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Yasser Arafat 'may have been poisoned with polonium'


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Yasser Arafat 'may have been poisoned with polonium'

LONDON: -- The late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat may have been poisoned with radioactive polonium, says a Swiss forensic report obtained by al-Jazeera.

Arafat's official medical records say he died in 2004 from a stroke resulting from a blood disorder.

But his body was exhumed last year amid continuing claims he was murdered.

The Swiss report said tests on the body showed "unexpected high activity" of polonium, which "moderately" supported the poisoning theory.

Many Palestinians and others have long believed that Israel poisoned Arafat. Others allege that he had Aids or cancer. Israel has consistently denied any involvement.

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-24838061

-- BBC 2013-11-07

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Great timing with the recent acceleration of illegal settlements, should do wonders for the "peace process"


The Palestinian authority (sic) were probably counting on Israel refusing to release 26 murderers as a good will gesture in order to start peace talks, when Israel did they were looking for a fallback plan to refuse to talk and to begin intifada 3.0. I doubt Israel had anything to do with Arafat's death any more than they used vultures to spy on Saudi Arabia or Sharks to attack tourists off Egypt, but truth is always trumped by tinfoil hat style conspiracy theories, especially when they serve a political purpose.

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Great timing with the recent acceleration of illegal settlements, should do wonders for the "peace process"


The Palestinian authority (sic) were probably counting on Israel refusing to release 26 murderers as a good will gesture in order to start peace talks, when Israel did they were looking for a fallback plan to refuse to talk and to begin intifada 3.0. I doubt Israel had anything to do with Arafat's death any more than they used vultures to spy on Saudi Arabia or Sharks to attack tourists off Egypt, but truth is always trumped by tinfoil hat style conspiracy theories, especially when they serve a political purpose.

not commenting on who killed him, just that the timing of the report is horrible. I guess in Israel/Palestine there is never a "good time" for bad news. I'm not going to play armchair investigator; could have been a number of countries/organizations.

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Yasser Arafat 'may have been poisoned with polonium'.

Facts is what is required here. Not speculation. Can they say 100 % certain that he was poisoned? If not then this sort of speculationis is just stirring the pot needlessly. Facts, facts,facts.

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Today there are yet more worst terrorists ruining countries, killing the innocent and basically creating havoc in this world - directly or indirectly.

Comparatively, Arafat is nothing 'big'.

You are right, Arafat was absolutely nothing,

However, I recognise his contribution to designer stubble.

Yes, at times we choose not to see beyond the stubble.

That is a very human trait.


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Palestinians, among others, are very quick to embrace conspiracy theories. Most of them still think the twin towers bombing was a Bush/Israeli plot.

Today there are yet more worst terrorists ruining countries, killing the innocent and basically creating havoc in this world - directly or indirectly. Comparatively, Arafat is nothing 'big'.

True, Arafat was small potatoes in the terrorist Dept., but he nevertheless affected much of the interaction between Israel and Gaza/West Bank, so he directly and (mostly) indirectly was a terrorist. Certainly, if he didn't want PLO hot-heads doing terrorist acts, he could have put at least a partial damper on their activities. Granted, someone had to be the top banana for the PLO, and he got the nod. It was a shitty position, but someone had to fill it. I'm surprised it wasn't some real intense meany like Khomeini - but if it had been someone like that, he would have been snuffed out early on. I think Arafat was picked because he was baffoon-like and often smiling. So Israelis figured, they'd rather deal with a klutz than a hard core murderer, so they din't snuff out Arafat - which they could have done with a phone call.
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Easiest is to point at Israel , however what was the benefit for Israel ?- none

Next question , who was to benefit from his death? Directly or indirectly.

Few names and countries come to mind .

Funny enough for some reason all the stolen money was never returned or used for the good of the people, for whom he supposedly fought

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Why would the Israelis kill him? They would know better than anyone that he would be replaced by someone more dangerous.

The Israelis did try to kill him at least once i.e. when bombing his Tunisian H.Q. in 1985. It's alleged he survived as he was out walking at the time of the attack. It is claimed 56 Palestinians and 215 Tunisians were killed and about 100 wounded.

Along with the Israeli leadership he did receive the Nobel Price for Peace at the conclusion of the Oslo Accords, but that all fell by the wayside. One analysis on why this happened at:


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Why would the Israelis kill him? They would know better than anyone that he would be replaced by someone more dangerous.

The Israelis did try to kill him at least once i.e. when bombing his Tunisian H.Q. in 1985.

He was still dangerous in 1985, but by 2004 the Israelis would have been wasting their time. However, not so much for other terrorists. A former Palestinian intelligence officer, attorney Fahmi Shabana, said that Yasser Arafat's political rivals were responsible for his death, and that he was poisoned with polonium.

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  • 1 month later...

French investigators concluded in a report that Yasser Arafat died of natural causes and ruled out the possibility that he was poisoned. "The analysis cannot lead us to affirm that Arafat died of polonium 210 poisoning," reads the report, according to the source, who has seen it. The report comes to the same conclusion the French reached in 2004 - that Arafat died of a brain hemorrhage and an intestinal infection. http://m.aljazeera.com/story/2013123145211499109

On Oct 15, 2013, Vladamir Uiba, the head of Russia's Federal Medical Biological Agency said that forensic tests found absolutely no indication or traces of polonium poisoning, therefore, he could not have died from this.

More likely AIDS as he was a long time HIV positive or perhaps cirrhosis of the liver.

But who really cares how?

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