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Phuket panty sniffer caught mid-snatch


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I have to laugh ! Perhaps it's a mistake to hang ones undies out to dry overnight .

You should be safe, unless you wear frilly pink knickers...................

When I first saw the headline -

Phuket panty sniffer caught mid-snatch

I thought "OMG, now he is sniffing them while people are still in them." clap2.gif

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Beginning to worry about you lot and the large-ish interest in the subject xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.FVjgnKnWS1.p ......That includes me.........laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png

I am not at all worried about you transam, I just knew you would be all over this one like a cheap suit ! clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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The whole story is hilarious all the way down from the headline (who comes up with crap like that?) to end. Unbelievable that in times where tourists are attacked, robbet, beaten and stabbed on the streets of Pattaya, Bangkok, Samui and Phuket, the polcie find time to apprehend and take into custody a poor old sicko who stole a few CLEAN panties and bras from a clothes line which he could have bought himself at Big-C for 29 Baht a pop to start with. And this even makes headlines throughout Thailand? Please tell me this is not happening...

Off course this is serious giggle.gif

Not only did he steal CLEAN passion killers but he did it at night cheesy.gif

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The point of sniffing washed underwear is???????

Had a sister in law that used to love to sniff her brother's dirty socks, strange folk in this world

So that you can put an unnecessarily large number of question marks in your post.

I love ??????????? such a sexy shape come on you know you love them too MMarlow

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must like the smell of fluffy..............................fabric softner

They would be pretty inert after laundering 'and Thai girls are not known for having a particularly strong aroma' Admittedly there is the odd exception to the general rule.

Now if he was really intent on getting a nostril overload he would need to concentrate on farang smalls and if he wanted the full monty

some of the Muslim variety would have had him OD'ing. God forbid the fish fertilizer factory would be at risk. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

I agree about the Thai girls but john you must be a real sicko to even contemplate muslim panties after full robe in 30+ heat

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