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Many females want to be fair skin. Why are they so Prejudice? Or are they?


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I personally prefer white skinned women. Luckily my wife is naturaly white and does not need the various lotions and creams but I would support her choice to use them if she needed to. I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated. I am not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just my perception, after all "beauty is in the eye of the beholder'" as so many keep saying here. In many ways its true, just look all over Thailand at some of the ugly farangs dating ugly dark skinned farm girls, just goes to show you that there really is someone for everyone, but it is going to take a lot more than some pc lefty liberal farangs to convince Thailand and SE Asia in general that dark skin is now beautiful just because those particular farangs have ended up with dark skinned women themselves. I personally believe that not as many farangs like the dark skinned types as much as they claim, I persnally think it is more about that alot of farangs just end up settling for what they can get here rather than end up with the type of girl that they would really like, hence so many farangs in Thailand dating or married to ugly dark skinned low educated rice famer ex bar girl types, yet these same farangs seem to then try very hard to convince everyone else that those girls are anything but... and these thai women know that they are ugly and unattractive to the masses and therefore try various methods to look better. I get so sick and tired of Thai people asking me why farangs like ugly dark skinned women, I have been bombarded with this question since a I was young (i grew up here) and I always tell them that farangs dont prefer dark skin. It is just the farangs they see in thailand that seem to end up with these women because 9 times out of 10 that is all that is available to the avaerage farang here. If all farang prefer dark skin then why is it that in places in europe such as london etc where there are lots of dark skinned women to choose from, do most white men end up dating white women? if the whole "farang prefer dark skin" thing was really true then you would see a lot more inter-racial dating in places such as the uk. I think if suddenly the white skinned beautiful thai girls started working in gogo bars or started showing more interest in farangs in general, then we would soon see the scales start to tip in that direction. There are white skinned thai women that are willing to date farangs here, but they are more in the minority, they know they are attractive ( to asian men too and not just farang!) they often have better education and better jobs and come from middle class families where financial support is not needed, so these girls can afford to be more selective/choosy about who they date, which in turn puts a lot of farang men off, because the girl is not easy to get into bed or is not telling him how hansum he is every five minutes, so farangs like to call these women snobs and try and covince everyone that the dark skinned counterparts are much more attractive and down to earth, just because you dont see many white skinned well educated thai women dating farangs does not make them snobs! The funniest thing of all is the farangs here that go on about "brainwashing" etc etc just because a nation of people have a certain perception of what is attractive and whats not. It is often these same farangs that are brainwashed before they arrive here that all thai women want a farang bf or husband and any thai women who does not show them any intersted must be some hi-so snob. So if Thai women want to use whatever methods they see fit to try and lighten their skin, then I say good luck to them and I think their husbands bf should support them! after all I bet if these same women started gaining 30kgs in weight there farang husbands would be force feeding them all sorts of weight loss polls and potions! Maybe these dark skin defending farangs are scared of their wives or gf becoming more attractive to a larger audiance and actually having the opportunity to end up with the type of man she wanted all along...

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I personally prefer white skinned women. Luckily my wife is naturaly white and does not need the various lotions and creams but I would support her choice to use them if she needed to. I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated. I am not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just my perception, after all "beauty is in the eye of the beholder'" as so many keep saying here. In many ways its true, just look all over Thailand at some of the ugly farangs dating ugly dark skinned farm girls, just goes to show you that there really is someone for everyone, but it is going to take a lot more than some pc lefty liberal farangs to convince Thailand and SE Asia in general that dark skin is now beautiful just because those particular farangs have ended up with dark skinned women themselves. I personally believe that not as many farangs like the dark skinned types as much as they claim, I persnally think it is more about that alot of farangs just end up settling for what they can get here rather than end up with the type of girl that they would really like, hence so many farangs in Thailand dating or married to ugly dark skinned low educated rice famer ex bar girl types, yet these same farangs seem to then try very hard to convince everyone else that those girls are anything but... and these thai women know that they are ugly and unattractive to the masses and therefore try various methods to look better. I get so sick and tired of Thai people asking me why farangs like ugly dark skinned women, I have been bombarded with this question since a I was young (i grew up here) and I always tell them that farangs dont prefer dark skin. It is just the farangs they see in thailand that seem to end up with these women because 9 times out of 10 that is all that is available to the avaerage farang here. If all farang prefer dark skin then why is it that in places in europe such as london etc where there are lots of dark skinned women to choose from, do most white men end up dating white women? if the whole "farang prefer dark skin" thing was really true then you would see a lot more inter-racial dating in places such as the uk. I think if suddenly the white skinned beautiful thai girls started working in gogo bars or started showing more interest in farangs in general, then we would soon see the scales start to tip in that direction. There are white skinned thai women that are willing to date farangs here, but they are more in the minority, they know they are attractive ( to asian men too and not just farang!) they often have better education and better jobs and come from middle class families where financial support is not needed, so these girls can afford to be more selective/choosy about who they date, which in turn puts a lot of farang men off, because the girl is not easy to get into bed or is not telling him how hansum he is every five minutes, so farangs like to call these women snobs and try and covince everyone that the dark skinned counterparts are much more attractive and down to earth, just because you dont see many white skinned well educated thai women dating farangs does not make them snobs! The funniest thing of all is the farangs here that go on about "brainwashing" etc etc just because a nation of people have a certain perception of what is attractive and whats not. It is often these same farangs that are brainwashed before they arrive here that all thai women want a farang bf or husband and any thai women who does not show them any intersted must be some hi-so snob. So if Thai women want to use whatever methods they see fit to try and lighten their skin, then I say good luck to them and I think their husbands bf should support them! after all I bet if these same women started gaining 30kgs in weight there farang husbands would be force feeding them all sorts of weight loss polls and potions! Maybe these dark skin defending farangs are scared of their wives or gf becoming more attractive to a larger audiance and actually having the opportunity to end up with the type of man she wanted all along...

Have you heard of an English composition phenomenon know as Topic Paragraphing. Try it. People would be more inclined to read "everything" you you're trying to communicate, assuming that you're not trying to become an audience of one (yourself), just using this forum as a sounding board, to ventilate.

FYI ~ most white Asian (Chinese) women are taught to believe that most white people are "stupid barbarians" with superior military power, wai2.gif They will do business with, but are "forbidden" to marry you. So, when you see a Chinese woman married to a white man, rest assured that he is either bringing some serious money into her "family realm", or she is a real loser among her own people, with no place else to go.

Meanwhile, consider returning to your home country, where you can get some professional help,.....sir! You are in serious need of a reality check! whistling.gif

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I personally prefer white skinned women. Luckily my wife is naturaly white and does not need the various lotions and creams but I would support her choice to use them if she needed to. I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated. I am not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just my perception, after all "beauty is in the eye of the beholder'" as so many keep saying here. In many ways its true, just look all over Thailand at some of the ugly farangs dating ugly dark skinned farm girls, just goes to show you that there really is someone for everyone, but it is going to take a lot more than some pc lefty liberal farangs to convince Thailand and SE Asia in general that dark skin is now beautiful just because those particular farangs have ended up with dark skinned women themselves. I personally believe that not as many farangs like the dark skinned types as much as they claim, I persnally think it is more about that alot of farangs just end up settling for what they can get here rather than end up with the type of girl that they would really like, hence so many farangs in Thailand dating or married to ugly dark skinned low educated rice famer ex bar girl types, yet these same farangs seem to then try very hard to convince everyone else that those girls are anything but... and these thai women know that they are ugly and unattractive to the masses and therefore try various methods to look better. I get so sick and tired of Thai people asking me why farangs like ugly dark skinned women, I have been bombarded with this question since a I was young (i grew up here) and I always tell them that farangs dont prefer dark skin. It is just the farangs they see in thailand that seem to end up with these women because 9 times out of 10 that is all that is available to the avaerage farang here. If all farang prefer dark skin then why is it that in places in europe such as london etc where there are lots of dark skinned women to choose from, do most white men end up dating white women? if the whole "farang prefer dark skin" thing was really true then you would see a lot more inter-racial dating in places such as the uk. I think if suddenly the white skinned beautiful thai girls started working in gogo bars or started showing more interest in farangs in general, then we would soon see the scales start to tip in that direction. There are white skinned thai women that are willing to date farangs here, but they are more in the minority, they know they are attractive ( to asian men too and not just farang!) they often have better education and better jobs and come from middle class families where financial support is not needed, so these girls can afford to be more selective/choosy about who they date, which in turn puts a lot of farang men off, because the girl is not easy to get into bed or is not telling him how hansum he is every five minutes, so farangs like to call these women snobs and try and covince everyone that the dark skinned counterparts are much more attractive and down to earth, just because you dont see many white skinned well educated thai women dating farangs does not make them snobs! The funniest thing of all is the farangs here that go on about "brainwashing" etc etc just because a nation of people have a certain perception of what is attractive and whats not. It is often these same farangs that are brainwashed before they arrive here that all thai women want a farang bf or husband and any thai women who does not show them any intersted must be some hi-so snob. So if Thai women want to use whatever methods they see fit to try and lighten their skin, then I say good luck to them and I think their husbands bf should support them! after all I bet if these same women started gaining 30kgs in weight there farang husbands would be force feeding them all sorts of weight loss polls and potions! Maybe these dark skin defending farangs are scared of their wives or gf becoming more attractive to a larger audiance and actually having the opportunity to end up with the type of man she wanted all along...

Have you heard of an English composition phenomenon know as Topic Paragraphing. Try it. People would be more inclined to read "everything" you you're trying to communicate, assuming that you're not trying to become an audience of one (yourself), just using this forum as a sounding board, to ventilate.

FYI ~ most white Asian (Chinese) women are taught to believe that most white people are "stupid barbarians" with superior military power, wai2.gif They will do business with, but are "forbidden" to marry you. So, when you see a Chinese woman married to a white man, rest assured that he is either bringing some serious money into her "family realm", or she is a real loser among her own people, with no place else to go.

Meanwhile, consider returning to your home country, where you can get some professional help,.....sir! You are in serious need of a reality check! whistling.gif

I have to agree with the whole paragraph thing, I couldn't even be bothered to take it on.

As for Chinese Women, I know a few and they say, that the whiter the skin shows that you work indoors. Work indoors such as office work, pay significantly higher than work outside (working in the paddy fields) and as such when people see their white skin, they think "she must be an indoor girl, hence she has money".

Attractration in Asian isn't about symmetry of face, its about zeros in your bank account. Whore the lots of them, my dear old Dad, would say. But just as women want to marry wealthy Men, Men also want a woman to come from wealth too. After all, why should his family pay for everything. The whitening of the face is but the first rung of the ladder.

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tyler2208...... finds the dark skinned girls ugly, to him they look dirty and uneducated. He states he not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just his perception.

This must the worst hidden racist remark I ever read.

Why not just be man enough to say what you are.

A poorly camouflaged bigot.

How does my perception of something make me a bigot or a racist? if that were true I would not be Married to a Thai would I?

I merely stated just because something appears

a certain way to me does not make it so!

If anything I am actually clearly stating that my opinion could well be wrong, a bigot believes his opinions are right.

I know that my personal opinion is going to annoy people like you and the other pc types out there but the fact that I am still willing to express my opinions shows that I am man enough to say what I think, I just merely added the fact that just because I perceive something or someone to be a certain way, does not make it so.

Why is it ok for us to to look at objects or other things and say the way we perceive those objects or things but the minute we are talking about people we are supposed to not have any opinions or perceptions.

Have you ever walked passed a food stall here and thought, it looks dirty, or unhygienic and decided not to eat there? chances are it is hygienic and probably serves great food, however because of the way we perceived it's outside appearance we did not feel like eating there! is that wrong?

None of choose to perceive things the way we do, it is just an automatic reflex.

Would you be a bigot for perceiving a fat woman a certain way? fat, lazy overeater of junk food etc, she could have thyroid problems and have no control over her weight, but would you be wrong for finding her unattractive and making assumptions about her? I say no, it's just human nature. Something you PC fanatics seem to be trying to abolish, a human beings right to decide what we find attractive and why

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@Tyler 2208

Would you tell me to my face my wife was ugly and looked dirty.......?

You say you have a Thai passport, you should feel ashamed of yourself..................thumbsup.gif

I would if you asked for my opinion! but do you often go around asking complete strangers how they perceive your wife?

A small bit of advice for you, don't ask questions that you may not like the answer to.

And with regard to being ashamed of myself because I have a Thai passport! this comment makes no sense, what does my passport have to do with my perception of beauty?

If you really feel that way, then why don't you start telling everyone with a Thai passport that they should be ashamed of themselves for not funding dark skin beautiful!

Stop trying to make the whole world see things through your eyes's.

As a finishing note, you should be happy that me and many other men don't want the dark skinned women, because if middle class professional Thai men started lusting after these dark skinned farm type girls then men like you would be up the creek without a paddle, lets be honest who do you think your wife would rather be with given the choice ? you or a well educated professional good looking thai man? you don't need to answer that, your wife is not the first dark skinned Thai girl to secretly desire batman but pretend to be happy settling with robin.

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tyler2208...... finds the dark skinned girls ugly, to him they look dirty and uneducated. He states he not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just his perception.

This must the worst hidden racist remark I ever read.

Why not just be man enough to say what you are.

A poorly camouflaged bigot.

How does my perception of something make me a bigot or a racist? if that were true I would not be Married to a Thai would I?

I merely stated just because something appears

a certain way to me does not make it so!

If anything I am actually clearly stating that my opinion could well be wrong, a bigot believes his opinions are right.

I know that my personal opinion is going to annoy people like you and the other pc types out there but the fact that I am still willing to express my opinions shows that I am man enough to say what I think, I just merely added the fact that just because I perceive something or someone to be a certain way, does not make it so.

Why is it ok for us to to look at objects or other things and say the way we perceive those objects or things but the minute we are talking about people we are supposed to not have any opinions or perceptions.

Have you ever walked passed a food stall here and thought, it looks dirty, or unhygienic and decided not to eat there? chances are it is hygienic and probably serves great food, however because of the way we perceived it's outside appearance we did not feel like eating there! is that wrong?

None of choose to perceive things the way we do, it is just an automatic reflex.

Would you be a bigot for perceiving a fat woman a certain way? fat, lazy overeater of junk food etc, she could have thyroid problems and have no control over her weight, but would you be wrong for finding her unattractive and making assumptions about her? I say no, it's just human nature. Something you PC fanatics seem to be trying to abolish, a human beings right to decide what we find attractive and why

Thank you.

You make my case.

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tyler2208...... finds the dark skinned girls ugly, to him they look dirty and uneducated. He states he not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just his perception.

This must the worst hidden racist remark I ever read.

Why not just be man enough to say what you are.

A poorly camouflaged bigot.

How does my perception of something make me a bigot or a racist? if that were true I would not be Married to a Thai would I?

I merely stated just because something appears

a certain way to me does not make it so!

If anything I am actually clearly stating that my opinion could well be wrong, a bigot believes his opinions are right.

I know that my personal opinion is going to annoy people like you and the other pc types out there but the fact that I am still willing to express my opinions shows that I am man enough to say what I think, I just merely added the fact that just because I perceive something or someone to be a certain way, does not make it so.

Why is it ok for us to to look at objects or other things and say the way we perceive those objects or things but the minute we are talking about people we are supposed to not have any opinions or perceptions.

Have you ever walked passed a food stall here and thought, it looks dirty, or unhygienic and decided not to eat there? chances are it is hygienic and probably serves great food, however because of the way we perceived it's outside appearance we did not feel like eating there! is that wrong?

None of choose to perceive things the way we do, it is just an automatic reflex.

Would you be a bigot for perceiving a fat woman a certain way? fat, lazy overeater of junk food etc, she could have thyroid problems and have no control over her weight, but would you be wrong for finding her unattractive and making assumptions about her? I say no, it's just human nature. Something you PC fanatics seem to be trying to abolish, a human beings right to decide what we find attractive and why

Thank you.

You make my case.

clap2.gif , our case. thumbsup.gif

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I personally prefer white skinned women. Luckily my wife is naturaly white and does not need the various lotions and creams but I would support her choice to use them if she needed to. I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated. I am not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just my perception, after all "beauty is in the eye of the beholder'" as so many keep saying here. In many ways its true, just look all over Thailand at some of the ugly farangs dating ugly dark skinned farm girls, just goes to show you that there really is someone for everyone, but it is going to take a lot more than some pc lefty liberal farangs to convince Thailand and SE Asia in general that dark skin is now beautiful just because those particular farangs have ended up with dark skinned women themselves. I personally believe that not as many farangs like the dark skinned types as much as they claim, I persnally think it is more about that alot of farangs just end up settling for what they can get here rather than end up with the type of girl that they would really like, hence so many farangs in Thailand dating or married to ugly dark skinned low educated rice famer ex bar girl types, yet these same farangs seem to then try very hard to convince everyone else that those girls are anything but... and these thai women know that they are ugly and unattractive to the masses and therefore try various methods to look better. I get so sick and tired of Thai people asking me why farangs like ugly dark skinned women, I have been bombarded with this question since a I was young (i grew up here) and I always tell them that farangs dont prefer dark skin. It is just the farangs they see in thailand that seem to end up with these women because 9 times out of 10 that is all that is available to the avaerage farang here. If all farang prefer dark skin then why is it that in places in europe such as london etc where there are lots of dark skinned women to choose from, do most white men end up dating white women? if the whole "farang prefer dark skin" thing was really true then you would see a lot more inter-racial dating in places such as the uk. I think if suddenly the white skinned beautiful thai girls started working in gogo bars or started showing more interest in farangs in general, then we would soon see the scales start to tip in that direction. There are white skinned thai women that are willing to date farangs here, but they are more in the minority, they know they are attractive ( to asian men too and not just farang!) they often have better education and better jobs and come from middle class families where financial support is not needed, so these girls can afford to be more selective/choosy about who they date, which in turn puts a lot of farang men off, because the girl is not easy to get into bed or is not telling him how hansum he is every five minutes, so farangs like to call these women snobs and try and covince everyone that the dark skinned counterparts are much more attractive and down to earth, just because you dont see many white skinned well educated thai women dating farangs does not make them snobs! The funniest thing of all is the farangs here that go on about "brainwashing" etc etc just because a nation of people have a certain perception of what is attractive and whats not. It is often these same farangs that are brainwashed before they arrive here that all thai women want a farang bf or husband and any thai women who does not show them any intersted must be some hi-so snob. So if Thai women want to use whatever methods they see fit to try and lighten their skin, then I say good luck to them and I think their husbands bf should support them! after all I bet if these same women started gaining 30kgs in weight there farang husbands would be force feeding them all sorts of weight loss polls and potions! Maybe these dark skin defending farangs are scared of their wives or gf becoming more attractive to a larger audiance and actually having the opportunity to end up with the type of man she wanted all along...

Its one thing to prefer a certain skin colour over another but when you make judgements about cleanliness, character , abilities or education levels based on skin colour, THAT MAKES YOU A BIGOT!

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I personally prefer white skinned women. Luckily my wife is naturaly white and does not need the various lotions and creams but I would support her choice to use them if she needed to. I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated. I am not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just my perception, after all "beauty is in the eye of the beholder'" as so many keep saying here. In many ways its true, just look all over Thailand at some of the ugly farangs dating ugly dark skinned farm girls, just goes to show you that there really is someone for everyone, but it is going to take a lot more than some pc lefty liberal farangs to convince Thailand and SE Asia in general that dark skin is now beautiful just because those particular farangs have ended up with dark skinned women themselves. I personally believe that not as many farangs like the dark skinned types as much as they claim, I persnally think it is more about that alot of farangs just end up settling for what they can get here rather than end up with the type of girl that they would really like, hence so many farangs in Thailand dating or married to ugly dark skinned low educated rice famer ex bar girl types, yet these same farangs seem to then try very hard to convince everyone else that those girls are anything but... and these thai women know that they are ugly and unattractive to the masses and therefore try various methods to look better. I get so sick and tired of Thai people asking me why farangs like ugly dark skinned women, I have been bombarded with this question since a I was young (i grew up here) and I always tell them that farangs dont prefer dark skin. It is just the farangs they see in thailand that seem to end up with these women because 9 times out of 10 that is all that is available to the avaerage farang here. If all farang prefer dark skin then why is it that in places in europe such as london etc where there are lots of dark skinned women to choose from, do most white men end up dating white women? if the whole "farang prefer dark skin" thing was really true then you would see a lot more inter-racial dating in places such as the uk. I think if suddenly the white skinned beautiful thai girls started working in gogo bars or started showing more interest in farangs in general, then we would soon see the scales start to tip in that direction. There are white skinned thai women that are willing to date farangs here, but they are more in the minority, they know they are attractive ( to asian men too and not just farang!) they often have better education and better jobs and come from middle class families where financial support is not needed, so these girls can afford to be more selective/choosy about who they date, which in turn puts a lot of farang men off, because the girl is not easy to get into bed or is not telling him how hansum he is every five minutes, so farangs like to call these women snobs and try and covince everyone that the dark skinned counterparts are much more attractive and down to earth, just because you dont see many white skinned well educated thai women dating farangs does not make them snobs! The funniest thing of all is the farangs here that go on about "brainwashing" etc etc just because a nation of people have a certain perception of what is attractive and whats not. It is often these same farangs that are brainwashed before they arrive here that all thai women want a farang bf or husband and any thai women who does not show them any intersted must be some hi-so snob. So if Thai women want to use whatever methods they see fit to try and lighten their skin, then I say good luck to them and I think their husbands bf should support them! after all I bet if these same women started gaining 30kgs in weight there farang husbands would be force feeding them all sorts of weight loss polls and potions! Maybe these dark skin defending farangs are scared of their wives or gf becoming more attractive to a larger audiance and actually having the opportunity to end up with the type of man she wanted all along...

Its one thing to prefer a certain skin colour over another but when you make judgements about cleanliness, character , abilities or education levels based on skin colour, THAT MAKES YOU A BIGOT!

Then you are equally a bigot for making those judgements about people like me for having those opinions...

See, it's a vicious circle.. you have in turn become the one thing you have been trying to " defend against "

welcome to the club, your certificate and badge are in the post, display them with pride fellow bigot!

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I personally prefer white skinned women. Luckily my wife is naturaly white and does not need the various lotions and creams but I would support her choice to use them if she needed to. I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated. I am not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just my perception, after all "beauty is in the eye of the beholder'" as so many keep saying here. In many ways its true, just look all over Thailand at some of the ugly farangs dating ugly dark skinned farm girls, just goes to show you that there really is someone for everyone, but it is going to take a lot more than some pc lefty liberal farangs to convince Thailand and SE Asia in general that dark skin is now beautiful just because those particular farangs have ended up with dark skinned women themselves. I personally believe that not as many farangs like the dark skinned types as much as they claim, I persnally think it is more about that alot of farangs just end up settling for what they can get here rather than end up with the type of girl that they would really like, hence so many farangs in Thailand dating or married to ugly dark skinned low educated rice famer ex bar girl types, yet these same farangs seem to then try very hard to convince everyone else that those girls are anything but... and these thai women know that they are ugly and unattractive to the masses and therefore try various methods to look better. I get so sick and tired of Thai people asking me why farangs like ugly dark skinned women, I have been bombarded with this question since a I was young (i grew up here) and I always tell them that farangs dont prefer dark skin. It is just the farangs they see in thailand that seem to end up with these women because 9 times out of 10 that is all that is available to the avaerage farang here. If all farang prefer dark skin then why is it that in places in europe such as london etc where there are lots of dark skinned women to choose from, do most white men end up dating white women? if the whole "farang prefer dark skin" thing was really true then you would see a lot more inter-racial dating in places such as the uk. I think if suddenly the white skinned beautiful thai girls started working in gogo bars or started showing more interest in farangs in general, then we would soon see the scales start to tip in that direction. There are white skinned thai women that are willing to date farangs here, but they are more in the minority, they know they are attractive ( to asian men too and not just farang!) they often have better education and better jobs and come from middle class families where financial support is not needed, so these girls can afford to be more selective/choosy about who they date, which in turn puts a lot of farang men off, because the girl is not easy to get into bed or is not telling him how hansum he is every five minutes, so farangs like to call these women snobs and try and covince everyone that the dark skinned counterparts are much more attractive and down to earth, just because you dont see many white skinned well educated thai women dating farangs does not make them snobs! The funniest thing of all is the farangs here that go on about "brainwashing" etc etc just because a nation of people have a certain perception of what is attractive and whats not. It is often these same farangs that are brainwashed before they arrive here that all thai women want a farang bf or husband and any thai women who does not show them any intersted must be some hi-so snob. So if Thai women want to use whatever methods they see fit to try and lighten their skin, then I say good luck to them and I think their husbands bf should support them! after all I bet if these same women started gaining 30kgs in weight there farang husbands would be force feeding them all sorts of weight loss polls and potions! Maybe these dark skin defending farangs are scared of their wives or gf becoming more attractive to a larger audiance and actually having the opportunity to end up with the type of man she wanted all along...

Boy oh boy, Tyler, you've really dug yourself a deep one. Firstly, let me point out that much of what you say is actually true (if one has the patience to read through your painfully long paragraph). But when you say " I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated...", that is a rather racist statement. And I don't believe the typical Thai thinks that way. To a Thai, skin color is the same as the shape of the nose, body shape, acne, etc., i.e., it's part of what's looked at to determine feminine beauty. But to project dark skin to mean something else, e.g., "dirty, uneducated" is just not cool. I hope you can understand that because if you are a farang who's lived in Thailand all your life and is a Thai citizen, you have a lot to contribute to these forums. So let's not blow your credibility all at once.

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I personally prefer white skinned women. Luckily my wife is naturaly white and does not need the various lotions and creams but I would support her choice to use them if she needed to. I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated.

... i have grown up here since i was a kid, when i first got here, YES. now I would say no, but i am fluent in thai (written and spoken) ...

Man, I feel your pain.

Must have been hell growing up here in Thailand, having being raised here since you were a kid, being surrounded by woman you find grossly unattractive because of their skin colour.

I can just imagine your delight to have fallen in love with your white skinned wife ... it must have felt like heaven on Earth Thailand for you.

Son ... you have done well over all these years to have kept such masterly perspective on the world of love and relationships all these years.

I tip my hat to you ... wai.gif


Your all coming out of the woodwork today aren't you..

First off I am not your son!

second it wasn't hell growing up here because of dark skinned girls, contrary to what many farangs believe here, there is a life outside of beer bars and gogo bars and plenty of white skinned educated sweet girls from good families, but a lot of farangs are to lazy or just incapable of winning the hearts of these girls so head for the first monkey bar to find a dark isaan sweetheart

If people want to talk about real racism because of skin color, then try growing up here as a kid decades ago, I have encountered real horrible racism here during my childhood, thats why its so pathetic when the pc stormtroopers on thai visa want to start calling people like me racists just because I don't share the opinions on whats beautiful and whats not.

I am entitled to have my opinions about why I personally believe that dark skin is ugly.

I was told HERE from a young age that dark skin looks dirty and I agree, I never said those people are dirty, but they just look dirty to me! so how could I be attracted to those that look dirty?

The trouble is that most farangs that end up here are middle to old age already and have there own perceptions and opinions about things, in the west now everyone had been so stripped of the freedom of speech to the point that any negative comment regarding someones perception of skin color is deemed as racist, but it is not racist.

If I said I Hate dark skin people and would not stand near them or refuse to talk to them just because of skin color, then I guess that could be classed as racist

finding somebody unattractive because of their skin color is not racist

theyre Not dirty, they just LOOK dirty?? and you also pointed out they LOOK uneducated because of their skin colour!! I LOVE your logic!! lol

Edited by AYJAYDEE
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I think most people with an education or travel or a general sense of worldly experience would find that finding somebody unattractive because of their skin color is racist.

I had fresh squeezed orange juice and French Toast for breakfast on Sunday and Pad Thai Gai (chicken) for lunch and broiled Salisbury steak with Edam cheese baked potatoes and Caesar salad for dinner and did not leave home all day. My wife cooks very well. Why would I care that she is blue?


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If people want to talk about real racism because of skin color, then try growing up here as a kid decades ago, I have encountered real horrible racism here during my childhood,

"Real horrible racism" here in Thailand? As a farang? Hmmm, I'm sorry but I truly find that hard to believe. Perhaps you can share with the readership what you mean by that. And please understand that I have seen real "horrible racism" practiced in America, the kind where people are attacked, tortured, and killed. So being teased in grade school because of your hair color is not what I would classify as "horrible racism."

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Boy oh boy, Tyler, you've really dug yourself a deep one. Firstly, let me point out that much of what you say is actually true (if one has the patience to read through your painfully long paragraph). But when you say " I find the dark skinned girls ugly, to me they look dirty and uneducated...", that is a rather racist statement. And I don't believe the typical Thai thinks that way. To a Thai, skin color is the same as the shape of the nose, body shape, acne, etc., i.e., it's part of what's looked at to determine feminine beauty. But to project dark skin to mean something else, e.g., "dirty, uneducated" is just not cool. I hope you can understand that because if you are a farang who's lived in Thailand all your life and is a Thai citizen, you have a lot to contribute to these forums. So let's not blow your credibility all at once.

Berkshire, sorry but your wrong,

most thai's and I know thai's at all levels generally say the same things, that they associate dark skin with uncleanliness and lack of education.

You are of course free to interpret the thai's reasons for finding dark skin unattractive and to be fair the reasons may vary slightly between each thai if you were to ask them, but the general reasons behind this train of thought is the perception of low education and looking dirty, of course there are other reasons such as perception of success/wealth or la k of it but I was stating my own personal reasons why I find dark skin unattractive and I still stand by this, I dint believe I have done or said anything wrong and I refuse to be bullied into submission by some over zealous thai visa members that dont like my views and want to try and slur me as a racist to try and justify their own personal agenda which is to try and force people to either agree with them or be to scared to public voice their personal opinions!

this was still an open forum the last time I looked.

If you had just said that you prefer light-skinned Thai women over dark-skinned ones, that would have been the end of that. Other guys have said basically the same. That's a simple personal preference and nothing wrong with that. It's the other stuff.

Quick example. If I simply said that I preferred a thin woman over an obese woman, that would be fine. But if I was to say that fat women are stupid, dirty, and untrustworthy, then I would be crossing the line. That's all I'm saying.

Lets just hope Mr.Tyler's wife does not give birth to a dark child via her genes. sad.png

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most thai's and I know thai's at all levels generally say the same things, that they associate dark skin with uncleanliness and lack of education.

Lets just hope Mr.Tyler's wife does not give birth to a dark child via her genes. sad.png

^^ Ouch ... w00t.gif

But I'm sure he'd rise above that and love his children unconditionally.

I'm sure ... unsure.png

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The reasons are:

1. Thai women grew up believing that light skin is more beautiful than dark skin.

2. Thai men prefer light skin women.

3. Thai girls idolize Japanese, Chinese, and Korean girls, they want be like them and look like them.

4. In the past, dark skin represents poor or farmer, not sure it still stands now.

So there you have it--the reason.

its about time thai girls got some self pride and quit risking their health for a false idea of beauty

Good Posting

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I live in Chiang Mai where women from this area tend to have lighter skin than say ladies from Isaan who are often looked down on because of their darker colour the other factor is the full on marketing by the cosmetic companies even deodorant comes in 'Whitening' not to mention the millions of baht spent on promoting YES 'Vaginal Whitening Cream' I think says it all!!!!!!!!!

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tyler2208...... finds the dark skinned girls ugly, to him they look dirty and uneducated. He states he not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just his perception.

This must the worst hidden racist remark I ever read.

Why not just be man enough to say what you are.

A poorly camouflaged bigot.

When PC zealots don't know some reasonable response, they start their standard bully speech: you are racist, you are a bigot, you are a "misogynist" .....

Can't you bore us with anything else?

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tyler2208...... finds the dark skinned girls ugly, to him they look dirty and uneducated. He states he not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just his perception.

This must the worst hidden racist remark I ever read.

Why not just be man enough to say what you are.

A poorly camouflaged bigot.

When PC zealots don't know some reasonable response, they start their standard bully speech: you are racist, you are a bigot, you are a "misogynist" .....

Can't you bore us with anything else?

Do you think a guy that a post quoting, folk with dark skin look ''ugly, dirty and uneducated'' should not be ''pulled up'' and shown the error of their ways...?

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tyler2208...... finds the dark skinned girls ugly, to him they look dirty and uneducated. He states he not saying that they are dirty and uneducated or ugly but that is just his perception.

This must the worst hidden racist remark I ever read.

Why not just be man enough to say what you are.

A poorly camouflaged bigot.

When PC zealots don't know some reasonable response, they start their standard bully speech: you are racist, you are a bigot, you are a "misogynist" .....

Can't you bore us with anything else?

Do you think a guy that a post quoting, folk with dark skin look ''ugly, dirty and uneducated'' should not be ''pulled up'' and shown the error of their ways...?

I dont think showing them the error will do much but I do agree they should be made aware of the contempt of their peers

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I dont think showing them the error will do much but I do agree they should be made aware of the contempt of their peers

Do you mean, you think they don't know that Thai people (their peers) thing white is beautiful and have contempt of dark skin?

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