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Has anyone seen/heard a Thai male - farang female couple?


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A guy who tried to rent me his apartment, told me his wife is Australian.

I remember seeing one or two other couples of Thai male - Western female.

But generally, the Western male - Thai female outnumber those by a hundred to one...

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Do women married to a Thai national have the same visa requirements as a man and if not, how does it differ?

No money required in bank for Visa or extension.

If the Thai husband earn 15k a month, the foreign lady can apply for Thai citizenship.

And someone wrote somewhere, 'there's no reason to get married'........and once she has citizenship....wink.png

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I saw some in Chiang Mai, but it's VERY rare. Youngish backpacker type chick and a younger (20's) hip type Thai with spikey hair.

I have also seen some strange single foreigner females sitting around that give off a lesbian vibe, usually younger (20's) types. And a good deal more Japanese female couples that look like lesbians.

Got to laugh at this comment: Lesbians ? Does any young female who doesn't look at you and smile look like a lesbian by any chance ?


With the numbers of Western ladies in Thailand it would be only natural that many of them enter into a relationship with a Thai gent - Odds are that they are far more likely to meet a Thai chappy than a Westerner simply because there are so many more Thai chaps about.

Much in the same way it's only natural that many Western men meet Thai ladies... Lets face had the majority of males with Thai Wives / Partners been living in Spain (for example) they would have met and settled with Spanish ladies...

Thus: It makes plenty of sense that a Western Lady will meet a Thai Gent and settle down into what I imagine are very normal relationships, much in the same way many Western Men are in very normal relationships with Thai ladies (we only hear of the train wrecks on these forums, normality is very boring to write about !).

I see a fault in your logic!

Western ladies generally also marry to improve their status/lifestyle, very few will settle for a poorer male.

Same with Spanish ladies, most western guys don't have the cash (relatively speaking) to attract in Spain.

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Do women married to a Thai national have the same visa requirements as a man and if not, how does it differ?

No money required in bank for Visa or extension.

If the Thai husband earn 15k a month, the foreign lady can apply for Thai citizenship.

If both my wife and I make a gender change (do I have to cut?) than I can get a Visa?

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Yes, quite a few. Some ladies on this forum have Thai partners.

There is another who posts very often on another farang forum based out of Khorat.

She seems to bevery content with her husband and with living in Thailand.

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I know a few couples. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern of either marrying up or down, that I can determine. Sometimes the girls are attracted to the dark, rugged, silent type but not always. I have met a few in Bangkok and a couple up here in Chiang Rai. Some seem to have met overseas and others met here.

They seem happy but one does wonder how things will go longterm. The western women always seem much more verbal and expressive than their Thai partners.

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I have known quite a few of these couples and through my observations I have created a stereotype.

Hippy styled western girls date Thai guys, and for the majority it seems the Thai guy falls into one of the following categories: artist, musician, bar owner. Most of them have long hair or dredds, usually a bit of facial hair and crap quality tattoos.

I don't know the financial situation, but I can speculate that the guy is making very little money.

Good observation.

These guys also have the correct alpha attitude, often macho or thugs, and that's what chicks dig for.

Often they are also on a pump-and-dump mission. Nothing wrong with that.

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My son inlaw's sister is married to an ex Muay Thai boxing champion,she's English,(hence my first visit to Thailand.)They came to the UK to live about 5 years ago and he now runs a gym teaching Thai boxing in London and is very busy. They now have a child and are very happy.

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In the street next to ours live a Russian lady with a Thai man. They have a kid as well. Her english is not that good so for me it is hard to communicate with her. And he is not an artist, barowner or anything like that, just a wealthy hardworking Thai businessman.

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