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Why should I care about Thai politics and why do so many TV members appear to?

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Well if you have a wife and kids and assets in the country, it would pay to be at least aware of what's going on.

If you think none of it effects you, at least you won't know it's going to hurt until after you got shafted.

I still don't see how.

Will the Thai Nationals rise up and murder the Farangs (as happened in many former British Colonies during the 50's and 60's)?

Will the government sequester the contents of my bank account (as happened after the coup in Cuba)?

I don't believe it. Thailand is above all that and even the craziest of the crazy politicos would not dare.

Thailand s not Cambodia nor North Korea.

I still don't know why I should be interested in Thai politics (except as an unconcerned observer).

Thanks, anyway.smile.png

There are so many expats here either retired or working for multinational companies it would be stupid for any style of government to lose those billions of Baht by messing with us. IMO I could care less what they do and as said before the Thai family will keep me up to date on happenings. Got to admit it is interesting to watch the sillier goings on though.

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Well if you have a wife and kids and assets in the country, it would pay to be at least aware of what's going on.

If you think none of it effects you, at least you won't know it's going to hurt until after you got shafted.

I still don't see how.

Will the Thai Nationals rise up and murder the Farangs (as happened in many former British Colonies during the 50's and 60's)?

Will the government sequester the contents of my bank account (as happened after the coup in Cuba)?

I don't believe it. Thailand is above all that and even the craziest of the crazy politicos would not dare.

Thailand s not Cambodia nor North Korea.

I still don't know why I should be interested in Thai politics (except as an unconcerned observer).

Thanks, anyway.smile.png

There are so many expats here either retired or working for multinational companies it would be stupid for any style of government to lose those billions of Baht by messing with us. IMO I could care less what they do and as said before the Thai family will keep me up to date on happenings. Got to admit it is interesting to watch the sillier goings on though.

If they ruin the economy perhaps my pension rate against the baht will improve??


Some great replies.

But, if anything, all I've learned thus far is that the answer to my querie (being) "Why should I care about Thai politics", is that I'm correct in thinking that I shouldn't.

It makes absolutely no difference to me and I suspect it makes little or no difference to the Thai populace, either.

Seems to be rather like the political process back home.

"The new boss, just the same as the old boss and now the parting on the left is just a parting on the right".

Who said that.

You could always take up Ostrich farming. On the beach of course.

You have had some worthwhile answers to your post.

There is no real need to get involved with the politics of any country that you decide to live. Although it is wise to have an understanding. Wouldb't you think?


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Some great replies.

But, if anything, all I've learned thus far is that the answer to my querie (being) "Why should I care about Thai politics", is that I'm correct in thinking that I shouldn't.

It makes absolutely no difference to me and I suspect it makes little or no difference to the Thai populace, either.

Seems to be rather like the political process back home.

"The new boss, just the same as the old boss and now the parting on the left is just a parting on the right".

Who said that.

You could always take up Ostrich farming. On the beach of course.

You have had some worthwhile answers to your post.

There is no real need to get involved with the politics of any country that you decide to live. Although it is wise to have an understanding. Wouldb't you think?


He was just trolling and has already left the thread ..... but +1 for the Ostrich ranching!


Whether one care or not, the country's politics/decisions are affecting us who lives here.

Come to think about it, some of the member here must soon start paying a barfine worth of money (ouch that hurts I bet) to enter the country.

So it affects you guys (you know who you are) as well.


Yes I know what a barfine is, so no need comment on that. let's talk about the topic.


I agree with Chrisinth!

How can you live in a country and ignore the politics of it, when laws can be passed which may affect you dramatically?

I am not advocating getting involved - just be aware!

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I don't care about Thai politics. It seems that there is always a problem nobody wants to solve. As long as the people are confused and uneducated nothing will ever get done. It is the rich that run this country and OMG It is bad of me to say that democracy may not be for everyone. When there are upsetting circumstances in Thai politics the exchange rate gets better for me. So maybe there are some parts of Thai politics that I do care about. As far as the Thais organizing to effect change - well, that means following some rules. If the Thais driving habits are a reflection of following rules . . . well bless them anyway.


Some folks are "invested" here, either financially, emotionally or both. In their case, I certainly understand their taking an interest in Thai politics. My interest in Thai politics is observing how the locals resolve their differences- or not :)

I have never invested in Thailand because I am not confident of any recourse I would have if my local assets were in peril. My extension of stay is renewed annually, so why would I want to have long term investments here? Not saying that is the right outlook for others, its just my personal risk tolerance here :)


Well if you have a wife and kids and assets in the country, it would pay to be at least aware of what's going on.

If you think none of it effects you, at least you won't know it's going to hurt until after you got shafted.

I still don't see how.

Will the Thai Nationals rise up and murder the Farangs (as happened in many former British Colonies during the 50's and 60's)?

Will the government sequester the contents of my bank account (as happened after the coup in Cuba)?

I don't believe it. Thailand is above all that and even the craziest of the crazy politicos would not dare.

Thailand s not Cambodia nor North Korea.

I still don't know why I should be interested in Thai politics (except as an unconcerned observer).

Thanks, anyway.smile.png

There are so many expats here either retired or working for multinational companies it would be stupid for any style of government to lose those billions of Baht by messing with us. IMO I could care less what they do and as said before the Thai family will keep me up to date on happenings. Got to admit it is interesting to watch the sillier goings on though.

If they ruin the economy perhaps my pension rate against the baht will improve??

Very well might. But they (the "politics" in question) might also change the retirement conditions, say a minimum of 150,00 baht/month income or 2,000,000 baht in the bank. Might attract quality retirees to paraphrase a term from TAT. Yes the politics might affect anyone and everyone.


Some great replies.

But, if anything, all I've learned thus far is that the answer to my querie (being) "Why should I care about Thai politics", is that I'm correct in thinking that I shouldn't.

It makes absolutely no difference to me and I suspect it makes little or no difference to the Thai populace, either.

Seems to be rather like the political process back home.

"The new boss, just the same as the old boss and now the parting on the left is just a parting on the right".

Who said that.

You could always take up Ostrich farming. On the beach of course.

You have had some worthwhile answers to your post.

There is no real need to get involved with the politics of any country that you decide to live. Although it is wise to have an understanding. Wouldb't you think?


Almost 1/2 of the US and UK don't vote (around 40% actually). No surprise they would not pay attention in Thailand.


Because Thai politics can determine whether you remain here or not, whether your visa conditions will change or not, for some, whether they lose their home, family etc because they can no longer remain here and all these aspects are influenced by govt. decisions right down to the money in yiur pocket and what its worth.

As you quite rightly say, I can always leave.

But does anyone on this forum really believe I shall feel obliged to because any one of the three Thai parties are in control (Left, Right or Military)?

Why bother ourselves?

I like your slightly quaint and diffident view of politics, particularly Thai politics. Many on the Forum follow Thai Politics very closely through either a favourite topic (perhaps through boredom) or a chance to have a rant about what some outrageous Politician has said, which we all know is a down right lie. Personally I find it a guinea a minute to watch what some of them get up to and it brightens up my day no end. I think the most apt saying about the Politicians is, "People will follow this Politician, more often than not out of idle curiosity". You just never know what they are going to get up to next. Remember, Thailand is still a bit like the Wild West. They have rules and laws, but few people follow them. Government is still very much in it's infancy. It took the UK and other developed Countries hundreds of years to reach this point - and we still have corrupt politicians, who also lie to the electorate!! My advice to you is keep your perspective of Thai Politics and enjoy your stay in Thailand - a great place and lovely people, as a generalization.wai.gif


There is no point going on, and on, discussing this matter, because foreigners living here permanently are bound to be concerned about governmental political politics because it is bound to affects the entire life standard of the nation.

In addition foreigners living here permanently should be concerned about what is going on politically because sometimes legal aspects in respect of immigrants are sometimes changed and altered via politics which can and do sometimes have a negative outline for foreigners.

Thus it is important to be able to find out any new occurring politics that might affect the live standard of foreigners, this is not necessarily a matter of interest, it is a matter of concern.


I am probably the ostrich with it's head in the sand.

I had the same attitude in Australia.....I voted.....didn't make a shred of a difference.

To me, politicians (worldwide) are only in there for one purpose, and one purpose only.......to better themselves in any way they can....for themselves.

Politicians don't give a rodents rectum what the average "Joe" on the street thinks or feels. They only think about themselves.

Living here in Thailand, ok some say be aware and be prepared for the worst because we don't know what will happen next. I am already depressed and now you political followers want me to have something else to worry about? I came here to retire, relax and leave all that nonsense behind me....back to the sand-trap for me.



Well, since Jib purports to own property here ..... I think he is best served not learning anything. The disillusionment factor with noob's that lose it all after having not done there homework makes for good theater! (Somewhere between melodrama and a greek tragedy!)

And the reason I should care about which political party is in power is.........?

Why not answer me, rather than attack me?

I'm here seeking wisdom from the experienced and all I receive is diatribe.

Worrying About which one or other is in power is rather irrelevant. Knowing what it means should one or other be in power is more important.

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You should not worry about it.

Let those who have lost their libidos bitch about everything, again and again.

Exactly !!! Those with passion stay involved and concerned. Those whose passion has withered away bitch about libidos being gone :)

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OP it's obvious that you have asked a question of TV Members that: "Why should I care about Thai politics"

The fact that you asked the question,is obvious that you wouldn't understand the answer/answers. So I am not going to join the band of others that you have chosen to ignore,good, sound advice from.

But should you need at some stage to make a decision whether to get yourself and family out of Thailand or not,then you would not be in a good position,to have decided months ago to sell up and go,and applied damage limitation on your possessions and investment in Thailand losses.

Basically you are burying your head in the sand,always remember:you are not living in a stable Country,even though you may dreamily think so! 18 Military Coups,and seemingly ongoing Political unrest (the last serious unrest,of 2010,verging on Civil war,and prior to that a Military Coup) must tell you something.......although it may appear that this is a wonderful Playground,this is not Disneyland!

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OP it's obvious that you have asked a question of TV Members that: "Why should I care about Thai politics"

The fact that you asked the question,is obvious that you wouldn't understand the answer/answers. So I am not going to join the band of others that you have chosen to ignore,good, sound advice from.

But should you need at some stage to make a decision whether to get yourself and family out of Thailand or not,then you would not be in a good position,to have decided months ago to sell up and go,and applied damage limitation on your possessions and investment in Thailand losses.

Basically you are burying your head in the sand,always remember:you are not living in a stable Country,even though you may dreamily think so! 18 Military Coups,and seemingly ongoing Political unrest (the last serious unrest,of 2010,verging on Civil war,and prior to that a Military Coup) must tell you something.......although it may appear that this is a wonderful Playground,this is not Disneyland!

after seeing what cambodians could do to each other in the 1970's, any hint of trouble over phra vihear gives me pause!!

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In my opinion, we should stay out of Thai politics. We may care about a specific issue, but our beliefs are premised on a different culture with a completely different mindset. If you want to "change the world," better to begin within your own homeland. Opinions aside, there are also real dangers of getting involved in Thai affairs.

While exploring a small village in Isaan in the spring of 2004, I met an ex (?) mercenary who warned me of the dangers of saying anything negative about political players. He referred me to a book (can't recall the name) about foreigners disappearing in Thailand. A recent article by John Le Favre of The Establishment Post states, "Every year more than a dozen or so of the more than twenty million people who visit Thailand vanish – disappear as if they stepped into a black hole or were" I suspect there are many more than that.

My wife told me that her uncle, a popular Prachinburi Village Head with financial backing, refused to run for governor because of how people are killed in every election cycle just by speaking their minds.

Keep in mind that former PM Thaksin had as many as 2,700 people killed during his war on drugs, at least half oh which -- according to a UN report -- had nothing to do with drugs. Seems it was open season for taking out enemies & political dissidents.

I am fortunate to have a really good Thai friend (we both served in a UN mission together nearly 20 years ago). He & I are at opposite ends regarding a major political issue, but our friendship is strong enough to keep it from being a problem. While debating the subject with him at his home a couple of years ago, he cautioned me to never talk about politics to Thai people.

From a practical point of view, politics is stressful in the West, with the arguments usually riding a wave of anger perpetrated by someone fighting a personal war. Why would anyone want to keep banging their head after making the choice to leave that world behind & take up residence in the LoS? Perhaps it's better to let go of the anger & enjoy a peaceful existence in Thailand.


Precisely! Might add that I have been in LOS for 7 years, and still find Thai politics hopelessly confusing. To be sure, there are issues that affect foreigners living in the country, but I would not recommend getting directly imvolved in Thai politics in any way, for both reasons of mental health and self-preservatiion. As one poster correctly noted, there js nothing we can do anyway. Personally, I am very happy here and love Thai people and the country, and I have no interest in focussing on all the country's shortcomings, however obviious they may be! smile.png

I saw a newspaper story about it a while back.


As I suspected.

Thai Visa members who are hooked on Thai politics are also more likely to be either homicidal or suicidal.

I am beginning to feel more and more vindicated in my lack of interest in Thai politics.

Thanks for that post.

It's a hoot.clap2.gif

I seriously doubt your ridiculous Troll is likely to bring out the Homicidal or Suicidal tendencies in anyone.

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In my opinion, we should stay out of Thai politics. We may care about a specific issue, but our beliefs are premised on a different culture with a completely different mindset. If you want to "change the world," better to begin within your own homeland. Opinions aside, there are also real dangers of getting involved in Thai affairs.

While exploring a small village in Isaan in the spring of 2004, I met an ex (?) mercenary who warned me of the dangers of saying anything negative about political players. He referred me to a book (can't recall the name) about foreigners disappearing in Thailand. A recent article by John Le Favre of The Establishment Post states, "Every year more than a dozen or so of the more than twenty million people who visit Thailand vanish – disappear as if they stepped into a black hole or were" I suspect there are many more than that.

My wife told me that her uncle, a popular Prachinburi Village Head with financial backing, refused to run for governor because of how people are killed in every election cycle just by speaking their minds.

Keep in mind that former PM Thaksin had as many as 2,700 people killed during his war on drugs, at least half oh which -- according to a UN report -- had nothing to do with drugs. Seems it was open season for taking out enemies & political dissidents.

I am fortunate to have a really good Thai friend (we both served in a UN mission together nearly 20 years ago). He & I are at opposite ends regarding a major political issue, but our friendship is strong enough to keep it from being a problem. While debating the subject with him at his home a couple of years ago, he cautioned me to never talk about politics to Thai people.

From a practical point of view, politics is stressful in the West, with the arguments usually riding a wave of anger perpetrated by someone fighting a personal war. Why would anyone want to keep banging their head after making the choice to leave that world behind & take up residence in the LoS? Perhaps it's better to let go of the anger & enjoy a peaceful existence in Thailand.

Farangs do not "stay" into Thai politics, they only listen to it in order to be aware of any political outcome that might effect

some immigration matters for foreigners staying permanently in Thailand.

Foreigners married to a Thai wife do not have to listen to it, should there be political matters that affect immigrants in one way or another then the wife will tell him about it.


quote "Perhaps it's better to let go of the anger & enjoy a peaceful existence in Thailand."

Probably right for some, but some of us, by nature and nurture would like to leave the world a better place than when we entered it.

The option of opting out is not available.

A hard furrow to plough, but that's our lot, and I would not want to go through life as a spectator.

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quote "Perhaps it's better to let go of the anger & enjoy a peaceful existence in Thailand."

Probably right for some, but some of us, by nature and nurture would like to leave the world a better place than when we entered it.

The option of opting out is not available.

A hard furrow to plough, but that's our lot, and I would not want to go through life as a spectator.

A noble position to take, ajs500, but let me ask you this: a better world for who? Christians? Muslims? Are you of a mind that Thai people would be happier if you -- a foreigner -- could dictate the type of government they have & what laws are on the books?

The best place to affect "change" of any kind is from within your own culture (unless, i.e., you believe in Crusader-like force).

You're obviously quite young, so charge ahead to make the world better for those who you believe are less wise than yourself, but do it in your own backyard. Thai people don't need our help, nor do they want it.

When you get later on in years, you'll wish you had spent more time as a "spectator," enjoying what life has to offer.

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Unless you have a vote it doesn't really matter whether you care or not.

Yes it does matter.

If new laws are implemented resulting in me having to leave the kingdom, it matters a lot.

Even though I did NOT vote.

Completely agree with you. Thai politics - and things we are not allowed to discuss - DOES matter to any foreigner who lives in Thailand or plans to live in the future.

However, since I can not influence any of the current or future "happenings" in Thailand and it's politics, I tend to be an observer only and not comment on what is happening.


I don't get it. If you come to live/retire here, how can you NOT have an interest in what's going on ? But then again maybe it's enough to make the odd trip to 7/11 and just watch the satellite TV from the comfort of your armchair. I mean if your 65 you've probably only got another 15 or 20 years left to do that.


Unless you have a vote it doesn't really matter whether you care or not.


Yes it does matter.


If new laws are implemented resulting in me having to leave the kingdom, it matters a lot.

Even though I did NOT vote.



if new laws are implemented requiring you to leave your interest will make no difference at all

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