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Thai Interior Minister to file rebellion against leaders of the anti-amnesty bill


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There is so much hate coming from the rival camps now, that it is very hard to see them sitting down and talking about their differences. It is going to take something big to cool the heat.

No chance now that The Caddy will be back for the new year. Chalerm must be worried about losing his head.

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Can you smell it? I can smell it clearly all the way here to Dallas. The smell of PANIC. Fitst, Tarit, overstepping his authority as head of he DSI declared the protests illegal, The government threatening action if: 1) the protests became unreasonable (subjective), 2) the protests called for the current administration to step down, 3) if the ICJ decision went against Thailand and the demonstration blamed the current government.

They are setting the stage for a serious crackdown while they get the bill passed in all the confusion and if they have control of the streets by then, they won't have to suffer protest when Big Brother returns and start to impose his infallible will on Thailand.

I am concerned Thailand may experience bloodshed on a much larger scale than in recent history If this 'blanket' amnesty bill is passed, there will be chaos, that will inevitably engulf all of Thailand, on Thaksin's return.

Edited by rametindallas
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Meanwhile, in more urgent news, the residents of the Night Garden are in dispute. Upsy Daisy has fallen out with Makka Pakka and Tombliboo Ooo, who in turn have got the hump with Tombliboo Eee, Tombliboo Unn and Singer.......


Just in case anyone doesn't know what Rob is talking about.......


Thaksin is worried about his stones, not actually his stones, but a useful distraction none the less.

P.S. if the night garden was on TV when I was a kid, I doubt I would have turned out this well adjusted to reality.

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Interior Minister lashes out at Suthep

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Interior Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan Monday revealed that the legal team is brainstorming to file charges against Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban, for proceeding with the protest without a proper reason.

Oh Jesus wept, without a proper reason ? What better reason is there than trying to stop a corrupt government made up of criminals that bought their ways into power and have no idea how to run a country and neither do they care that is pissing all over the constitution and trying to change the laws to their own benefit at the expense of the normal people ? WHAT better reason do you need !?

and as for

overthrowing the democratic government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

They wouldn't know what democracy was if it bit them on the ass and they claim to have been 'democratically' elected but how many bribes did they pay out to get those votes ? And how many times have they lied since they got in ? And how much money have they actually stolen and tried to steal since they took power ? There is NOTHING good about this bunch of crooks, they must leave and thankfully the people are starting to realize that ! If the 'Red Shirt leaders' stopped lieing to their flock and tell them the actual truth, orn if they bothered nto use their brains and read the newspaper, I am sure a lot more of them would soon turn their backs too.

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One side going to the streets to topple an elected government looks more like confrontation to me than "expressing opposite views" giggle.gif

Also not sure that this is what democraties should do... whistling.gif

There is a huge difference between confrontation and insurrection.

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There is so much hate coming from the rival camps now, that it is very hard to see them sitting down and talking about their differences. It is going to take something big to cool the heat.

I think that if Ms. Yingluck dissolves Parliament and holds elections before the end of the 180 day waiting period of the 'blanket' amnesty bill, that all will have to go home.

New elections will make the current 'blanket' amnesty bill disappear as if it never happened. The new Thaksin controlled Parliament will have to start over, from scratch, to find a way to bring Thaksin back. If Ms. Yingluck stalls by talking about holding elections but not actually doing anything to make it happen, the protests will escalate. The longer she waits, the less time available to hold elections and ever more will come out to protest because there is almost no trust of this government's pronouncements.

If it escalates to violence, no matter who caused it, and the Police cannot keep it under control, I can see the Military stepping in to bring peace and order.

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Meanwhile, in more urgent news, the residents of the Night Garden are in dispute. Upsy Daisy has fallen out with Makka Pakka and Tombliboo Ooo, who in turn have got the hump with Tombliboo Eee, Tombliboo Unn and Singer.......


Just in case anyone doesn't know what Rob is talking about.......


Thaksin is worried about his stones, not actually his stones, but a useful distraction none the less.

P.S. if the night garden was on TV when I was a kid, I doubt I would have turned out this well adjusted to reality.

That video: once seen cannot be unseen.

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As ye sow,

boar and sow,A new hub for swineish behavior anyone?

Sow and bore

Having observed the pig trough as a child the jostling of snouts comes to mind.

Winston Churchill said

Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you. Give me a pig. He just looks you in the eye.

So the yuletide Panto starts with the regular stars Sondhi Mr T etc Oh no he is isn't yes he is ,

and of course the hidden hand the ghost in the machine and the the coup maker (He's behind you).

Widow Twanky,the chuckle brothers this show will pack em in

Recommending non payment of tax I hope will extend to visa fees,dual pricing at pubic parks and parking fees.

I wonder if Bangkok's finest in solidarity with the democrats refuse to handle tea money during the national strike .

For those waiting weeks for the C Ma trian how will we know if its the strike the derailment or wrong kind of prayers on the line

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Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

As in "pot calling kettle black", eh?

Ironic ain't it wink.png

Sorry, I missed the irony - could you point it out for me as it certainly isn't immediately obvious?

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The irony is that the lawyers for the defense of k. Abhisit/Suthep are thankful for any statements from this government on 'irrational, escalated, improper' protests and the need to react in an adequate way, like filing rebellion charges against protest leaders.

One of these days even you might get invited to make a statement as witness for the defense rolleyes.gif

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

As in "pot calling kettle black", eh?

Ironic ain't it wink.png

Sorry, I missed the irony - could you point it out for me as it certainly isn't immediately obvious?

Edited by rubl
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The irony is that the lawyers for the defense of k. Abhisit/Suthep are thankful for any statements from this government on 'irrational, escalated, improper' protests and the need to react in an adequate way, like filing rebellion charges against protest leaders.

One of these days even you might get invited to make a statement as witness for the defense rolleyes.gif

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

As in "pot calling kettle black", eh?

Ironic ain't it wink.png

Sorry, I missed the irony - could you point it out for me as it certainly isn't immediately obvious?

No, still can't see it . Are you saying the that the present PTP government are responsible for whatever the UDD do or are perceived to have done in the past? 'Cos there's no logic there.

See that's why it's best not to butt in on peoples posts and answer for them. Only they know what they meant when they posted. Lets leave it to dap.

(Oh and when you going to get that "new" PC that puts your reply in the right position, at the bottom of the post?) B annoying.

Edited by fab4
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Please try to read properly first before replying. I'm sticking to the topic which has nothing to do with whatever UDD leaders may have done in the past. The topic is on the current MoI to file rebellion charges against leaders of the anti-amnesty bill protests. As far as I know not one single UDD leader is involved in that.

My remakr was simply that all the kneejerk reactions and comments we see from the current government on the current situation may make interesting material for the defense of 'premeditated murder' charged Abhisit/Suthep.

As for 'leave it to Dap', this is an 'open' forum.

With all respect due,

B. Ruble, D.U. p.e.

The irony is that the lawyers for the defense of k. Abhisit/Suthep are thankful for any statements from this government on 'irrational, escalated, improper' protests and the need to react in an adequate way, like filing rebellion charges against protest leaders.

One of these days even you might get invited to make a statement as witness for the defense rolleyes.gif

No, still can't see it . Are you saying the that the present PTP government are responsible for whatever the UDD do or are perceived to have done in the past? 'Cos there's no logic there.

See that's why it's best not to butt in on peoples posts and answer for them. Only they know what they meant when they posted. Lets leave it to dap.

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The irony is that the lawyers for the defense of k. Abhisit/Suthep are thankful for any statements from this government on 'irrational, escalated, improper' protests and the need to react in an adequate way, like filing rebellion charges against protest leaders.

One of these days even you might get invited to make a statement as witness for the defense rolleyes.gif

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

No, still can't see it . Are you saying the that the present PTP government are responsible for whatever the UDD do or are perceived to have done in the past? 'Cos there's no logic there.

See that's why it's best not to butt in on peoples posts and answer for them. Only they know what they meant when they posted. Lets leave it to dap.

(Oh and when you going to get that "new" PC that puts your reply in the right position, at the bottom of the post?) B annoying.

As per usual a desperate attempt to defend your beloved leaders.

Check out wolf5730 on post number 76.

Edited by metisdead
Nonsense emoticon removed.
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Please try to read properly first before replying. I'm sticking to the topic which has nothing to do with whatever UDD leaders may have done in the past. The topic is on the current MoI to file rebellion charges against leaders of the anti-amnesty bill protests. As far as I know not one single UDD leader is involved in that.

My remakr was simply that all the kneejerk reactions and comments we see from the current government on the current situation may make interesting material for the defense of 'premeditated murder' charged Abhisit/Suthep.

As for 'leave it to Dap', this is an 'open' forum.

With all respect due,

B. Ruble, D.U. p.e.

The irony is that the lawyers for the defense of k. Abhisit/Suthep are thankful for any statements from this government on 'irrational, escalated, improper' protests and the need to react in an adequate way, like filing rebellion charges against protest leaders.

One of these days even you might get invited to make a statement as witness for the defense rolleyes.gif

No, still can't see it . Are you saying the that the present PTP government are responsible for whatever the UDD do or are perceived to have done in the past? 'Cos there's no logic there.

See that's why it's best not to butt in on peoples posts and answer for them. Only they know what they meant when they posted. Lets leave it to dap.

No, still not getting it. Why would I be called as witness for the defense? Defense of what? Tell you what, lets just stop here. Well I will. As you say this is a free country and not a dictatorship and an open forum so feel free to do whatever you want to do.

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