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20 Soi dogs ruin my game of golf!


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This could be a long rant so bare with me – I’m fuming.

I’ve got a friend from the UK staying with me, he’s on holiday here and he’s a really keen golfer. This morning we got up at 5am to make our 6.15am tee-off at Royal Hua Hin golf course. This isn’t the first time he’s played golf in Thailand but the first time he’s played in Hua Hin – something which he was really looking forward to as he has heard what great golfing facilities Hua Hin has.

Anyway, I’m not much of a golfer, I’m OK, but that’s about it, I was only really playing for the sake of my mate to be honest.

We tee-off no problem, the weather was pretty good, everything looked set for a decent morning of golf. That was until we reached the 7th hole. As we approached we could see about 20 dogs quite literally running wild - it was absolute chaos.

In fact there were so many dogs that we quickly realized that there was no way we could play our shots. I asked the caddie how was I expected to play to which there was just a shrug of the shoulders. We tried to carry on and decided to walk to the next hole but the dogs just kept following us and barking, with some getting quite aggressive. Now, I’m a dog lover but this was absolutely ridiculous.

Finally, my frustrations got the better of me (I wasn’t playing the best of golf as it goes) but I decided enough was enough and stormed off the course.

Back at the clubhouse I asked for my green-fee back but was told that only the manager can issue refunds and that he wasn’t due at work for another 30 minutes. I waited around in the restaurant with my mate until the manager showed and pointed out that I didn’t expect packs of dogs to be running around the course and that he needs to sort this out.

His response was along the lines of that if I booked into a hotel and didn’t like it then I wouldn’t be eligible for a refund!! Unbelievable!! To which I responded that if I booked into a hotel I wouldn’t expect 20 dogs to be running around the reception!

After more talking with the manager, he interrupted me midway through the conversation, stood up and just said ‘go get your money at reception’ and walked off! That was it, no apology, nothing. He wasn’t in the least bit polite.

Like I said, I don’t play golf that often but next time I do, it won't be at the Royal Hua Hin, that’s for sure!!

Has anyone else had a similar experience at the Royal Hua Hin?

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" After more talking with the manager, he interrupted me midway through the conversation, stood up and just said go get your money at reception and walked off! That was it, no apology, nothing. He wasnt in the least bit polite."

What did you expect, this is Thailand and they are never in the wrong so they don't know how to apologise I am surprised you actually got your money back. . All the Thai apologists will come out of the woodwork now explaining how it was all your fault...etc, etc

My filipina GF was here for two days and asked me "why are these people so f...g rude?"

That's the thing about Filipinos over here, especially women. They always looking for special treatment and when they don't get one everyone is "rude".

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You did the right thing, including posting here. Thanks for putting pressure on that manager to run his course professionally. You're right; a five-star hotel manager would have been apologizing all over himself. Either he deals with the dog problem, or the reputation of his course continues to go downhill.

I only wonder: You were carrying a bag full of iron clubs. Wasn't it awfully tempting to "make an example" of a few of those dogs? Hell, you could have taken a run at them and they would have scattered if you just carried the club along for self-defense. Yes, you would have made a scene in the caddies' eyes, but they're in no position to criticize you, and no one is going to come to the dogs' rescue. I wonder, too, if soft-hearted employees are feeding the dogs. Again, it's up to the management to lay down the law and tell the caddies that feral dogs are a nuisance on the golf course, and feeding of dogs by staff will not be tolerated.

I'm not a dog hater. I was pre-vet in college because I love critters. The fault lies with the management. Dogs learn quickly. Those at that golf course would quickly learn where they're not welcome, if they're made unwelcome. I'm a cyclist, and I carry a bottle of vinegar with me for aggressive dogs. One drop on their fur and they'll never bother you again, because their sense of smell is primary.

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Why would the manager give you an apology? He gave you a refund after you demanded one, even though you had played nearly half the course.

So why would you let the dogs get to you in the first place. Just play your damn shot - there's rules in golf about what happens should you hit something alive with your ball. Why you think they got that rule in there? (there's no "no animals" rule in golf!)

In South Africa I've seen all sorts of animals roaming the golf courses, some a lot more dangerous than dogs. Sheeesh. You just need to lighten up.

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I guess the quote about golf being a "good walk spoiled" isn't true for dogs. No sympathy from me, OP. I'm an animal lover who thinks golf/golf courses is/are evil.



hum much time did you wait for the dogs to scamper off?

If you waited for less than 10 minutes, I would say you overreacted. If you waited long enough, fair game.

Also, I must say that asking the caddie what to do is not the asian way.

Theres persons are order takers and not advisors and don't show any initiative or creativity.

I think that after a 5 minute wait, the correct course of action would have been to order them to use their w-talkie to call management that they dispatch someone to disperse the dogs.

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I agree with the OP comnpletely. Slightly off topic, went to the cinema a few months ago to watch a film with a Thai friend in Bangkok. 7 times during the film the screen went blank, everything went dark and we had to wait 2 mins each time for it to start again. I went to complain after ( though my Thai friend didn't dare to complain and wouldn't even go with me ) and was told they were having problems with the electricity supply and it really wasn't their fault. Well it sure as hell wasn't my fault and they should complain to the electric company for loss of earnings. Got both tickets refunded. My Thai friend wouldn't take the money so I bought him lunch with it....It annoys me how it is never their fault and they always try to pass the buck. but stand your ground if you are in the right....

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Lucky this didn't happen to the OP. Then he would really have had something to complain to the manager about. The dogs were probably just having a laugh at his game. Said he didn't play much.


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You did the right thing, including posting here. Thanks for putting pressure on that manager to run his course professionally. You're right; a five-star hotel manager would have been apologizing all over himself. Either he deals with the dog problem, or the reputation of his course continues to go downhill.

I only wonder: You were carrying a bag full of iron clubs. Wasn't it awfully tempting to "make an example" of a few of those dogs? Hell, you could have taken a run at them and they would have scattered if you just carried the club along for self-defense. Yes, you would have made a scene in the caddies' eyes, but they're in no position to criticize you, and no one is going to come to the dogs' rescue. I wonder, too, if soft-hearted employees are feeding the dogs. Again, it's up to the management to lay down the law and tell the caddies that feral dogs are a nuisance on the golf course, and feeding of dogs by staff will not be tolerated.

I'm not a dog hater. I was pre-vet in college because I love critters. The fault lies with the management. Dogs learn quickly. Those at that golf course would quickly learn where they're not welcome, if they're made unwelcome. I'm a cyclist, and I carry a bottle of vinegar with me for aggressive dogs. One drop on their fur and they'll never bother you again, because their sense of smell is primary.

The vinegar is the best solution and not long lasting nor causes physical injury to the dogs. If you squirt a couple, who start running, you will probably find the rest of the pack will get the message and take off with them. If the Golf Course belongs to a Hotel, I would be inclined to write a letter to the General Manager of the Hotel setting out your complaint. Indeed, poor customer service.

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I guess the quote about golf being a "good walk spoiled" isn't true for dogs. No sympathy from me, OP. I'm an animal lover who thinks golf/golf courses is/are evil.



hum much time did you wait for the dogs to scamper off?

If you waited for less than 10 minutes, I would say you overreacted. If you waited long enough, fair game.

Also, I must say that asking the caddie what to do is not the asian way.

Theres persons are order takers and not advisors and don't show any initiative or creativity.

I think that after a 5 minute wait, the correct course of action would have been to order them to use their w-talkie to call management that they dispatch someone to disperse the dogs.

No, look we tried to play, we were probably trying to clear the dogs for about 30mins, even a greenkeeper (or at least I think he was) came over to try and help.

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You did the right thing, including posting here. Thanks for putting pressure on that manager to run his course professionally. You're right; a five-star hotel manager would have been apologizing all over himself. Either he deals with the dog problem, or the reputation of his course continues to go downhill.

I only wonder: You were carrying a bag full of iron clubs. Wasn't it awfully tempting to "make an example" of a few of those dogs? Hell, you could have taken a run at them and they would have scattered if you just carried the club along for self-defense. Yes, you would have made a scene in the caddies' eyes, but they're in no position to criticize you, and no one is going to come to the dogs' rescue. I wonder, too, if soft-hearted employees are feeding the dogs. Again, it's up to the management to lay down the law and tell the caddies that feral dogs are a nuisance on the golf course, and feeding of dogs by staff will not be tolerated.

I'm not a dog hater. I was pre-vet in college because I love critters. The fault lies with the management. Dogs learn quickly. Those at that golf course would quickly learn where they're not welcome, if they're made unwelcome. I'm a cyclist, and I carry a bottle of vinegar with me for aggressive dogs. One drop on their fur and they'll never bother you again, because their sense of smell is primary.

Quite right that the fault lies with the management and for me to not even get an apology from him is very poor indeed. Maybe they are being fed by employees, I dont know. Someone must be feeding them. Either way, I wont be going back there!

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" After more talking with the manager, he interrupted me midway through the conversation, stood up and just said go get your money at reception and walked off! That was it, no apology, nothing. He wasnt in the least bit polite."

What did you expect, this is Thailand and they are never in the wrong so they don't know how to apologise I am surprised you actually got your money back. . All the Thai apologists will come out of the woodwork now explaining how it was all your fault...etc, etc

My filipina GF was here for two days and asked me "why are these people so f...g rude?"

Honestly, this is my experience living in Thailand, just in this particular situation, I feel that the manager handled it poorly - that's only my opinion

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Over-reaction. Remember something, you're not playing golf in the Pacific Palisades. You're in a developing country. Thai people are very nice, but they aren't used to solving problems that are minor. Well, maybe not major problems, either.

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I'm in agreement with the Op on this one....

Thai Customer service is terrible - Everything is wonderful when things go well. But as soon as there is a small problem people have no idea how to handle it. Mostly situations are handled in a defensive manner which comes across as impolite.

A Proper Response Would be:

"Sir, thats Terrible, I'm really sorry that your game was ruined.. We want to thank you for brining this to our attention. We'll train our caddies and course manager to provide better feedback on the course conditions and we'll do something about these stray dogs as soon as possible... Please accept our Apologies, we'd like to offer you complimentary Green Fee's as we would welcome your return and future feedback"....

The Thai Response:

to ignore the complaint as if they didn't hear or understand you... which in some ways is worse than a response of "Tough, you paid already"...

In this situation it turns out that after a little back and forth the refund was forthcoming anyway, but not after the Op was p!shed off by the poor attitudes of the staff and will likely not be returning to that course.

To remain chilled in Thailand in many situations we have to lower our standards, its a shame and a disappointment, but one many of us can handle in balance of all the other positives aspects Thailand has to offer.

The carelessness and apathy towards customer service comes hand in hand with a level of non-confrontationalism many of us enjoy here.


Some good points made here. To be honest, by the time the manager showed up me and my mate were actually laughing about it. But then the attitude of the manager and his failure to even offer the slightest apology and the ridiculous comparisons he tried to make about getting a refund in a hotel made the whole thing much worse. Very poor customer service on this occasion.

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I do not play much golf some of it is due to the likes of you, you golfers need to chill out, a 3 wood over the head of one of them would make it scarper, you just ignore them same way you would ignore your women if they bother you. You could have passed that hole and the next one in your buggy.

So chill out mate.

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