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Does anyone have knowledge of a handheld electronic device for measuring relatively small land areas? My understanding is that it would be pointed at the the ground as you walk off the area to be measured. A surveyor's transit is not what is called for in this particular application, although it might work.

Infrared measuring devices for horizontal/vertical measuring have been available for quite a few years. Generally used for rooms for tile, paint, sheet rock, materials that require square footage estimates.

This is for land measurement specifically.


How about a GPS? My Garmin Etrex 10 has an area calculation feature that is used for land measurement. Another thing you can do is download the .gpx file from it and then use Google Earth to open the file. You will then have a diagram of your land with a Google Earth view. A GPS can give you fairly accurate distance measurements if you are just looking for straight lines. Much easier than using a measuring tape.


Thanks T_Dog,

Do you know if these are available in Thailand? If so where?

Thanks again

There is a GPS shop at Pantip Plaza in Chiang Mai. You could also order them from Amazon which would get you a newer model at lower cost even with the duty you might have to pay.

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If the land has a decent view on Google Maps satellite view there are several on-line planimeters which will determine the area.

It really depends upon the actual purpose of the measurement, if it's to verify the area advertised is in the correct ball park, then I'd give this a shot first as it's free.

EDIT This one works quite well http://acme.com/planimeter/

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