equally corrupt "judge"

Thai= 500 baht fine

Foreigner= Jail for a few days or week plus pay offs of around 100,000 baht and a criminal conviction on his record.

Yep. Justice and fairness are alive and well in this lovely land of happiness and smiles.

This country disgusts me.

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500 baht fine for a violent, armed attack on a 70 year old for an accidental street bump?.

Utter idiocy!

Welcome to TIT... is such cases I just tell the police officer, write me one fine for 500 baht also... and give me one bloody swing at the guy with whatever object I can find... Damn I'd even stab him with a spoon... and then we are equal.

This is such a racist, tier priced, tier mentality country. After 22 years living and working here, there is NOTHING left of the land of smiles. Land of stabs, Land of rip-offs, land of anything but smiles... really makes me glad I sold my business and am finally moving on from this place. I've had good times, great times, but lately, the negative list is overpopulating the positive list.

as for the 70 year old. If he was a tourist, well then he is screwed as he couldn't do anything. If he is a retiree, then he should get a lawyer and sew the guy for aggravated assault with intent to injure. That will give 2 years by Thai law, and 4 years if after sunset, if he pleads not guilty and found guilty.

Anyone else noticed how SHORT FUSED, and SHORT TEMPERED the Thais have become in the last few years? 10 years ago you still had a "solly" or "khothoat krap" but now its just "f*&K you", "Khee Nok", and "go back your country"

YEP that will definitely help improve tourism. as will the 500 Baht entrance fee... just to breathe Thai air...

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I hope this hits the German news and newspapers. It really is about time for western countries to put Pattaya and Phuket on the no-travel advisory (forcing travel agents/airlines to state the fact that the government does not feel it is a safe destination for travel) - like Yala. Then perhaps Thailand will sit up and smell the rotten roses. Chinese tourists kidnapped and sexually assaulted, old man and son attacked with metal spikes on the beach, Russian knifed, now German knifed - and no sensible punishment given out - indeed, truly laughable, insensitive, out of touch, and insulting wrist slaps. Violence against tourists on the streets of Thailand, and the country sits back and giggles - f#@#ing insane!

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500 baht fine for a violent, armed attack on a 70 year old for an accidental street bump?.

Utter idiocy!

So much for the supposed ingrained Thai respect for elders...

I see this as a disturbing trend; a Thai has a bad day and takes it out on a tourist. Sort of like a badge of honor as in Assult a tourist, pay a small cash fine, and walk away with your head high. This fake watch seller is showing the world that 500 baht means nothing to him, well worth the face he gained among his fellow thugs, not to mention the cop smiling approvingly.

Scary man...

Maybe the Thai respect for elders doesn't include 70 year old foreigners with 20 year old Thai girlfriends??coffee1.gif

Wonder why?

Dumb-arse comment. No where does it say the age of the girlfriend - and even if he was walking with a 20 year old girl, how would the knife maniac know she was his GF and not his daughter/granddaughter/step-daughter/maid/business acquaintance/etc.

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It is almost always a 500 baht fine when a thai assaults a foreigner. The severity of the assault does not seem to matter. This also explains why some thais now seem to assault tourists just for fun, they know there is no risk to them, even if they get caught.

Two weeks ago my GF and I were walking into Kiss Restuarant on 2nd Road Pattaya to eat lunch and I was approched by a watch seller. I smiled and told him "My Kapun" (no thank you) and he promptly punched me in the chest. I instantly and instinktivly grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him away. Within seconds a motorcycle taxi driver was standing alongside the watch seller ready to do battle. My GF jumped into the fracas and defused the situation. I couldnt believe the agessiveness of the watch seller in full view of the restuarant patrons and staff especially when I did not disrespect him in any way. Im sure he assaulted me just because he could and knew there would be no repercussions even when there were BIB 50 meters away.

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It is almost always a 500 baht fine when a thai assaults a foreigner. The severity of the assault does not seem to matter. This also explains why some thais now seem to assault tourists just for fun, they know there is no risk to them, even if they get caught.

into Kiss Restuarant on 2nd Road Pattaya to eat lunch

I avoid this Kiss Restaurant because of the many street vendors. Every few seconds another one disturb you. The management of Kiss fod would have the power to keep it place free of these vendors. But, they don't give a shit.

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It is almost always a 500 baht fine when a thai assaults a foreigner. The severity of the assault does not seem to matter. This also explains why some thais now seem to assault tourists just for fun, they know there is no risk to them, even if they get caught.

into Kiss Restuarant on 2nd Road Pattaya to eat lunch

I avoid this Kiss Restaurant because of the many street vendors. Every few seconds another one disturb you. The management of Kiss fod would have the power to keep it place free of these vendors. But, they don't give a shit.

I stopped eating at Kiss because of the pesky vendors but if people are beating them up now, I will go to watch and cheer. And if it's only 500bt., I might smack a few myself.

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It is almost always a 500 baht fine when a thai assaults a foreigner. The severity of the assault does not seem to matter. This also explains why some thais now seem to assault tourists just for fun, they know there is no risk to them, even if they get caught.

That's true. However, there is an alternative. The miscreant can be sent to court if the victim insists and has a hospital report.

I was mildly assaulted some time ago and reported the incident to the police. The Lt Col in charge insisted that I go to Banglamung Hospital and get a medical report so that the case could be sent to court. I was tired and just wanted to go home. The Lt Col urged me to get the report and asked me to wait while he prepared a form to present to the hospital. Cost of the report was 200 baht. All in all, a long drawn out process but it sends a message to the assailant that he can't pounce on people and get away with it for 500 baht. Of course that only works with a resident who is prepared to see the process through.

If more people were aware of this alternative and prepared to pursue it we might see some impact on the lawlessness in this town.

what was the end result of this?

Im pretty sure a lot of the violence in Pattaya is yaabaa induced, having come from a country that also has a big methamphetamine problem but a relatively uncorrupted media and justice system it was easy to see what a huge effect it has on violent crimes, probably 90% of violent crime was by meths addicts who just lost the plot. its a huge business here and when you consider who runs that business its not going to go away.

Edited by wwex
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I'm waiting for the resident TV Thai-apologists to raise their ugly heads.

Maybe they'll say how good it was for the Thai to prove the naysayers wrong because it was a one-on-one fight.

I don't live in Pattaya but I have been there. You all seem to think the foreigners are honest people with loving attitudes towards all Thai's and if there is an altercation it definatly wasn't the loving foreigner who started it. I am sorry to report that was not what I experienced there. Keep on dreaming.

Flame away

You did not have to wait long for a resident thai apologist

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500 baht fine for a violent, armed attack on a 70 year old for an accidental street bump?.

Utter idiocy!

I tend not to take any news article at full value. They seem to leave a lot of questions unanswered and I try to a avoid jumping to conclusions.

In this case, what was the German stabbed with? I wasn't there and for all I know it would have a pair of tweezers. What was the extent of the injury? Again, it could have been superficial or a deep laceration.

The photo shows the cop smiling. He could have found the suspects explanation of what had happened so bizarre, it caused him to smile or laugh.

I've taken reports from numerous witnesses on similar incidents. Each saw and interpreted the event differently based on numerous conditions. I doubt if any of us were there or have additional, factual information, so the story is just that...a story as recorded after the fact.

Just my 2-Bahts worth.

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It is almost always a 500 baht fine when a thai assaults a foreigner. The severity of the assault does not seem to matter. This also explains why some thais now seem to assault tourists just for fun, they know there is no risk to them, even if they get caught.

into Kiss Restuarant on 2nd Road Pattaya to eat lunch

I avoid this Kiss Restaurant because of the many street vendors. Every few seconds another one disturb you. The management of Kiss fod would have the power to keep it place free of these vendors. But, they don't give a shit.

I stopped eating at Kiss because of the pesky vendors but if people are beating them up now, I will go to watch and cheer. And if it's only 500bt., I might smack a few myself.

Hard to believe we called ourselves "civilized". I'll steer clear and live a lot happier.

Live and let live.

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OK, I am cooled off a little and did read the article here and on the source again.

What I do miss is that this case for court. As I can see now I think all is done by under the table negotiations between the police and Khun Mausak.

I also miss the part where and if the German embassy is informed.

So, I think that all is arranged in a backroom of the police office and better can bring to court. I think only the cost of the hospital are higher then the fine, witch probably will end up in the pocket of a police officer,

If. all suspicions , all did correct then maybe it's time for name and shame the handling police officer, the police bureau head and all other parties here involved.

A FB website can do much more on world scale then all kind of grumbling here.

Let the Thais feel where it hurt most..... in the wallet.

Edited by SjaakNL2013
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seems that stabbing is a normal pastime in pattaya. Few weeks ago a brit got stabbed in the neck for no reason, a middle eastern man got stabbed in the

stomach again for no reason...

Wonder how many stabbing got unreported

when the culprit got caught stabbing the brit, he just get a cuddle from the police


It just show how much as a foreigner you worth nothing...

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A part of me always wonders about these stories, I've been here for ten years full time and nearer twenty on a semi full time basis and not only have these things not happened to me, I've never seen them happen to anyone else. That's not to say of course that such things don't happen, I'm certain they do, but I have to wonder sometimes, why, what strange chemical mix came together at the same time and ignited. And before you ask, I'm not a priest or a nun, I've had more than my fair share of excess and risk taking in my time and not inclined to walk away from every confrontation, there are times when it';s important to stand up and be counted. Yet, I've never been bloodied, made it into the Pattaya Papers or been the subject of scrutiny by the BIB after an event, why is that I wonder.

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A part of me always wonders about these stories, I've been here for ten years full time and nearer twenty on a semi full time basis and not only have these things not happened to me, I've never seen them happen to anyone else. That's not to say of course that such things don't happen, I'm certain they do, but I have to wonder sometimes, why, what strange chemical mix came together at the same time and ignited. And before you ask, I'm not a priest or a nun, I've had more than my fair share of excess and risk taking in my time and not inclined to walk away from every confrontation, there are times when it';s important to stand up and be counted. Yet, I've never been bloodied, made it into the Pattaya Papers or been the subject of scrutiny by the BIB after an event, why is that I wonder.

I am guessing you do not live in Pattaya or Patong?

A second and more wild guess you drink in some form of moderation and do not frequently seek the company of young uneducated country girls looking for fast ฿?

That's been my formula for 5+ years.

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