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Thailand must overcome its obsession with Thaksin Shinawatra


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Thaksin is like Thai corruption, Thailand's sex trade, and its counterfeit property and money laundering - Pervasive obsessions.

The place was corrupt before Thaksin came on the scene, Thailand has and always will be like this. I don't see a problem.

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"Thailand must overcome its obsession with Thaksin Shinawatra"

and some farangs too.

Hear hear geovalin. To so many farang on here the mention of Dr T is similar to the reaction of Pavlovs' dog to the sound of a bell. This childish obsession with Dr T has them slavering over newly made-up stories or comparisons such as the ridiculous likening of Dr T to a certain Italian septuagenarian lothario. Back to yer bar stools guys, the Tea Party meeting's about to begin.

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The article says the same things many of us on T.Visa have been saying for years. The difference is; because the article is published by Gulf News and datelined New York, it may be noticed by someone in the PT party, if they're not too busy playing golf or servicing their mia noi via the back door.

And we certainly don't read any news of rich Thais jumping out to help their Philippine brothers in time of tragedy from typhoon Haiyan. No giving, no aid, no troops, no nothing from Thailand. Thai leadership cares more about Mr. Thaksin.

They didn't get a temporary seat at the UN security council, So the pretence of a caring nation is put away till next time it is needed!

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How about Thaksin should overcome his obsession with wanting to rule and rob blind Thailand?

How does it affect you who is running the country or who has their fingers in till?

Careful sms747. With common sense comments such as yours the Tea Party posters on here will think they're on the wrong forum.

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Did any of you actually read the article ? It was actually published a few days ago.

Not the whole article but I read enough to know that it was not based on research.Thailand has only had 4 prime Ministers since the coup not 6. I also did not need to read the whole article to know that Thaksin should step down from his role as Prime Minister in hiding. time for Thailand to grow in a different direction Than see how much money they can giver to one family.wai2.gif

Did I miss any thing?facepalm.gif

Edited by hellodolly
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Did any of you actually read the article ? It was actually published a few days ago.

Yes, I did. And your point?

What does "It was actually published a few days ago."

have to do with anything? Just curious.

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How about Thaksin should overcome his obsession with wanting to rule and rob blind Thailand?

How does it affect you who is running the country or who has their fingers in till?

Careful sms747. With common sense comments such as yours the Tea Party posters on here will think they're on the wrong forum.

Depends on whether you have a stake here. If you have a Thai family then the welfare of your children and their country matters.

If you are an old bar lizard then it probably doesn't.


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Did any of you actually read the article ? It was actually published a few days ago.

Not the whole article but I read enough to know that it was not based on research.Thailand has only had 4 prime Ministers since the coup not 6. I also did not need to read the whole article to know that Thaksin should step down from his role as Prime Minister in hiding. time for Thailand to grow in a different direction Than see how much money they can giver to one family.wai2.gif

Did I miss any thing?facepalm.gif

You missed 2 PMs. Chaovarat (after PPP disbanded) and Surayud (appointed by the junta).

Edited by whybother
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Can newer Thailand stop this way with corruption and bad politic pesons who only think about themself, AND TO SEAL MONEY FROM THE PEOPLE ?


When will all this shit stop, as the Lovely Thialnd can proceed, as a normal country?

Understand fully all this demonstrations.


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The article says the same things many of us on T.Visa have been saying for years. The difference is; because the article is published by Gulf News and datelined New York, it may be noticed by someone in the PT party, if they're not too busy playing golf or servicing their mia noi via the back door.

And we certainly don't read any news of rich Thais jumping out to help their Philippine brothers in time of tragedy from typhoon Haiyan. No giving, no aid, no troops, no nothing from Thailand. Thai leadership cares more about Mr. Thaksin.

They didn't get a temporary seat at the UN security council, So the pretence of a caring nation is put away till next time it is needed!

Thailand bid is for the 2017-2018 membership, that vote by UN members has yet to be taken

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How about Thaksin should overcome his obsession with wanting to rule and rob blind Thailand?

How does it affect you who is running the country or who has their fingers in till?

Is that a serious question ? If so, then you need to seek some advice.

Or do you think its o.k for someone to try to set themselves up as a dictator, steal the people's wealth for their own family and place themselves above any laws, morals or ethics.

Do you and your family live in Thailand ? If so, think of the consequences on your family's future that this criminal will happily disregard for his selfish own interest.

This article sums up the Shins well. Hopefully their attempt at pushing a whitewash for their criminal leader through will attract more foreign media scrutiny and comment - something they can't control as easily as they can in Thailand.

Wonder if the PM/DM will continue spouting off about democracy, justice and her anti-corruption campaigns on her next overseas jaunts ?

so how do you think his return or not will affect foreigners living here? and if your libellous accusations are correct then how come so many Thais still adore the man?

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Only an ignoramus would compare populist and short-sighted Thaksin to Xe Jinping of China or Shinzo Abe of Japan or even Aquino of the Phils. The differences are many. Of note is that none of these would buy votes by introducing an open-ended rice-buying scheme or any scheme which destroys "leading exporter" capacity and burdens the exchequer. None of them have a corporation which was used as a cash cow to get into public office. Probably the only intelligence the article displays when making comparisons is to suggest a likeness to Berloscuni. The entire storyline reeks of tabloid trash journalism when one begins to search the article for analysis and insights.

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How about Thaksin should overcome his obsession with wanting to rule and rob blind Thailand?

How does it affect you who is running the country or who has their fingers in till?

Is that a serious question ? If so, then you need to seek some advice.

Or do you think its o.k for someone to try to set themselves up as a dictator, steal the people's wealth for their own family and place themselves above any laws, morals or ethics.

Do you and your family live in Thailand ? If so, think of the consequences on your family's future that this criminal will happily disregard for his selfish own interest.

This article sums up the Shins well. Hopefully their attempt at pushing a whitewash for their criminal leader through will attract more foreign media scrutiny and comment - something they can't control as easily as they can in Thailand.

Wonder if the PM/DM will continue spouting off about democracy, justice and her anti-corruption campaigns on her next overseas jaunts ?

so how do you think his return or not will affect foreigners living here? and if your libellous accusations are correct then how come so many Thais still adore the man?

TB500 on election day or the day before.


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Thaksin is like Thai corruption, Thailand's sex trade, and its counterfeit property and money laundering - Pervasive obsessions.

The place was corrupt before Thaksin came on the scene, Thailand has and always will be like this. I don't see a problem.

There are none so blind........

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