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Advice please? Purchasing ticket to BKK.....Amnesty Protests


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Hello all,

Recent newbie to Thai Visa here planning a 3 month stay in Thailand (2nd visit). It's time to purchase my plane ticket and initial hotel and am hearing reports about the amnesty protests. My arrival in BKK is in about 7 weeks, on January 5. I was planning on staying in Sukhumvit, soi 19, Asoke. Would your opinion be to just book and hope for the best or make some other sort of arrangements such as flying to Chiang Mai instead of BKK, changing the date of arrival to BKK, or possibly booking a hotel elsewhere in BKK? Any suggestions or input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all very much.

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Nothing to worry about, mate. Just like the previous red shirt vs yellow shirt "wars" this is Thai vs. Thai. They have zero interest in you. As long as you stay away from the demonstrations you won't get caught up in anything. Also, this thing goes down mainly in Bangkok and somehow I doubt that you'll spend your entire holiday in the city of angels. ;-)

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Most likely nothing will come of it, and even if it does visiting foreigners will be the least of their worries. I was in Bangkok during the 2010 problems and even then never really felt threatened.

If it really does all kick off just as you're landing you can always book an onward flight to CM at the time, or pick up hire car at the airport and drive up.

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I think what ever happens if any thing does will be all over by then and if it is not as has been posted no need to worry.

I am a little bit biased as I live in Chiang Mai any how so I would say skip Bangkok and come to Chiang Mai. Of course I am biased.

By coming to Chiang Mai first you can enjoy what ever it is you are planing to do and be able to leave before the smog season starts to get into full swing around the middle of February usually. You will also be able to ascertain what if any thing is happening in Bangkok. As I said I doubt there will be any thing happening there at all.

Bangkok might be a good place to see good entertainment now. When I came in the wife was watching the rally. The anti Government had a kid I would put at about 12 singing. He reminded me of a young Michel Jackson. Kid was darn good.

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We live in Bangkok near the Victory Monument, and were here during the riots - so I'll answer your question with a statement.

I would rather be in Bangkok during riots than Los Angeles any day. Take this one to the bank - come on over...


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I work at Asoke, and the recent protests had the air of a street carnival more than a malevolent protest. There were some seriously aggrieved looking people, but 95% looked like they were having fun.

I can think of a zillion things to be wary of in Thailand. The amnesty protests fall way down on the list below traffic, STDs, spiked drinks and mosquitoes.

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For now, the protests are serious, but good natured. What is striking is the wide mix of people from all walks of life who feel this is a worthwhile cause.

Keep an eye on the News, only problem might be if the opposition join the fray, and then the Army want a piece of the action ( unlikley).

But, when you come, leave your yellow or red shirts at home. Choose a neutral color smile.png

Come and enjoy.

Edited by bumpkin
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I work at Asoke, and the recent protests had the air of a street carnival more than a malevolent protest. There were some seriously aggrieved looking people, but 95% looked like they were having fun.

I can think of a zillion things to be wary of in Thailand. The amnesty protests fall way down on the list below traffic, STDs, spiked drinks and mosquitoes.

You most inadvertently forgot to mention public transport, sea road ,rail and tall buildings with low balcony's

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I do not expect any problems, most Thai accept corruption of 2-3% but find Taksin took 25%, they want him back, very much and want to solve the matter in court.

Peace in Thailand with Taksin in Dubai.

Have a good trip

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Thank you all very much. It certainly helps to get the perspective of those actually living there. I'll be purchasing my ticket today. Purpose of the visit: Recently retired Firefighter researching the possibility of moving there in 2014 at the ripe old age of 51. Thank you all again for your answers.

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Stay with your plans for now. I do not think that anything major will happen. There will be protests at the very worst and some great foods at those protests. Think of it as part of the adventure. If strife breaks out... you will know it from the staff at the hotel. But I would think that all will be fine. Just enjoy.

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All said. Go ahead with your plans.

The current situation is no reason to cancel a Thailand trip.

I am not a visionary, but very unlikely there will be civil unrest / civil war or the like to come.

Even during the 2006 military coup and the May 2010 unrest no foreigner was harmed (except those who intentionallty rushed into the problem zones).

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There is and was no travel warning for Thailand by US departement of state.


Germany also has no warning, just hints.

I haven't checked through other countries,

Those hints/notices have absolutely no legal relevance.

Thailand is safe to tavel, no exceptional risks/dangers for travellers.

Bar gossip is no foundation for panicmongering.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Your odds of getting hurt in a car accident on the way to the airport are a zillion times higher than getting hurt in a demonstration in Bangkok...unless you are one of the IDIOT farangs who tries to jump into the middle of a Thai demonstration and show his rear end.

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There is and was no travel warning for Thailand by US departement of state.


Germany also has no warning, just hints.

I haven't checked through other countries,

Those hints/notices have absolutely no legal relevance.

Thailand is safe to tavel, no exceptional risks/dangers for travellers.

Bar gossip is no foundation for panicmongering.

Again, somebody posts without reading what has been writen.I never said USA has issued travel warnings. It is obvious to the most ill informed person that if a travel warning is issued by , lets say, UK and the traveller is from the country of Tasmania, that travel warning would have no bearing on the traveller from UK. If USA issues a travel warning about Thailand and you still travel, your insurance co. can refuse to pay up if you make a claim.

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