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What Thai's Really Think


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Its the same the world over. Education is the key.

If you were sexy enough to make good money selling your body. Would you do it if you were well educated and able to get a well paid professional job?

If you mean "would I be a gigolo?" Sure! Why not! ...but just on the side!

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During the Second World War there were plenty of UK girls making themselves available to GI's in order to obtain hard-to-come-by goods. This happens the world over. When the economy improves the number of girls involved shrinks but there are always those who think it is worth it.

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Thanks for that, I know while it happens in Thailand the whole country is not involved in those activities

Time to quit blaming the entire country for the sex industry, Pattaya only became such during the Vietnam war. in the 1960-1970's


I'm guessing you are totally unaware of the huge sex industry catering to Thai men ... throughout the entire country. It FAR outweighs the 3 or 4 "In your face" Farang sex ghettos.

Yes, I would bet the girls working in Karaoke bars, Coyote pubs and massage parlors outnumber those in go-go bars by a LARGE number...

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Thanks for that, I know while it happens in Thailand the whole country is not involved in those activities

Time to quit blaming the entire country for the sex industry, Pattaya only became such during the Vietnam war. in the 1960-1970's


Gosh... you really are saying girls just learned this from Americans?

The legacy goes on..... I expect thank you notes in the mail from all you other men from countries that have no prostitution.

Thailand.....the hub of girls who learned from American Men how to make money.

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I always find it humorous when all of the ignorant, uninformed want to put down that which they have no clue about. It is a combination of motivations. Many, if not most, of the girls who resort to the "entertainment" industry initially do it due to the allure of, a) providing for their families, and, cool.png being able to make a very good income for not much work. They get to party every night, sleep until 2, then do it all over again, all the while being able to look "HiSo". They can afford those things which the "legitimate" girls can only dream about. And yes, there's always the possibility of finding that "rich" farang who will take them away from all of this, lol. But again, most, if not all, are sending home a pretty decent amount of cash every month, and that suits Mom and Dad just fine, so the story is spun about how she has a high paying job with a farang company in Bangkok/Pattaya/ChiangMai, and the neighbors and relations just smile and nod, and don't contradict. It's the way Thai culture deals with it. It's their culture. Who are we to judge?


You pretty much got it down.

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This was billed as what do Thais think about the prostitution scene, but it turned into the usual mixed bag farang group grope. I've learned more wisdom from the mouths and minds of Thai bar girls than I ever learned in school. Ever see one program the most complex new phone without any sort of manual?

Let Donna sort it for ya:


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IMHO Time for Thailand to clean it up!! Thailand's level of prosperity is a lot higher than during the Vietnam era, there are opportunities for young women outside the sex industry...it's all about greed, corruption, and laziness nowadays.

Clean it up if they don't want other countries to look down on them as they do now! The problem, again IMO, is that (generalizing) Thai people will do anything for money, no matter how shady or dishonest, it is deeply embedded in their national psyche, much more so than in other developing countries. That's why Thailand is the brothel of the world, no other reason.

I don't know, substitute US, Americans and lawyers in there somewhere and it might work too.

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I've learned more wisdom from the mouths and minds of Thai bar girls than I ever learned in school.

Really? Jing jing? ... Can you toss us a single nugget of wisdom as an example?

Or are you just being melodramatic? w00t.gif

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Thanks for that, I know while it happens in Thailand the whole country is not involved in those activities

Time to quit blaming the entire country for the sex industry, Pattaya only became such during the Vietnam war. in the 1960-1970's


Pattaya, yeah, but in case you are thinking that prostitution in Thailand was invented by foreigners, you'd be very wrong. The domestic sex industry dwarfs the one for foreigners - it is just much more discrete, without neon and spread all over the place, not so much concentrated on single streets. Thailand has had large-scale prostitution for a very long time. And at least in the foreigner sex zones, the girls are somewhat independent and not held prisoner.

Globeman is absolutely right. In fact before Thailand became Thailand, the domestic sex industri was big and well functioning. As mentioned by others, the sex industri geared to farangs started during the American war in Vietnam and is therefore only 30 - 40 years old.

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I've learned more wisdom from the mouths and minds of Thai bar girls than I ever learned in school.

Really? Jing jing? ... Or are you just being melodramatic?

Me 2....I learned,

Hide Your Wallet

Put the Condom on First

No, she is not really sleeping...

Girls look better when you are drunk


Oh...and the real important one..... Check it first and make sure before you do the barfine.

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I've learned more wisdom from the mouths and minds of Thai bar girls than I ever learned in school.

Really? Jing jing? ... Or are you just being melodramatic?

Me 2....I learned,

Hide Your Wallet

Put the Condom on First

No, she is not really sleeping...

Girls look better when you are drunk


Oh...and the real important one..... Check it first and make sure before you do the barfine.

...and you learned all that from "the bargirl's mind" ?

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After reading all the responses I think we're all missing the root cause , there is no right or wrong but only greed and lack of self respect ( both from client and customer )

The west has a lot to answer for because we all want to keep up with the Jonsies and are obsessed by wealth

And come to Thailand and spend surpluss money on sexual entertainment .

Thais see all this money and want much of the same , problem is most people ( both Thai and ferrang ) don't find real happiness , as in most countries money and supposed better lifestyle rarely improve real happiness only more competition for who has the best

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I've learned more wisdom from the mouths and minds of Thai bar girls than I ever learned in school.

Really? Jing jing? ... Or are you just being melodramatic?

Me 2....I learned,

Hide Your Wallet

Put the Condom on First

No, she is not really sleeping...

Girls look better when you are drunk


Oh...and the real important one..... Check it first and make sure before you do the barfine.

...and you learned all that from "the bargirl's mind" ?

Ummmmmmmmm "The bargirl's ...mind"!!!!!!!cheesy.gif

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Do you honestly believe the girls do it to support their families??cheesy.gif

NO, they sell their bodies to get the latest iphone, the newest motorbike and hoping to meet the ultimate sucker, who is going to buy them a house and/or car!

Or to put it another way - to enjoy the kind of lifestyle that most visitors to Thailand would take for granted! It is completely hypocritical to suggest that working for "luxury" items is somehow less moral than working for other reasons. We all sell ourselves to the highest bidder and use the talents that we have to earn money, I just do not understand why people take the moral highground when it comes to anything connected with sex. In the West people have become pre-occupied with the notion that prostitutes are mostly drug addicts - I dont think that perception is necessarily true but it is certainly less the case in Thailand. As the contributor says (only putting it indellicately with obvious prejudice) many are simply lookng for a relationship or marriage that will provide them with stability. I dont see anything wrong with that - the fact that "love" might not be the prime motivator does not mean that there is no love in such relationships. I suspect many older white males treat their thai wives far better than many husbands their own age would.

Life is about survival and we do what we have to do to survive in the ways that we want to - sometimes that will be to feed their children and sometimes it will be for a new motorbike - so what? Everyone who works for what they want (and make no mistake these girls have to work hard) is worthy of respect!

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Do you honestly believe the girls do it to support their families??cheesy.gif

NO, they sell their bodies to get the latest iphone, the newest motorbike and hoping to meet the ultimate sucker, who is going to buy them a house and/or car!

A little harsh aint it ? Its IMO a combination of supporting the families, leading a relaxed holiday life at the beachresorts, away from the constraints in the villages (freedom), buying luxury stuff, saving money and looking for a rich hubby to pay for their, families, needs. In general the 1s ending up with a girl like that are the lucky 1s because they always have the most, financially, responsible girl of the family !!!

I agree that it is a combination of the above including the soft option of easier life than working in agriculture,however, based on years of experience I also believe that the supporting the family is a rather tenuous activity promulgated more by the family than by the girl herself. Once the family hears that she is fraternizing with falangs ,then their demands increase proportionally.

Thai's at least the rural and lesser educated ones believe that all falangs are rich and that somehow we got this wealth for nothing. It never occurs to the that the majority of falangs have worked for the majority of their lives and supported their own family's to boot.

We are living in a hierarchical society which can only exist through poverty and ignorance.

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Do you honestly believe the girls do it to support their families??cheesy.gif

NO, they sell their bodies to get the latest iphone, the newest motorbike and hoping to meet the ultimate sucker, who is going to buy them a house and/or car!

That is still a better reason than buying drugs IMHO

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IMHO Time for Thailand to clean it up!! Thailand's level of prosperity is a lot higher than during the Vietnam era, there are opportunities for young women outside the sex industry...it's all about greed, corruption, and laziness nowadays.

Clean it up if they don't want other countries to look down on them as they do now! The problem, again IMO, is that (generalizing) Thai people will do anything for money, no matter how shady or dishonest, it is deeply embedded in their national psyche, much more so than in other developing countries. That's why Thailand is the brothel of the world, no other reason.

Wow, imagine someone saying this about your country (generalizing)?

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In my experience the girls enter the sex industry for nothing more than pure unudulterated greed.

Their greedy families are not content to work themselves so they send their "asset" off to work in bar.

Their fathers cease working when the girls are old enough to work the bar, and use the lame excuse that they will take care of the children for them, at a substantial fee.

After the girl pays off the family, I have heard of 10 - 14 thousand baht per month for the parents to care for a toddler, then there is the drug and alcohol addiction to contend with.

The family knows all about the girl, as no girl would dare disobey her father, but with their lack of morality they turn a blind eye as long as the money comes each month to maintain the families lifestyle.

I have heard it said by parents that the girl has to work in the sex industry because she has a p**ssy.

They learn all the tricks from the other girls, including drug use, in the end they return home with nothing, the lucky ones latch onto a punter and get out of the business, but soon return if the money stops and the families greed returns.

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Thanks for that, I know while it happens in Thailand the whole country is not involved in those activities

Time to quit blaming the entire country for the sex industry, Pattaya only became such during the Vietnam war. in the 1960-1970's


Pattaya, yeah, but in case you are thinking that prostitution in Thailand was invented by foreigners, you'd be very wrong. The domestic sex industry dwarfs the one for foreigners - it is just much more discrete, without neon and spread all over the place, not so much concentrated on single streets. Thailand has had large-scale prostitution for a very long time. And at least in the foreigner sex zones, the girls are somewhat independent and not held prisoner.

The domestic sex scene is indeed more discrete (separate) but I would hesitate to all it discreet. What do you think those shacks displaying coloured fairy lights outside to be seen in many villages are? The local branch of the Mother's Union?

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I agree with the OP.

I am in rural Isaan and I know a few girls who work in the south and send/ bring the money home for family.

They don't advertise what they do for the money and don't do it at home.

People know what's going on and do not disrespect the girls for doing it.

Many would be very poor families now do pretty well. Nicer house, nicer clothes for the children, maybe a truck or tractor to make the farm more profitable.

It's all good.

Good merit

If I were an attractive young woman with a needy family, in Thailand, I would have no problem with helping the family like this!

In the west...forget it!

P.S. Hanging out, partying in bars and getting rubbed for a l good money, expensive gifts and sponsorship doesn't sound like an unpleasant occupation! to me!

If the family even rents a tractor then a little lady has been very, very busy. Current rental in Lomsak is 10K per month.

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What Thai's Really Think

Gotta love that. What do Germans and Brits really think about Americans? Brits opinion about frog legs eating human beings?

I think that buffaloes are clever, while Thais think they've got an higher IQ than those animals.

I know a Thai who thinks that the Vietnam war had never ended. He's hiding on one of his rice fields, as the planes heading to and from Ubon scare him.

Another Thai believes the earth is flat, while his wife's thinking he's drinking, another might think his boat's sinking.-coffee1.gif


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In my experience the girls enter the sex industry for nothing more than pure unudulterated greed.

Their greedy families are not content to work themselves so they send their "asset" off to work in bar.

Their fathers cease working when the girls are old enough to work the bar, and use the lame excuse that they will take care of the children for them, at a substantial fee.

After the girl pays off the family, I have heard of 10 - 14 thousand baht per month for the parents to care for a toddler, then there is the drug and alcohol addiction to contend with.

The family knows all about the girl, as no girl would dare disobey her father, but with their lack of morality they turn a blind eye as long as the money comes each month to maintain the families lifestyle.

I have heard it said by parents that the girl has to work in the sex industry because she has a p**ssy.

They learn all the tricks from the other girls, including drug use, in the end they return home with nothing, the lucky ones latch onto a punter and get out of the business, but soon return if the money stops and the families greed returns.

But soon............ greed returns. I know. I know.

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Do you honestly believe the girls do it to support their families??cheesy.gif

NO, they sell their bodies to get the latest iphone, the newest motorbike and hoping to meet the ultimate sucker, who is going to buy them a house and/or car!

A little harsh aint it ? Its IMO a combination of supporting the families, leading a relaxed holiday life at the beachresorts, away from the constraints in the villages (freedom), buying luxury stuff, saving money and looking for a rich hubby to pay for their, families, needs. In general the 1s ending up with a girl like that are the lucky 1s because they always have the most, financially, responsible girl of the family !!!

Relaxed holiday life!!???clap2.gif

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I do not know what Part of Issan you 2 guys come from--but even in the smallish town I live in there are 4 Red Light Soi's full of young Lao Girls of questionable age for 300 baht. On the other side of Issan its the Khmer girls, ---No there are No bars ---there is no pole dancing or nudity, but if you want to hear what the average Thai guy thinks about prostitution ----take a walk down some of those Soi's and ask, & yes not a Thai girl to be seen, maybe some of the posters have it correct---there are not to many Iphones to be brought from the wages there.

That's a very good point. Few foreigners actually realise just how many working girls are actually Laotian and Cambodian, particularly in Pattaya. Many come from border towns. Chiang Mai has high levels of Burmese prostitutes working the bars too.

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Lets not forget the Thai sex industry that caters to the FARANGS is a mere fraction of perhaps 10% The real deal is Massive and kept for the Thais to enjoy, in the soapy and with white skinned northern Lasses being the most sought after. And yes the Vietnam war has nothing to do with the sex industry - The Chinese brought prostitution into Thailand hundreds of years ago, around the same time they invaded and took over the place making businesses, then making Visa laws to keep other nations out, and now they run the governments and Thai/Chinese controls everything because they are apex predators and money flows uphill to them. Its here to stay just like the Jetski mafia are...

Edited by djlest
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Do you honestly believe the girls do it to support their families??cheesy.gif

NO, they sell their bodies to get the latest iphone, the newest motorbike and hoping to meet the ultimate sucker, who is going to buy them a house and/or car!

Yes, that is true in some cases, but there are lots of girls working in the bars to support their families, some have left their kids with parents etc, because their husbands have ran off and left them. There is nothing wrong with prostitution as long as no one is forced to do anything against their will and no one gets hurt.

Yes I agree with you not all are Bad i Think many of them Support their families back home by earning the money many support their families they have their smile when they see their kids happy at home having enough food by trading their bodies for SEX they should be respected not degraded

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