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Also I didnt see him actively touting anything.......

Doesn't have to be touting anything, just stating something which could benefit him and his profession is enough for someone to suggest he has a conflict of interest.

however tenuous the link........

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Also I didnt see him actively touting anything.......

Doesn't have to be touting anything, just stating something which could benefit him and his profession is enough for someone to suggest he has a conflict of interest.

however tenuous the link........

Up to you E!!

And this is dragging on a bit.............anyway just about everyone has admitted that the majority of bars don't do well and IMO this won't improve as the demograhics are changing quite markedly.

And I go back to my my original point..........Soi Eric was dying a death because of lack of business. Take from that what you wish.

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“The "conflict of interest" mentioned is on this forum. “ NKM

Again, there would only be a conflict of interest if I was actively engaged in selling a business to someone on this thread, while being retained by the seller to sell to that person whilst at the same time giving the impression I was free to give impartial advice to the buyer, also a member of this thread.

Since I am not involved in any of the above there is no conflict of interest. The only thing you could accuse me is, in your opinion, of painting a rosier picture than is true. I have been a London agent for the best part of 25 years and believe me I know what a conflict of interest is. SDM

If you post that you know a couple of bar owners "who do very nicely indeed" - you are promoting the ownership of a bar as a profitable business, which you just happen to be an agent selling them, and everyone here knows here that's BS.

Let me say here, and correct me if I am wrong, that you would seem to have no direct relationship or experience with the bar business other than being a customer. That being the case, if I am wrong please correct me, all of your observations are just that, observations enhanced by rumour. I on the other hand because I am involved professionally actually do have some insight into turnover and profitability. The bar owners I have referred to are extremely good at what they do, they are doing very nicely, and their bars are most definitely not for sale. However this is clearly not a blanket statement that covers every bar in Phuket.

I think it’s fair and obvious to point out that many bars are not doing well, but this is normal in business, some do well and others not so well. However, in my opinion, this is more down to bar owners that have had a few nice holidays here, decided they would “ live the dream” by acquiring a bar which then fails. In my experience, this is usually down to the fact that the new bar owner has never owned a bar and has not a clue how to run it. The “barstool” experts think it is easy, which it is not. They would be no more successful buying a coffee shop, assuming they are not already baristas.

Also, I would like to point out that I have been extremely polite in all my response to you, I have not made flippant remarks such as when I mentioned that if you would have read my profile you would have known what I do professionally, and your response was “ why would I care”. I note that since then you have looked. So I would like to make this clear, I do not BS, I have no reason to BS. Even though I live in Thailand I come from a rigorously regulated property market, where I still own a successful agency, and such things are dealt very harshly by the authorities. Anyone who knows me will say I tell things the way they are, and then I leave it to the other person to make their mind up. So, please, if you want to continue this discussion, let’s stick to fact and lets keep our language cleanIn you opinion, KB, give me a rough percentage of the profitable bars as compared to the non-profitable bars. . SDM

The bars are struggling. Hence, the "conflict of interest" in your posts. NKM

I have already covered this, but if you amend your statement to “ some bars are struggling but others are clearly not” I would agree with you. SDM

I've never dealt with you on a professional basis - nor am I likely to, but, your posts talking up land/business ownership on this forum, plus hte fact you sell them, is a conflict of interest, in regards to your comments on this forum.

Well that is your choice and I am quite happy with that. However, as I have said before, as an agent I represent the seller; I do not represent the buyer. Unless of course the buyer retains me and in that case I am working for the buyer, but this rarely happens. But I can never represent both, because that would be a conflict of interest. My job is to present that which we are selling in the best light, by way of details etc, but the actual decision and burden of satisfaction, must be with the buyer. You clearly consider Thailand to be a corrupt country where nothing anyone says can be trusted. However, as I have mentioned, I am British and have worked in Central London for most of my career. Hopefully you do not consider Great Britain as a corrupt country but even there we have a maxim used in legal and property circles, and that is “ Buyer Beware”, which basically means that it is up to a buyer to make his own investigation and either satisfy himself of whether a purchase is acceptable or not. The same applies here and everywhere else in the World. SDM

It's nothing personal - it's you job to BS and sell. NKM

I really don’t know what uyou are used to, but BS is not essential in sales. SDM

How's your Russian and Chinese language lessons going? NKM

I have absolutely no idea what you mean. SDM

"The only thing you could accuse me is, in your opinion, of painting a rosier picture than is true." - yes, I am accusing you of that, and if a person was to read your post that bars are doing "very nicely indeed" they may wish to buy a bar here, and guess who is there to sell them one, YOU, with full knowledge that most fail. It's a conflict of interest in your cyber life, not your professional life, but it is possible the two could meet.

"all of your observations are just that, observations enhanced by rumour." - correct, I have never owned a bar here, but my observations, hence my opinion, are based on facts. One day a bar owner, whom I have met, is there, the next day the bar is closed and there is a for sale sign on it. There are many of these. This doesn't happen if the bar is "doing very nicely indeed." :) It's not a rumour, bars are struggling. That is a fact.

"I think it’s fair and obvious to point out that many bars are not doing well" - yes, and in your opinion, what is the percentage of bars that are "doing very nicely indeed" to the bars that are "not doing well." On this point, a lot of property is not doing well either. Many condo's have been on the market for years, and "years" is no exageration - and they still continue to build more here, thus, devaluing people's property even further, and making them harder to sell.

"So I would like to make this clear, I do not BS, I have no reason to BS." - your misrepresentation to the purchaser amounts to BS. If you don't sell, you don't get commission - that's the incentive for non-disclosure, misrepresentation and BS.

"some bars are struggling but others are clearly not" - the "some" your refer to is a high percentage. The majority of bars are struggling. Once again, I ask for your percentage.

"My job is to present that which we are selling in the best light, by way of details etc" - yes, and it is in a "false" light and misrepresenting of the truth.

"I really don’t know what uyou are used to, but BS is not essential in sales." - in Phuket, it is, and there are no "valuers" here to protect a bank's interest, and therefore, the purchaser. Even your comment that a forieigner can own land here, whilst technically true, is not indicative of the majority of purchasers of property here. The fact is, no matter what loophole the majority of foreigners are using, they CAN NOT own land, 100% in their name, in Thailand.

You should learn some Russian. This will be your future market on Phuket. :) :) The traditional westen market is declining on Phuket, or are you going to tell me that is just a "rumour" and that businesses and property on Phuket "are doing very nicely indeed?" :) :)


Namkanman, I think we are all a bit bored by this now. Your posts are so full of contradictions both within the posts themselves and in relation to your others that I really do not have the time or inclination to keep pointing this out, you obviously have a lot of time on your hands. Every comment I have made is based on actual experience or knowledge. The majority of comments you have made are based on opinion and rumour. Sufficed to say you are entitled your opinion. Enjoy Phuket, I'm sure you have lots to do, and heres to the next 4000 posts. Have a good day.



Namkanman, I think we are all a bit bored by this now. Your posts are so full of contradictions both within the posts themselves and in relation to your others that I really do not have the time or inclination to keep pointing this out, you obviously have a lot of time on your hands. Every comment I have made is based on actual experience or knowledge. The majority of comments you have made are based on opinion and rumour. Sufficed to say you are entitled your opinion. Enjoy Phuket, I'm sure you have lots to do, and heres to the next 4000 posts. Have a good day. SDM

"Every comment I have made is based on actual experience or knowledge." - you are not in London now. :) Your knowledge and experience is worth very little here.

"Enjoy Phuket" - I do, mainly because I haven't listened to people here like yourself and bought a bar and/or property. :) :)

"Have a good day." - I will, and I hope you do as well.

For someone who should be out there actively marketing property and businesses for sale - you are on this forum a lot. Not many "moving" ehhh? :) :)


Nice final comment, you have a sharpe wit. I spend my time on the listing side and let buyers/renters come to us, although I am spending few hours today with a couple looking at some places. Thanks for your concern though, business is fine. It's not that I spend much time on this forum but since you are obviously unaware I will enlighten you. If anyone make a post on a thread that I have commented on, I get an email. In this modern age of technology this will come to my BlackBerry or ipad from which I will make a response from where ever I am, or whatever I am doing. For example I am currently in a "meeting " from the smallest room in my house, which seems appropriate on my BlackBerry. So I don't really spend that much time looking at the forum, just of late responding to you.



Nice final comment, you have a sharpe wit. I spend my time on the listing side and let buyers/renters come to us, although I am spending few hours today with a couple looking at some places. Thanks for your concern though, business is fine. It's not that I spend much time on this forum but since you are obviously unaware I will enlighten you. If anyone make a post on a thread that I have commented on, I get an email. In this modern age of technology this will come to my BlackBerry or ipad from which I will make a response from where ever I am, or whatever I am doing. For example I am currently in a "meeting " from the smallest room in my house, which seems appropriate on my BlackBerry. So I don't really spend that much time looking at the forum, just of late responding to you. SDM

Sounds like hard work.

Why don't you buy yourself a beer bar and do "very nicely indeed?" smile.pngsmile.png

You have one listed, what about buying that one?


My dear NamKangman. This information is of course contained within my posts. The reason is that since I am a Central London Estate Agent of around 25 years experience I am very well equipped to open a property company here, but as I have have never owned a bar, like you my only experience is sitting on a bar stool the customer side. Thus I have no knowledge of how to run such a business and am not so naive to think it is easy. To follow such a course of action would no doubt see me lose the bar and all my limited wealth because I would not have a clue what I was doing and it would serve me right for presuming I could run a business with no skill or experience in such an endeavour. I'm sure you know the Thai phrase "Som Nam nar"

Have a good day.



My dear NamKangman. This information is of course contained within my posts. The reason is that since I am a Central London Estate Agent of around 25 years experience I am very well equipped to open a property company here, but as I have have never owned a bar, like you my only experience is sitting on a bar stool the customer side. Thus I have no knowledge of how to run such a business and am not so naive to think it is easy. To follow such a course of action would no doubt see me lose the bar and all my limited wealth because I would not have a clue what I was doing and it would serve me right for presuming I could run a business with no skill or experience in such an endeavour. I'm sure you know the Thai phrase "Som Nam nar" Have a good day. S

"The reason is that since I am a Central London Estate Agent of around 25 years experience I am very well equipped to open a property company here" - does this mean you have not opened a property company here as yet?

Are you working illegally here?


No, quite legally, with correct visa and work permit. SDM

The below is the list of occupations reserved for Thai's.

NOTE: "Brokerage or agency except in international trading"

Under the Alien Employment Act, the following occupations are closed to foreigners and is reserved for Thai nationals only:

  • Labor work except labor work in fishing boats under the next category below.
  • Agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry or fishery, except work requiring specialized knowledge, farm supervision, or labor work in fishing boats, particularly marine fishery.
  • Bricklaying, carpentry, or other construction work.
  • Wood carving.
  • Driving motor vehicles or vehicles which do not use machinery or mechanical devices, except piloting international aircraft.
  • Front shop sale.
  • Auction sale work.
  • Supervising, auditing, or giving service in accountancy, except occasional internal auditing.
  • Cutting or polishing precious or semi-precious stones.
  • Haircutting, hairdressing, or beautification.
  • Cloth weaving by hand.
  • Mat weaving or making utensils from reed, rattan, jute, hay, or bamboo.
  • Making rice paper by hand.
  • Lacquer work.
  • Making Thai musical instruments.
  • Niello work.
  • Goldsmith, silversmith, or gold-and-copper alloy smith work.
  • Stone work.
  • Making Thai dolls.
  • Making mattresses or quilts.
  • Making alms bowls.
  • Making silk products by hand.
  • Making Buddha images.
  • Knife making.
  • Making paper or cloth umbrellas.
  • Making shoes.
  • Making hats.
  • Brokerage or agency except in international trading.
  • Professional civil engineering concerning design and calculation, systemization, analysis, planning, testing, construction supervision, or consulting services, excluding work

    requiring specialized techniques.

  • Professional architectural work concerning design, drawing-making, cost estimation, or consulting services.
  • Dressmaking.
  • Pottery.
  • Cigarette rolling by hand.
  • Tour guiding or conducting.
  • Hawking of goods.
  • Thai typesetting by hand.
  • Unwinding and twisting silk by hand.
  • Clerical or secretarial work.
  • Providing legal services or engaging in legal work (except arbitration work sand work relating to defense of cases at arbitration level, provided the law governing the dispute

    under consideration by the arbitrators is not Thai law)s

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