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Thai Lingo Info About Getting Sick - From People Not Rain Drops

Chao Lao Beach

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I've tried to explain to some Thai friends that the weather doesn't really make you sick, but catching it from someone else, usually to no avail. But just the other day, a farang friend mentioned that he got sick due to the change in weather. And he told me about some other farang friends who got the same. Maybe it's just some folks who believe this stuff.

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All this scientific twaddle, just shows foreigners know very little about this country.

You should know that Thai rain if different, and of course the rain drops have little green gremlins inside, how else do you think people get sick. Duh !

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a few years back my wife had a beauty salon and employed some help , ....one day she brought her son into work with her , when i asked why she said "because hab cough , cannot go sacool " , oh , i said, so you bring him to work so all the customers can catch his cough instead ? , no pombem she said . her son proceeded to cough all day ,..... by the morning the wife and i were also sick and so were all of our regular customers from that day , we closed the shop for 4 days and disinfected it , probably lost around 7k.. .......MAAAAN they are so thick it's unreal !

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What really gets me is the way people blow their noses in their clothes, or even worse into towels that others may dry their bodies and faces after showering.

When I see people closing one nostril and blowing the mucus onto the ground, it really turns my stomach, but thinking about it, there is less chance of the mucus transferring to other people that way.

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Give them all some Beta Glucan, thus raising their immune levels, then they wont get the infections in the first place !

Problem solved ! Q.E.D.

Can the Beta Glucan be purchased in Thailand?

I need to pump up my immune system.

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I've tried to explain to some Thai friends that the weather doesn't really make you sick, but catching it from someone else, usually to no avail. But just the other day, a farang friend mentioned that he got sick due to the change in weather. And he told me about some other farang friends who got the same. Maybe it's just some folks who believe this stuff.

Weather changes can do it to you if you are already low in your defenses it might just tip the scale. You have plenty of germs and stuff yourself but your imune system keeps you from getting sick if its low cold weather could just be the last little kick so its more then fantasy.

Yes,it can make a virus worse ,............if that's what your trying to say , but weather cannot "give" anyone a virus

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My mother in law freaks out if I am out in the lightest drizzle, but she has bucket showers in January in temperatures lower than 10 C. How is it raindrops will make me sick when body shocking icy buckets won't make her sick?

It is also forbidden to have anything sweet when you have a cold, but it is OK to have the chickens rummaging through the pots and pans in the outdoor kitchen, an crapping all over the counters.

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I have a simple solution if you should get the flu. I lived in the Philippines for 3 years and my housekeeper explained if you put salt in your belly button it will draw the "poison" out of the body. Yes, its the same in the Philippines. If you get wet from the rain, you will get sick. I never understood why the rain makes you sick but there seems to be no problem with a morning shower. The housekeeper explained it was different water.

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a few years back my wife had a beauty salon and employed some help , ....one day she brought her son into work with her , when i asked why she said "because hab cough , cannot go sacool " , oh , i said, so you bring him to work so all the customers can catch his cough instead ? , no pombem she said . her son proceeded to cough all day ,..... by the morning the wife and i were also sick and so were all of our regular customers from that day , we closed the shop for 4 days and disinfected it , probably lost around 7k.. .......MAAAAN they are so thick it's unreal !

But it doesn't say much for you and your misses either, allowing her to stay there all day with her sick son.

You knew the consequences but didn't send her home immediately. Why would that be???

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