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Support (married) visa

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I am a 66yr young Brit and have been following the postings regarding Retirement & Support Visas with interest, as I qualify for both. It seems to me that applying for a Support Visa would be my best bet, but would like to clarify a couple of points if possible.

· Does the 250K have to be a lump sum deposited in a Thailand Bank or is it sufficient to prove that my monthly pension is equal/more than that amount?

· I am still not clear as to what constitutes “an income certificate”. Is the annual advice from the pension provider as to my pension payments for the coming year sufficient?


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Support is dependent on your continued marriage so if wife should die you would have to start over if you intended to stay in Thailand.  Also believe the retirement is immediate issue if 800k in bank where the support is still subject to review each year (unless you keep 800k in account).

Believe they would want to see 200-250 in bank account for first application regardless of income but that may be subject to adjustment.  For the bank account you need a letter from bank within a week saying you have xxx,xxx in your account along with the passbook.  For income, if they accept in lieu of bank money, they would likely want your embassy to certify (take copy of retirement statement to Embassy and swear to it).  But if you have the 250k in the bank just including a statement copy should be enough.  They are also going to want photos of you together and for you to file for visa together if you go the support route.

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