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That that don't kill you makes you stronger


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Recently I have been in a position where myself and my wife take care of a three year old boy one day a week, on a Sunday. This boy has been shoved from pillar to post since he was born (mother deserted him) and his western father is very busy building up his online business.

After a few visits I realized that this boy possesses an uncanny ability to weigh up every adult he meets and he acts according to what he thinks he can get away with. I've spent many years working with young kids and developing learning systems that really are learner centered. As a skilled project based teacher, I have learned the value of observation and have watched him carefully.

He can solve problems with amazing versatility and he can amuse himself with the smallest of items for hours (he's never had his own toys).

His whole being is centered around survival and I have no doubt that he is streets ahead of other Thai kids his age. My dog is thirteen and very intolerant of him, quite often baring her teeth when he nears. After a few weeks I saw him go to the fridge and take a doggie chew and give it to the dog. Then he goes and fills up her water bowl. He knew he needed to make friends with the dog and he did that very well. (My dog is autistic and doesn't take to anyone outside the immediate family)He can now pet her without a problem.

This observation, coupled with other clear examples makes me realize that we should not have pity on those who are underprivileged, rather we should understand that their experiences will elevate them spiritually and make them stronger. I'm not saying that a devastating event like a typhoon is a good thing but through the hardship and suffering, they will become stronger.

Many people rise to greatness from a desolate background,

interested to hear other's opinions.

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As a skilled projectbased teacher, maybe you should teach the kids western father, that is more important to take care of his child, than building an internetbusiness!!coffee1.gif

Why should I do that when the internet business will ensure the boy has opportunities, and he took care of his kid by having others look after him.

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As a skilled projectbased teacher, maybe you should teach the kids western father, that is more important to take care of his child, than building an internetbusiness!!coffee1.gif

Why should I do that when the internet business will ensure the boy has opportunities, and he took care of his kid by having others look after him.

Since he was born, he has been shoved from pillar to post.

At three years of age, he has never had a toy to play with.

You, a "Project based Teacher" allows a mature dog to bare it's teeth on many occasions to a three year old baby.

What will you do next, teach him to play Russian roulette (ops other thread) ?

You're not a very good troll, if you're not a troll, then stay off the Yaba

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As a skilled projectbased teacher, maybe you should teach the kids western father, that is more important to take care of his child, than building an internetbusiness!!coffee1.gif

Why should I do that when the internet business will ensure the boy has opportunities, and he took care of his kid by having others look after him.

Pity that a good thread is being put out of the window by your above comment.

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As a skilled projectbased teacher, maybe you should teach the kids western father, that is more important to take care of his child, than building an internetbusiness!!coffee1.gif

Why should I do that when the internet business will ensure the boy has opportunities, and he took care of his kid by having others look after him.

if you dont know why you should do that, i would question your use of the word skilled

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I enjoyed reading the question. If for no other reason that it's thought provoking.

Certainly he also needs the emotional love and family structure stability otherwise those life skills could morph into a manipulative child or adult.

Probably a core part of that is for the boy to discover who he is as well as how he interacts with others around him.

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As a skilled projectbased teacher, maybe you should teach the kids western father, that is more important to take care of his child, than building an internetbusiness!!coffee1.gif

Why should I do that when the internet business will ensure the boy has opportunities, and he took care of his kid by having others look after him.

So the western father takes care of his kid by not taking care of his kid...good father he is clap2.gif

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Sorry to hear about the child ....and well for the father....the kids future means nothing if he is not given the love a parent can only give now, when it is needed

But on to another subject you brought up.......

The Dog has autism!!!!! You've got one heck of a Veterinarian .....

Wikipedia....Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication, and by restricted, repetitive or stereotyped behavior..

Maybe you can expand on symptoms a little more.....am very interested!

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Well, Geronimo is yelled when one dives into something risky, and here's a perfectly decent thread shredded by the usual gang of idiots (with an exception or two) who cannot wrap pea brains around a big idea.

Apparently said idiots had perfect childhoods with two parents present; and as such, were unchallenged, resulting in stunted emotional and mental abilities.

Yes, dogs do get autism.


… among others

Thanks for posting. Ignore the idiots (unfortunately, they'll keep coming).

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Well, Geronimo is yelled when one dives into something risky, and here's a perfectly decent thread shredded by the usual gang of idiots (with an exception or two) who cannot wrap pea brains around a big idea.

Apparently said idiots had perfect childhoods with two parents present; and as such, were unchallenged, resulting in stunted emotional and mental abilities.

Yes, dogs do get autism.


… among others

Thanks for posting. Ignore the idiots (unfortunately, they'll keep coming).

Now Now... Herohieto....don't get your knickers all in a wad

The topic is a very serious one, I agree, and a decent discussion might have ensued BUT the introduction of an autistic dog well I truly believe he could have left that part out .... Even the site you direct us to ...points out "Autism is very rare in dogs and some scientists even doubt the condition is present in canines".... (ie...it doesn't exist!!! Just another BS symptom for Vets to charge loving animal owners for)

so why blame said "usual gang of Idiots" with pea brains......coffee1.gif

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Sorry, but the moment the autistic dog came in to play I just lost control, cant remember the last time a spat out my tea and laughed out loud at something....hilarious!....if that makes me one of the gang of idiots so be it, its just so funny to read !

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Well, Geronimo is yelled when one dives into something risky, and here's a perfectly decent thread shredded by the usual gang of idiots (with an exception or two) who cannot wrap pea brains around a big idea.

Apparently said idiots had perfect childhoods with two parents present; and as such, were unchallenged, resulting in stunted emotional and mental abilities.

Yes, dogs do get autism.


… among others

Thanks for posting. Ignore the idiots (unfortunately, they'll keep coming).

Now Now... Herohieto....don't get your knickers all in a wad

The topic is a very serious one, I agree, and a decent discussion might have ensued BUT the introduction of an autistic dog well I truly believe he could have left that part out .... Even the site you direct us to ...points out "Autism is very rare in dogs and some scientists even doubt the condition is present in canines".... (ie...it doesn't exist!!! Just another BS symptom for Vets to charge loving animal owners for)

so why blame said "usual gang of Idiots" with pea brains......coffee1.gif

There's a difference between acerbic wit and childish attacking. The usual insecure posters who typically attack others to feel better about themselves are a sad group, especially when the OP is trying to do something good for a toddler.

I laughed when I saw the autistic dog comment, too, but before replying I spent ten minutes researching, and numerous sites, including those of vets, state autism is possible in dogs. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on these posters, they might be autistic.

Anyway, most of the attacks weren't funny, and it gets old seeing decent posters starting an interesting thread, get insulted.

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Challenges, struggles, and hard work make us more capable people. This is why so many successful businesses are started by people who came from nothing. It is also why so many children of said people destroy those businesses.

If I had a billion dollars I would raise my kid as if we had little and make him earn his keep. Working in a fast food restaurant for $3 an hour, cleaning toilets, dealing with ignorant people, and getting looked down upon made me appreciate what I had. Especially after uncle sam took another 20% off the top for taxes,SS, etc. It also motivated me to do something with my life so i didnt spend the rest of it there.

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As a skilled projectbased teacher, maybe you should teach the kids western father, that is more important to take care of his child, than building an internetbusiness!!coffee1.gif

Why should I do that when the internet business will ensure the boy has opportunities, and he took care of his kid by having others look after him.

I see your logic some people were not meant to be great and caring parents, but having a good income he should be able to get the child the caring nurturing upbringing the child needs.

Your being a skilled project based Teacher it may be possible to explain to the child's needs to the father, a great behavior modification program could steer his positive capabilities into a very positive direction, his fascination with objects over a pro-longed period of time and his attention to detail can be channeled into a positive direction.

Good Luck,


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As a skilled projectbased teacher, maybe you should teach the kids western father, that is more important to take care of his child, than building an internetbusiness!!coffee1.gif

Why should I do that when the internet business will ensure the boy has opportunities, and he took care of his kid by having others look after him.

I see your logic some people were not meant to be great and caring parents, but having a good income he should be able to get the child the caring nurturing upbringing the child needs.

Your being a skilled project based Teacher it may be possible to explain to the child's needs to the father, a great behavior modification program could steer his positive capabilities into a very positive direction, his fascination with objects over a pro-longed period of time and his attention to detail can be channeled into a positive direction.

Good Luck,


He has actually managed to find a decent woman who takes an interest in the boy, so I think all will be fine.

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