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Women from Myanmar


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Do Myanmar women stand by and look after their man (more so than Thai women)?

Are they demanding or happy with their lot in life (unlike any Thai GF I have had) ?

Given what you said above I think you might prefer....

Wow .. how do I get a hold of her?.. Hope she thinks I am hansom too!!

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About 12 years ago a westerner met his Myanmar bride in a hotel in Burma where his bride worked as a maid. She has a college degree. I have met her many times and know her pretty well. They are still married with two kids and as far as my observation goes she is very conservative in her spending. She doesn't need a car, she doesn't drive. She gets her kids to/from school on bikes.

I also know several Thai women who are married to foreigners who would stick by their husbands through thick and thin. I know several who are married but live in different cities but still stick to their husbands...I guess because of financial reasons. I know a few who would kick their husbands out as soon as his wallet is empty. There are Thai women whom I would never want my male relatives to even think of dating them. Those are the ones who are really in to money, they look nice every single day, they have a portable refridgerator in their bedroom to keep their makeups, cream and lotion in perfect temperature. Those are the ones who are so prejudice against poor people, those are the one who are not afraid to say 'your cooking no good'. Money, appearance, nice house and big cars are so important to them. They don't drink, they don't smoke, they don't know how to cook and they don't think eating too much sugar in Thailand is not bad because the climate here is hot. They take more time in learning about makeup than gathering knowledge of good nutritious food to feed their toddlers.

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I REALLY can't believe some of the responses to this topic !!!

I guess no one thinks the same.........

Maybe some people have to deal with their own insecurities first.

This thread was not meant to be the way some people are taking it, please chill out and stop looking at the potential bad side, it is just curiosity and other peoples experiences, nothing more.

If I have offended anyone you have my most humblest of apology’s that's is not what I intended.

I thank everyone who has contributed to the discussion.

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I must be very, very lucky. Many years ago I met a beautiful young lady from BURMA who was living with her parents in Australia, having escaped the oppressive Generals who had taken over their homeland. She was working in an executive position with one of the top Hospitals in Australia. We fell in love and we have, a now adult daughter. We never married....I was too busy, stupidly chasing other women. She never placed any demands upon me, let alone taking any legal action to force me to live up to my obligations.

Having gone past my wild and stupid days, I was fortunate enough to meet a beautiful Thai lady, she also, is from a very good family and has a University education. We fell in love and this time, I was smart enough to want to settle down. We now have a teenage daughter and although we are happier than I ever deserved to be, I am constantly warning my "little girl" to beware of the sort of person that her Daddy "used to be."

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Do Myanmar women stand by and look after their man (more so than Thai women)?

Are they demanding or happy with their lot in life (unlike any Thai GF I have had) ?

Given what you said above I think you might prefer....

I have the Volume up but unable to pick-up Audio... Video is okay, any suggestions?

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Ok. Here is my two bits.

I have been in Thailand a little over a year. And I will just give you some of my experiences and thoughts. Not knowing Thai very well my experience has been with "bargirls" in CM. I have had a desire to have more of a GF type of relationship since getting here and not just a sexpat fling from girl to girl. I know with my little (to some) experience that you can take the girl out of the bar but not the bar out of the girl. Once a customer always a customer...... in some form and yada yada yada. (But even married to a westerner you pay for it. There are two things in this world that are not free......A free lunch and free....... pardon my French.) So my conclusion is that It is crucial for me to learn Thai better (and that is what I am doing) so I can meet Thai women outside of the bar scene. But in my year here I have met three "bar girls" that I thought MIGHT make a good girl friend.

2 were Thai and 1 was Chan.

Now I have a friend who is Thai fluent and has been living here for 12 years. who saids that if you meet a girl in a bar on Loy Kroh she is technically a "bargirl." I actually agree with him but there are "bargirls" and there are "BARGIRLS." Every "bargirl" has their story and their life and their own character. There is nothing wrong with generalizing as long as one use it as a guide and is open to fine tuning that generalization or even throwing it out completely as new specific truths arrive. Having said this I don't think any one of these three were typical "bargirls." I am happy to see that two of them are now no longer doing bar. One is now a cook for a school. There other is managing (handling the money) for an owner of a couple of beauty shops in CM who lives in Korea. These are the two Thai girls. And both are completely different as individuals but both share a Thai-ness that the girl from Chan doesn't have. (She tells me that Chan is it own country and not a part of Myanmar.) I highly prefer the Chan girl. Partly it is her charactor. But also it is her experiences and culture and how she is with me.

She calls herself "Thai yai" my Thai Tuk Tuk driver nodded his head when I told him that but he couldn't explain to me the nuances of it. (She is not Thai but she lives here as a permenent resident?) She has been here 15 years. She has been working bar about a year now. I think one of the big differences between her and the 2 Thai girls is that she doesn't care in the same way about what other Thais are thinking about her. I felt the other girls being very self conscious out in public with me. I don't get that from her in the same way. What I get is the "fear" that Thai people will know she is "Burmese." I was kidding around with her out in public and mentioned something about her being from Burma and she politely "shhhhh"ed me. Even though we were in the parking lot and hardly anyone was around.

"Some people can understand English." She said.

If I would try to boil the difference down I would say that she is more "humbled" (not necessarily humbler) than the others two Thai girls who has a sort of "native Thai largesse." And she is more appreciative. But she is still a bargirl and I am her boyfriend/customer. I call her my pseudo-GF. But through her i have become very interested in meeting more women from Myanmar particularly Chan. And have access to their world a little even now. And have stumbled on a way of meeting more Chan/Myanmar women in CM.

(A nifty idea.... I must say.)

(Below is not my stumbled on "secret" way but just FYI.)

She lives in apartment house owned by a Chan woman that have only Chan women tenants. And the way she sends money home is interesting.

And she is definitely afraid of the Thai police. I asked here about it. She doesn't really want to talk about it.

I wonder why. I think there has been some bad experiences there. Being "Thai Yai" is also being a second class citizen and i think there has been occasions of abuse there.

Edited by DeeMockMark
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Good and bad people are every where, in every country and society. See a persons character is best known when he/she is tested with tough times in life.

But from my personal experience I would say (in generally speaking ) Ladies from Myanmar are far family oriented comparing to Thai.

And usually has less materialistic demands.

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One of the most beautiful girls I've seen here in Bangkok turned out to be Burmese, she works in an Indian restaurant close to where I live, also very friendly, helpful, attentive, chatty and smiling a lot.

We have a part time Myanmar lady married to a Thai man as help as needed. She is wonderful, a better

worker than the Thais, and so far in 8 years nothing has come up missing.

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What he is asking...

"Now that Thais are hip to the fact that Farangs are stupid is it possible to find Burmese in Thailand who dont know it yet?"

Probably not, once they get here they learn quickly!

Hmmmmmmmm don't remember writing that one, however as I have discovered EVERYONE’S interpretation to what I considered a simple query seems to be interpreted differently !!!

Maybe it is because we are all products of where we come from.....

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Ok. Here is my two bits.

I have been in Thailand a little over a year. And I will just give you some of my experiences and thoughts. Not knowing Thai very well my experience has been with "bargirls" in CM. I have had a desire to have more of a GF type of relationship since getting here and not just a sexpat fling from girl to girl. I know with my little (to some) experience that you can take the girl out of the bar but not the bar out of the girl. Once a customer always a customer...... in some form and yada yada yada. (But even married to a westerner you pay for it. There are two things in this world that are not free......A free lunch and free....... pardon my French.) So my conclusion is that It is crucial for me to learn Thai better (and that is what I am doing) so I can meet Thai women outside of the bar scene. But in my year here I have met three "bar girls" that I thought MIGHT make a good girl friend.

2 were Thai and 1 was Chan.

Now I have a friend who is Thai fluent and has been living here for 12 years. who saids that if you meet a girl in a bar on Loy Kroh she is technically a "bargirl." I actually agree with him but there are "bargirls" and there are "BARGIRLS." Every "bargirl" has their story and their life and their own character. There is nothing wrong with generalizing as long as one use it as a guide and is open to fine tuning that generalization or even throwing it out completely as new specific truths arrive. Having said this I don't think any one of these three were typical "bargirls." I am happy to see that two of them are now no longer doing bar. One is now a cook for a school. There other is managing (handling the money) for an owner of a couple of beauty shops in CM who lives in Korea. These are the two Thai girls. And both are completely different as individuals but both share a Thai-ness that the girl from Chan doesn't have. (She tells me that Chan is it own country and not a part of Myanmar.) I highly prefer the Chan girl. Partly it is her charactor. But also it is her experiences and culture and how she is with me.

She calls herself "Thai yai" my Thai Tuk Tuk driver nodded his head when I told him that but he couldn't explain to me the nuances of it. (She is not Thai but she lives here as a permenent resident?) She has been here 15 years. She has been working bar about a year now. I think one of the big differences between her and the 2 Thai girls is that she doesn't care in the same way about what other Thais are thinking about her. I felt the other girls being very self conscious out in public with me. I don't get that from her in the same way. What I get is the "fear" that Thai people will know she is "Burmese." I was kidding around with her out in public and mentioned something about her being from Burma and she politely "shhhhh"ed me. Even though we were in the parking lot and hardly anyone was around.

"Some people can understand English." She said.

If I would try to boil the difference down I would say that she is more "humbled" (not necessarily humbler) than the others two Thai girls who has a sort of "native Thai largesse." And she is more appreciative. But she is still a bargirl and I am her boyfriend/customer. I call her my pseudo-GF. But through her i have become very interested in meeting more women from Myanmar particularly Chan. And have access to their world a little even now. And have stumbled on a way of meeting more Chan/Myanmar women in CM.

(A nifty idea.... I must say.)

(Below is not my stumbled on "secret" way but just FYI.)

She lives in apartment house owned by a Chan woman that have only Chan women tenants. And the way she sends money home is interesting.

And she is definitely afraid of the Thai police. I asked here about it. She doesn't really want to talk about it.

I wonder why. I think there has been some bad experiences there. Being "Thai Yai" is also being a second class citizen and i think there has been occasions of abuse there.

VERY interesting, thank you for that.

For me it is becoming the census that Thai girls are dipping out in the pole, as it were, from people who have had first hand experience in the matter.....

I sort of got the "feeling" that in general Myanmar women were "more conservative" and maybe more "old fashioned" for want of a better term. I guess as one poster pointed out, there are different "States" and ethnic groups in Myanmar, (which may as well be different countries) and the different cultures may add to the different points of view.

But still despite all of the "none contributing" comments this has been a bit of an eye opener. I have yet to read a comment saying Thai girls are better/the same as..... because ...... (PLEASE everyone forgive the prose, it does not have any other connotations involved). It just seems anyone who has been involved with both seems to favour the ladies from Myanmar (generally speaking, I haven't seen anything written that is negative anyway).

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Ok. Here is my two bits.

I have been in Thailand a little over a year. And I will just give you some of my experiences and thoughts. Not knowing Thai very well my experience has been with "bargirls" in CM. I have had a desire to have more of a GF type of relationship since getting here and not just a sexpat fling from girl to girl. I know with my little (to some) experience that you can take the girl out of the bar but not the bar out of the girl. Once a customer always a customer...... in some form and yada yada yada. (But even married to a westerner you pay for it. There are two things in this world that are not free......A free lunch and free....... pardon my French.) So my conclusion is that It is crucial for me to learn Thai better (and that is what I am doing) so I can meet Thai women outside of the bar scene. But in my year here I have met three "bar girls" that I thought MIGHT make a good girl friend.

2 were Thai and 1 was Chan.

Now I have a friend who is Thai fluent and has been living here for 12 years. who saids that if you meet a girl in a bar on Loy Kroh she is technically a "bargirl." I actually agree with him but there are "bargirls" and there are "BARGIRLS." Every "bargirl" has their story and their life and their own character. There is nothing wrong with generalizing as long as one use it as a guide and is open to fine tuning that generalization or even throwing it out completely as new specific truths arrive. Having said this I don't think any one of these three were typical "bargirls." I am happy to see that two of them are now no longer doing bar. One is now a cook for a school. There other is managing (handling the money) for an owner of a couple of beauty shops in CM who lives in Korea. These are the two Thai girls. And both are completely different as individuals but both share a Thai-ness that the girl from Chan doesn't have. (She tells me that Chan is it own country and not a part of Myanmar.) I highly prefer the Chan girl. Partly it is her charactor. But also it is her experiences and culture and how she is with me.

She calls herself "Thai yai" my Thai Tuk Tuk driver nodded his head when I told him that but he couldn't explain to me the nuances of it. (She is not Thai but she lives here as a permenent resident?) She has been here 15 years. She has been working bar about a year now. I think one of the big differences between her and the 2 Thai girls is that she doesn't care in the same way about what other Thais are thinking about her. I felt the other girls being very self conscious out in public with me. I don't get that from her in the same way. What I get is the "fear" that Thai people will know she is "Burmese." I was kidding around with her out in public and mentioned something about her being from Burma and she politely "shhhhh"ed me. Even though we were in the parking lot and hardly anyone was around.

"Some people can understand English." She said.

If I would try to boil the difference down I would say that she is more "humbled" (not necessarily humbler) than the others two Thai girls who has a sort of "native Thai largesse." And she is more appreciative. But she is still a bargirl and I am her boyfriend/customer. I call her my pseudo-GF. But through her i have become very interested in meeting more women from Myanmar particularly Chan. And have access to their world a little even now. And have stumbled on a way of meeting more Chan/Myanmar women in CM.

(A nifty idea.... I must say.)

(Below is not my stumbled on "secret" way but just FYI.)

She lives in apartment house owned by a Chan woman that have only Chan women tenants. And the way she sends money home is interesting.

And she is definitely afraid of the Thai police. I asked here about it. She doesn't really want to talk about it.

I wonder why. I think there has been some bad experiences there. Being "Thai Yai" is also being a second class citizen and i think there has been occasions of abuse there.

<deleted> are you talking about??? (actually, i apologies, i scan read. Maybe i would find out <deleted> you were talking about if i bothered to read the whole thing..but i suspect not really. Call me lazy if you like, but frankly it just seemed like self-indulgent waffle regarding your pay for play activities.)

So..i reiterate, <deleted> are you talking about?? How is some indulgent waffle about a Chan (I guess you mean Shan), bargirl(s) have anything to do with a typical Myanmar lady from Myanmar. Jesus, thats like comparing your average lady from Amsterdam to some hooker you hooked up with in the red light district. blink.png

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years back the karen girls used to "live" in the holes in the wall near the mae ping in chiang mai. yeah they were good value. dont fancy your chances of getting them "out" though



Please forgive that I'm not very good at English either, Is this how you spell dipshit?

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What a nice thread.

Indeed. Which country's poverty stricken women can we exploit next.

In a way it's unfortunate for Asians, that in reality not all Caucasions are exploiters from Farang and it's so hard for them to see the difference when they all look the same.

How could they know that the biggest difference is easy to see, in exactly from where the Cauc. is from.

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Do Myanmar women stand by and look after their man (more so than Thai women)?

Are they demanding or happy with their lot in life (unlike any Thai GF I have had) ?

Given what you said above I think you might prefer....

Wow .. how do I get a hold of her?.. Hope she thinks I am hansom too!!

same same programming cept only an initial outlay's my bet

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The irony is, that if Myanmar ladies are, in general, less inclined to be interested and swayed by money, they are probably less inclined to be interested in what the average farang guy who comes here has to offer.

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Sorry, but how can you generalize about women of any country in this way? It's just not possible.

There's good and bad in all of us.

The only reason we experience it more in Asia is because many foreigners (not all I quickly add) only have the opportunity of socializing with the most desperate and poorest women.

Others meet really nice honest genuine women.

There can be no generalization between the two.

What a patronising judgemental comment that is, implying that women who happen to be poor cannot be 'nice, honest and genuine'! Since when was wealth or lack of it anywhere in the world an accurate guide to what sort of person someone is?biggrin.png

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quote name="LaraC" post="7072587" timestamp="1385203491"]

<deleted> are you talking about??? (actually, i apologies, i scan read.

Can I also say to you.... <deleted>!

You ask me what I am talking about and you admit you didn't read it!!! Arrogance and ignorance is a deadly combination for any sense of reason and truth. The stuff of foolishness. Don't you agree? Lol.

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but frankly it just seemed like self-indulgent waffle regarding your pay for play activities.)

Are you a "Farlang woman?" Your bitterness is showing. IF you were not too LAZY (your words) to read what I wrote you would have read this..... (But even married to a westerner you pay for it. There are two things in this world that are not free......a free lunch and free....... pardon my French.)

Men have been paying for it ever since the beginning of time and not always with money. Sometimes they pay with it with their silence. But they are thinking to themselves "<deleted> is she talking about??!!" (As I am thinking right now.) But I have no reason to not speak my mind.

Edited by DeeMockMark
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How is some indulgent waffle about a Chan (I guess you mean Shan), bargirl(s) have anything to do with a typical Myanmar lady from Myanmar.

No I meant Chan. That's how the translation app for English/Chan spells it. I bow to their scholarship not yours.

Jesus, thats like comparing your average lady from Amsterdam to some hooker you hooked up with in the red light district. blink.png

You obviously look down upon these girls that i have come to know. They are just hookers to you. You sound so superior. They are human beings. Just a little while ago I drove my "hooker" GF over to her "cousin" house in San Sai who is dying of Cancer. She gave her family 7,000 baht that they really needed. This was her mother's brother's children. I was and am impressed with the compassion she have shown them and me.

It seems like my post has pushed a button. That is why you are seeing red and couldn't even read what I wrote. Too bad. For you.

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What a nice thread.

Indeed. Which country's poverty stricken women can we exploit next.

Agree absolutely that this is the essence of OP opening this thread. In simple words, he is asking if myanmar young women can be exploited cheaply.

Another person with their mind in the gutter !!!

With all the posts that have been on this forum about Farang men being taken for a ride by Thai women I can assure you that where your mind is mine never went...

Edited by RigPig
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100b per day? wow!

So they the Myanmar woman will be very happy if you will marry her and give her better life.

Thai? Most of what I have read is they divorce their foreign husbands after they see less in their bank. Or after transferring the properties in their names. But many of them are beautiful for sure.

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as my experiences with thai women have been in general very good, I dont understand what you are looking for. perhaps the thai women that have caused you to have such a jaundiced opinion come from a different sector of society than the ones I know.

OR otherwise known as the 'law of attraction'. You get what you deserve, expect, put out for.

Nationally the Burma, was, the only country to have an army of occupation in Thai for many years. In the north.

It was pretty bloody. So, knowing Thai, no love lost there.

The Thai villagers eventually beat them out. Tough lot. As we know.

Burmese women are less indoctrinated in the "world". Consumerism etc and have more traditional family values.

I can't see why not. Headed up there myself soon.

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"Do Myanmar women stand by and look after their man (more so than Thai women)? "

Do you mean are they more subservient ? Lick your lollie? Wash your kecks? Abase themselves when you walk in the room?

coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Hmmmmmm probably a bad choice of words on my part.

I was actually reffering to Honesty, Fidelity and a willingness to share the relationship and not just sit back and take what you can today without any thought of the future. If that explains it better.

If I wanted subservience or abasement I would turn to Islam, lolly licking I can buy down the road and I can work the buttons on my washing machine OK.........

"willingness to share the relationship and not just sit back and take what you can today without any thought of the future"

Sounds like you describe all the thai women I know here wai.gif

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