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The Eight-Fold Path of TV-Humiliation

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Has the OP ever been wrong and admitted it..........noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. rolleyes.gif

I am probably one of the few posters who doesn't have any problems with admitting to be wrong, I even do it in this thread. It is also a case of being academically aware of what constitutes an argument, something which hampers users every now and again. I can pretty much tell by the way someone builds an argument in the first couple of lines if the post will provide some actual fact or just plain gibberish including a couple of insults and claims that the opposing poster suffers from various less favourable mental disorders (phase 5, i think).

The biggest difference between well behaved posters and posters who continuously needs to resort to invective and other humiliating actions as described in phases 1-8, is that they don't seem to get involved in discussions without being able to provide some proof to support their view OR to get involved only for the sake of it without being able to realise they are in above their head.

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I honestly think ThaiVisa would do well to get rid of the General Forum altogether. It's mostly aggressive, arrogant and nasty and it's the first sub-forum most site visitors go and it does not provide a warm welcome.

It's a shame, because the other sub-forums are quite the opposite. Friendly, informative, fun and interesting.

This is not aimed at the OP by the way, or any particular regulars here.

I couldn't agree more.
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I honestly think ThaiVisa would do well to get rid of the General Forum altogether. It's mostly aggressive, arrogant and nasty and it's the first sub-forum most site visitors go and it does not provide a warm welcome.

It's a shame, because the other sub-forums are quite the opposite. Friendly, informative, fun and interesting.

This is not aimed at the OP by the way, or any particular regulars here.

I couldn't agree more.

Go and buy a camera and join us in the Photography Forum and the Farming Forum. It's like a summer meadow of peace and tranquility.


It get.s a bit predictable when long winded intros are followed by..... Moderators, Please note this is not an attempt to stir up anything.............!

It was an entirely honest attempt to persuade moderators to keep this live as long as it didn't deteriorate.

I am pleasantly surprised how well this developed. I expected the topic to go berserk after less than a dozen posts. I was wrong.


I honestly think ThaiVisa would do well to get rid of the General Forum altogether. It's mostly aggressive, arrogant and nasty and it's the first sub-forum most site visitors go and it does not provide a warm welcome.

It's a shame, because the other sub-forums are quite the opposite. Friendly, informative, fun and interesting.

This is not aimed at the OP by the way, or any particular regulars here.

I couldn't agree more.

Go and buy a camera and join us in the Photography Forum and the Farming Forum. It's like a summer meadow of peace and tranquility.

Thanks, my 5D Mark ii and I will happily accept.
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I honestly think ThaiVisa would do well to get rid of the General Forum altogether. It's mostly aggressive, arrogant and nasty and it's the first sub-forum most site visitors go and it does not provide a warm welcome.

It's a shame, because the other sub-forums are quite the opposite. Friendly, informative, fun and interesting.

This is not aimed at the OP by the way, or any particular regulars here.

I couldn't agree more.

Go and buy a camera and join us in the Photography Forum and the Farming Forum. It's like a summer meadow of peace and tranquility.

Thanks, my 5D Mark ii and I will happily accept.

biggrin.png Great!!! A full framer!!!


I only get annoyed by people using 'BS' or 'Bullshit' as the all encompassing, all conquering, ultimate reply to what ever he doesn't agree with. I did write a BS post one time ( well maybe more than once) but this insulting put down really stops me answering posts.

Probably a charming American phrase that I don't really understand.

I don't think the person calling bullshit on your post is looking for an answer, so you needn't worry about that. "Bullshit" is the mot juste for so many postings one sees here on TV. It doesn't require to be qualified.


I like the posters who don't have an inkling of what the post is about or where Thailand is located on a map or how to type but have figured out how to use a smiley. coffee1.gif Further the posters who are twice as dumb and palsied who hit the button twice coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif and the poor guy who has stuttering fingers but has still not figured what the post is about coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif .

Do you understand the meaning of 'ad hominem'? laugh.png

Yes ad hominem is your post implying I am ignorant and don't know the meaning of the Latin phrase ad hominem. My post is a an on topic description of posters who humiliate themselves by posting symbols that have no relevance to the post but strive to make a comment about the poster.


9. Phase 9. Start a thread out of nowhere, pointing out the faults of all other posters while pretending to be perfectly sanctimonious.

Phase 9 should include the definition of sanctimonious. self-righteous, holier-than-thou, churchy, pious, pietistic, moralizing, unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere, for form's sake.

Did you really mean to say sanctimonious?


9. Phase 9. Start a thread out of nowhere, pointing out the faults of all other posters while pretending to be perfectly sanctimonious.

Phase 9 should include the definition of sanctimonious. self-righteous, holier-than-thou, churchy, pious, pietistic, moralizing, unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere, for form's sake.

Did you really mean to say sanctimonious?

Of course I did, Mr. English Police. In context, I'll take unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere

Now go tell your mommy you learned a new word. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

The rest of us will continue having a good time. coffee1.gif

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1. Phase one. The simplest way of refusing to admit being wrong. Run away after realising you posted something that was completely wrong but tried to make it look like you had a clue, and leave the others to discuss whatever it was. Dont post in that topic again. At least you're not digging the whole any deeper and hopefully it'll all be forgotten in a weeks time.

Interestingly, this very first one pretty well describes a guy I was debating with yesterday on another thread. He's yet to reappear.


9. Phase 9. Start a thread out of nowhere, pointing out the faults of all other posters while pretending to be perfectly sanctimonious.

Phase 9 should include the definition of sanctimonious. self-righteous, holier-than-thou, churchy, pious, pietistic, moralizing, unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere, for form's sake.

Did you really mean to say sanctimonious?

Of course I did, Mr. English Police. In context, I'll take unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere

Now go tell your mommy you learned a new word. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

The rest of us will continue having a good time. coffee1.gif

You meant exactly the opposite. You're statement would have made sense if you said, "perfectly non sanctimonious." I would not have mentioned it if the meaning was clear but it was not clear it was the opposite of what made sense. I didn't make fun of you (like your reference to mommy). I asked a simple question. Pointing out others faults while pretending to be perfectly a holier than thou hypocrite makes no sense.

Your rather lengthy and frankly incoherent (in context) response however does make a perfect example of what the thread is about. You can't admit to being wrong. From the OP, "I could never find out why posters in general refuse to admit being wrong, even on an anonymous forum, but I concluded that every situation where there is a difference in opinion (whether factual or not) leads to at least one poster ending up humiliating himself by entering one or more of the phases described below."


If it has not been pointed out yet....the first phase is wong....

1. Phase one. The simplest way of refusing to admit being wrong. Run away after realising you posted something that was completely wrong but tried to make it look like you had a clue, and leave the others to discuss whatever it was. Dont post in that topic again. At least you're not digging the whole any deeper and hopefully it'll all be forgotten in a weeks time.

9. Phase 9. Start a thread out of nowhere, pointing out the faults of all other posters while pretending to be perfectly sanctimonious.

Phase 9 should include the definition of sanctimonious. self-righteous, holier-than-thou, churchy, pious, pietistic, moralizing, unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere, for form's sake.

Did you really mean to say sanctimonious?

Of course I did, Mr. English Police. In context, I'll take unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere

Now go tell your mommy you learned a new word. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

The rest of us will continue having a good time. coffee1.gif

You meant exactly the opposite. You're statement would have made sense if you said, "perfectly non sanctimonious." I would not have mentioned it if the meaning was clear but it was not clear it was the opposite of what made sense. I didn't make fun of you (like your reference to mommy). I asked a simple question. Pointing out others faults while pretending to be perfectly a holier than thou hypocrite makes no sense.

Your rather lengthy and frankly incoherent (in context) response however does make a perfect example of what the thread is about. You can't admit to being wrong. From the OP, "I could never find out why posters in general refuse to admit being wrong, even on an anonymous forum, but I concluded that every situation where there is a difference in opinion (whether factual or not) leads to at least one poster ending up humiliating himself by entering one or more of the phases described below."

Had to repeat the 5th grade, did you?

You are rude just by trying to correct others' English. Period.

You are a troll for the same reason.

You are wrong that in context and even from your own quote, that I couldn't say he was unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere.


I only get annoyed by people using 'BS' or 'Bullshit' as the all encompassing, all conquering, ultimate reply to what ever he doesn't agree with. I did write a BS post one time ( well maybe more than once) but this insulting put down really stops me answering posts.

Probably a charming American phrase that I don't really understand.

I don't think the person calling bullshit on your post is looking for an answer, so you needn't worry about that. "Bullshit" is the mot juste for so many postings one sees here on TV. It doesn't require to be qualified.

Does a reply of "Rubbish" require a response. And then theirs the word To$$ers - Is that a naughty word?? I need a dictionary just be understand some replies.


Phase 9 should include the definition of sanctimonious. self-righteous, holier-than-thou, churchy, pious, pietistic, moralizing, unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere, for form's sake.

Did you really mean to say sanctimonious?

Of course I did, Mr. English Police. In context, I'll take unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere

Now go tell your mommy you learned a new word. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

The rest of us will continue having a good time. coffee1.gif

You meant exactly the opposite. You're statement would have made sense if you said, "perfectly non sanctimonious." I would not have mentioned it if the meaning was clear but it was not clear it was the opposite of what made sense. I didn't make fun of you (like your reference to mommy). I asked a simple question. Pointing out others faults while pretending to be perfectly a holier than thou hypocrite makes no sense.

Your rather lengthy and frankly incoherent (in context) response however does make a perfect example of what the thread is about. You can't admit to being wrong. From the OP, "I could never find out why posters in general refuse to admit being wrong, even on an anonymous forum, but I concluded that every situation where there is a difference in opinion (whether factual or not) leads to at least one poster ending up humiliating himself by entering one or more of the phases described below."

Had to repeat the 5th grade, did you?

You are rude just by trying to correct others' English. Period.

You are a troll for the same reason.

You are wrong that in context and even from your own quote, that I couldn't say he was unctuous, smug, superior, priggish, mealy-mouthed, hypocritical, insincere.

Your statement, "pointing out the faults of all other posters while pretending to be perfectly sanctimonious."

Makes no sense unless you said non sanctimonious. Lets substitute a synonym that more posters will understand. "pointing out the faults of all other posters while pretending to be perfectly hypocritical stuffy and bigoted." See it makes no sense.

The only response as quoted in the OP Phase two. Accuse other posters of being “trolls”. This generally means that the poster subject to your accusations caused some sort of revelation. “That CANT be true, you MUST be a troll!” Let's look did you accuse me of being a troll? Yes. How about #4 Phase four. Time for hidden invectives and minor insults. 1. my mother. 2. my education (you said 5th grade) 3. I'm rude.

I asked a simple question. I didn't mock you or call you names or mention your education. I wrote, "Did you really mean to say sanctimonious?" Because your post made no sense the way it was written. I didn't correct anything. Didn't talk about your mother or call you a troll or dumb. I only asked a simple question.

And in response you demonstrated two of the posters points admirably.

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Neversure has demonstated TWO of the poster's points admirably. Yet again.

You are fortunate that he hasn't threatened to place you on his 'ignore' list. Yet again.

That would have demonstrated THREE of the poster's points. Very admirably.

  • Like 1

Neversure has demonstated TWO of the poster's points admirably. Yet again.

You are fortunate that he hasn't threatened to place you on his 'ignore' list. Yet again.

That would have demonstrated THREE of the poster's points. Very admirably.

I really don't get it. I'm not much of an INTERNET guy so maybe I am missing something, I make word errors all the time. Yesterday I wrote English and I meant English speakers. A guy wrote and called me on it and I explained I wrote it wrong and did not mean Englishmen I meant English speakers. Sure I made a mistake. It changed the meaning of what I wrote the same as a word used for the opposite meaning would do.

  • Like 1

Neversure has demonstated TWO of the poster's points admirably. Yet again.

You are fortunate that he hasn't threatened to place you on his 'ignore' list. Yet again.

That would have demonstrated THREE of the poster's points. Very admirably.

NeverSure is - in my view - either devilishly skilled at some sort of twisted version of satirical sarcasm OR just the average Joe who failed to recognise that the purpose of the OP was to highlight posters behaviour in situations where they have been proven wrong or risk ending up in an argument where they are wrong.

In light of this, NeverSure's contributions to this topic creates the same type of sensation of collective but unspoken embarrassment similar to the one experienced when it becomes apparent that someone has farted at the dinner table during a family reunion.

But as I said, I could be wrong.


Neversure has demonstated TWO of the poster's points admirably. Yet again.

You are fortunate that he hasn't threatened to place you on his 'ignore' list. Yet again.

That would have demonstrated THREE of the poster's points. Very admirably.

NeverSure is - in my view - either devilishly skilled at some sort of twisted version of satirical sarcasm OR just the average Joe who failed to recognise that the purpose of the OP was to highlight posters behaviour in situations where they have been proven wrong or risk ending up in an argument where they are wrong.

In light of this, NeverSure's contributions to this topic creates the same type of sensation of collective but unspoken embarrassment similar to the one experienced when it becomes apparent that someone has farted at the dinner table during a family reunion.

But as I said, I could be wrong.

Your dinner table behavior is off topic........................bah.gif ........................laugh.png


Neversure has demonstated TWO of the poster's points admirably. Yet again.

You are fortunate that he hasn't threatened to place you on his 'ignore' list. Yet again.

That would have demonstrated THREE of the poster's points. Very admirably.

NeverSure is - in my view - either devilishly skilled at some sort of twisted version of satirical sarcasm OR just the average Joe who failed to recognise that the purpose of the OP was to highlight posters behaviour in situations where they have been proven wrong or risk ending up in an argument where they are wrong.

In light of this, NeverSure's contributions to this topic creates the same type of sensation of collective but unspoken embarrassment similar to the one experienced when it becomes apparent that someone has farted at the dinner table during a family reunion.

But as I said, I could be wrong.

Your dinner table behavior is off topic........................bah.gif ........................laugh.png

trans, do you refer to Forethat, NeverSure or Radar501 ?


Neversure has demonstated TWO of the poster's points admirably. Yet again.

You are fortunate that he hasn't threatened to place you on his 'ignore' list. Yet again.

That would have demonstrated THREE of the poster's points. Very admirably.


Neversure wrote,

"I put him on ignore due to his crap and it is most peaceful in here."

He did it.biggrin.png


Another stage is to "strengthen" your own argument is by responding to a post by putting not just words but while sentence into a poster's mouth and then accusing them of not answering your question.

POSTER A: It's a rather depressing thought that an old school self-serving dinosaur like Suthep should be the driving force behind the anti-government movement.

POSTER B: So what you're saying is he should be assassinated?

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