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Software upgrade: Internet Explorer 11 issues resolved


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We have just installed a beta version of a forum software update that should resolve issues experienced by members using IE 11 on Thaivisa Forum.

Mainly the copy/paste and quoting a post issues should now be resolved.

The work around does take care of the main issues users has reported, like issues about copy/paste and quoting a post.

Just clear your browser cache in IE 11, and you should be set.

Depending on your IE 11 settings you may need to set security to "allow programatic clipboard access" to Yes, that should make the buttons in the editor toolbar working again.

Please try it out and let me know if all works now with IE 11.

Cheers tongue.png

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Thanks, George. I could add a Link, Quote, Attach, just that stuff I commonly do with the Editor now works fine with IE11. I didn't have to change any settings but I've only done limited testing on one post. Fixing the Link bug was the main issue for me.

A silver lining on this IE11 and ThaiVisa Editor short dispute was I gave Chrome and Firefox some serious use over the last couple of weeks. IE had always been my main browser in home and previous work life, with Chrome as my backup browser to test websites if I was having issues with a website and thought it might be browser related. But with Chrome as my backup and IE rarely giving me any problems, Chrome got used very little...and I had never used FireFox before. But I now have IE, Chrome and Firefox installed and have become quite familiar with all three...and for about a week I used all three pretty much equally during my browser day & night life (usually have all three open at the same time)....I would compare features, speeds, extensions, read pros/cons, etc. When this use and testing dust settled I have set Chrome as my primary browser (at least for now)...I'm engaged to Chrome.

All three browsers are very good and all three are fast....now days with all three browsers matured I think a person's preference as to which browser they use can be determined by one's belief's (i.e., I hate Microsoft and/or Google...the politics and religion approach), how easy it is to learn the various features, operating system used, other internet devices used (i.e., smartphones/tablets), add-ons/extensions available (IE really lags in this area), and other tangible/intangible things that draw people towards a product/service. But with this being said, I plan to keep on three browsers on my computer and continue to use and test each...and who knows my recent engagement to Chrome may end, I'll return to my old IE girlfriend or maybe strike up a better relationship with Firefox....who knows....like I said all three browsers are good...it's just they are a little different from each other.

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Hi George

Gave IE11 a test drive and seems to be working OK now.

Just a minor irritation the letter "W" in replies appears to be skinny and faint compared to the other letters. Don't know if this is a problem with TV or IE11.

I have checked Clear type text and that seems to be OK.


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I only noticed the "W" problem after reading about it on another forum where guys were having the same problem with "W" and "V".

Maybe I had the problem all along and only became aware after reading about it blink.png

Anyway it's no big deal and unless you actually look for it is hardly noticeable.


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