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Gf period came 2 weeks early, is she pregnant?


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My gf had her period as normal until around the 20th of October. We had sex (unprotected) twice after that, the second time was around November 2nd and we had to stop as she had some slight bleeding (this has never happened before) then about 3 days later she started having a period. This was only around 16 days after her last one, she says she has never had it early before in her life (she is 25). She thinks she could be pregnant, I've been trying to find out info online but there seems to be very little out there apart from some other forums with lots of women and girls with similar stories who are asking for help and no one seems to give any answers and they never come back to the forums to tell people what happened. She still has her period now and says it's just like her normal one so far which usually lasts a week for her but she's also been feeling tired, aches around her abdominal area and her breasts (she has had aches around her abdomen before during her period but she says these are different) this was just for the first few days and seem to have stopped now though.

I want to go to a doctor ASAP but she refuses to go until the period has stopped, in the meantime she's been on the phone to her older sister who had very similar things happen when she got pregnant a few years ago.

We probably won't be going to see a doctor until Weds but the not knowing is killing me, does anyone have any info about this?

If anyone can recommend a good hospital or clinic that specialise in this in the upper sukhumvit or bang na area please do let me know thanks.

Edited by davejonesbkk
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Is that what it sounds like? I really have no idea myself and my googling hasn't come up with any good answers.

I read a bit about implantation bleeding when a women just got pregnant but that sounded like just brief bleeding and small amounts she's had this period 5-6 days now I can't for the life of me figure out how any one can bleed for that long but still be pregnant.

Her sister also said this can only be one of two things, either she's pregnant or she has something seriously wrong inside her, both are very frightening for us!

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Thanks Sheryl, I just realised Id left out some info:

We went to the pharmacy approx. 5 days ago to get a test kit, the lady in the shop said its highly unlikely she's pregnant but should use the kit after the bleeding has stopped, my gf got impatient waiting and did a test about 4 days ago which came out negative.

We will get a HCG test done when we go to see the doc on Weds (not sure where we should go for this yet though)

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I'm no doctor, but it sounds highly probable to me that it was a very early miscarriage. I don't have the stats, but I read years ago that there are many many more pregnancies that abort in the first week or two, and nobody ever knew it happened other than period irregularity. It suggested that there were possibly as many as 9 out of 10 pregnancies terminate in this way. It's too many years ago to have any idea where to start searching for the links that suggested that.

I wouldn't be too concerned at this point hardly at all personally. You can escalate your actions at a later date if warranted.

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Sorry, but how would any of us Thai visa members know? Or should i ask; is there a doctor in the house with psychic powers to diagnose this person`s medical problem by a rough description on a forum?

Insist that your GF visits a hospital, clinic or GP, a.s.a.p for a medical check-up and some tests. Quite literally this could be anything, even something extremely serious.

As for the unprotected sex part, I hope you know your girlfriend`s past history well and that of her previous lovers?

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I fully agree - this is absolutely not a forum issue. Go and get some professional evaluation at a serious hospital ( not a money extorting private clinic as many of them are)

BTW... Don't be scammed into a marriage........

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I fully agree - this is absolutely not a forum issue. Go and get some professional evaluation at a serious hospital ( not a money extorting private clinic as many of them are)

BTW... Don't be scammed into a marriage........

I disagree. The op is in a foreign country and maybe it is not easy for him to get advice from a Thai person. Is it not possible that a forum member would have either experienced this before or maybe even has a medical background? I believe the forum here is actually being used to its full potential and we should not be discouraging one for using it! Just my two cents worth!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Periods indicate that she IS NOT PREGNANT......... It is when she misses a period that it is time to worry. I'm not a doctor but I have had 4 wives and a hundred girlfriends so I think my credentials are much the same. But it is a well known fact that a woman who has missed at least one period has room for worry. On the other hand it is also widely known that a woman can't get (or be)pregnant when she has a period............ Sleep well and don't fret..............

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Thai Visa is absolutely the best place to come for this type of advice. There are a bunch of retired obstetricians hanging out, ready and qualified to dispense free counseling, on this and many other matters.


And not only are we retired obstetricians who are completely up to date with the latest developments in that field, we are also highly experienced astral projectors who, through extra-sensory perception, can see the insides of your gf even without imaging equipment and can guage her blood and urine to see the markers for pregnancy!!

By the way, for those who are too literal to understand that the last paragraph was an attempt at irony, THE LAST PARAGRAPH WAS AN ATTEMPT AT IRONY.

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Don't believe she is pregnant from the description but a good idea to check. As for the soreness and aches, also have her checked for Inometriosis. Many women have this condition and most can be corrected by taking birth control pills. Just another thought. Good luck.

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I am getting confused on ThaiVisa, we do not want topics like this,well I do not, go and see the bloody doctor or are you that short of money cannot afford the village doctor.

Next thing we will see is some guy asking if his ass is ok because he has started farting to many times and getting skid marks in his pants.

Oh by the way guys my little dog does a poo and then pulls his ass along the ground, is she scratching it or wiping it.???

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... As for the unprotected sex part, I hope you know your girlfriend`s past history well and that of her previous lovers?

With the vaguely misogynist inference that she could be a ho whilst the OP is a paragon of virtue.

It would have been more polite to suggest that he use condoms no?

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I am getting confused on ThaiVisa, we do not want topics like this,well I do not, go and see the bloody doctor or are you that short of money cannot afford the village doctor....

This is the HEALTH forum and the OP asks a valid health related question.

As you do nto like topics like this, suggest you stay out of the Health forum, as this is exactly what we do here,

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Periods indicate that she IS NOT PREGNANT......... It is when she misses a period that it is time to worry. I'm not a doctor but I have had 4 wives and a hundred girlfriends so I think my credentials are much the same. But it is a well known fact that a woman who has missed at least one period has room for worry. On the other hand it is also widely known that a woman can't get (or be)pregnant when she has a period............ Sleep well and don't fret..............

Incorrect on both counts.

Getting pregnant is unlikley if one has sex during menstruation but it can and does happen as many a practising Catholic has learned to their dismay.

And while menstruation usually ceases from the moment of conception it does sometimes happen that menstruation continues for a few months into a pregnancy, sometimes even longer. there have been cases where women failed to realize they were pregnant as a result.

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