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I killed a soi dog - now I'm being blackmailed


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I've got an update...

First of all, to all the people who have told me what a despicable person I am for killing the dog, let me make one thing clear, no one is more disgusted as I am about my behaviour in all of this. I made a massive error of judgement and feel terrible - not looking for sympathy - that's just how I feel.

Ok, so thanks for all the advice.

The latest update is that after talking with my wife (and reading this topic) we went to the police station last night to explain our version of events. My Mrs told them that I had accidentally run over the dog and that a woman wanted 20k Baht as compensation.

The policeman made notes of all of this. He then told us that accidentally running over a dog is not a criminal offence. However, if the lady who is claiming to be the owner goes to the police then are obliged to investigate the matter, as they are with in all instances where someone contacts the police about something. He also said that if this went further then it is up to the courts to decide if I should compensate the owner, although she would have to prove that she did actually own the dog and there would also have to be evidence that a crime had actually been comitted. The police said that because of the costs involved it is highly unlikely that this would ever go to court. He suggested that we try and talk with the owner, maybe buy her a bottle of whisky or wine to resolve the matter.

As of yet, this woman hasn't made a complaint to the police. My wife has also told the sister of the woman (the sister is ouir neighbour) that we have been to the police, so if she wants to take this further it is up to her.

Like I said, I regret this whole thing and am actually quite ashamed of myself.

Well done, and also for getting a dangerous mutt off the street.

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I've got an update...

First of all, to all the people who have told me what a despicable person I am for killing the dog, let me make one thing clear, no one is more disgusted as I am about my behaviour in all of this. I made a massive error of judgement and feel terrible - not looking for sympathy - that's just how I feel.

Ok, so thanks for all the advice.

The latest update is that after talking with my wife (and reading this topic) we went to the police station last night to explain our version of events. My Mrs told them that I had accidentally run over the dog and that a woman wanted 20k Baht as compensation.

The policeman made notes of all of this. He then told us that accidentally running over a dog is not a criminal offence. However, if the lady who is claiming to be the owner goes to the police then are obliged to investigate the matter, as they are with in all instances where someone contacts the police about something. He also said that if this went further then it is up to the courts to decide if I should compensate the owner, although she would have to prove that she did actually own the dog and there would also have to be evidence that a crime had actually been comitted. The police said that because of the costs involved it is highly unlikely that this would ever go to court. He suggested that we try and talk with the owner, maybe buy her a bottle of whisky or wine to resolve the matter.

As of yet, this woman hasn't made a complaint to the police. My wife has also told the sister of the woman (the sister is ouir neighbour) that we have been to the police, so if she wants to take this further it is up to her.

Like I said, I regret this whole thing and am actually quite ashamed of myself.

Well done, and also for getting a dangerous mutt off the street.

Look, I was never looking for sympathy about what I did and in the same respect I certainly wasn't looking to be congratulated about my actions either. I decided to share my story and post here because I was looking for advice, that's all. I still feel pretty sh1tty about this whole thing. In fact this whole situation, which is completley of my own making, has to be one of my biggest ever regrets.

I do have another updates of sorts - just to say that we haven't heard another thing from the woman who claimed the dog was hers - the woman who wanted the 20k - not a peep out of her after we told her we went to the police, so make of that what you will. Her sister, who is a neighbour of ours, has also twice brought round gifts for my wife - some Thai coconut caramel (kind of like a sweet candy) and some MAssaman curry.

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I know for a fact that this particular dog had killed one (maybe two) of our cats

Just some regular Thai soi dog, certainly not Crufts worthy.

I'm not so sure. If this dog has managed to kill two of your cats then could be a pedigree hunting dog. Bear in mind 99.99% of dogs have never caught a cat and killed it, let alone two cats.

Probably worth at least double of the requested 20,000 baht.

I don't agree.

A cat strayed into the wife's parent's garden when we were eating dinner.... It was torn to pieces within seconds.

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I can't see that you are being blackmailed, drrobert.  The lady in question has requested you settle compensation for killing her dog.


There's half a dozen soi dogs here and nobody advertises ownership, but if I killed one then I would expect to be informed pretty sharpish.


Why don't you settle and have done with it.

I disagree. Don't settle. If she was the owner she should have controlled the dog long before now, given its history of aggressive behaviour. She did not behave like an owner so is not entitled to compensation.

Go to the police with her and tell them the story if she wants. Be great if you could take the little girl along who had the bad experience too. The fact that the dog attacked you in your own Soi - where the dog must know you live from your scent - means it's time for it to be put down. Well done.

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20,000 baht? Maybe you could just remind her for just 10,000 baht someone could make her go away also.

Or just give her a another street dog as a replacement.

I wouldn't listen to anything she said if she has the audacity to ask for this ridiculous amount.

She knows the normal is 500 baht. She thinks you are an idiot.

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  • 3 months later...

My advice

You didn't kill the dog, and you didn't even know it was dead.

This is what 999 Thais would do out of 1000.

Don't be a white crow. Act like they do.

The Police will recognize you for one of them.

BTW, did you consider that maybe you live in a wrong soi, with a wrong Thai or killed the wrong dog? Just a thought...

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the way i see it these soi dogs are not pets. as far as what i would call a pet. something u take care of feed and look after. shots, papers, medicine when sick etc. soi dogs around here get none of that. only have them to bark. dont get fed enough tear the garbage and spread down the road. try to get into your property and make trouble. sometimes they get in they get shot. doesnt take long for the rest to get the picture. im doing them a favor.. the heartworm, mange infested poor suffering things...

murder??? what???? better than being tortured by neglect???? from a slow diseased existence / death.....

responsibility something sorely lacking these days in this world....

i have pets i would not let them suffer as these dogs do.....

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The dog was aggressive, and was known to be menacing toward people, including small children. It was menacing you, and you feared for your safety and killed it.

I don't think that this is a big issue. Tell the woman to get lost. If it really was her dog, she should have kept it under control and on her own premises, rather then let it wander around the soi menacing people.

If she goes to the police, tell them that she s blackmailing you and that you acted in self defence, and to protect others, by killing the dog in the first place.

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Sorry Zeichen your post gets my vote for biggest load of crap on the thread. Comes off like a paid Thai-assed shill to instill fear into foreigners.


Do not feel badly, you were justified, cat killing, kid threatening stray dogs must be put down. The dog is lucky he wasn't poisoned which is a long painful affair.

Glad it turned out best for you thanks for the entertaining thread.

First, I give you credit for being forthright and honest here, but I must also say that you are a dispicable human being. No matter what goodness you have done cannot erase this awful thing. Murder is murder.

You are lucky your wife doesn't divorce you. I know that I probably would have to think twice about staying with a person who could commit such an act of violence and aggression.

With all that being said. Most of the advice you have been given will wind you up in prison. First, go talk to a lawyer immediately and ask for real advice.

Second, if you are renting, move. If you own your house sell it and move to a different town or at least the opposite end of town. No matter what do not stay in that neighborhood. NOthing good will come from living there. You will be hated by everyone in that area. If there is a temple near by go and talk to the senior monk and tell him what you did and ask him for help changing your ways. That will at least keep people off your back for a while.

If you are on a marriage visa, you need your neighbors interviewed to get the extension. You don't want to get denied for this act.

Good luck, it will not be an easy fix. You created a very difficult situation for yourself and have probably made yourself an enemy to all in that neighborhood.

Edited by EBlair48
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Sorry Zeichen your post gets my vote for biggest load of crap on the thread. Comes off like a paid Thai-assed shill to instill fear into foreigners.


Do not feel badly, you were justified, cat killing, kid threatening stray dogs must be put down. The dog is lucky he wasn't poisoned which is a long painful affair.

Glad it turned out best for you thanks for the entertaining thread.

First, I give you credit for being forthright and honest here, but I must also say that you are a dispicable human being. No matter what goodness you have done cannot erase this awful thing. Murder is murder.

You are lucky your wife doesn't divorce you. I know that I probably would have to think twice about staying with a person who could commit such an act of violence and aggression.

With all that being said. Most of the advice you have been given will wind you up in prison. First, go talk to a lawyer immediately and ask for real advice.

Second, if you are renting, move. If you own your house sell it and move to a different town or at least the opposite end of town. No matter what do not stay in that neighborhood. NOthing good will come from living there. You will be hated by everyone in that area. If there is a temple near by go and talk to the senior monk and tell him what you did and ask him for help changing your ways. That will at least keep people off your back for a while.

If you are on a marriage visa, you need your neighbors interviewed to get the extension. You don't want to get denied for this act.

Good luck, it will not be an easy fix. You created a very difficult situation for yourself and have probably made yourself an enemy to all in that neighborhood.

Yes, I agree, Zeichen`s post is a load of old boloney, but the OP certainly was not justified in taking matters into his own hands. There are ways and means other than becoming a self righteous enforcer of neighborhood justice.

He first should have tried to explain the situation to the dog owner and if not found or speaking with the owner gets negative results, then he should have taken up the matter with the head of village. This is how these problems are dealt with in the local communities.

I have found that just by being polite, respectful and going via the correct procedures, the Thais will move mountains for you, but for those having lack of patience, acting aggressively and arrogant, their lives are going to be pretty stressful and miserable here in Thailand. Westerners need to learn how to adapt to Thai attitudes and the environments they live in, it`s that simple.

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First, I give you credit for being forthright and honest here, but I must also say that you are a dispicable human being. No matter what goodness you have done cannot erase this awful thing. Murder is murder.

You are lucky your wife doesn't divorce you. I know that I probably would have to think twice about staying with a person who could commit such an act of violence and aggression.

With all that being said. Most of the advice you have been given will wind you up in prison. First, go talk to a lawyer immediately and ask for real advice.

Second, if you are renting, move. If you own your house sell it and move to a different town or at least the opposite end of town. No matter what do not stay in that neighborhood. NOthing good will come from living there. You will be hated by everyone in that area. If there is a temple near by go and talk to the senior monk and tell him what you did and ask him for help changing your ways. That will at least keep people off your back for a while.

If you are on a marriage visa, you need your neighbors interviewed to get the extension. You don't want to get denied for this act.

Good luck, it will not be an easy fix. You created a very difficult situation for yourself and have probably made yourself an enemy to all in that neighborhood.

I am equally despicable myself.

I have been complicent in cruelty to and deaths of many pigs, cows, chickens, fish, etc. and have eaten their bodies afterward.

Buddha forgive me.

Do you think I should go talk to the monks?

Oh my !!!

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So many different cultures showing here wrt to our relationship with dogs.

To the westerners, some are pets to be treasured. Others are working animals only fed until they're no longer useful, barely a step up from the sheep or cattle they tend. Some are truly wild animals and fair game to be culled at will if they interfere with our business.

None of these scenarios apply to soi dogs in Thailand, or more generally pariah dogs in many asian cultures.

They aren't "owned" by anyone in what we consider the normal sense of the word, but they certainly aren't wild or "stray" as defined by our style of animal control laws.

The Thais take care of them collectively, they "belong" to the community and especially to those that do take some limited responsibility for them, but no one individual takes FULL responsibility. If a human is injured by one, that's just life and an accepted cost of living here, just like vehicular accidents, cancer from tobacco, alcohol poisoning etc. Thais believe these dogs are sentient beings and give them every right to live as they do, just as much a right as the people do.

This is Thailand, we are the outsiders here and have no right to tell them how to organize their community or their lives just because it offends our sensibilities.

Now from a practical POV if you want to be a vigilante and take matters into our own hands fine, but don't expect there to be no consequences, this is not like killing a bird that is eating your crops, they are part of the community of which you are a guest. Next time take care how you do it, use a more humane and less traceable method.

That said of course this woman's claim was outrageous, but not in principle just the amount.

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So many different cultures showing here wrt to our relationship with dogs.

To the westerners, some are pets to be treasured. Others are working animals only fed until they're no longer useful, barely a step up from the sheep or cattle they tend. Some are truly wild animals and fair game to be culled at will if they interfere with our business.

None of these scenarios apply to soi dogs in Thailand, or more generally pariah dogs in many asian cultures.

They aren't "owned" by anyone in what we consider the normal sense of the word, but they certainly aren't wild or "stray" as defined by our style of animal control laws.

The Thais take care of them collectively, they "belong" to the community and especially to those that do take some limited responsibility for them, but no one individual takes FULL responsibility. If a human is injured by one, that's just life and an accepted cost of living here, just like vehicular accidents, cancer from tobacco, alcohol poisoning etc. Thais believe these dogs are sentient beings and give them every right to live as they do, just as much a right as the people do.

This is Thailand, we are the outsiders here and have no right to tell them how to organize their community or their lives just because it offends our sensibilities.

Now from a practical POV if you want to be a vigilante and take matters into our own hands fine, but don't expect there to be no consequences, this is not like killing a bird that is eating your crops, they are part of the community of which you are a guest. Next time take care how you do it, use a more humane and less traceable method.

That said of course this woman's claim was outrageous, but not in principle just the amount.

I don`t always agree with your posts, but this time I am overwhelmingly impressed by your understanding of the Thai attitudes and community lifestyles, you have hit the nail right on the head and explained better than in any way I could.

I hope that some will take heed of what you have said here and try to take this on-board and start thinking before they act. Good advice from someone who obviously has a lot of experience and common sense.

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Never seen so many absurd responses. Just shows the hypocrisy of some posters. Nag about how Thais never take any responsibility for their actions yet people here try to convince the OP that it's no biggie. A life is a life, it breathes, it lives, it feels therefor it is. Grow a pair and atone. That said blackmail is never OK. So if the OP has a Thai acquaintance, I suggest you ask him/her to accompany you to the nearest police station in case you need help with translation and lay out the whole sordid story to the officer, leave nothing out. It's the only way if you want some sort of closure.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I don`t always agree with your posts, but this time I am overwhelmingly impressed by your understanding of the Thai attitudes and community lifestyles, you have hit the nail right on the head and explained better than in any way I could.

I hope that some will take heed of what you have said here and try to take this on-board and start thinking before they act. Good advice from someone who obviously has a lot of experience and common sense.

Wow made my day, thanks BJ.

If anyone agreed with ALL my posts I'd be worried, different POV are what makes the world go 'round, Vive la différence!

A life is a life, it breathes, it lives, it feels therefor it is.

So do you diligently atone for all the lives you take?

If you eat a burger, do you think you don't share in the deed committed at the abattoir?

Are dogs somehow special in your belief system?

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I don`t always agree with your posts, but this time I am overwhelmingly impressed by your understanding of the Thai attitudes and community lifestyles, you have hit the nail right on the head and explained better than in any way I could.

I hope that some will take heed of what you have said here and try to take this on-board and start thinking before they act. Good advice from someone who obviously has a lot of experience and common sense.

Wow made my day, thanks BJ.

If anyone agreed with ALL my posts I'd be worried, different POV are what makes the world go 'round, Vive la différence!

A life is a life, it breathes, it lives, it feels therefor it is.

So do you diligently atone for all the lives you take?

If you eat a burger, do you think you don't share in the deed committed at the abattoir?

Are dogs somehow special in your belief system?

So hitting a dog intentionally represents the same guilt of eating meat from an animal that got a quick death prior to becoming a food product.

Seriously that's how most serial killers would deflect the intent of their actions. Though cows and pigs are part of the food chain, doesn't mean we have to manhandle them or inflict injuries while they are alive but for someone who really doesn't value life and cannot control his inner demons, I can understand you see it that way. If you want a sincere answer to your dilemma then re-read my previous post.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by maxme
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We have a similar situation in the soi. The dog gets very close to biting the GF and her small child and has to be beaten off with whatever comes to hand - stick/umbrella etc. I sympathise with the OP but am not sure i could drive over one. However, I have bought 2 cans of pepper spray which are ready for use any time the dog comes near me.

Be careful, because pepper spray is illegal in Thaila by virtue of the Dangerous Substances act, and penalties are harsh.

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So hitting a dog intentionally represents the same guilt of eating meat from an animal that got a quick death prior to becoming a food product.

Seriously that's how most serial killers would deflect the intent of their actions. Though cows and pigs are part of the food chain, doesn't mean we have to manhandle them or inflict injuries while they are alive but for someone who really doesn't value life and cannot control his inner demons, I can understand you see it that way. If you want a sincere answer to your dilemma then re-read my previous post.

I agreed above he should have found a different way, but the extreme sanctimony is not appropriate when our whole food chain, all factory farming systems of our modern world are FAR FAR more cruel than anything you or I could inflict even if we wanted to dedicate our lives to animal cruelty.

For the entire lifetimes of billions of sentient creatures every day, never mind the method of slaughter.

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I havnt taken the time to read all this thread...

But i would have made out that.. "Your the owner..great, I have bills in the house for rabies shots that need paying"

"Lets go and ask the other bite victims if they have any claims to make too"

And that would be last you hear from her...

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