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Are Thai people racist? They keeping calling me "Farang"!


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Another perennial topic, but it does beat the $hit out of wiping techniques.

I was in a restaurant just today. Twelve, count'm, twelve tables. Each had, in heavy marker, the table number written on the table edge, and again on poster, over the table, on the wall.

Yes, including mine.

Noodle soup was being prepared by two women at lightning speed, and two others were making deliveries. I sat down at table six.

Readied bowls were handed off along with the words yelled out, in Thai,

Table one!

Table eight!

Table four!


Table two!

Table nine!

Maybe next time they should yell: Antlers!

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Once I was sitting on a songtaew and there were two old ladies sitting opposite me with a large basket of guava. One of the rude old crones kept saying " farang" this and "farang" while sorting through the basket. All of this was within easy earshot of myself and to compound their blatant rudeness they completely ignored me whilst saying "farang" as if I didn't even exist.

I went to the fruit stall on Saturday night and bought some guavas and the seller didn;t make any joke about farang buying a farang. If Thais change to being politically correct, I think I'll leave.

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Once I was sitting on a songtaew and there were two old ladies sitting opposite me with a large basket of guava. One of the rude old crones kept saying " farang" this and "farang" while sorting through the basket. All of this was within easy earshot of myself and to compound their blatant rudeness they completely ignored me whilst saying "farang" as if I didn't even exist.

I went to the fruit stall on Saturday night and bought some guavas and the seller didn;t make any joke about farang buying a farang. If Thais change to being politically correct, I think I'll leave.

Farang gin Farang......and it is sooooo new....but OK they enjoy it again and again....

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