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Father Guilty of Marrying His Gay Son!


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Yes, the title is misleading, but there are technical reasons why we cannot usually edit the title, so it will have to stay as is.

Title is misleading because too many people don't know about transitive and intransitive verbs, and that some verbs can be used in both modes with different meanings.

BTW, Scott, excellent piece of wisdom in your signature, I like it very much.

P.S. a minor tweak in the forum's mod-rewrite module could allow mods to edit titles.

Just add the new URL as if it was a new thread and to avoid 404s, keep the old URL in the mod rewrite rules with a 301 forward to the new URL to keep search engines happy, et voilà!

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I think your title should have been "

US Methodist church convicts minister for officiating at son's gay wedding...

a bit different than what you're implying, yes?

Sorry if the title misled some people into reading about something which would otherwise have garnered little or no attention and which they may otherwise not have bothered with - that was my unashamed intention, and clearly it worked.

Technically the thread title is 100% correct, so it has no need of "correction" - particularly as the minister is both his son's father and his Father.

I am also relieved that at least sustento saw the connection with Norman Tebbit's widely publicised comment made prior to the UK vote on gay marriage ( http://metro.co.uk/2013/05/21/i-quite-fancy-my-brother-maybe-ill-marry-my-son-says-lord-tebbit-on-gay-marriage-laws-3802950/ ), even if it apparently escaped others.

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Guilty suggests he was doing something wrong.

Another covert implicit gay bashing piece of bs from some smarty pants who thinks such a headline gives him kudos-sheesh

You appear to have overlooked that according to his church court he WAS doing something wrong, he WAS found "guilty" by that church court, and he WILL be "sentenced" tomorrow.

If you think that highlighting and drawing wider attention to something which I have repeatedly said I strongly disagree with by deliberately making the title ambiguous is somehow "Another covert implicit gay bashing piece of bs" then I can only say that you have missed the whole point of the thread and of the articles in the link I gave, which are very much supportive of the pastor and his actions, by a country mile.

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Yes, the title is misleading, but there are technical reasons why we cannot usually edit the title, so it will have to stay as is.

Title is misleading because too many people don't know about transitive and intransitive verbs, and that some verbs can be used in both modes with different meanings.

BTW, Scott, excellent piece of wisdom in your signature, I like it very much.

P.S. a minor tweak in the forum's mod-rewrite module could allow mods to edit titles.

Just add the new URL as if it was a new thread and to avoid 404s, keep the old URL in the mod rewrite rules with a 301 forward to the new URL to keep search engines happy, et voilà!

That's Good!

I had thought you were going to say trans..... something else.

Did you say a minor twink?

Oh, mercy!

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We are getting a little bit off-topic, but the Titles can be edited, however, there are technical reasons related to the internet as to why they are not. It has to do with search engines etc. A major re-write isn't permitted.

In this case the misunderstanding seems to have been beneficial to the topic.

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