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Chalerm not in charge of protests monitor: Deputy PM


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I am in kinks of laughter.

Who needs television when you have an ongoing comedy.

I want to email this story to CNN and the BBC.

Democrats preparing for a Syria style uprising. Wonder which side the Americans and British will be on.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten Yingluck's declaration that she wants to promote Thailand's style of democracy to the west.

That still makes me laugh every time I think about it.

Syria style???? The Democrats are no religious fanatics. There are no weapons ---> That is ridiculous.

That was a joke.

But by the way, Syria is not a holy war, it is government forces versus rebel forces trying to overthrow Assad. So similar situation...political not religious.

Yes I know there are no weapons.... But ridiculous? The whole shabang is ridiculous, so nothing new there.

Technically, it is a holy war because it is Shia vs. Sunni sects of Islam. This is why Iran is backing the Assad regime and Saudis are backing the rebels.

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Pol.Gen. Pracha also addressed the rumour that three policemen had died on duty as they kept watch on the protesters, admitting that three police officers had indeed passed away during their posts, but the cause of deaths were personal illness and unrelated to the protests.

That is a very alarming statistic! What did they die of if it were 'personal illness', were they working together, from the same unit, is it contagious etc etc.

As to the OP if that is not a face slap in public to Chalerm then I don't know what is. Go home Chalerm, you have been used, abused and are now surplus to requirements....get used to it.

Maybe it's a pre-curser to unleashing biological agents to the protest sites. Some mysterious fatal illness that supposedly started with 3 police officers and spread to the crowd.

While we're making up ridiculous bullshit, maybe it was yellow thugs that killed them but in an effort to prevent tensions rising further the government is downplaying it. Anyone got any more?

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Pol.Gen. Pracha also addressed the rumour that three policemen had died on duty as they kept watch on the protesters, admitting that three police officers had indeed passed away during their posts, but the cause of deaths were personal illness and unrelated to the protests.

That is a very alarming statistic! What did they die of if it were 'personal illness', were they working together, from the same unit, is it contagious etc etc.

As to the OP if that is not a face slap in public to Chalerm then I don't know what is. Go home Chalerm, you have been used, abused and are now surplus to requirements....get used to it.

Maybe it's a pre-curser to unleashing biological agents to the protest sites. Some mysterious fatal illness that supposedly started with 3 police officers and spread to the crowd.

While we're making up ridiculous bullshit, maybe it was yellow thugs that killed them but in an effort to prevent tensions rising further the government is downplaying it. Anyone got any more?

It was The Smufs, they are blue and white.

Well, you did ask.

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I'm not in charge, so don't forget it,

Its just a silly phase I'm going through.

And just because I called her up

Don't get me wrong, don't think you've got it mate

I'm not in charge....Khun Pracha

It's because there's water on the brain

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Good try.

Well good morning judge

How are today?

I'm in trouble don't put me away.

A pretty thing, well, she lied to me.

I couldn't stop it so I let it be.

I couldn't stop her so I let it be.

I couldn't stop her so I let it be.

She didn't do it.

She wasn't there.

She didn't want it.

She doesn't care.

Well good morning judge.

Yes I'm back again.

I'm in trouble,

So I'm off to Phnom Phen.

Edited by Thaddeus
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The lunatics are now arguing about which one of them is running the asylum, the Skype-link from Dubai must be down, they all look like clowns ! laugh.png

Cue yet another overseas-speech, from the faux-PM who merely thinks she's in-charge of the asylum-board, telling the world how great she is at this democracy thingy ? whistling.gif

AND she wants to export Buddhism to Pakistan !

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Chalerm's staying power has often been questioned through this forum and it's been suggested he must have some super black on the Shin's otherwise how could he survive ?

His sycophantic credentials are well known " I want Mr. T back, I miss him ", so how can he survive this, almost everywhere else he would be booted out for giving an interview, claiming authority over a hot topic and having to be be discredited by a Deputy PM.

OK, TIT but how does he get away with it ?

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Chalerm's staying power has often been questioned through this forum and it's been suggested he must have some super black on the Shin's otherwise how could he survive ?

His sycophantic credentials are well known " I want Mr. T back, I miss him ", so how can he survive this, almost everywhere else he would be booted out for giving an interview, claiming authority over a hot topic and having to be be discredited by a Deputy PM.

OK, TIT but how does he get away with it ?

Perhaps because he makes the rest of the Cabinet look almost-good-enough, by comparison ? xcool.png.pagespeed.ic.jz1nB6CMOI.png

May I offer my own lyrics, appropriately-enough a nursery-rhyme :-

"Here comes a candle, to light you to bed,

And here comes the Chopper, to Chop Off Your Head !" xohmy.png.pagespeed.ic.shABmucp9T.png

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Last time Chalerm was miffed, when moved to Labour Ministry and lost the DPM role, a very embarrassing tape was suddenly released into the public domain. The one with Thaksin suggesting how his whitewash might be engineered to the deputy DM.

This very public slap must really piss Chalerm off. Wonder what info will suddenly appear next ?

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Ear medicine, maybe

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No maybe about it.

But Mr. Chalerm insisted in the press conference that his work will not overlap or interfere with Pol.Gen. Pracha′s agency.

Sucking up to the man who has the job he wants.

Gone are the days when he was solving problems every week. In fact they never did get solved but he made a promise that in 90 days they would be. How many problems was it that Yingluck handed over to him. Most notable was the wonderful job he did in the south.

A man as inept as him must have some powerful secrets about Thaksin that could even leave the dumbest red shirt howling for his blood.smile.png

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I am in kinks of laughter.

Who needs television when you have an ongoing comedy.

I want to email this story to CNN and the BBC.

Democrats preparing for a Syria style uprising. Wonder which side the Americans and British will be on.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten Yingluck's declaration that she wants to promote Thailand's style of democracy to the west.

That still makes me laugh every time I think about it.

The Russians might be interested in Thai democracy!!

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Pol.Gen. Pracha also addressed the rumour that three policemen had died on duty as they kept watch on the protesters, admitting that three police officers had indeed passed away during their posts, but the cause of deaths were personal illness and unrelated to the protests.

That is a very alarming statistic! What did they die of if it were 'personal illness', were they working together, from the same unit, is it contagious etc etc.

As to the OP if that is not a face slap in public to Chalerm then I don't know what is. Go home Chalerm, you have been used, abused and are now surplus to requirements....get used to it.

Maybe it's a pre-curser to unleashing biological agents to the protest sites. Some mysterious fatal illness that supposedly started with 3 police officers and spread to the crowd.

Thainess syndrome?

Cirrhosis of the liver? Alcoholic poisoning? A surfeit of lampreys? Dragged along the road by a Ferrari?

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Chalerm's staying power has often been questioned through this forum and it's been suggested he must have some super black on the Shin's otherwise how could he survive ?

His sycophantic credentials are well known " I want Mr. T back, I miss him ", so how can he survive this, almost everywhere else he would be booted out for giving an interview, claiming authority over a hot topic and having to be be discredited by a Deputy PM.

OK, TIT but how does he get away with it ?

They go back A LONG way.. from Thaksins Wiki.

"In 1989 he launched IBC, a cable television company. At that time, Thaksin had a very good relationship with Chalerm Yoobumrung the Minister of the Prime Minister Office who was in charge of Thai press and media. It is a question that remains unanswered whether Chalerm granted the right to Thaksin to establish IBC just to benefit his close friend, seeing that this project had been denied by the previous administration but instantly accepted a very short period after Chalerm came to office"

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The lunatics are now arguing about which one of them is running the asylum, the Skype-link from Dubai must be down, they all look like clowns ! laugh.png

Cue yet another overseas-speech, from the faux-PM who merely thinks she's in-charge of the asylum-board, telling the world how great she is at this democracy thingy ? whistling.gif

AND she wants to export Buddhism to Pakistan !

Really, did she really say this ?? Mybe the next mobile cabinet meeting can be arranged in the Swat Velley in PAK

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The lunatics are now arguing about which one of them is running the asylum, the Skype-link from Dubai must be down, they all look like clowns ! laugh.png

Cue yet another overseas-speech, from the faux-PM who merely thinks she's in-charge of the asylum-board, telling the world how great she is at this democracy thingy ? whistling.gif

AND she wants to export Buddhism to Pakistan !

And educate the west in "true" democracy.giggle.gif

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The lunatics are now arguing about which one of them is running the asylum, the Skype-link from Dubai must be down, they all look like clowns ! laugh.png

Cue yet another overseas-speech, from the faux-PM who merely thinks she's in-charge of the asylum-board, telling the world how great she is at this democracy thingy ? whistling.gif

AND she wants to export Buddhism to Pakistan !

And educate the west in "true" democracy.giggle.gif

I'm sure she think Tali-ban is a new range of designer sunglasses

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The lunatics are now arguing about which one of them is running the asylum, the Skype-link from Dubai must be down, they all look like clowns ! laugh.png

Cue yet another overseas-speech, from the faux-PM who merely thinks she's in-charge of the asylum-board, telling the world how great she is at this democracy thingy ? whistling.gif

AND she wants to export Buddhism to Pakistan !

And educate the west in "true" democracy.giggle.gif

I'm sure she think Tali-ban is a new range of designer sunglasses

Ohh, my God Buddha. Thank you for a good laughter.wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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Chalerm's staying power has often been questioned through this forum and it's been suggested he must have some super black on the Shin's otherwise how could he survive ?

His sycophantic credentials are well known " I want Mr. T back, I miss him ", so how can he survive this, almost everywhere else he would be booted out for giving an interview, claiming authority over a hot topic and having to be be discredited by a Deputy PM.

OK, TIT but how does he get away with it ?

They go back A LONG way.. from Thaksins Wiki.

"In 1989 he launched IBC, a cable television company. At that time, Thaksin had a very good relationship with Chalerm Yoobumrung the Minister of the Prime Minister Office who was in charge of Thai press and media. It is a question that remains unanswered whether Chalerm granted the right to Thaksin to establish IBC just to benefit his close friend, seeing that this project had been denied by the previous administration but instantly accepted a very short period after Chalerm came to office"

Thanks for that, very interesting. I have never understood how Chalerm survives disaster after disaster.

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