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California couple moves to Thailand to avoid the financial stress of living In the US


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What are they going to do for jobs here?. Teach English for 800 baht a day? I suppose with two of them they can pool enough money to live comfortably in Phuket.

Theyre not going to like the expensive cars,.petrol and filthy streets.

Lets have a follow up to this story in 12 months.

Yes, I agree.

First, they've only been in Thailand a few months. They are still essentially tourists. They live the same lifestyle...yet in California they had a car, here they have a motorbike. They have a condo = to California style....except they show us no photo of that, only touristy photos.

Frankly, I doubt the validity of this story. It didn't match my experience of living in Thailand.

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They could have moved to any other state and lived cheaper then California. To say they moved to Thailand because it is cheaper to live in Thailand is asinine. I lived in Michigan and it cost me the same to live here as it did in Michigan. The only thing cheaper in Thailand is labor and medical.

Have you tried buying a car lately or a computer or go buy some petrol for your car.  The big difference in cost is you can buy

cheap china products that USA does not allow in country.


Yes I have.  I don't need a car to live here because the public transportation is so good and available, saving me quite a bit of cash.  Yes I bought a computer here quite a bit cheaper because of the software included.  All in all I spend 500% less for the same lifestyle as the States.  

did you live on the top floor of SAKS FIFTH AVENUE perhaps?...

I have visited your country lot and to say 500%dearer is way overstretching.

PHUKET in NOT CHEAP. in fact nothing there is cheap.

In Australia I can get comparable same price or cheaper.

Medical?, true nut quality same?. hmmmm. I should know.... I am in the profession.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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Yes I have. I don't need a car to live here because the public transportation is so good and available, saving me quite a bit of cash. Yes I bought a computer here quite a bit cheaper because of the software included. All in all I spend 500% less for the same lifestyle as the States.

did you live on the top floor of SAKS FIFTH AVENUE perhaps?...

I have visited your country lot and to say 500%dearer is way overstretching.

PHUKET in NOT CHEAP. in fact nothing there is cheap.

In Australia I can get comparable same price or cheaper.

Medical?, true nut quality same?. hmmmm. I should know.... I am in the profession.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

A lot of things make the medical care cheaper here for me. Au Bon Pain in the hospital so I don't have to send a taxi out for espresso and bagels. Refrigerator and dishes, silver and china and extra beds and chairs and tables in the room for the family. State of the art new hospitals. A lot of the doctors trained in the UK and USA. It is just nicer. All the big wigs from the MIddl East come here. They have the cash to go anywhere but come here. I have never been to Phuket. So I can't comment.

Edited by thailiketoo
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basically, they are working illegally ...

case for immigration to check that out...

and, that job for video editing, can i apply :) looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

if it pays well enough

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That's a load of crock shit, why freelance jobs,,,find a real job and work, get you hands dirty if you WANT to work you can work, especially in your own country which language you speak. Coming to Thailand ,how are they getting jobs? they speak Thai ?,if they struggling now for money they will be broke and live on the street in a month ,not very bright (my opinion) sad.png

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They could have moved to any other state and lived cheaper then California. To say they moved to Thailand because it is cheaper to live in Thailand is asinine. I lived in Michigan and it cost me the same to live here as it did in Michigan. The only thing cheaper in Thailand is labor and medical.

Have you tried buying a car lately or a computer or go buy some petrol for your car. The big difference in cost is you can buy

cheap china products that USA does not allow in country.

Asinine??? Didn't realize Michigan was so cheap? I know Europe, and particularly UK isn't. The costs of fuel(half price) water (20%) electric (half price) and general living (no rates, no standing charges on utilities, no TV tax) makes things immeasurably cheaper here. And that's without the cost of a nice new truck (a lot less like for like) or eating /drinking out from the bargain basement places to the higher end. Conversely, the only thing I found expensive here is the medical cover, but then all private cover is compared to the NHS, even in England. Dental care is probably a 1/3 however.

You seriously saying the biggest difference between the 2 is cheap Chinese imports???

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Gosh, 2 folks that borrowed money to get an education and live the "American dream" now they run away from responsibility and commitment . If you make a debt, you pay that debt. And people ask whats wrong with the USA sad.png

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More power to them. However, that being said, running off to another country to try and get ahead is probably not the best choice. They are young and have some time but they seem to be working free lance jobs so probably no benefits whatsoever. Sure California is costly to live but they surely had alternatives. I guess I would like to have taken off to the beach on nice days here in Los Angeles when I was working but I damn well wasn't going to get ahead that way. Let them live their fantasy for a while. The money they are saving seems already spent on a trip to Europe so all I can see is they are living a little better and having some fun. Unfortunately when they do return they will be older and they will be competing with the kids graduating from college. Good luck to them.

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Yes I have. I don't need a car to live here because the public transportation is so good and available, saving me quite a bit of cash. Yes I bought a computer here quite a bit cheaper because of the software included. All in all I spend 500% less for the same lifestyle as the States.

The finest pirated software in Asia. Spending 500% less?....doesn't 100% less bring a person to zero cost?...my mind is I'm still trying to understand this 500% less quantum mechanics math for living costs.

It's obviously a typo for 50%, but carry on being anal if you think you are adding something to the thread.

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They could have moved to any other state and lived cheaper then California. To say they moved to Thailand because it is cheaper to live in Thailand is asinine. I lived in Michigan and it cost me the same to live here as it did in Michigan. The only thing cheaper in Thailand is labor and medical.

Have you tried buying a car lately or a computer or go buy some petrol for your car. The big difference in cost is you can buy

cheap china products that USA does not allow in country.

Where in Michigan did you live? In a van down by the river? With a pen name of Yooper, I imagine you were in the U.P. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not calling you a liar, I'd just like to know how you were able to live so cheaply.....had to be way out in the sticks. I lived in Michigan all my life until I retired. I lived a fairly spartan lifestyle in a very modest dwelling, cutting costs, sometimes painfully, wherever I could, and it was NEVER as cheap as it is here in Thailand. Currently I am able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle AND put money in the bank on my Social Security and a very small pension from my former employer. If I was back in Michigan (in the area where I lived previously), I would just barely be able to make it from month to month, and would have no savings in case of emergency.

Edited by The Usual Suspect
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I wonder if they can get partial refund on ticket? "I booked ticket to paradise, but you sent me to Phuket!" Well, being from Oregon (state north of Cali), for my friends and family's sake still there, I hope more follow their example. We have signs "Don't Californicate Oregon".

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Business Insider??whistling.gif

A story about a couple not able to face up realities, fleeing their responsibities!!coffee1.gif

Good Us taxpayer money wasted on their "educations".

Not that I agree with all their decisions but please explain how taxpayer money was wasted on their education? Brooks Institute is a for-profit, private arts college, and not a public school? If they pay off their student loans JQ Public is not impacted.

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